« on: March 26, 2017, 05:31:13 pm »
Great blog post here:
Another one is dead. Hundreds are in trouble and they do not understand. Thousands have been lured into black magic!
There is war in the spiritual worlds, we are losing the trust of the Great Goddess.
Help us! We have no voice!
… this, from one of the leading healers using the powerful, psychotropic San Pedro cactus in all Ecuador. And the third such message to find me in three decades.
For the second time in all the years I have been working with traditional healers in the plant medicine world, I am stepping into this story to beg for caution and respect among those of you using sacred plant medicines for any reason.
On behalf of jungle healers and curranderos, I send this as a warning to the ‘ayahuasca community’, and all those seeking ‘ceremony’. The covenants are breached, the chemistry gone bad – the dark omens around the sacred plants of South America are well in force so beware the cup your drink from!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 01:00:20 am by debbieredbear »
