Author Topic: Johnny Doerr AKA Johnny MedicineBear  (Read 9476 times)

Offline White Horse

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Johnny Doerr AKA Johnny MedicineBear
« on: April 13, 2017, 01:11:13 pm »
Just learned of this "person" he is doing Inca Medicine Wheel Ceremony in Florida, anyone heard of this "person?"

I was sent a link to meet up? Is that a dating site? where he finds customers.  I know of a few "sex shamans" that sell ceremony for ??? is this "person" one of them? 
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 03:32:29 pm by educatedindian »
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 02:58:52 pm »
Meetup hosts all kinds of meetings, from exercise groups to political, you name it. Low budget shame ons who can't afford their own websites seem to have caught on to using them.

JMB is either white or has very low BQ based on his appearance. Seems to be a retired pilot.

The phony "Inca medicine wheel" nonsense came from fraud Albert Villoldo. JMB claims
"Please join me and explore the Medicine Wheel of the Native Incas of Peru South America. These people, known as the Children of the Sun lived in peace and harmony with all creation for thousands of years. Their Medicine Wheel was their journey of personal empowerment. Over time, I have apprenticed with several Inca Shamans and today embrace and practice these teachings in my daily personal life. This little 3 hour experiential workshop will introduce you to the Inca Medicine Wheel."

He's a low level would be shame on who got taken and knows very little. The people were and are called Quechua, Ayamara, etc. Inca was just the title of the leader. They became a powerful empire by war. And that empire was only around less than two centuries. Those "Inca shamans" are likely Villoldo or his frauds.

Offline Bears Ghost

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2017, 06:38:51 am »
I can assure you that he's not relative of mine. I know every legitimate Medicine Bear.  My great  great grandfather is Chief Medicine Bear of the Pabaksa band of Yanktonai Dakhota.  I always check up on people using our name. This guy's a wasicu phony.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 03:06:54 pm »
I received an account from someone who call him their mentor. He claims to be reincarnated from Medicine Bear.

The old link of his photo is gone. Here's another.

Doesn't seem to have done much since then. He did have his own website that was around so briefly that Archive didn't catch it.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 05:54:07 pm »
The old link of his photo is gone. Here's another.

Johnny M.
Location: Land O Lakes, FL
Member since: October 27, 2015

Johnny MedicineBear,, "a 6 1/2 year old in a slightly more mature body"

Member of 1 other Meetup
Feel the Energy, Feel Reiki!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2019, 10:45:17 pm »
There's a further account saying his legal name was Johnny Doehr and that he actively recruits for followers on FB. My search so far has turned up nothing to confirm either. Not on FB under either Doehr or MB. Haven't found any site of Doehr's online except the original Meetup ad.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear AKA Johnny MedicineBear
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2019, 01:36:35 am »
There's a further account saying his legal name was Johnny Doehr and that he actively recruits for followers on FB. My search so far has turned up nothing to confirm either. Not on FB under either Doehr or MB. Haven't found any site of Doehr's online except the original Meetup ad.

He is on Facebook as "Johnny MedicineBear" (profile picture is a cropped version of the photo seen in my previous post).

He is referred to as "Johnny DOERR" at least once in there, and has two FB friends with that family name.

Johnny MedicineBear July 3 at 7:56 PM
Jaia Lee and I are creating a book this summer, The Story is of Johnny MedicineBear but in a broader sense it is everyone's story from decent into Darkness through the shadow and into the light,, especially our wounded soldiers. Click the link The synopsis says it all. This is transformation time and I am so greatful to Jaia and Spirit for having this simply unfold unexpectedly and drop into my lap.
Cheerz jmb

Synopsis:  This is the story of Johnny MedicineBear's journey from a Vietnam fighter pilot, using alcohol to "keep the demons at bay", to a place of increasing sobriety, awareness, healing and service. After eleven years of sobriety, it was during a sweat lodge ceremony as part of an intensive shadow workshop, that the "cellar door" opened and what had been suppressed came to the surface. After more than a year of nightmares and inner integrative work a breakthrough moment of clarity and unlikely support revealed itself, along with spiritual gifts. It is a remarkable and unique story of an enemy transforming into an ally of the heart and soul, bringing with it a more expanded awareness of life, death, karma and purpose.

Photos of him in American Airlines pilot uniform, another where he shows his Air Force uniform.

He also has a YouTube channel: [JohnnyMBear MedicineBear]

Offline Sparks

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2019, 01:50:38 am »
He did have his own website that was around so briefly that Archive didn't catch it.

Probably this one, referred to in a 2014 video on his YouTube channel:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Johnny Medicine Bear AKA Johnny MedicineBear
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2019, 01:59:33 am »]
Photos of him in American Airlines pilot uniform, another where he shows his Air Force uniform.

There are also photos of him "With "Harley" and As Shaman Leading a Sacred Fire Ceremony".

BTW, his FB profile is mostly about motorcycles, airplanes, and railroads.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Johnny Doerr AKA Johnny MedicineBear
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2019, 03:38:53 pm »
The site seems to be set up by his girlfriend/partner, who says:

"I first met Johnny back in 2008 when we were participating in programs at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, headed by Dr. Gabriel Cousens."

Cousens is discussed here as an obvious fraud teaching a mangled version of generic pseudo Plains NDN claims with pseudo Hinduism and pseudo Judaism, plus quack medicine that killed at least one patient.

So far Doerr seems to be another victim passing along misinformation. Except for that one Meetup, he doesn't seem to be out for profit or to build a cult.