Author Topic: Disco Ball  (Read 5842 times)


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Disco Ball
« on: October 01, 2006, 04:12:36 pm »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:04:18 am by nighthawk »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Disco Ball
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 06:07:39 pm »
It's the right place. Welcome, and thanks for the kind words on your forum.

ST's site would be a nonobjectionable artists or storytellers' site if it weren't for a few things that are disturbing.
"Wisdom of the Ages: gREAT CIRCLE  
....Participants have the opportunity to learn drum rhythms on authentic Native hand drums and shakers; women play Moonstone, the big healing drum; learn songs, some of which are learned in the original languages.
The circle offers healing, and elevates the spirit....

Wisdom of the Ages: A World in
Need of Soul Speak"
....We have a life decision to make. The decision is whether to create positive or negative energy in our world....
As people develop and come to own their inner strengths, their words, thoughts and dreams become laws unto themselves (not others). If the Spirit is willing participants will create their own Shield and make solid the Medicine already contained in their hearts.
Time with Thunderbird and Horne is spent centering the mind...
With profound insight and clarity, they offer tools to bridge ancient teachings with modern life on an inner journey of discovery...
NOTE: There is a significant interactive element to this great seminar. Bring a  Hand Drum or Shaker if you have one.
....Walking the Medicine Wheel helps to extend and raise perspectives to consciously create a new environment that will put balance and harmony into daily life.
The Medicine Wheel teaches humans not only to talk the talk but more importantly, to walk the walk. "

Also quoting Mad Bear Anderson, who was long ago debunked as...well, I won't say fraud since he's passed on. The poor guy drank himself to death, so that weakness also made him less liable than most of the people we discuss.
Quite a lot of Nuage gibberish.
"There have been many books written about the Medicine Wheel, and they often differ as to the placement of some of the teachings...
As so little is really known, there is probably no wrong way to build a wheel. It is more of a question of what resonates with each individual as she studies the teachings.  Ms Thunderbird can only speak from her own knowledge of the teachings....
There is no right or wrong way to walk the wheel or live your life"

Looking over most of the site it seems like she learned everything from Black Elk Speaks or from online medwheel knockoffs. She doesn't show up much in Nuage sites, but does spread her ideas at universities, corporations and sadly to children.

Also believes in Huna.
"The Native People in Hawaii who follow the traditional Huna teachings have a saying, "As you think so it is." In other words, if you believe that you are a worthy person, then you are."

Here's something interesting. Term papers for sale by ST. Don't know if this was stolen off of something she wrote online, or she is willingly selling it online to help students cheat.

Wellheiser has some pretty questionable behavior.
"The first was on June, 17, 2004. It reads; Haudenosaunee Edler, Jim Wellheiser at the top of the page and Mohawk Elder, Mr. Jim Wellheiser further down. On the next page of the same date it reads; Jim Wellheiser, Mohawk/Nimi’ipuu (Nez Perce’) Elder.
The next two pages are dated July, 13, 2004. The first page reads; Haudenosaunee Edler, Jim Wellheiser at the top of the page and has been changed to Haudenosaunee Elder, Mr. Jim Wellheiser from Jim Wellheiser, Mohawk Elder further down. On the next page of the same date it still reads; Jim Wellheiser, Mohawk/Nimi’ipuu (Nez Perce’) Elder.
The next two pages are dated October, 7, 2004 (ironically the same date as her reply to my Clan Mother). Now they have been changed to read; Traditional Teacher, Jim Wellheiser at the top of the page and just Mr. Wellheiser on the first page. The second page has been changed to Jim Wellheiser, Traditional Teacher.
In Shannon Thunderbird’s e-mail she asks; “Oh, and by the way, did you actually read my website? I refer to Jim as a Traditional Teacher which he is. He is extraordinarily knowledgeble about Haudenosaunee…??? She also says; “Jim does not, to my knowledge mis-represent himself, he is of German ancestry which he freely acknowledges,…???

The original emails.

"Ceremony" he'll be doing. Yes, he claims to be an elder.
"Traces Sundown closing ceremony, Oct. 15, 5 p.m.
A moving and fitting closing to the Traces Festival, a ceremony performed by Jim Wellheiser, On-gwe-ho-way Group Elder."


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Re: Disco Ball
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 07:06:36 pm »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:04:04 am by nighthawk »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Disco Ball
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2006, 10:06:21 pm »

I know many Elders who would be really upset at her saying it is OK for women on their moontime to go into a sweatlodge or handle Scared objects . Maybe in some Native traditions this is considered OK , but , I have never heard of this in relation to any people who have Sweatlodge ceremonies, and I wonder if this woman is just changing these traditions around to fit with her own beliefs   ?

She also includes rather detailed information on her webpage about Pipes and Pipe Ceremony , and other things which most traditional people would not be comfortable to post on the internet . I might be wrong , but , I don't think all these traditions are even Tsimshian traditions , so it seems kind of disrespectful .

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Moma_porcupine »