General > Frauds

Luc Bourgault

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Here's what Ingeborg found on him from German sites.
found the following info on him at:
(There's also a photo of him.)
"Blue Eagle was born in Sasketchewan, Canada. He now lives near the City of
Quebec ... Blue Eagle is of French Canadian, Algonquin and Abenaquis origin."
His credentials are just super, he claims to have been taught be the cream of
"He has studied with Sun Bear of the Chippewa Nation, with OhShinna, of the
Apache Nation, and with Tlakaellel, of the Aztec Nation. He has also
benefited from the teachings of Slow Turtle and Manintonquat from the
Wampanoag Nation, of William Commanda, of the Algonquin Nation, of N'tsukw,
of the Innu Nation and of Tall Warrior, of the Mohawk Nation."
The site reports activities in Quebec, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria,
Switzerland and the United States.
I have found several varieties of the name he goes by:
Luc Bourgault (sorry about the typo in my earlier post)
Luc Blue Eagle
Luc Bourgault Blue Eagle
Blue Eagle (or the German equivalent Blauer Adler or in French Aigle Bleu)
Ousti Catoui / Ousti Catooi
I found a German site where someone claims to have been taught by LB/BE, but
mainly it was sites advertising music CDs which he did, and promoting his
books. Over here, his books on ndn crystal therapy seem to be especially

From website
(translated-sorry for the possible mistakes)
Born in 1954 in Canadian Province of Saskatchewan. He is of French Canadian, Algonquian and Abenaki origins. He now lives near Quebec city and travels in many countries to transmit his knowledge. Blue Eagle comes from an old Algonquian band that has been decimated almost completely by epidemias and wars. From this band’s hundreds of families were left only  two, who decided to assimilate themselves to the White culture to survive. At this time, it was common for the Natives to renounce to their Indian status so to assimilate to the dominating culture. These ancestors became white peoples and were so convinced of it they forgot, with time passing by, that they were of the Red race. Many generations later, his maternal grandmother casually rediscovers this reality, while making the genealogy of the family. Her first reaction is to burn all the papers.

During his adolescence, Luc Bourgault dreams that the ancestors reveals him he is Native. He then leaves university and visits Natives across Canada and on the west coast of United States. Everywhere, he is accepted and gains recognition. In 1978 he meets Dhyani Ywahoo, medecine-woman of the Cherokee Nation, while she gave a conference in Montreal. It’s been many months she was visited in her dreams by an old Indian asking her to recall his grandson to the teachings. The night Dhyani and Luc meets, she sees his ancestor standing at his side. With a lot of insistance, the old man repeats her that Luc is this grandson he talked to her so much about. Dhyani then asks this grandfather how she could bring back this young man in the path. The ancestors then asks her to give Luc a crystal she wears on her robe. During all the conference, Dhyani keeps touching and energizing the crystal. At the end of the conference she gives Luc the stone. The next night, he will have a vision that will bring him back to the Red path. A little after, he recieves the name Blue Eagle.

From that time on, Blue Eagle is teached by many Native Elders to receive the traditional spiritual teachings of the Cherokee nations, transmitted by Dhyani Ywahoo. He also studied with Sun Bear, of Chippewa nation, with OhShinnah, of Apache nation and with Tlakaellel, of the Aztek nation. He also received teachings from Slow Turtle, from the Wampanoag nation, from William Commanda, of Algonquin nation, from N’tsukw, of the Innu nation, and from Tall Warrior, of the Mohawk nation. After 10 years of studying with the elders, he receives the authorization to teach the others. It’s now been twelve years he teaches the spiritual and therapeutical techniques and principles of the indigenous Nations. He teaches in many cities of the province of Quebec and also in France, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and United States.
In 1995, the General Secretary of the North American Indian Nation Government graciously gives him his Indian Status, with his Native cards and passport to mark the quality of his work . In 1997, Dhyani Ywahoo, chief of Green Mountain Band of Eastern Cherokee  (Uniyunwiwa), adopts Blue Eagle in the Bear Clan of this nation.

The original goes:

Est né en 1954 dans la province canadienne de la Saskatchewan. Il est de descendance canadienne-française, algonquine et abénaquise. Il vit près de la ville de Québec et voyage dans bien des pays pour transmettre ses connaissances. Aigle Bleu vient d'une vieille bande algonquine qui a été presque complètement décimée par les épidémies et les guerres. De cette bande, qui comptait plusieurs centaines de familles, il n'en est restée que deux, qui ont décidé de s'assimiler ?  la culture blanche pour survivre. A cette époque, il était courant pour les autochtones de renoncer ?  leur statut d'Indien afin de s'assimiler ?  la culture dominante. Ces ancêtres sont donc devenus des Blancs, avec tellement de conviction qu'ils en ont oublié, au fil du temps, qu'ils étaient de la race rouge. Plusieurs générations plus tard, sa grand-mère maternelle redécouvre cette réalité par hasard, en dressant l'arbre généalogique de la famille. Sa première réaction est de brûler tous les papiers.

À l'adolescence, Luc Bourgault fait un rêve dans lequel les ancêtres lui révèlent qu'il est Amérindien. Il abandonne alors ses études universitaires et visite les Indiens d'un bout ?  l'autre du Canada, puis sur la côte Ouest des États-Unis. Partout, il est reconnu et accepté. En 1978, il rencontre Dhyani Ywahoo, femme-médecine de la nation Cherokee, lors d'une conférence qu'elle donne ?  Montréal. Depuis plusieurs mois, elle reçoit régulièrement la visite, dans ses rêves, d'un vieil Indien qui lui demande de rappeler son petit-fils aux enseignements. Le soir où Dhyani et Luc se rencontrent, elle voit son ancêtre debout près de lui. Avec beaucoup d'insistance, le vieil homme lui répète que Luc est ce petit-fils dont il lui a tant parlé. Dhyani demande alors ?  ce grand-père de quelle façon elle peut rpenseener le jeune homme sur le sentier. L'ancêtre lui demande alors d'offrir ?  Luc un cristal qu'elle porte sur sa robe. Pendant toute la durée de sa conférence, Dhyani ne cesse de le palper, de l'énergiser. A la fin de la conférence, la pierre est remise ?  Luc. Le lendemain soir, il a une vision qui l'amène ?  cheminer sur le sentier rouge. Il reçoit peu après le nom d'Aigle Bleu.

Depuis ce temps, Aigle Bleu est en formation auprès de plusieurs aînés amérindiens pour recevoir l'enseignement spirituel traditionnel de la nation cherokee transmis par Dhyani Ywahoo. Il a également étudié avec Sun Bear, de la nation chippewa, avec OhShinnah, de la nation apache et avec Tlakaellel, de la nation aztèque. Il a aussi reçu des enseignements de Slow Turtle, de la nation wampanoag, de William Commanda, de la nation algonquine, de N'tsukw, de la nation innu et de Tall Warrior, de la nation mohawk. Après dix années d'études avec les aînés, il reçoit l'autorisation d'enseigner ?  son tour. Ainsi, il enseigne depuis une douzaine d'années les techniques et principes spirituels et thérapeutiques des nations autochtones. Il enseigne dans plusieurs villes du Québec de même qu'en France, en Allemagne, en Belgique, en Autriche, en Suisse et aux Etats-Unis.
En 1995, le secrétaire général du Gouvernement de la Nation indienne de l'Amérique du Nord lui offre son statut d'Indien ainsi que ses cartes et son passeport amérindien ?  titre gracieux pour souligner la qualité de son travail. En 1997, Dhyani Ywahoo, qui est cheftaine du Green Mountain Band of Eastern Cherokee (Uniyunwiwa), adopte Aigle Bleu dans le clan de l'Ours de cette nation.

The fact that he is tight with Diane Fisher, aka, Ywahoo, the fake Cherokee cult leader, says it all.

Last week spoke with a guy who sells artscrafts in the communities and from what he understood Blue Eagle AKA Luc Bourgault, maybe with the help of Cecile Cheezo (an algonquian woman, we don't have a lot of info about her- allegedly they are not working together anymore) was selling sweatlodge ceremonies to tourists in Wendake, (Wendat community near Quebec city) , the price was 150$ CDN, and the guy said he seemed quite busy. I'll double-check with Wendat friends to see if they know anything about that and what they are going to do about that if this is true.

Something good:
Le Soleil newspaper published this article about Luc Bourgault and the phony village he plans on building... it states that some of his followers got away from him because they felt it was a sect...  some interviewed people also state that there was a gap between what the guy said and how he acted, that he tried to convince at least a woman of going away from her family and selling her belongings, and that he said he was told he would have 100 women and he wanted the women of his "sacred fire sancturay to be one of those" well for those of you who understand French the whole article is at:

The journalist also got in touch with Dhyani Ywahoo but it looks like he didn't realize that she's a well-known fraud.... If anyone has a suggestion of a good contact that could confirm this to the journalist, it would be a good thing...

Sorry if I don't have time to translate the article...


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