Author Topic: Charles A. Laster  (Read 65382 times)


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2015, 09:03:04 pm »
Lost Tribes Warriors of the Rainbow by Charles A. Laster

Pg 57, a claim about himself:

My Blood-Brother was Islamic and a member of the tribe. He became my Blood-Brother by saving my life when he dove in front of me to block an arrow meant for my heart. Thanks to the Great Spirit the arrow was deflected by a heavy copper collar he wore around his neck.

Pg 68, another claim:

When I moved back to Paducah Kentucky, most of the tribe there had left, only a few friends from my childhood summers there remained. I was shocked when years latter an Indian walked into my shop and gave me the Scimitar which had been passed down since the 1700's from Chief to Chief.


His tribe "was a small tribe of shamans, seers and medicine men and women".

Everything is four, for directions, "cross of creation", other cultures all have this.  There are four races of mankind. Each leader of each of the four races had four boys and four girls.

People of the south dance clockwise around the fire and people of the north dance counter clockwise.

"The Celtic Tribes and Nations had much in common with their Native American brothers and sisters, and suffered much the same fate."

Because most everyone has stories of Giants, we all "have a common past and shared traditions".

Medicine Wheels are used by many tribes.

A Shaman prophesied that his empire would be destroyed by a nation from Chesapeake Bay. It is a good example of self-fulfilling prophecy. It comes true because he believed it, and acted on it, setting in motion the very events which cause it to come true.

Great Spirit has chosen him.

We are all the Warriors of the Rainbow.

Bogus history, mangled interpretations of cultures (including their prophesies), a currency idea called "Native 'Wheel Dollar'", and now you don't need to read it.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2015, 09:17:40 pm »
Mr. Laster, even if you are feeling your age, have health challenges, and have difficulties with your family - you are not exempt from white privilege. I hope you understand this someday. I hope you learn what white privilege actually is and how much you and I and all other white folks benefit.

Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #62 on: July 29, 2015, 03:17:31 am »
I just wanted to update Charles Laster's genealogy. I found Charles Laster's great great grandfather John Weise in the 1900 census under a different spelling, Wise. As you can see this is the same family from the 1910 and 1920 census, just the spelling is a little different. Same people, same children. The only difference is John J. Weise/Wise's parents are both from Germany. Where as in the 1910 census his mother was born in Pennsylvania. I believe the 1900 census, John J. Weise/Wise's parents are from Germany. And I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that his GGG grandparents on both sides of were probably born in the 1830's and 1840's. We are going back pretty far now and still no Indians. And we're dead ending at a lot of immigrants. Hey Charles, why don't you give us a break and just tell us where your imaginary Indian blood comes from...huh? Oh and by the way I can't find any relatives from North Carolina, maybe you would like to steer us in the right direction. Oh and one more thing YOU DO NOT LOOK INDIAN. We've seen the bad dye job a hundred times before and the stupid choker, neither one makes you look Indian.

J John Wise in the 1900 United States Federal Census

J John Wise


Birth Date:
May 1865


Home in 1900:
Magisterial District 1, Trigg, Kentucky



Relation to Head of House:

Marital Status:

Spouse's Name:
Josaphene Wise

Marriage Year:

Years Married:

Father's Birthplace:

Mother's Birthplace:

View on Image

 View others on page

Household Members:



 J John Wise  35
 Josaphene Wise  28
 Anna Wise  9
 Mary Wise  7
Francis Wise  6
 Agnes Wise  4
 Charley Wise  2
 Robert Snyder  79
 Anna Snyder 



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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #63 on: July 29, 2015, 02:18:46 pm »
From Piff's post above:

When I moved back to Paducah Kentucky, most of the tribe there had left, only a few friends from my childhood summers there remained. I was shocked when years latter an Indian walked into my shop and gave me the Scimitar which had been passed down since the 1700's from Chief to Chief.
(My Bolding)

Okay, now that does not make any sense at all.  You were given the scimitar from "an Indian" passed down "since the 1700's from Chief to Chief" which you are saying makes you a "hereditary chief".  If this scimitar had been passed down from chief to chief, it should have been passed down from your father, not just "an Indian" who happened to walk into your shop.

Mr. Laster, I hope you take to heart Piff's pleas and realize the kind of damage you are doing, especially in representing yourself as a representative for international indigenous affairs.

You said you wanted yourself listed as "Sachem Laster" on our site so that you would get our attention.  Well, you have certainly done that, but not in a good way.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2015, 10:30:31 pm »
Sachem must be Algonquin for Scam.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2015, 11:42:01 pm »
This will probably be my last post as I don’t have the time to devote defending myself here. No one could hope to keep up with the flood of posts here without devoting considerable time to it, which I do not have.

I took the risk of being labeled a fraud by this group when I came here looking for information, and if that happened, it was a price I was willing to pay for the information I received here. For that you have my thanks.

Regardless of how little or how much Native blood is in my veins, there are some facts this group can not dispute.

Our oral history gave details not found in any history book or published paper that were confirmed by the United Kingdom and Colonial records of Virginia and North Carolina.

What I find funny is many of the claims you made against my native heritage is the same things the Lord Proprietors said to try and steal our land and right of self governance. So from my perspective, you are acting like and saying the same things as the White Privileged English Lords, ironic.

They also claimed that because Whites married into our tribes we were no longer Indian and had no claim to our land or heritage. Seems that and you both do not understand the marriage customs of Eastern Algonquin tribes or the complexities of their history.

Our history said we were Subjects of the Crown and a Sovereign Colony of the Crown with rights of self-governance, and by English common law were considered English citizens with all the rights that entails. That George Durant and the other leaders of Culpepper’s rebellion were our chiefs and headmen and fought for our rights in England and won, but the greedy colonial government of the Lord Proprietors never stopped its efforts to take control of our land.

The UK confirmed that we were in fact Subjects of the Crown and a Sovereign Colony of the Crown with rights of self-governance and common law citizens of England until the citizenship status known as Subjects of the Crown was abolished. The UK confirmed that more than once, that our leaders were arrested by colonial authorities because we refused to acknowledge their control over us, and all charges were dropped by the Crown and our leaders reinstated.

This is also supported by colonial records, as was our contention that George Durant and the others were the Sachems and headmen of our tribes. Durant proudly displayed the name of his tribe on his home and in his business dealings, and his son became the Massasoit Sachem that requested permission from the colonial government to sell our land that we may move west, yet this fact was never recorded by official historians.

And there are many more examples of our oral history that differ form official US histories, that were confirmed by historical records. The historical records confirming our oral history exceeds that of most tribes.

It would be impossible to fabricate a history that differs so much from official accounts, but is confirmed by multiple sources.

If you were familiar with history, you would know the great lengths Virginia and North Carolina went to too erase the history of tribes there, and how the anti-Indian laws forced many into hiding. That so many records still exist confirming our history should tell you something.

Instead you focus on things like us having a story about the 4 Races/4 directions, claiming it rips off your culture. Apparently you are ignorant that the story of the 4 Races/4 directions is not only found among North and South American tribes, but Asian as well.

I admire your zeal to protect your culture, but that same zeal also leads to errors.

Some of the posts I have seen here are expertly researched, logical and well written, others are poorly researched rants, but such a range in ability and temperament is to be expected on any forum. So I don’t hold it against this group, as overall your work to uncover frauds is noteworthy.

I only mention these minor problems because I think there is room for improvement.

Also I am guilty of some of the same narrow-minded ethnic centric views seen here. I know little to nothing about non-Algonquin culture and you know little about us it seems. So I can not fault you too much for judging others based on your limited knowledge of other cultures.

I also want you to know that your time with me has not been wasted, I have taken some of the things you said to heart and will be making appropriate changes.

But the fact that so much of our history has been confirmed shows that our history is based on historical facts. Granted a lot of errors still remain, and I will be consulting the historians of other knowledgeable tribes from the same period and region to try and determine which stories are accurate, and which ones were added or changed latter and are not historically accurate.

So in closing I want to thank you all for your time, help, and yes, even your criticisms. My time here has been both enlightening and educational, well worth my time and any costs to my reputation.

I wish I had more time to spend here and participate on some other threads. Again, thanks for everything and best wishes in your work here. Perhaps I can return at some latter point in time if this old coot lives long enough.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #66 on: July 30, 2015, 12:15:57 am »
Reminds me of EP Grondine's "Claim It Til The Bitter End" strategy. No proof of even one drop of Native on either side going back hundreds of years yet still speaking from a position of not only false blood, but false authority/rank, even blatant condescension.
These are very educational, indeed.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #67 on: July 30, 2015, 06:34:45 am »
@ Charles Laster, please stop with the pseudo Indian gobbledygook and your irrelevant claims of Indian heritage. We have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are WHITE WHITE WHITE. You are not Indian nor do you have a Tribe. We have given you ample time to prove any Indian blood, no matter how miniscule and you couldn't even do that.

I even doubt your involvement with that other fake group IPUN, but hey, thank you for brining them to our attention. 

Here's some advice, be happy with who you are, you have a rich Kentucky heritage and should be very proud of it. And quit airing your family's dirty laundry it makes you look ugly and small.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2015, 06:00:34 pm »
Sorry I forgot, if it’s not on the Internet you people have no way of confirming or disproving something, so I better add this to my last post.

I wrote Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II concerning our history and possible right to claim citizenship in the UK as Subjects of the Crown and common law citizens.

A member of her Majesty staff replied. That while Her Majesty was deeply moved, she does not have the authority to decide such matters.

I then contacted the British-American Parliamentary Group | Room 638  | 7 Millbank | London SW1P 3JA

Hannah Mitchell was the BAPG Administrator overseeing our petition.

UK Parliament Disclaimer: This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.

As these are excepts from diplomatic Emails, I will not provide you with personal e-mail addresses, fax numbers and so on, sorry.

At first she wanted me to go through the UK Embassy in Washington,

“Apologies for my belated reply to your e-mail below.  May I just check, have you consulted with the British Embassy in Washington D.C. on the question of dual citizenship?  Once this has been ascertained, I would be happy to consult with colleagues here.”
All best wishes

However after learning we had spoken with her Majesty, such requirements were quickly discarded and our petition process started. We had to prove we were who we said we were, that we were historically Subjects of the Crown and remained loyal subjects during British rule.

Then the North American Team at the Foreign office had to get involved. Once we meet the requirements of proof, only then could the issue of citizenship be addressed. For that the Foreign Office had to include the Home Office (Nationality and Settlement Operational Policy, Immigration & Border Policy) Department so they could research the law to determine if dual citizenship was possible in our situation.

Jane Whitehead, of the Nationality and Settlement Operational Policy, Immigration & Border Policy of the Home Office reached a decision on November 28th.  “for the purposes of legislation from 1914 (British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914) onwards it did not form part of the UK and Colonies and so birth or residence there would not give a right to British citizenship”

Thus we were relieved of our oath of loyalty to the Crown and returned to our former status as a sovereign nation under English Law. We maintain diplomatic relations with the UK and the Royal Family.

Now if you people were representatives of a government or tribe and had a valid legal reason for inquiring about us, they might respond.

However you are just some random people on an Internet forum, so I gravely doubt that Her Majesty, Parliament, the Foreign or Home office would even waste the time to acknowledge an inquiry about us.

So perhaps you see why I was not concerned about your opinion of us here. While I respect the position of many here, and am making changes based on your input, your opinion is not relevant in the long run, we are already recognized, just not in the US, and could care less about recognition in the US, our history was with the UK and the Royal Family, and their opinion is the only one that matters to us.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #69 on: July 30, 2015, 06:46:37 pm »
OMG this guy. "I DARE you to question the Queen herself, mate!"
One of the worst debate tactics available and you totally jump the shark. You are deliberately suppressing your so-called evidence and expect everyone to look at you and see legitimacy? You are toast with beans now, guy.
 ...Long Live the Queen.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.


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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #70 on: July 30, 2015, 07:25:41 pm »
Mr. Laster, I have read what you have posted several times and I am not coming to the same conclusion you have come to.

I must stress, however, that I realize you have only posted certain things here so I may be missing something, but this is what I am getting from your post:

First, you seem to have gotten a form letter from the Queen, brushing you off as nicely as possible.

Second, you applied for dual citizenship to the UK (Multiple citizenship, also called dual citizenship or multiple nationality, is a person's citizenship status, in which a person is concurrently regarded as a citizen of more than one state under the laws of those states.

They responded that "for the purposes of legislation from 1914 (British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914) onwards it did not form part of the UK and Colonies and so birth or residence there would not give a right to British citizenship”.  So, aren't they simply saying that since you were not a part of the UK after 1914, then you cannot be considered for dual citizenship?

Somehow, as a result of the statement from the UK that you do not qualify for dual citizenship, you have taken it as a right for you to stand apart as a "Sovereign Nation" which released you from your "oath of loyalty to the Crown".

I am so glad that the opinion of we "random internet persons" does not matter to you and that you can continue your diplomatic relations with the UK and the Royal Family.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2015, 08:19:58 pm »
It's yet another ploy to feel he's superior in this debate. This undebateable/researchable mystery authority (won't share emails so we can check the veracity of his claim) as well as the "I'm old... and frail... SHAME on you all for attacking me! I came here to HELP you damn Indins" strategy is just that. It's an irrational way to try and "win" the argument.
Sachmo, let me just say you came to the wrong crowd to get sympathy for your plights while holding so strongly to your privilege and debunked claims. Your pathetic attempt to guilt trip the people who have thoroughly and completely dismantles each of our claims in turn is truly in vain. Just like that laughable letter/email you've displayed for us to mock. If I have a rejection letter from Dartmouth, , does that mean I can claim Ivy Leaguer in my title?
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #72 on: July 30, 2015, 08:21:06 pm »
^Crikey. Typo City.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Diana

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Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #73 on: July 30, 2015, 11:01:52 pm »
This will probably be my last post as I don’t have the time to devote defending myself here. No one could hope to keep up with the flood of posts here without devoting considerable time to it, which I do not have.

I took the risk of being labeled a fraud by this group when I came here looking for information, and if that happened, it was a price I was willing to pay for the information I received here. For that you have my thanks.

Regardless of how little or how much Native blood is in my veins, there are some facts this group can not dispute.

Our oral history gave details not found in any history book or published paper that were confirmed by the United Kingdom and Colonial records of Virginia and North Carolina.

What I find funny is many of the claims you made against my native heritage is the same things the Lord Proprietors said to try and steal our land and right of self governance. So from my perspective, you are acting like and saying the same things as the White Privileged English Lords, ironic.

They also claimed that because Whites married into our tribes we were no longer Indian and had no claim to our land or heritage. Seems that and you both do not understand the marriage customs of Eastern Algonquin tribes or the complexities of their history.

Our history said we were Subjects of the Crown and a Sovereign Colony of the Crown with rights of self-governance, and by English common law were considered English citizens with all the rights that entails. That George Durant and the other leaders of Culpepper’s rebellion were our chiefs and headmen and fought for our rights in England and won, but the greedy colonial government of the Lord Proprietors never stopped its efforts to take control of our land.

The UK confirmed that we were in fact Subjects of the Crown and a Sovereign Colony of the Crown with rights of self-governance and common law citizens of England until the citizenship status known as Subjects of the Crown was abolished. The UK confirmed that more than once, that our leaders were arrested by colonial authorities because we refused to acknowledge their control over us, and all charges were dropped by the Crown and our leaders reinstated.

This is also supported by colonial records, as was our contention that George Durant and the others were the Sachems and headmen of our tribes. Durant proudly displayed the name of his tribe on his home and in his business dealings, and his son became the Massasoit Sachem that requested permission from the colonial government to sell our land that we may move west, yet this fact was never recorded by official historians.

And there are many more examples of our oral history that differ form official US histories, that were confirmed by historical records. The historical records confirming our oral history exceeds that of most tribes.

It would be impossible to fabricate a history that differs so much from official accounts, but is confirmed by multiple sources.

If you were familiar with history, you would know the great lengths Virginia and North Carolina went to too erase the history of tribes there, and how the anti-Indian laws forced many into hiding. That so many records still exist confirming our history should tell you something.

Instead you focus on things like us having a story about the 4 Races/4 directions, claiming it rips off your culture. Apparently you are ignorant that the story of the 4 Races/4 directions is not only found among North and South American tribes, but Asian as well.

I admire your zeal to protect your culture, but that same zeal also leads to errors.

Some of the posts I have seen here are expertly researched, logical and well written, others are poorly researched rants, but such a range in ability and temperament is to be expected on any forum. So I don’t hold it against this group, as overall your work to uncover frauds is noteworthy.

I only mention these minor problems because I think there is room for improvement.

Also I am guilty of some of the same narrow-minded ethnic centric views seen here. I know little to nothing about non-Algonquin culture and you know little about us it seems. So I can not fault you too much for judging others based on your limited knowledge of other cultures.

I also want you to know that your time with me has not been wasted, I have taken some of the things you said to heart and will be making appropriate changes.

But the fact that so much of our history has been confirmed shows that our history is based on historical facts. Granted a lot of errors still remain, and I will be consulting the historians of other knowledgeable tribes from the same period and region to try and determine which stories are accurate, and which ones were added or changed latter and are not historically accurate.

So in closing I want to thank you all for your time, help, and yes, even your criticisms. My time here has been both enlightening and educational, well worth my time and any costs to my reputation.

I wish I had more time to spend here and participate on some other threads. Again, thanks for everything and best wishes in your work here. Perhaps I can return at some latter point in time if this old coot lives long enough.

@ Charles Laster, you were warned about posting nonsensical, irrelevant gobbledygook. Stop it, you look like a crazy person. Please post proof of your Indian've had ample time to prove to everyone your background. If you cannot, which we have suspected from day one, please leave. No more "this is my last post", just leave, we are all tired of you. You white people are exhausting.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Re: Charles A. Laster
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2015, 04:08:19 pm »
My reputation was not the one being examined here.

This forum has a reputation, good or bad, depending on whom you ask.

International indigenous organizations like ZoRO, ARNO, KIO and others could use a good resource for finding fraudulent individuals and tribes in North America. Yes I came here for specific reasons, and finding information on specific people that I suspected was only one of them.

We made the perfect test case. Extensively documented and only recently independently verified by the UK, virtually unknown in the US. A history that needed careful examination and time to be verified, even with the resources the UK has.

As is normally the case, this forum is neither good nor bad. It has its strengths and weaknesses.

For individuals with shady legal/business histories as well as most scam artists, you are an excellent resource.

As for unrecognized tribes, each case will probably have to be examined individually, unless we can find a better resource.

Your passion affects your ability to evaluate such cases. My tribal allies and others familiar with us will find this thread quite entertaining no doubt. Your comments are clearly more emotional than rational.

I gave specific names of individuals involved with or case in the UK, and even a date. If you think you have the authority to contact them, then do so. If you’re lucky they will reply, if I am lucky they will give you a lesson in UK law and diplomatic protocol. You are the ones investigating me, the burden of proof is yours, I have nothing to prove anymore.

If you had bothered to do proper research on UK law, you would find that our legal status is no different that hundreds of other tribes who were also Sovereign Subjects of the Crown who received the same treatment as us under UK law.

However again you did not bother to do any proper research, even with me dropping hints. How can your opinion be trusted on those who do not help by dropping so many hints for farther research along the way?

You state the obvious like it was a revelation. Yes I received a form letter the first time I wrote the Her Majesty, I was a nobody with an uncertain claim. Now I receive personalized letters from one of her Majesties Ladies in Waiting. I doubt anyone gets handwritten letter from her.

I guess I could post some photos of them on facebook or something, but I have never needed such attention from others.

So do I have an attitude, yes I probably do.

Am I unconcerned about you opinion of me, yes, in no way can it effect my legal status or my relationship with other tribes who share that legal status with the UK.

I have more than enough information now, I did not think it would happen this quickly however. I really should have stopped posting awhile back, but some of your replies are just too tempting.

Yes we will be using this site as a resource, though I wish it was a better one, it is still very useful.