Author Topic: Hello from Ta'Na'Si  (Read 19005 times)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2017, 04:42:35 pm »
We hold all of our reunions through June and July like everyone else, but we have been recognized for "who we are" by Governor Deal of the State of Georgia by Proclamation of Native American Families of the Ohoopee River Week, August 7th-13th in Georgia, that is when we meet.

Found that here. Interesting to see:

Offline Jeff_J1963

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Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2017, 04:47:10 pm »
Yea, I told mentioned that in my OP. Purely ceremonial.

Offline Jeff_J1963

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Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2017, 04:47:55 pm »
BTW, I sent you a PM. Concerning a question you asked.

Offline Jeff_J1963

  • Posts: 15
Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2017, 04:58:21 pm »
Also BTW, let me reiterate.

Not a Tribe
Not a Band
No intention of creating a fake tribe or band
A Society acting as a Non Profit.

And you dont have to go hunting. Everything you "found" is right on our forum and you are more than welcome to create and an account and Ill approve you. Then you can hunt around in there all you want.


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Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2017, 05:36:22 pm »
Jeff, let's keep the discussion here on the public forum, I won't be able to respond in private message.

Offline Jeff_J1963

  • Posts: 15
Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2017, 06:02:15 pm »
Ok, let's do that.

One of the questions I had was "what is your tribal affiliation"? Reason I ask I dont see an "About" and I was just wondering.

I would ask your blood quantum, as it states on your CDIB Card, but I note that you posted the annotation that ethnicity does not matter. so I have a question.

How do you reconcile that with the fact that certain groups (Indians) require ethnicity through a specific blood quantum. Which is completely unscientific? Others are kicking out or attempting to, tribal members because of their ethnicity. (I follow the Court cases). While I sat in on a speech by a senior tribal member of a certain tribe a couple of months ago, and when asked by a non affiliated Indian what his blood quantum was he could not answer. Because about everyone in that room knew, zero. And the historical rundown given was not accurate but rather revised to fit a specific narrative and can easily be proven by Legislative Minutes and Court cases between 1800 and 1903.  How do you reconcile all of these things when determining who to call out?

Do you think that a Civil Rights attorney and the ACLU might consider these things? What about the Courts? What about a certain group that is asking for the Tribal Rolls to be reviewed and corrected through the BIA because they are Indians, with paperwork from the BIA, while non Indians are being taken care of and they are not? And if their spouses happen to be non Indians, they dont count. So how does ethnicity not count? And it isnt necesary to say "Because they werent born there". Because that is not a prerequisite.

What do you say when people who know, see the argument over the NAGPRA then see a certain group decide to dig up an Indian cemetery to do a Casino expansion? What do you say to the people who see the elderly Indian nearly crying because those you have determined to be real Indians are willing to dig up his ancestors for some extra pavement?

What I would like to see is an absolutely clear outline of what someone considers an Indian. Because I know what Tribal Leaders and Archeologists agreed on back in the 1990's. Or does that just get adjusted to fit whichever narrative that it needs to fit?

I am very curious concerning the correct answers to all of these questions. What is it that YOU PERSONALLY decide makes someone an "Indian" and are you so confident in your interpretation of the rules and laws that you would be willing to argue the point with a Civil Rights attorney.

Not saying that any of that "Is". I am however, curious to know what the answers are. Because there are about a ton more things that are entirely opposing when it comes to these laws, regulations, BIA rules and tribals rules. That goes without saying. But I'm going to say them anyway.


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Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2017, 08:44:12 pm »
Jeff, I am not a public figure, I only help do some leg work here with research. So it does not matter who I am.

I was not claiming "that ethnicity does not matter". I was just pointing the way to that full site, lots of good information there.

At present, there are 567 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages.

So I do not believe this: "What I would like to see is an absolutely clear outline of what someone considers an Indian." is going to happen. Each Nation has their own integrity and makes their own choices.

Offline Jeff_J1963

  • Posts: 15
Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2017, 10:05:45 pm »
And that is a problem. And not for them, they are sovereign, that is their right to do so. The problem comes when you have a guy that doesnt have a single drop of indian blood, doesnt even know his own history, claiming to be an Indian because he has a Government issued ID card. Secondly, the issue of 9000 different rules has been addressed by nearly every State legislature going back to who knows how long. And especially so in 1974 in Georgia. How exactly do you call out someone who is a real Indian because they dont carry a Government issued ID card when there are 9000 different rules? You cant. I'm not my grandfather, he was born in 1903 and grew up when it was illegal to claim Indian and had to lie. Not me, and I am not going to do things like let some fake __ whose ancestors came here in 1870, married an Indian and got him a Gov. issued ID to just claim they can make the determination "because they know".

That isn't me. I am always prepared for battle. 23 years in the Army taught me to always be prepared. I watch. I follow the Tribal Politics and the Courts. The good and the bad, and record all of it. If I didn't have documentation and facts you think I would have posted here? Not hardly. There is a lot of ugly crap going on, they can do that to someone else, they wont be doing it to me.

I know who the frauds are too, I keep up with those jackasses as well.

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Hello from Ta'Na'Si
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2017, 08:47:29 pm »
Hi Jeff, welcome from one Army vet to another......I just love that Tanasi country, my Davis, Gregory and Barnett folks were from around that area.