Author Topic: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"  (Read 255689 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2010, 02:50:52 pm »
Just found these videos about this cult

warning very disturbing content, especially in the 2nd video - some brief topless footage also violent scenes

Also a very interesting thread here, I can't imagine that this has not been posted before but it mentions Biven Mamonta

I feel really sorry for the OP, barry

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2010, 08:49:09 pm »
Just an update

This dangerous fraud is now operating under the name of Kargan Kenesh and running various workshops throughout the US and beyond

His aliases

Nicknames within the cult:

Aliases used outside the cult:
Sri Ganesha
Bes Beloyar
Biven Mamonta
Biven Mamonte
Kargan Kenesh

Email -

His facebook page
Ancient Wisdom Tree

His meetup profile

Twitter account

websites (these are only his personal websites - the cult owns dozens of websites, of which more later)

He and his associates are promoting a number of events aimed at recruiting victims to their dangerous cult where victims are enslaved and abused, some dying of cold or starvation, some being so hungry that they eat grass in an attempt to stay alive.

An example of a recruitment event:


December 28th 2010
Tue 7:00 PM

Who's hosting?
Kargan Kenesh

$999.00 per person

This has to be the best way to spend the most powerful time of the year;


What better way than to be in a place of Big Power of Nature and the elements,
and with a powerful teacher!




If you prepay by 12/21, it is only $999.00 or $1500.00 at the door



Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2010, 09:30:08 pm »
Just for context

a survivor account from an "ashram" is below, translation courtesy of google translate so not the easiest thing to read, but it is important and I would recommend it for this reason.

It is also important to remember that the initial workshops leave people feeling elated and excited and that the aim of all the workshops is to lure victims into giving up all their possessions and abandoning their famines to live on an ashram.

These people are extremely dangerous.  If people give up everything to go and live on an ashram they disappear and are effectively lost, beyond the reach of law enforcement and loved ones.   It is a very, very serious situation.

Anyway, here is the survivor account of life at an ashram.......................................


Very hard to write about it and remember, but still necessary.

At one time I myself was involved in this sect. But the ensuing epiphany me to stop. I want to tell stories about one witness, whom I involuntarily began.

This happened in the "ashram" in autumn 1999 in Perm.

Was among the young sadhaks kind, responsive, obedient boy named Vitali. To form his 20 years-ty, not tall, skinny (even skinny), black short cropped hair is straight, the chin large black mole with hairs. He studied at the School of Medical Sciences in Kiev in the fourth year in March 1999. After another seminar conducted by "School of Shambhala" in Ukraine, he was taken in the "ashram" in Samara (then moved to Perm). In Russia, it has brought the younger "mentor" Katherine.

In the first few months, staying in the ashram, "he praised the Padma (Helen) and strongly encouraged it (pieces from your table), about him always spoke well Soma (Alexander), he had interesting lectures. We were all confident that Vitali will soon go on workshops with mentors.

But soon Vitali began to occur very strange things. He slowly began to "melt" to lose weight (although it was so lean) - looked like a walking skeleton. He was forced to write a letter home that "mentors" have corrected that, everything is smooth. And after a while Vitali is something wrong with his head. Namely, he slowly began to move, his legs began to totter. He began to ramble, and sat with a missing eye or with eyes rolled upward. Becoming completely cut off and no matter what did not react.

This is what we have said many times "mentor", but they are limited to only talking to him and reinforced his podkarmlivaniyami delicious slices. Perhaps, in the hope that his body recover. Although it would be better to send Vitali in another place, or even - to home (like we did with some sadhaks, who also got into such a state, for example. Aleksey). But Vitaly held until recently. Neither the Padma or Manitou or Arjuna, he was there at this time, no one had emergency measures in time, but only after trying to siphon off nearly lifeless body of his. And we sadhaks, were powerless to help him in this situation, though trying, cheering him as he talked with him. We tried to help him, but relied on the "mentors" to "teacher" in their "power" and "knowledge".

But as time went on, and Vitaly became worse and worse. He has not paid any attention to us, and deeper and deeper went somewhere in his world . And then one day during a "dynamic meditation" (dance) Vitali again with the efforts began to dance with us (if you can call it a dance intoxicated by the motion, when it became a place), and passed out again.

We called mentors, they said nothing wrong and did not even come to him, saying that he would get up and we were told not to touch it. Meditation has long ended, and Vitaly all lying, neither alive nor dead. We insisted that measures were taken because he looked like a corpse, but still alive and. It was just awful to even look. Vitali's body lay in an unnatural position for him: with twisted arms and legs - so the person in mind it would be very painful. Its claimed to her mentors (as walking, he could not) and something was done in one day. In this present Constantine (Dharma).

More Vitaly we have not seen. Only accidentally stumbled on his clothes. Judging by her he was stripped completely. What happened to him we do not know. It is unlikely that he could in such a mental state from Perm to get to Ukraine. Maybe he's still alive.

All that happened with this guy "mentor" called "the inevitable transformation" and "necessary" cleansing ". Our confidence in the "school of Shambhala" deteriorated dramatically after such an attitude toward man. After all, his place could be any of us, and not wait for help coming from. "Mentors" are indifferent to the fate and condition of sadhaks. They only care about money and the glitter of "school". Few people know what's going on in their sect. And those who know they want to forget it as quickly as possible.

Probably for this reason they have not told family Vitaly about his fate. They hope that this case be forgotten. After all, the country lost thousands of people every day.

I'd like to believe that he's all right. But there is no assurance that his parents somehow found out about this incident.

Maybe someone from their Vitali, friends or classmates will read this letter. According to describe this place in Perm, where then was "ashram" (now with great confidence we can assume that in this place "ashram" is not):

The city of Perm, in a country house near the forest in the area of semiconductors. The house owners have not lived, and beckons him shot for the "ashram". Close to the railway, river away. Exit the house rests directly in the forest left of the door passing surfaced road, opposite the gate through a dirt road tavern, dug a short, old and rickety. One-story wooden house, the old has a garden, where the hosts harvest in autumn, and we were hiding from them inside the house.
It seems to be a double house and lived behind a wall, some grandmother. She came Padme complained of the noise and the tramp, what happens with us during dynamic meditation, which is why we then completely banned the dance, "that would not attract public attention."
There was a log cabin bath house apart from there you can get through the passage into the courtyard, near the bath tub white city with water on the street, red dog by nature a good mongrel dog.

In this case, were the following sadhaks from Ukraine: Andrew (age 17, a computer he was well acquainted), Alex (age 17, Sochi) - is similar to Narada Muni (an orphan living with his grandmother) and Dimitri (20 years, Ukraine) - a powerful tall guy, a businessman, he once danced with the Ukrainian seminar in a black kimono and hit the "ashram" in autumn 1999, one. Valentin (20 years), that too with Ukraine to give up, he is wild. Its up to Vitali, violent somewhere forcibly taken. He is not tall, Kripen'ka, blond, light-eyed). It also happened in the city of Perm, but in another house which was the "ashram" to the case with Vitali. Written about him sadhak Sergey on your site. Valentin, Alex, Andrew - hit the "ashram" immediately after the Sochi workshop in late summer 1999. Of those who were present at the incident are now in a "school" to "mentor" go to: Hleb and Dharma (Constantine).

You know us, to sadhaka belonged in the ashram as a cattle free a slave. force, and it is not surprising that the roof slid many. What's going on there - a shame for the people! In prison, and it is better to refer to the prisoners, than here in the ashram. " The purpose of the "Ashram" is not perfect, and doing of the people obedient robots that are easy to manage (covering it, so that "you are the conductors of divine power"). What a divine power? If people of this force with his head badly to become. Simply erased from the human personality and make a rag, wipe his feet on that first "junior teachers," and then "elders" that they want something and do, covering it will "divine power", "cleansing of Karma."

Much can tell about the horror and ugliness that went on in this "school".

We have no confidence in him and to those who are with them. Look, in this "school" all complicit in the money and power. There zombiruyutsya people that would make it easier to remove from their chips (both monetary and human).

source: (in original Russian language)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 12:57:52 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2010, 11:04:05 am »
Just an update re videos from this group of criminals on youtube

They are promoting a male "shaman" in the below video in South American territories

I do not know who he is but people in Mexico and other South American territories need to be aware of him and that he is representing an extremely dangerous group involved in serious crimes

The below video is advertising an upcoming event in Spain.  If you are familiar with this criminal network you will recognise the various themes that they promote, tantra, yoga, shamanism, heavy eye make up in an ancient Egyptian style, plus the youtube channel is astrokarate - one of their buzz words (a fake martial art that is mean to give you supernatural powers)

The below video is advertising a spirchul event in Lithuania - this is definitely the same criminal network

On another of their youtube channels (they have many) they are promoting tours to Altia with videos like this

The below youtube channel features the network's representative in Denmark Irina Bjørnø

Her facebook page is here

This woman seems like a very nice lady from her youtube channel, which appears to quite unremarkable and concerned primarily with natural skin care and cosmetics.  All I can say is that this network and other similar networks are extremely interested in skin care and natural cosmetics for reasons I will not go into here at this point.

It is also clear to me that like many cults, this network has many layers to it.  There are definitely serious criminals involved in running things, however there are blurred boundaries between victims and perpetrators in that many victims are effectively brainwashed and believe that they are helping people by recruiting them.  

An example of this is in the cult's business dealings regarding franchising and working with other businesses and new age gurus and leaders

this link (I have broken it and would advise anyone checking it out to use a proxy) explains things

http://www.geocities  .ws/golden_altai/en/t00/500-organizer_opportunities.html

Under "fair use" I have copied the text from the link below

Opportunities for Organizers, Instructors, and Distributors
Recruiting Instructors to UniverSynergy Arts
Thank you for caring about the condition of the world, happiness of people, and for wanting to learn ways to make life better for everybody.
We are glad to hear you are dedicated to helping people achieve personal improvement, health, happiness, and success.
By helping us spiritually enlighten people, you help to prepare the world for the next great evolutionary breakthrough for humanity. Now is a time of great awakening. The world needs you.
Working together with individuals and organizations, we expect to improve the lives of millions of people, and thereby improve the world, using the power of UniverSynergy.
Currently we have seminars and classes in Europe, Asia, Australia, and America. Our international headquarters is located in the beautiful Altai Mountains of central Asia.
You have a great opportunity to improve the world by becoming a UniverSynergy Arts instructor, seminar organizer, area coordinator, or a Master Teacher of Golden Altai.
Below are just a few of the opportunities available to you.
UniverSynergy Arts Paths to Success
There are three basic ways to achieve success as an instructor with Golden Altai UniverSynergy Arts. Your path will depend on the choices you make.
 Method 1
Become a Seminar Organizer and learn at the seminars you organize. You can earn money by organizing seminars, while learning many secrets of UniverSynergy free of charge.
After you have learned special techniques and knowledge from the Masters who teach at your seminars, you may become qualified to instruct in those areas of expertise that you have learned.
Following this path, you may become a Master Teacher — combining your seminar experience with advanced training.
Method 2
Become a Distributor of educational materials. You can distribute Golden Altai UniverSynergy Arts educational materials by warehousing and selling books, music, videos, and correspondence courses.
You would be responsible for accepting and sending orders around the region, state, or several states where you live.
With this method, you will be able to earn money while you learn the secrets of UniverSynergy Arts.
Method 3
Become a Master Teacher through extensive training. This involves passing the 24 steps of training, including individual training with the Masters of Golden Altai, after which you will receive a certificate and be qualified as an instructor of UniverSynergy Arts.
It is possible to become a Master Teacher irrespective of the level of your abilities now, if you have the will to invest the time and resources required to complete the training.
After you receive your certificate, you may go worldwide on behalf of the Academy as an instructor, training people with the knowledge you have learned.

Contact Us for More Information and to Sign Up
For further details, it is necessary to send an inquiry letter or email to the Golden Altai UniverSynergy Arts staff. Please include a recent photo of yourself, and the exact time, date, and place of your birth.

Thank you for caring about the future happiness of the people of the world. We love you and pray for you and hope that you will find all the love, happiness and success you seek.
~Golden Altai UniverSynergy Arts staff~

Are you part of an organization that could benefit from having UniverSynergy Arts Seminars for your group, or would like to join with us in organizing or sponsoring Seminars, Conventions, Festivals, and/or Celebrations?

Follow this path to Synergy with other Organizations.

The above text may explain why this network is spreading so rapidly in some territories.

Please note that the website is published in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Italian languages, reflecting their targeted demographic.

It has been said before, but I will say it again, this group is extremely dangerous and members should not be approached or contacted in person.  

« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 11:31:54 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2010, 02:31:21 pm »
A website in French language starring Chekes Rada AKA Master Chekes AKA Soledad Chekes

Lots of appropriated imagery.  Same old BS re pseudo-tantra, fake shamanism etc.

This female seems to be quite a senior person in this network and travels extensively in the US, South America and Europe

here she is in the US

Fortunately not many people seem to be attending her seminars  8)

Let's hope we can keep it that way.  This poison cannot be allowed to spread

A video of her speaking in English

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2010, 02:17:57 pm »
While the alleged alien from Sirius and apparent heroin addict Konstantin Rudnev appeared to be the leader of this sect / criminal network for some years, the cult has for some time now been promoting a different guru, Avtandil Lomsadze , as its leader

I have broken the links here for security purposes as this is a dangerous group

the original text is in Russian but I will copy some of it under Fair Use, using google translate

Avtandil Lomsadze is an outstanding man of our time. He has the nature of the unique telepathic abilities, and if desired can perceive thoughts and components of any person and any process in any of the languages of the world, at any distance. His natural talent he perfected in India have the highest teacher and became a Raja Yogi, which is expressed in the maximum development of his psychic and psycho-energy opportunities, challenges beyond the materialistic, scientific understanding and explanation. In the former USSR Avtandil Lomsadze experienced the elements of coercion in its use telepiticheskogo gift.

 Strong organizations such as the KGB and the Ministry of Defence of the USSR, and which contributed to his intense training in India, it was clear that another such man - a man endowed with such abilities - our contemporary - did not exist.

 However, due to its changed after training philosophy in India Avtandil Lomsadze refused to cooperate with intelligence agencies.

 Avtandil Lomsadze reserved the right to a credo that is associated with the philosophy of Raja Yoga: Do not use his powers for selfish purposes, does not affect a person against his will, showing their possible within certain limits, A. Lomsadze always takes into account the limits of human perception psyche is not yet explainable by science phenomena.

 Avtandil Lomsadze - is a unique person who is a great healer and can heal all diseases, including AIDS, cancer, anemia, pneumonia and other incurable terrible for the human disease!

 He is also an enlightened person and a very high teacher who is able to provide each person seeking the path of his spiritual development.

 He has unique abilities: telepathy, hypnosis and so many other Siddhas, who are assigned the highest yogis. But he uses these powers only in order to help people in their lives!

 This unique man also wants to help children. Now he opened schools   for the harmonious development of children, where every child from three years under his leadership will be able to develop, improve and identify their abilities and inclinations, become a real man who will develop in himself all the talents, all quality!

 And, most importantly, become self-sufficient and happy, not subject to the influence exerted by people on the evils of society such as drug addiction, alcoholism and other unpleasant effects!

 Avtandil Lomsadze able to protect from disease in children and adults!

 We are very sorry that the recent attacks on the method of the clergy have intensified. We have to warn you about this and give you the opportunity to make their choice.

 In this section we place the materials published on the website of the Centre "Tibet." Anyone wishing to go through the healing of Avtandil Lomsadze can send letters to:

more here
http://www.galatreya. ru/counsels/rituals/avtandil/

the cult is also promoting Osho, although this is probably in the hope of recruiting and ensnaring the various Osho followers worldwide who are already sold on the idea of "free love" and spiritual devotion to a guru

Page about Osho here
http://www.galatreya  .ru/counsels/archives/osho/

Page promoting women to discover their "inner goddess" (translation - learn how to be a drug addicted sex slave) here
http://www.galatreya  .ru/planet/

the text on this page leads to the website for the "school of goddesses" website here

http://www.ladyworld  .ru/

The site is in Russian language so here is a google translation of the text
"School of Cleopatra: The Art of seduction, sexuality and magnetism

What is the secret of "great women"? Those whose names are entered into the history and whose lovely legs bowed kings, chiefs, warriors, heroes, wealthy and influential men of the world? What makes them stand out among the millions of women - only if exceptional external data? No, no, no!
"School of Cleopatra" reveals the secrets of authentic "women's art." You will learn how to find a something that will make you exceptional in the eyes of men. Cleopatra, the great seductress, actress lives in every woman - you just find the key to the magic room, where she was waiting for my meeting with you. And to those who deserve it gorgeous charms.

On our site you can subscribe to our correspondence on-line course.

All training materials on the topics:

Relationship with a partner
Harmonious family, children
Sexual relations
The art of feminine charm
Youth, beauty, health
Career, Business
The harmony of inner peace ...
If you want to know:

How to become a most desirable for your vote
How to regain and maintain a passionate relationship in the family
How to gain material wealth
How to become a mother of a genius child
How to give a perfect education for children
and much more
subscribe to on-line lessons you can learn on our site. To do this, make payment of fees in correspondence school of 100 rubley.Pervy course (first 6 lessons) for convenience will be sent to you via email. The other lessons you can learn sequentially, going under your personal password, which will be sent to you at the time of registration, the site .

To pay for distance learning , you need to convert 100 rubles. on account 41001616720395  in the system " Yandex ". This can be done in several ways:

Transferring money from the payment systems in Internet
Cash terminal
Through ATMs
At service stations Unistream
Through a system of "CONTACT"
Via bank transfer
Do not forget to inform us on making the amounts and at the bottom of the pay info

Details of the transfer of money to Yandex and find your nearest payment point here .

More information on the site Yandex http://money.

When you register  http://www.ladyworld   .ru/account/register  site do not forget to tick the box "payments already made"

After making payment, you will get unique on its own values and exposed materials, as well as individual counseling, wise advice and answers to your questions during training ...

And all this will enable this:
" A clear sunny morning, I met him - a man of my dreams!
It was him - smart, rich, strong, unusual and true!
Around him was a huge number of women at me, he never even looked up!
How many days and nights I spent in suffering from unrequited love!
I envy those women, bright and beautiful, with whom he met!
I was their complete opposite and did not know what to do!
And then a miracle happened - I hit the "School of Cleopatra!" It was for me the true salvation.
Beautiful women have taught me clearly, creatively and beautifully painted, is always impressive and tasteful dress. I began to look "at all 100%" even when she was home alone.
Thanks to the women's magic, I had become a delightful queen! I did not recognize myself! My view has become a strong, fascinating, sure!
Oh, miracle! Man of my dreams, my love of unusual, he saw me!
I have not even had time to understand how, but he was at my feet with a huge bouquet of orchids in your hands! His eyes shone with unusual depth, love and understanding, he said: "I finally found you, my love, my Goddess!
I smiled enigmatically and confident thought: "Yes, I am the Goddess, but as I began it - it's my biggest secret."
For me the world has opened up new horizons, new entry and unusual experiences. We are together - the man of my dreams and I, our relationship of mutual understanding and the sacraments.
"The goddess is not born, they become!"

School of Women's Wisdom

To date, the education system in our country does not imply any courses designed to teach male and female nature. And this is very bad. Maybe timely lessons femininity would help avoid many of life's problems. Women's Wisdom , which is passed by our grandmothers and mothers, based, like the vast majority of women, the fears, prejudices and illusions. That is why, very often we enter adulthood, are not fully representing what laws there are.

The nature of women is quite unique compared with the male essence. However, very few women realize their true feminine nature, and hence themselves. Women's domestic aspirations and needs are different as well, however, modern society does not account for these qualitative differences. Constant struggle for gender equality and, thus, an attempt to "break" the nature, led to a breach of internal harmony. Lost inner balance, a woman can not live a full, happy life. Our lessons femininity help you keep in touch with their nature. Women's wisdom can not copy the behavior of men, losing their inner strength, which is the greatest mystery woman. Unravel this mystery, a woman will receive a unique opportunity to gain power over their own lives. But every woman is capable of doing that? Undoubtedly, yes! In this you will help our school female wisdom .

Additionally :
1. Women's secrets.
2. Full map lessons .

Please, please be careful about contacting anyone from this network.  They like to hide behind websites and harvest personal data such as emails and addresses so that they can manipulate, use and abuse people.  I would strongly advice anyone checking out these websites to use a proxy server.

They have similar websites targeted at Spanish and Portuguese speaking populations. I will provide more information re this soon.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 02:26:56 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2010, 07:17:38 pm »
Just a few links (I have broken them all so please paste in your proxy browser) to show the size of this network

Spanish website with actual address (extremely unusual - this is the only real life address I have for these people)
http://aharata  .es/hwdcourses/144.html

Golden Altai Academy School
c / Corsica 286 - 1

offering classes in

Siberian Yoga
Art of Goddesses
Siberian Shamanism
Spiritual Healing
Esoteric Astrology
Siberian Tantra
Orphic: Arts Magic
Indigo Children
Magic business
Esoteric Psychology

website for Mexican entity (lots of clear photos of cult VIPs in the gallery section)

http://www.aharata  .es/mexico/

This is a blog belonging to the same network.
http://theartofbeingfeminine.blogspot  .com

sample text from the home page
How to make a man fall in love with you. Become a feminine, womanly, mysterious & ideal woman. Learn the Feminine arts™. Be more beautiful, attractive, seductive, charming & successful. Ultimate femininity. Fascinating womanhood. Attract high status men & alpha guys. Free dating, relationship, marriage ebooks. Beauty tips. Seduction advice for women. Geisha, courtesan & seductress secrets. Online Charm, Elegance & Finishing School Lessons. Steps to being a lady.

Basically it exists as a tool for the collection of personal and compromising data from potential victims and ultimately for recruitment into the cult and thus into slavery.

The bloggers provide no information about themselves in real life, no contact details.  Potential "students" are invited to provide lots of information about themselves including sensitive information that could identify them and their location to the cult.

Anyone taking the time to read the content of the blog will quickly ascertain that there is something not right about this.

Subjects taught via podcasts and PDF documents once you register your details and pay include:

How to Get Rid of a Female Rival
High Society Secrets - and Tips on How to Marry a Rich Man
Getting a Man to Fall For You Using Seductress, Geisha and White Tigress Secrets
Fascinating Womanhood
Seduction Secrets for Women
The Modern Geisha
How to Get a Man to Marry You
The Best Ways Of Influencing Men

source  (scroll down)

All verha spirachul I'm sure.  

More to follow when I have a moment

« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 09:13:32 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2010, 09:48:42 am »
Just some links to the fake shamanism events that this dangerous group is organising

Please note that the organisers of the groups change their names as often as they change their clothes so if I use a name and the link gives a different name, this will be the reason why.

Also the VIP members have started to use artwork to represent themselves instead of of photos.  Also they have started to refer to unnamed shamans (see the blurb below).  Obviously they are feeling the heat of this exposure, which is great.  

Scientific Shamanism: Bringing Back the Traditions
Understanding The Science, Myths, Traditions and Power of Shamanism

In all shamanic traditions, there is underlying, deep knowledge that, in the past, was transmitted directly from a shaman to a student - not only through the journey - but also through oral teachings, energy and understanding for self-development.

There are many students of shamanism today and there are few powerful and true shamans.  And the time spent with these masters, who mostly live outside of the USA, is a rare gift and one most of us cannot do in our every day lives.

But there is a science within the magic of journeys: concepts and knowledge that can be taught and understood – away from the diluted teachings and empty rituals – to understand what the power of shamanism is and why.  And through these teachings, learn to go deeper into the knowledge and thus the journey and development of shamanic abilities.  Through this knowledge, shamanism is an art that everyone can use.

Through shamanism, you can learn how to connect to your individual path, how to be successful in your life, how to avoid mistakes and become more conscious and powerful in our lives.  To understand “Who Am I?”.

Through these teachings and the science of the knowledge of shamanism, you can understand:

§  The different forms of our consciousness and how shamans studied:

o   Awakened States

o   Dream States

o   Changed States

o   Higher States

o   Shifting the Point of Perception

o   Principles of the expansion of consciousness.

§  The beliefs, development and concepts of shamanism.

§  The inherent differences of traditions from all over the world at their core.

§  The role of the keepers of the traditions.

§  Cleaning off the ritualistic shrouds that many lineages use to create subterfuge.

§  Why the traditional of passing the lineage to a family member is disappearing.

§  What is trance and what is conscious trance

§  Methodical approaches to the journey

§  How to journey safely

§  Why some shamans use herbs for power: do we need to use them or not?

§  What is “spirit” in the science of shamanism

We will use science and clear understanding to understand the essence and universe of shamanic knowledge, power, journey and practice.  Through these teachings, pure knowledge is restored and principles of the traditions of shamanism can be grasped and understood.  Through this, we can begin to incorporate shamanic principles into our daily life.

This meetup will be taught by a sociologist who has traveled all over the world studying and learning about the different cultures of shamanism and ancient civilizations.  He has studied in Siberia, Mexico, Amazonia, Patagonia and Tibet.  He is also a practicing Shaman.


Earth Spirits: Shamanism and Nature
Shamanism is the oldest earth and spirit medicine: it touches that place within us that moves powerfully through time and space, and exists beyond the realm of civilized understanding.  Shamanism connects us to the spirit of all things. It is the world without words - it is the place where our souls speak their own unique language. It is the place our ancestors walked to find the essence within themselves and the elemental nature of all things. It is the place where illusion gives way to truth and transformation and at the end of our journey - the power within us.

This meetup is for everyone.  You don't have to have any previous shamanic experience - only an openness to explore and learn.  You will be guided by very powerful and compassionate teachers.

In this meetup, we will connect to the wisdom of shamanism throughout cultures, across continents and back to the beginning of time. Learn about trance through dancing, drumming, singing as well as playing shamanic instruments. We will learn the geography of the subtle worlds, the intentions of journeys to different worlds (past, future, earth and the world without time) and the possibilities of healing, learning, journeying and shifting consciousness.

We will also use more modern techniques of dance, singing, and divination to find answers to the questions of our purpose, how to empower our love life and relationships, how to cleanse issues related to negative and dense energies, as well as how to learn about power.

Through shamanism, we will open our creative abilities and our own individual song.  We will find our power animals and creating lasting bonds, and find within ourselves the gifts and talents waiting to be awoken.  We will cleanse away old patterns and behaviors through healing journeys that obstruct the deepest essential nature of each of us and find within ourselves the gifts and talents waiting to be awoken.  

Another important aspect of shamanism is protection.  In this series of lectures and study, we will use different practices from toltec wisdom, siberian shamanism, etc., to create stronger energy fields and energetic shape-shifting, for concealing and camouflaging our signature energetic beings and protecting from negative influences and attacks.

In this meetup, we will have different shamans, mostly from the Siberian tradition, come and teach different aspects of knowledge and take different journeys.

Shamanism is the wisdom, from the beginning time of man, that can not be forgotten - it is simply a part of our being.  It is the purest form of medicine in the world today.  It is a way to knowing - a natural state of being.


Please note that one of the co-organisers of the above event (today she is called Venus - tomorrow who knows?) has a profile page here

This female (possibly "master Chekes") also runs the following groups that I believe are fronts for recruitment into sex trafficking

Empowerment Practices for Women and Young Women
Welcome SHAKTI Goddesses

All of us have within us goddesses.  In spiritual practice, it is called the "way of perfection". We have within us, SHAKTI, the energy that birthed the universe. We have feminine power and strength.  We have the ability to attract exactly what we need to fulfill us.  We have to power to make extraordinary choices – not only because we have self-love and know what will make us happy, but because the choices presented to us in our lives are perfect for us.  How many of us feel badly about some aspect of ourselves - or multiple aspects?  Maybe we would like to accomplish more.  Or we cannot attract that which we are attracted to.  Or we want to make changes in our lives but find we don’t have the time, power or courage to do it.  Or we know we could do more – be more – become more. In today's culture, we are barraged by media telling us we are imperfect.  We face judgment in our daily lives: not only from our culture and media, but sometimes friends, bosses, companions and figures of authority. And we take these negative statements, judgments, diminishing comments deep within ourselves and then we create a chain of reactions.  We were told we were not beautiful, so we don't express our powerful femininity.  Or we were told we were not smart so we join book clubs and mensa to prove we are, all of our lives.  And the funny thing is – everyone IS smart and beautiful – in their own unique way.  We are told, and shown it is a man's world and the way to succeed is to be better than men - at a man's game.  But this is not using our greatest abilities to their maximum potential.  And sometimes, when someone could have loved us, and opened our hearts, they yelled, or acted jealous, or angry, and instead of deepening our experience, we closed ourselves to love. There are many things that we face in our every day lives.  We have either experienced these things or witnesses them in those we love. 1.      Disconnection from our feminine nature which is sensuality, connection, community, communication, beauty, creativity, compassion and love.  We are the home of the heart. 2.     Low self-esteem & self worth.  We are bombarded every day with messages we are not perfect the way we are, or that we can be improved by buying, changing or upgrading something outside of us.  The real work is to change how we feel about ourselves and empower ourselves.  And also to unveil the goddess we were born to be.  Our unique and individual beauty. 3.     Our lives become patterns of obligations, tasks and duties and we forget how to be a sensual and empowered woman.  You are stressed and tired all the time. 4.    In the workplace we are oppressed by the glass ceiling and the corporate structure created by men and to their nature.  Every wonder why it feels so hard to do it the man’s way? 5.     We don’t meet good men – our equals.  Or if we do, we do not attract them.  Or worse... we give away our time, energy and personal power. 6.     Stuck in destructive patterns: dating the wrong guy, eating the wrong foods, or hurting (self-sabotaging) ourselves in one or more areas of our lives. 7.     Or do you find yourself unable to control negative emotions: Jealousy, sorrow, anger, apathy, envy, grief, fear, hatred, shame, blame, regret, resentment, passive aggressive behaviors, loneliness, feeling unlovable, ?  There are things we can heal - we were not born with these emotions and we can remove them from our lives – whether they are within us or we are attracting them.  8.     Negative thoughts can also keep us from becoming our essential selves:  we are inferior, insulted, offended, criticized, reprimanded, threatened, abused, cheated, judged, punished, disillusioned, discouraged, manipulated, rejected, left out, invisible, powerless, obligated etc.  The list goes on forever.  If you think, “I will do that” and feel inspired, and then several moments later, another thought comes and replaces it, and you don’t follow though with the thought – and with it goes the joy and inspiration, then this is something to overcome. 9.     Health - the basics: choosing a healthy lifestyle, eating well, following through with exercise, and cleansing of acquired toxins, etc.  Having not only the desire to have right living, but to have the will to do it. 10.  Beauty: This is an especially difficult subject: to be beautiful or not – whether this diminishes us or whether it is our natural gift to reveal.  And it nature, beauty if empowered and brought from the essence is timeless.   All of us were born to manifest our highest selves: as women, as men, as children, and live in our abundance.  We were all also given tasks (the essential jewel of who we are) to do and obstacles to overcome.  When you begin the journey of healing, overcoming and becoming, and creating higher emotions, thoughts and health, everything starts to be exactly when, where and how it is supposed to be. So in these classes, we will explore many aspects of our personal development.  We will learn the Art of Being a Woman – whatever woman we are meant to be – each of us individually.  We will learn to create ourselves as we want to be and as we were meant to be: beautiful, empowered, loving, abundant and at peace on the inside, and through this journey, manifesting it on the outside.  We will renew and rejuvenate ourselves, and create more vitality and energy.  We will heal the things that do not serve our purposes.  We will explore our inner landscape and through transformation of those things that do not empower us, we will change the world around us: in our relationships, our work, our communities, and the world. The world needs us to love ourselves and spread this love, bountifully to other souls. HOW WE WILL BEGIN THIS JOURNEY: We will choose the most healing and beautiful locations in the San Francisco areas and create a circle, a family and begin the teachings. We will use the practices from Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, The School of Cleopatra, Priestess practices from Temples from all over the world, and a form of energetic karate called “Aharata (which cleanses, strengthens and protects us), and TANTRA to create ourselves as our most magnificent, powerful, beautiful, healthy, loving and perfect beings in our full glory.




NYC Goddesses
We are a network of vibrant women who crave community and a supportive atmosphere while navigating through our personal paths in life, love, spirituality, work, health, wealth, and everything in between.

Meetings are open forums where newcomers are always welcome. The topics range from transformational workshops, to dance or movement classes, to social gatherings, and more - so pick one that feels right for you and share your Goddessness with us!



The I AM WOMAN Movement is….

a) Moving our culture to reconnect with our feminine essence: Culture of celebration, support and honoring feminine essence: Bring women together from all walks of life to celebrate, feminine essence: Bringing together women celebrating feminine essence by creating a culture to support and honor

b) Movement is inspiring women to open to their highest potential by building communities of support and providing women with real tools and knowledge in how to develop in every aspect of her life and providing practical tools and knowledge to help women develop in every aspect of their lives.

c) Umbrella to amplify the voice and leadership of women in creating a harmonious society, taking us in a new direction.

What: Cultural movement based in celebrating feminine essence a)giving women practical knowledge and tools on how to reconnect and empower ourselves to live healthy, balanced, joyful and successful lives. Women’s empowerment through feminine essence. B) amplifying the voice of women’s leadership in ushering in new era through networking and building partnerships, creating an umbrella

Where: All over the country and especially major cities: Videoconferences and teleseminars, National Events and Festival Spring 2012

When: Now!!!

Why: need for women to discover their power, independence , self-love and become empowered to lead in all aspects of life and society. Had political and economic movements but forgot the essence of being a woman, where our real power lies. This is the power of beauty, sensuality, flexibility, communication, harmony and peace. Needed more than ever today to take our society in a new direction. Platform needed to bring all those together who are engaged in women’s leadership work and amplify the voice while bringing more and more women in.

How: Cultural Celebrations, Workshops, Conferences, House Parties, On-line Gatherings, National Events and National Festival: Networking, Working in Partnerships


« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 09:50:37 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2010, 10:41:52 am »
One of the plastic shamans being promoted by this group goes by the name of Master Perun

He is an ethic Russian and definitely not any kind of shaman

He runs workshops on tantra as well as on Siberian shamanism

an example of a past event on 22nd July 2010 at the Yoga Society of San Francisco, 2872 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Meeting with a Modern Master of Ancient Wisdom
The evening of July 22nd, we are honored to welcome and present a Master of Spiritual knowledge from Altai, Siberia.

In most cultures, the men and women who achieve this level of spiritual develop are sequestered in temples and monasteries, their knowledge and empowerments not available to the general public. But times are changing. We are fortunate that this Master will come and share esoteric knowledge transformed for modern times.

He is an initiated master of Shamanism, Tantra, Raja Yoga, Aharata, the Art of Goddess, Orphics (enlightenment through creative practices), and Altay Tibetan Healing. He travels the world transmitting knowledge for the emancipation of all people.

The subject of this talk will be an introduction to spiritual wisdom as it relates to our everyday lives: health, prosperity, relationships, karma, the principles of feminine and masculine energies / power, destiny, past lives, and how to protect ourselves from negative and unwanted energies of other people and situations.

These masters are sent to us so that we may connect to our purpose in life: To see our past so we may be free of it and live today, in this moment, empowered and with grace. They show us the places where we live in ways that do not serve our best selves and are able to show us our personal work, in this time, in our lives so we may change our circumstance in all aspects: relationships with others (both as significant others, as well as family, friends, bosses), our careers, and our health. It is the journey of learning and loving ourselves unconditionally and with confidence, abundance and in harmony with all - other beings, the environment & the universe.

I hope you will be able to attend this special introductory event to meet and experience a modern mystic master.



also see

May 20th, 2010 @ yabyummy (yab yummy is an interesting website)
Shamanic Tantra w/ Master Perun
Siberian Shamanism, a 40,000 year old tradition, teaches that Shamanism and Tantric come from the same source of knowledge and have common roots in experiential knowing, rather than through words. In this open presentation, Master Perun will explain the connection between Siberian Shamanism and Tantra, a body of knowledge and practice that is growing in importance and popularity.

Specifically we will discuss:
Why sexual energy in shamanism is considered the ‘material’ to build your body of dreams and the source of mystical journeying
How the energy of the ‘dreaming body’ becomes sexual and therefore enslaves you to this world, and how you can liberate this energy
How to free your sexual energy in order to access your dreams and access the different worlds of the past and future
How by controlling your energy, you can consciously travel in your dreams and influence your life through your dreams
Explanation of the Special tradition of Oiami –or Spirits-lovers- in the tradition of ancient Siberian Shamans
In this open presentation, Master Perun will transmit knowledge and practices that will be practiced at length during an intensive weekend seminar from June 5th-6th in San Diego. For more information on the weekend seminar please contact

We Welcome you with Love and Power!
We invite you to register by clicking on the register button above.


"Mater Perun" has travelled all over the Americas selling his eclectic brand of pseudo-tantra combined with pseudo-shamanism. It is important that people at risk of recruitment into this cult / trafficking network recognise him and take care to avoid him

You can see videos of him here

and here

another VIP recruiter is a man who goes by the name of Severny Olen although he uses various aliases

You can see a very clear video of him here

also here is a video of Biven Mamonta aka Kargan Kenesh, possibly the highest ranked person in the network

Be very, very careful of these people.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2011, 02:28:46 pm »
I don't know if we have any Norwegian people here but this network has popped up there also

Here we have a "shaman" called Lada along with Soledad (aka Chekes Rada aka Master Chekes)

20. - 22. november 2009 - Harstad

Velkommen til Harstad
Soledad & Lada

Sted: Speiderhuset i Folkeparken

Soledad: Psychologist, healer and shaman.
Lada: One of the keepers of the tradition from the
Mystical Belovodye, the land of the White Waters,
to which she has been connected through 9 generations.

Sted: Speiderhuset i Folkeparken.
Pris: kr. 3.200,-
Påmelding: Innen mandag 16. november til
Tove Laukli, tlf 957 49 700

About the seminar: When a person is developing himself and is healthy, he can find his ideal partner, he can have success in his life and can attract harmony in his relationships. For this reason, the main purpose of a person is to be healthy and strong, mentally and emotionally.

Actually people separate so much from their natural state of health and vitality that it is even considered normal to have digestive problems, headaches, allergies, body pains. We think that it is normal to lose the health by the time; to loose memory, mental abilities and flexibility. Lately we can also see an increase in many diseases attacking people of all ages because their immunologic system is weak and depending on medicines. The self-regulation and strength of the body is lost. Many mothers don’t know how to carry on a pregnancy to give birth to healthy children, so more and more, since their conception, human is directed to a weak health. To be healthy is the basis of development, to have good relationships, to create. If we feel good, if our mind is clear, our body is light, vital and healthy and we have energy to direct to our goals.

Lada will be giving diagnosis, 10 - 15 minutes long, each person will receive precise information about the state of their chakra system and energetic level. Sometimes she also does a forecast of the possible problems the person might face in the future and she gives advises so that the person will be able to deal with them.

In the consultations of 1 hour, the person has the possibility to ask about any issue he is concerned about; about family, close ones or other things. He will receive support and deep advises. He might also receive special exercises to be able to solve the difficult situations in which he stands now or in the close future.

Practice after the seminar - system of exercises that:
 Rise up the immunologic system, the flexibility and longevity of the body.
 Improve the work of the intestines, increase the respiratory capacity and help to keep the ideal weight of the body (some people lose weight).
 Unite the work of right and left hemisphere, body and spirit, giving serenity and connection with our essence, who we really are.
Can be done by people of all ages and conditions

is a healer and international teacher of the School of the Goddesses, has often appeared on mass media in America and Spain, to speak about the new feminine awakening. Soledad has dedicated many years to her development in the Altay mountains as well as to the study and practice of ancient traditions such as Chinese medicine, Taoism, Astrology and Shamanism. She has a degree in Psychology from PUCC Brazil. Over the last seven years she has taught in more than 15 countries, training therapists as well as helping create women circles across the five continents.

Lada is one of the keepers of the tradition from the Mystical Belovodye, the land of the White Waters, to which she has been connected through 9 generations. In reality, these lands still have their own living guardians, who have been keeping the wisdom and the practices to open strong internal powers throughout time. Lada is one of those magical people with the power to transmit the knowledge for Humanity both for her immeasurable power and through the great Love in her Heart. Since she was a little girl she healed people, indeed day after day her talent was growing. She has obtained the abilities to heal the most difficult diseases, to liberate people from problems and lifelong sufferings, improving their destiny and finding their highest predestination.

Many people were searching for these miraculous sources,
but earlier they could not be revealed.
Now is the time when people in all parts of the world face many difficult situations. So now is the precise moment to reveal, use this knowledge and create a harmonic and happy life. For this reason Lada has received permission to bring the sacred knowledge and the power of the spirits to people in Europe. A whole team is working together with her and Soledad to enable people in Norway to receive the help they want to transfer to each person.

Soledad also pops up at another event in October 2009 alongside Silverbird

I'm just wondering if this is the same Silverbird as if the Frauds section?

The shameon Lada also pops up in Chile

In France

You can just see Lada in her distinctive headdress 3.56 - 4.15  and 4.28 - 4.45 minutes in to this PR video produced by the network. It was filmed in the Altai mountains and as you can see there are many customers for this fake ceremony. They probably all have a great time and you have to wonder how many will be seduced by the cult and go on to live on ashrams as slaves.

The above video is worthy of scrutiny as several of the female recruiters can be seen in it, more on that when I have more time

« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 02:30:26 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2011, 07:04:31 pm »
some more links re this network in Mexico

Aharata Queretaro (not his real name - the "Aharata" prefix is common to cult VIPs) -active in Mexico and probably other territories also.

Altai Fuente de Vida (facebook page for the cult in Mexico - not sure which individual this is)

Aharata Xalapa - (not sure who this is but it is a female operating in Mexico linked to a photography studio - Eva Habibi Studio)

Eva Habibi - (female possibly photographer specialising in belly dance / burlesque photos, active in Mexico and possibly other territories)

Laxshmi Natyam - (not her real name - Laxshmi is a Hindu deity associated with monetary good fortune - female oriental dancer / recruiter operating in Mexico, Spain, t he US and possibly other territories also)
Photos of this woman are on the FB wall, some examples

Arte de la Diosa Mèxico - Art of Goddesses Mexico (front for recruitment into the sex industry / enslavement via classes in how to be a goddess/ geisha / courtesan / shakti)

Helideé Belovodye - female not her real name (Belovodye is a word used for both the cult and cult members) - active in Mexico, Spain, the US and other territories - Recruiter via various workshops on shamanism, arts of the goddesses, dietary advice, astrokarate, oriental dance and "magic make up" workshops.

Some of the above people - while acting as recruiters and therefore dangerous - are themselves victims, have been effectively brainwashed and may believe that they are helping people by recruiting them.

Networks like this - and there are others -  typically control members' access to information very strictly, so that the majority of recruiters have no idea about the worst abuses that new recruits will be subjected to.

New age entrepreneurs with existing "followers" could in theory take a workshop run by this network, incorporate it into their menu of spirchul offerings and start to promote the network via the franchising scheme (linked to in an earlier post), and genuinely have no idea about the terrible conditions in the ashrams or about the history of this network.

From the testimonies of escapees and survivors of this network on the Russian website it would appear that many of the female recruiters are mentally ill or otherwise vulnerable, some of the younger females having been indoctrinated whilst minors, one example here:

People like Chekes Rada the Shameon Lada, Master Perun and especially Biven Mamonta appear to be relatively high up in the food chain, however I suspect that the real monsters pulling the strings and raking in the huge amounts of money that are being made are staying well out of the limelight. The puppet masters will almost certainly include corrupt cops, corrupt public officials and organised criminal and trafficking networks in Russia, the Ukraine and Mexico which are the territories where they appear to be most active in terms of recruiting and exploiting victims (at least to my knowledge). Edited to add: this network is highly active in Latvia where the are recruiting many victims and appear to have wormed their way into the fashion, modelling and media industries.  There are some indicators of them also recruiting young women and girls in large numbers in Estonia and the Czech republic.  Provisional research suggests that in these territories they present with the mix of pseudo-shamanism and pseudo-tantra typical of this group but with no mention at all of Rudnev, Biven Mamonta et al, instead they just present themselves as followers of Osho. 

I am posting this information because people must be warned about this network and the people representing it.  I would again advice that people do not approach these individuals in person.  Some are innocent and naive, some are brainwashed devoted zealots and some are very serious criminals.  Whatever category they fall into approaching them in person is probably not going to end well.

Re Biven Mamonta
according to this page his real name is Paul V HANDOZHKO
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 10:46:41 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2011, 12:42:21 am »
This network recruiting victims in Mexico

scroll down

there are some interesting posters

Please use a proxy to view these

http://www.artefemenino  .net/sundari/


Mexico based film and photography production company that appears to be strongly linked to or an entity belonging to this network

http://www.wix  .com/dshaktiproducciones/shaktiproducciones
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 12:54:24 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2011, 08:40:11 am »
More recruitment events in Mexico

use a proxy

http://artefemenino  .net/contacto/eventos

Another of this cult's meetups in Los Angeles
The group's profile is set to private, so there is limited information.

I would imagine that this group is prioritising the recruitment of celebrities and people with connections to them

Bringing Harmony In Life
I'm very glad that you are here.

    This group is about Women's Power, Health and Sensuality. Our classes will include DANCE, YOGA, complexes OF AHARATA, and SACRED Exercises for opening feminine energy.

Through all this we will have more success in life, in business and in relationships.

THIS GROUP IS FOR YOU, if you want:

  - to discover yourself deeply as a woman;

  - to know more about your body's capability;

  - to attract success;

  - to open your sensuality;

  - to know more about Tantra;

  - to keep your mind and your body in harmony.

Come and Join Us!

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2011, 11:42:52 am »
this flyer is a huge image so I am linking to it rather than posting it here

In the text it claims that "Master Perun" has had "dramatic results" in treating AIDS, schizophrenia, cancer, diabetes and hepatitis.

Surely there are laws  in various territories prohibiting these kinds of claims?  Maybe the claims about "dramatic results" are sufficiently vague to not break any laws? I suppose that "dramatic results" could include mental breakdowns, suicides and other not very nice things.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Biven Momonta: "Ancient Russian Wisdom"
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2011, 01:38:20 pm »
Here's another blog owned by this network

http://www.thefemininewoman  .com

indicators that this is in fact run by this network

Geisha beauty secrets
http://www.thefemininewoman  .com/2010/04/geisha-beauty-secrets/

How to be a goddess
http://www.thefemininewoman  .com/2010/01/how-to-be-a-goddess-part-2/

web page promoting a link to an "online seduction academy"
http://www.thefemininewoman  .com/2010/03/make-him-fall-in-love-online-academy-review/

This incredible article is definitely worth reading - very culty

Boring women vs Crazy Women
http://www.thefemininewoman  .com/2010/11/boring-women-vs-crazy-women/

plus loads of other indicators that are obvious if you know anything about this network

The above blog and the blog it links to appear to be fronts for recruitment of female victims who are insecure about relationships and about their femininity.  In order to get access to all these allegedly wonderful articles about how to seduce men and how to get rid of rivals you have to register your email address and / or sign up with facebook and thus starts a process of data collection about you by them.

The photos of Melinda on the blog profile page are probably not real photos of the blog owner (I can't be sure about that but they don't feel right, also I don't recognise the girl in the photos).