Author Topic: New age: left or right?  (Read 10603 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
New age: left or right?
« on: March 28, 2006, 09:22:28 pm »
So does this mean that all along, the New Ageer's are all 'Commies'?

I think there's always been a much greater affinity between the new age and the extreme right than the left:

Landig and other occult-fascist propagandists have circulated wild stories about German Nazi colonies that live and work in secret installations beneath the polar icecaps, where they developed flying saucers and miracle weapons after the demise of the Third Reich.

The abundance of UFO sightings, which began in the early 1950s, is attributed to the amazing prowess of Nazi science and technology.

The fall of the Third Reich is cast merely as a temporary setback; at any moment, a battalion of Nazi extraterrestrials could zoom forth in their magical discs to deliver Aryan folk from the ills of democracy and Judeo-Christian decadence.

A hot item among New Age conspiracy theorists and promoters of Holocaust denial, stories about Nazi UFOs may seem ludicrous to anyone with their feet firmly planted on terra firma. And, certainly, this kind of thinking does not dominate even the contemporary world of the extreme right.

But these sci-fi legends underscore, in the words of Goodrick-Clarke, how "Aryan cults and esoteric Nazism posit powerful mythologies to negate the decline of white power in the world."

[David] Icke began to flirt seriously with New Age theories, and then began to act on them. He dressed in turquoise, and began to call himself the "son of godhead". But by the time his book "The Robot's Rebellion" was printed in 1994, his trajectory had begun to take quite a different course. In 1996, the British magazine "Left Green Perspectives" wrote that this book "indicated a convergence of New Age thinking with Nazi philosophy. Casting aside his pat concerns about the environment, Icke enthusiastically embraced the classic Nazi conspiracy theory, alleging that the world is controlled by a secret cadre of "The Elite." He openly endorsed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Tsarist anti-Semitic forgery that informed Hitler's notion of a global Jewish conspiracy."

This is the only blog I read.[/url] Lots of stuff turns up here on connections between the new age, fascism, eugenics, colonialism, etc plus a never-ending stream of book recommendations. Heaven. Here's an example:

I started reading around in William Dudley Pelley: A Life in Right-Wing Extremism and the Occult. I'd never heard of Pelley before stumbling across this book on Amazon a couple weeks ago. Wow. An American Nazi -- literally -- who preached a weird mix of fascist racism, reconstituted Swedenborgianism and Theosophy, UFO mania, and all manner of bad craziness that had a direct but little known influence on later New Age "thought."

Here's an older thread about extreme-right themes in new age thought[/url] with long and revolting quotes from Rudolf Steiner - charismatic occultist, founder of Waldorf schools and 'biodynamic' farming.