Author Topic:  (Read 10150 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
« on: May 17, 2006, 12:00:14 am »
Hi all, ? been a long while! ? but I am still out here.

I don't recall if Turtle-Clan was visited or not. ?  Link ? ?  ?  

""NATIVE AMERICAN MEDICINE WHEEL ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
The Medicine Wheel is a universal source of power - available to anyone regardless of race or heritage who wishes to study it and implement it into their lives. It is to be approached with humbleness, a great sense of purpose - and a willingness to "do the work" necessary to take the knowledge to the core of your self. First of all - let us take a look at the term Medicine Wheel. In this application, Medicine means power - a vital energy force that can be drawn from and directed, and wholeness. The Medicine Wheel is the circle of knowledge that puts our lives back into balance - that gives us the power of choice and direction.
The medicine wheel is a symbol for the wheel of life which is forever evolving and bringing new lessons and truths to the walking of the path. The Earthwalk is based on the understanding that each one of us must stand on every spoke, on the great wheel of life many times, and that every direction is to be honored. Until you have walked in others' moccasins, or stood on their spokes of the wheel, you will never truly know their hearts.

Within the Medicine Wheel are The Four Cardinal Directions and the Four Sacred Colors. The Circle represents the Circle of Life and the Center of the Circle, the Eternal Fire. The medicine wheel teaches us that all lessons are equal, as are all talents and abilities. Every living creature will one day see and experience each spoke of the wheel, and know those truths. It is a pathway to truth, peace and harmony. The circle is never ending, life without end.

In experiencing the Good Red Road, one learns the lessons of physical life, or of being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the medicine wheel. After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue or Black Road, that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of the spirit runs East to West. The medicine wheel is life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step along the way.

And so, we begin our adventure on the Medicine Wheel!""""" ?

Additional links


Offline debbieredbear

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 10:15:07 pm »
oh brother...That one link to the the web designer, weavestheweb I think, sounds like it came from Jamie Sams "13 Clan Mothers." And that bit about "THe Native American Medicine Wheel. " Again with the pan-Indian BS.

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 12:18:42 am »
oh brother...That one link to the the web designer, weavestheweb I think, sounds like it came from Jamie Sams "13 Clan Mothers." And that bit about "THe Native American Medicine Wheel. " Again with the pan-Indian BS.

I know it's all bunk, I wanted to get it up here because this is in my area and I wanted it up here in case locals get around here again.  Thanks Debbie (and anyone else) that replies to this thread on same.      I did go to the and do a search for .orgs that are listed and I didn't see this one.  
No, I was not surprised....   There's alot of BS here in FL.


Offline snorks

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« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 11:27:35 am »
They are not pan_indian as much as electic pagan.  Their links are to well known pagan sites as well as new age ones.  They have wand making and other pagan links.

I think in their case that someone needs to understand what the Medicine Wheel is about.  Unfortunately, in the neo-pagan world the Medicine Wheel is a common part of card layouts, gardens, and other activities.  It is one of those things that seeped into the culture and lost its original meaning in the transition.

It has ceased to have meaning except what people have gleamed from Jamie Sams and Sun Bear.  They translated it into other terms and off to the races.  Ralph Blum has promoted a Runic lay out with it.  (Many Heathens have objected to the use of their Runes in this manner.)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 01:18:14 pm »
They are not pan_indian as much as electic pagan. ? Their links are to well known pagan sites as well as new age ones. ? They have wand making and other pagan links.

I think in their case that someone needs to understand what the Medicine Wheel is about. ? Unfortunately, in the neo-pagan world the Medicine Wheel is a common part of card layouts, gardens, and other activities. ? It is one of those things that seeped into the culture and lost its original meaning in the transition.

It has ceased to have meaning except what people have gleamed from Jamie Sams and Sun Bear. ? They translated it into other terms and off to the races. ? Ralph Blum has promoted a Runic lay out with it. ? (Many Heathens have objected to the use of their Runes in this manner.)

Good morning all,

Well the Heathens ought to tell them about it then.    "Eclectic Pagan"  eh? I have short patience with "Eclectic Pagans"  from personal experience *where I am located*... they can't make up their minds and when they do, they get it-all-wrong.  It winds up corrupted.

Is this Turtle Clan "version" /corruption related to Little Shell Tribe of North America?    and is this stuff here something that is bought into by stores is it a Franchise where does it stem from?



Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 02:09:58 pm »
"Along with our teacher - the one who inspires, Lani Fleming, there are 9 clan members.....Along with a special selection of books, crystals, cards and gifts, Sacred Space offers classes and spiritual counseling from many different modalities such as: Reiki, Crystal Reading/Healing, Clan Mother Readings, Raindrop Therapy, Astrology, Bliss Yoga, Buddhist Meditation, Belly Dancing, Feng Shui, Crystal Bowl Meditation, Sacred/Divine Geometry, Children's Meditation, Native American Medicine Wheel Journeys, Sacred Circles, Prosperity Workshops and more."

I don't see any sign of contact with Little Shell or other militias. Fleming is a personal trainer from California. Most of this hodgepodge seems taken from websites, and Fleming has been taken in quite a bit herself. Seemingly she falls for or sells just about anything that looks like a quick fix.
$15 Bliss Workout  - Yoga Meditation
TBA Buddhist Meditation
TBA Feng Shui - Prosperity Workshop
$10 Indigo Children's Class
$75 Sacred/Divine Geometry Workshop
TBA Reiki Workshop
TBA Crystal Workshop
$15 Traditional Tarot Workshop
Love* Weight Loss Support Group
$25 Manifestation Workshop
$35 Psychic Development Class  - Alan Arcieri
$33 Intention Tuners - Intro/Intermediate
$75 Gifts of the Spirit
 Readings & Therapy    
  Love* Crystal Singing Bowls Meditation
$35 Private Intuitive Readings & Healing
$ Manifestation Ceremony
$45 Gallery Reading - Alan Arcieri
$ All Day Energy/Crystal Healing
$ Crystal Reading
$ DNA Activations
$ Spiritual Counseling
$ Raindrop Therapy
$ Candle Therapy
  Ceremony & Rituals  
  $20 Sacred Circle
$20 Goddess Circle      (See photos)
$50 Sacred Journey - Medicine Wheel
$60 The Medicine Way Journey
Love* Drum Circle
TBA Light Worker's Night of Rituals

Lani Fleming is a fully Ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizedek through World Light Fellowship. The Melchizedek priesthood is over 4,000 years old, making it the oldest continuous priesthood on earth. She has the rights and privileges to legally perform marriages, preside at funerals, baptize, bless, and perform any of her other priestly duties.
World Light Fellowship is a Church incorporated in the state of New York and is fully recognized by the US Federal Government as a church and as an International Association of Churches in the Order of Melchizedek. Visit
Adept & Teacher of the Universal White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light
Lani has had both the Adept Initiation and the Teacher’s Initiation, which allows her to teach, to lead, to heal, to serve 100% in the Light. This work is dedicated to the ancient teachings passed down from The Rocky Mountain School, a valid Mystery School in the lineage of King Salomon.
Reiki Master
Lani received her first two Reiki Attunements back in 2000. She then studied with her second Reiki Master Edna Doane, in 2004 and took Reiki I & II again, and completed her master training. Lani can both provide and teach Reiki, however, it is something she prefers to incorporate into everything she does.
Lanis Reiki’s training was based on the ancient technique discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Though she has been taught untraditional Reiki by both of her Master’s, this is a very powerful technique that has been practiced for thousands of years. Visit
IET Practitioner
IET, or Integrated Energy Therapy, works with the “integration channel,??? a special channel that serves to rebalance the energy of the body’s cellular memory. With this modality, Lani simply interprets energy flow, then treats the energy body and supports the client in the self-healing process.
Intuitive & Tarot Reader
Lani’s intuition has always been her greatest “gift,??? and her focus in all her readings is to simply serve as a clear channel for Spirit and one’s Higher Self. She will use the Tarot, Angel Cards, Healing Runes, and/or Crystals in her readings if requested.
Lani’s “medicine??? is truly doing rituals or ceremony. Her passion for teaching in this way is loved by all who attend any of her gatherings. Her ceremonies range from Native American to Goddess… always including the seven directions, four elements, sacred prayers, meditations, use of crystals, music, group participation and so much more…
She is available for both private and open ceremonies.
Secular Education
Lani has a Bachelor Degree in Health Science and 15 years experience as a Fitness/Health Consultant in San Diego, California."

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2006, 02:23:46 pm »
Wait a minute, she lists Kam Lau Nightchase as a source, though I don't know if she was trained by him.

Alan Arcieri shows up on their site a few times.
"I was dreaming of finding a gold doubloon from Davie Jones locker washed up on the seashore ...
I reached down, picked it up and discovered it was an old English coin, a King George V sixpence! I was absolutely ecstatic!  Not about the coin, but about the fact that someone was listening... That God had heard my prayers!...
From that day forward, I realized...I knew ...we were not alone...that some invisible power  was listening...that prayers could be answered ...
I spent the next twenty years trying to get "back on the beach" Spiritually...                        
I became a student of Buddhism, Hinduism, Early Christianity and Judaism... (I am currently studying the Ancient  Wisdom of Kabbalah as taught by the world renowned Kabbalist Rav. Philip Berg.)...
I was introduced to Metaphysics 25 years ago, and was trained as an Spiritual  Healer using Therapeutic Touch, also known the "Laying of Hands" by my Spiritual Mentor and Guide, Michelle Gellmen....
I do this not for earthly fame and fortune, but for the healing this work provides... Mediumship is a Divine Calling... I am in God's Service."

You really can't make up unintentional comedy like this.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2006, 04:05:27 pm »

You really can't make up unintentional comedy like this.

Very true and exasperating.  To echo another poster on another thread, how do you tackle something like this in your area when it is quite evident alot of money (for spirituality) is exchanging hands and a whole business built around it?   Of course just listing it here is a plus as it will be read.  But still (some)Pagans and other "spirchul blending" types can sure be dense.   And of course, down right dangerous..

On another note there is yet another newagey store here that has now hooked up with a "Shaman" from S. America.  I have to go back to the store and get that guys name.  The store sells his "Shaman blessed" trinkets and states how this person is a "Real" Shaman  -More laters...  In my area alone Al there are, let me see.....   FIVE of these type stores... they all have issues.


Offline snorks

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« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2006, 07:26:31 pm »
I am not excusing 'ecletic pagans' since they seem to part of the problem.  But how do you reach them to gently tell them they are mixing too many trads?  Or is this another instance of 'white priviledge'?

Offline AlaskaGrl

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« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2006, 09:05:33 pm »
I am not excusing 'ecletic pagans' since they seem to part of the problem. ? But how do you reach them to gently tell them they are mixing too many trads? ? Or is this another instance of 'white priviledge'?

Hi Snorks....  


Tried "reaching gently"  in the past got beat over the head and other unsavory things for a long time afterward and I see on another thread some things have not changed totally regarding the one old issue but then we're not surprised about that for things do come home to roost.

Yeah I do try to tell people things and have in the past whever it came up but sometimes it just makes them insane to hear what you have to say.  So I don't really know Snorks, if there is any real way to "break it gently" since you don't know how the other person is going to behave toward you once you tell them what they are doing is incorrect and why - it makes it worse if you're a "white person" like me - which is BTW pointed out right away to me by the party I am talking to.  Gee once I had another fraud point it out to me online LOL.    

From my experience Snorks, Pagans and New Agers are indeed a huge part of the problem for they are the ones promulgating this sick behavior through out their "community" (a mis-nomer really) by their various functions, websites and overtly tacky books and cla$$es.  You know, the "if it feels good who cares?" crowd.  I do advise not being alone when confronting either store owners or Pagans/New Agers on their own turf.  Just from my experiences.  Tell me, once "Trads" are mixed are they still valid? most of the stuff the Pagans and New Agers are doing are so corrupted by the time it gets down the line they don't even begin to resemble their original forms.   It is ignorance at it's highest point.
