Author Topic: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"  (Read 238526 times)

Offline Ganieda

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Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« on: October 01, 2005, 07:05:20 am »
Siberian Shamanism from Ancient Russian Wisdom
with Biven Momonta  (really weird pic)

"The great mystic, Bogomudr Altai Kagan, keeper of the ancient Russian knowledge has given special initiation to Siberian shaman Biven Mamonta, a former Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and 11th Generation Shaman, to teach and bring the great knowledge of Shambhala to the world. [snip] Bogomudr Altai Kagan, an avatar from Siberia, recalls that he was sent from the star system "Sirius", through Shambhala, ..........."

....but scroll down and take notice of the pic.  ?????  Interesting "Ancient Russian Wisdom"  ???
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2005, 01:53:30 pm »
And on the cover of his book too.

A lot of what he's doing seems like rehashed Blavatsky. Shambala stories originally came from Tibetan Buddhism, not Siberian tribal beliefs.

Found something else amusing.
"I went to another seminar with Biven Mamonta last night....During the night as I was sleeping after all this....I saw a great outpouring of golden light as the crystals on the Atlantean pyramids were activated once again on the etheric level, ringing the world and bringing in a higher vibration."

And then to cap it off...I can almost hear a rim shot when she says the next sentence.

"Did anyone else see this?"

I think she'd have vivid dreams after going to an insurance seminar.

And did anyone else notice the Siberian shaman has an Irish last name?
Their group also has a "Priestess Shri Subi Lakshmi Devi". That's an East Indian/South Asian name, but she doesn't look to be one herself. That's her photo on the book cover.
The group also teaches "Astroakido."

But reading this bit made what they do no longer funny:

Offline Scott Brainard

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2005, 03:47:11 pm »
from :

"17-18 October 2003 Sedona, Arizona. Conference: Extraterrestrials.
Gathering Personal Power Through Shamanism and the Star Nation - Wi Chapi Oyate Energy >>>>"

A little Lakota energy along with their Atlantean etheric crystals? :)

Their archive is broken, would have liked to read the whole entry.  Unfortunately this site hasn't been stored in the wayback machine.

Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&am
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2005, 03:29:53 am »
As an indigenous Siberian shaman the activities of the so-called Bogomudr Altai Kagan and his disciples such as Biven Mamonta, Sri Ganesha, and others are an insult and blasphemy to our traditions.  
When someone sent me the link to the Sedona site reading it practically made me ill.
Their teachings have nothing to do with Siberian indigenous spirituality in even the most tenuous way.  Their cult is a mish-mash of New Age, Russian mysticism, martial arts, astrology, Hinduism, Buddhism, and whatever they choose to throw into the mixture next.  The obscenity is that they have chosen to use the trappings of Siberian shamanism to give themselves their own unique shtick.  But leather robes, feathers, and drums do not make them into Siberian shamans.  It is just how cynical they are about the disempowerment of Native Siberians that they think they can get away with it.
Imagine the most controlling and destructive cult in Western society choosing to dress themselves in Native American clothes and pretending to be Native American medicine people.  This is what they are doing to us!
We have fought them in Russia and have tried really hard to stop their spread outside of Russia.  That is what has led to the final step in the last few months of establishing a more strong international presence of the native shamans' organizations so that we can have a voice to speak out against these frauds who enrich themselves by exploiting the curiosity of people who want to learn about our remote corner of the world and who are unable to tell the difference between these people and the real thing.
It should be a huge red flag, though, that the leader and all of the priests of this cult variously known as the Shambhala cult, Siberian Esoteric School, School of Happiness, the list is practically endless, have names that are all from non-Siberian languages and are ethnic Russians.
Beyond the fact that they are falsely portraying themselves as teachers of native Siberian traditions the Shambhala cult is notorious for its methods of mind control and ruining of the lives of many well-meaning young peoples' lives.  If you Google the name of their leader Konstantin Rudnev, the self-proclaimed Siberian messiah calling himself Bogomudr Altai Kagan, you will find websites of cult deprogrammers with many stories of pain and tragedy of families who had members seduced by this "school of happiness."  The Russian police consider Rudnev's cult to be destructive and has cracked down on it, and Rudnev himself is a fugitive.
I hope that those of you who are dedicated to debunking the plastic shamans who are trying to exploit the Native Americans' spiritual traditions will also show solidarity with the Native Siberians in resisting the spread of this offensive cult in the United States and in other Western countries.



Offline educatedindian

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2005, 05:26:24 pm »
Sarangerel, glad to have you here, and we'd be glad to do anything we can to help, including posting any warnings. In fact, could we repost this post of yours as a warning on our site? Could I also pass this along to a cult watch group I'm part of?

Any sites you could direct us to with warnings or guidelines on how to spot frauds posing as Siberian shamans we'd be glad to see.

Found this warning from Steven Hassan. Ganieda, please pass this along to the people inquring in your group. This bunch is EXTREMELY dangerous.
"Russian Esoteric Academy
Information for this group comes with the help of “Stop Fools???, a Russian web site devoted to exposing this group at (email is Also thanks to Dr. Yevgeniy Volkov, a Russian psychologist who specializing in helping cult victims (Dr. Volkov translated the Russian edition of Steven Hassan’s book, Releasing the Bonds.)
Group Leader:
Konstantin Rudnev (his name in the sect is Shri of Dzhnan of Avatars of Mooney, the last Great Shaman Bogomudr Altai Kagan). He was born from a family settled in Novosibirsk for a long time. There he organized the sect for the first time.
Rudnev’s photo can be seen at
Rudnev's photo in shamanic clothes can be seen clearly on in the top right corner.
Name of Group:
Russian Esoteric Academy.
Alternate Names of Group:
Shambhala Esoteric School, Emblem the Everest; School of Yoga; the, Avitsenna; Esoteric Ashram of Shambala; Belovodje; The Academy of the Fortunate Way.
men and women instructors and priestesses
Web Sites of the Group:
Short Description of the Sect:
Their beliefs are a strange mixture of concepts of magic, karma, tantra, yoga, shamanism, Christianity, buddhism as well as knowledge extracted from many esoteric books. Tantra seems to be one of the core beliefs, which allows senior instructors to have sex with priestesses and other women. Rudnev has a harem of 5-7 girls who are called by him in every possible way and are constantly at his disposition.
(Steve Hassan’s note: Rudnev seems to be a second rate “copycat??? of other cults including the Moon cult, Rajneesh (Osho) as well as the books of Carlos Castaneda and others. He certainly has a very shallow understanding of spiritual teachings and distorts and twists esoteric concepts, especially tantra).

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2005, 05:27:25 pm »
Pt 2
Rudnev is the author of the book "The Way of the Fool ", which is considered "sacred" among the adherents. The book is written in poor language, with an abundance of obscene language and sexual descriptions (the site of the book is It is of openly bad taste, but it has reached, among adherents, huge popularity.

(Steve Hassan’s note: I have a copy of a videotape purportedly made of this book. It is low quality, depicts a variety of violent scenes, and is in extremely poor taste.)

After 1999 under the statements of parents of victims on his criminal case (references to this are in document: "The Academician of Occult Sciences has interested Office of Public Prosecutor of Novosibirsk area."
« Evening Novosibirsk » November, 19 1999 That, as to elude justice, Rudnev got himself put away in a psychiatric ward of a hospital, from which he has soon run away. Since November 1999, he is wanted by federal authorities and he cannot legally return to Russia.

Rudnev has wanted to expand his cult outside of Russia and the Ukraine for a long time.
And after a television show on "NTV" in which it has been quite clearly said that "Belovodje" or "Esoterical Ashram of Shambala " is a destructive sect representing obvious danger to society; he seems to be focusing on recruiting people in other countries, especially individuals with money.

The first news on "seminars" carried out in Greece and Netherlands came in 2001. Then there were letters on the same seminars in Estonia and Latvia. He also has his “shamans??? recruiting in Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil and the United States.

In the final declaration of participants in the International Scientific - Practical Conference "Totalitarian sects - threat of XXI century " that took place in Nizhny Novgorod 23 - on April, 25, 2001 Rudnev's sect was included in the list of "the most known and dangerous modern destructive cults."

Rudnev's "Religious" activity has not remained without attention of journalists. Some articles:

"The White brotherhood" -Article in the newspaper "New Siberia" Novosibirsk,
March 28, 2000

"The White brotherhood 2" - Article in the newspaper "New Siberia" Novosibirsk,
June 30, 2000

Seminars are given which are expensive by Russian standards. Deception is used constantly to lure potential recruits to seminars. They believe that the ends justify the means.

Sadkhaks (students) are encouraged to eventually go to ashrams, often just apartments, in which virtually all of the BITE model mind control practices are used, especially sleep deprivation, poor diet, constant activity, including push-ups, violent dancing, menial work for long hours making objects that can be sold by the cult.
Names are changed to reinforce the identity change into a cult member. Women are encouraged to dye their hair black, and to wear make-up that makes them look like cheap prostitutes.

Ashram members sleep on the floor, often without blankets, with a window left open. Instructors sleep in separate rooms on beds.

When the sect was only in Novosibirsk, somebody named Alexander Haritidi was close to Rudnev. This person now lives in America. After the events of September 11, 2001 in America, an anonymous message arrived at the guest book of our site, in which Haritidi appeared accused of participation in acts of terrorism. Alexander soon wrote a letter on the site in which he has explained that all this is a lie. In the letter he expressed readiness to help in questions connected with Rudnev. Probably he would say more about activities of the sect in America."

Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2005, 04:22:22 am »
Thank you for your good follow up!
And for your solidarity!
Your two posts show that you did some good research on Rudnev's group and that you have recognized what a dangerous group they are.  For Native Americans now too they are even picking up Native American elements as well in their teachings which makes their activities a direct encroachment on the spirituality of the indigenous peoples of this country.  On the Sedona site the "shamanic wedding" picture features Lakota teepees, not the much shorter and squatter Siberan ursas.  
On the Sedona Creative Life site the link to the Biven Mamonta stuff is broken from the main page but it is not deleted.  He is now taking his show to San Francisco, so if any of you hear about his workshops there, pass the word on that he is a fraud.
Hopefully the moderator will graduate Rudnev's group from "unsure" to full "fraud" status in short order.



Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2005, 07:06:23 am »
Thanks again,
Moving Rudnev's group to the Fraud section puts them right where they need to be.
In response to your earlier question (sorry I did not answer in my last post) feel free to put my warning on your website and to pass it on to any other web groups opposed to cults, new age frauds, or fake shamans.  The strongest weapon that can be used against people like that is education; people who know what they really are will not be seduced by their extravagant claims.



Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2005, 05:46:04 pm »
I know I am probably preaching to the choir here as they say...
Biven Mamonta has moved on to Los Angeles and will start teaching at a place called the Learning Annex.  It is just how tricky these people are since some other fairly reputable mainstream people such as Suze Orman are also using this venue.  I will be writing them.  If you can add your protests it would be appreciated.
These people really get under my skin.  Even if it is allowed in Buryat custom to say one is a shaman, to braw on the Internet that one is an "11th generation Siberian shaman" is unacceptable.  
Such extravagant claims are not made by native shamans because it is yosgui (inappropriate with what is considered honorable behavior).
You can see I am angry but I am fighting this cult in several countries at this time on behalf of the organizations I represent and it is not a pleasant task.



Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2005, 11:05:15 pm »
Anyone with any sense should be sceptical of this group. The very first picture of the site shows a tipi in the background and then the main picture features a 'circle' of tipis.
Surely if they were really following Siberian practices they could at least feature yurts. But then yurts tend to be more expensive to buy than tipis!
Adds cheapskates to his personal thoughts of this group.


Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2005, 11:37:06 pm »
I had a look at the site posted by Ed, &topictoview=26
As I'm doing quite a lot of web designing I have learnt a trick or two about sites, i.e. how to read the code the site is written in. The stuff that doesn't appear on the web page. Some of the keywords that that site lists are indeed frightening and strange;
Astral Karate, Atlantis, women Beliefs, Bible, Bos Brahmacharia Buddha Business School of Magic, Dance, Death, Desire, Egypt, Esoteric Christianity, Exorcisms, Extraterrestrial, Feng Shui, (Shamanic, Spiritual, esoteric), Holy,  Holy Spirit, Hypnosis, Jesus, Karate, Karma, Krishna, Maya, Mayan Prophecies, Moscow School of Gurdfieff, Muhammad,  Mysteries of Shambhala, New Age, Occult, Paganism, Relationship guidance and healing, Religion, Runes, Russian Mysticism, Russian Yoga, Saint Germaine, Shape-shifting, Sweat lodge, Sixth Race, Slavic Paganism, Tarot, Teaching for the Age of Aquarius, Telepathy, Teleportation, Witch Doctors, Wizard, Zombie.  
That was just a few! Whoever designed the site was trying to cover every belief, religion, mentality, etc. Certainly seeing New Age in there shows where they're coming from and who they're aiming at. One cheering thought, the web prefers about 30 keywords, more than that and they tend to ignore you, this site has well over 100.
But anyone with the mentality to mix and combine that selection of  words would worry a psychiatrist.


Offline Sarangerel

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&qu
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2005, 07:36:56 pm »
Great research on the site!

It really is kind of a sad commentary on the spiritual bankruptcy of contemporary Russian society that a group like that actually got established and flourished for several years.  Under the Yeltsin administration it was pretty much anything goes as long as it did not make problems for certain people.
Putin has spent the last few years cleaning up corruption in all its forms including some of these slimy New Age cults, Mafia, business robber barons, etc.  Although he has also made some problems on the indigenous rights front too he is overall a pretty good guy and Rudnev's getting run out of the country was a GOOD THING as Martha Stewart says...
You see under the Soviet system, especially under Stalin and then in fits and starts afterwards any kind of organized religion was stifled except in a few of the larger cities where sanctioned churches, mosques, and synagogues were allowed to operate.  All other spirituality was underground, and while some of it took the form of the survival of native spirituality some of it took some really bizarre forms.  The New Age got a head start in Russia and all sorts of trashy cults developed with just the kind of outlandish combinations of ideas you noted.  Even if the beliefs were passed around in samizdat manuscript books.
Almost ten years ago I did a ceremony near the ancient site of Kurla on the northwest shore of Baikal.  After the ceremony a person showed me to a place in the woods where a Russian "prophetess" some years before had driven a metal stake in the ground and supposedly it marked a place where tablets given to her by extraterrestrials had been buried.  The stake marked the place where the flying saucer people were to come back someday and make the place the capital of Earth when it came under their benevolent rule.
When I lived in Ulan-Ude besides the translations of Harner, Castaneda, and Lynn Andrews the spiritual bookstores and book kiosks had all kinds of weird Russian New Age books.  Thankfully some of the shamans have been writing various books too and at least the Buryats are reading them, but the Russian and mixed-nationality peoples are even more spiritually rootless than people in the United States and even though with President Putin's support the Orthodox Church is becoming more popular there is a real spiritual hunger over there that is fertile ground for New Age cults and even American Christian missionaries.
It is not quite related to the topic, but if you go to the website you will see one of the worst results of this spiritual confusion in Russia.  Pentecostal missionaries went to the most sacred site in Buryat lands, Shaman Rock on the island Oikhon in Lake Baikal, and wrote "Jesus is Lord" on it!  The extremity of the descration can only be understood by knowing that this was the place where the first shaman was believed to have come down to earth in the form of a white headed eagle, and it is so sacred no person goes down to that beach and walks on it.  The fact that these people did go down there, wrote their religious slogan, took a picture of themselves smiling around what they did and then published it on the Internet is an insult to Buryats and all Native Siberian people who revere that place that in less "civilized" times would have had a very "uncivilized" retribution.  When I wrote to protest they told me to learn the love of Jesus and forget my anger.
Colonialism continues in the form of culture and religion so it can no longer be fought with bows and arrows or guns.  But its worse violations can be called out on the Internet.
Thank you for tolerating my rant.



Edit: I censored the site after complaints from users- it is no longer the mentioned content, but (possibly illegal) porn
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 07:21:32 am by KrazyKraut »

Offline Ganieda

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom&am
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2005, 06:59:29 pm »
Thank you for all the information.  I have snipped and clipped some of it and posted a warning to groups I belong to.  
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline nemesis

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2010, 08:24:18 am »
There is some good news and some bad news regarding this group.

The bad news is that they are a large network operating in many territories internationally.
The good news is that last week the head of the network, Konstantin Rudnev, was arrested and detained in Russia.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 08:15:06 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2010, 01:35:58 pm »
From that link, I think it's important the information be reposted. Good news is four girls were rescued. Bad news is all the abuse done.


Alien’ Cult Leader Held on Sex Charges

By Alexandra Taranova

The St. Petersburg Times

MOSCOW — A self-proclaimed alien from the star Sirius has been arrested in Novosibirsk on charges of organizing a nationwide totalitarian sect that brainwashed and sexually abused members, police said Tuesday.

A local court on Saturday approved the arrest of Konstantin Rudnev, 43, leader of the Ashram Shambala religious group, a Novosibirsk police spokeswoman said by phone.

Rudnev was detained in a cottage owned by the group in Novosibirsk on Sept. 30 along with 38 followers, all citizens of Russia and Ukraine. Among them were four teenage girls whose parents had reported them as missing, police said in a statement.

A package containing 4 grams of heroin was found in the pocket of Rudnev’s shirt, the statement said.

Ashram Shambala, established more than 20 years ago, grew into a powerful cult with branches in many cities across Russia in the late 1990s, the local branch of the Investigative Committee said in a statement posted on its web site Tuesday.

Rudnev, who claimed to be an alien sent to Earth to enlighten mankind, combined Oriental esoterica and the writings of Carlos Castaneda with elements of yoga and shamanism in his teaching, investigators said. The group also offered yoga courses and self-help camps that attracted thousands of people.

Members were forced to turn over their property to Rudnev, and young female members had to participate in regular sexual orgies with him and other senior members, investigators said.