Author Topic: Paul Robin Denton AKA Maverick James AKA Professor Funtastic AKA Aslan la Vega  (Read 125934 times)


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In regards to Mideast involvement, he claims lots of travel there, sometimes as a "rainbow focaliser". Not a big deal, not like he tries to represent himself here.

He has written a recent FB post bashing one of his daughters. So much for "promoting peace".

Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Denton sent this rambling letter to me and someone at my school. Lots of vague threats, bizarre claims, etc. My comments are in brackets. All the typos are just as he left them.

Dear Mr President,
[He sent it to a VP, and at the wrong campus.]

I have approached your office today on a matter of serious issue. I understand you have a certain Mr. Carroll who works in your college in the role of communications and human studies.

The reason I am writing today is to make plain my utter disgust at what Mr. Carroll has done in an attempt to slur my name.
[Slur? As in slurred speaking?]

It has come to my attention also that a website he runs is doing the same thing to others as well.
[No. I'm one moderator of five, and one member of several thousand. I sure don't have the technical ability to "run" this site.]

I dont know how much of what has been said about mr Carroll is true or not. That is not my concern. I am only concerned with the misuse and the slur on the reputation of your college by the actions of this man myself.

Mr. Carroll is using his position to spread libel- slander ...and that concerns me and those who support what I do around the world to promote peace. Particularly in the Middle East and Africa.
[Showing he does not understand the legal concepts, and vastly overestimates his abilities. Is there even any record of him being in the Mideast?]

First off.I do not have a criminal record. I would not be able to hold a public office if I did.
[He is not an elected official, and he is convicted of 12 criminal counts.]

 Secondly, by spreading this misinformation about my faith and erroneous reports ; I will have to instruct my solicitors in America  Hogan Lowell to issue both your college and Mr. Carroll with a libel notice.
[There haven't been solicitors in the US since the 1800s. And a lawyer can't just "issue a libel notice." They have to go to court.]

 Thirdly, This kind of information is used by Islamic extremists to promote their own agenda against the West.I operate in very sensitive countries and this libellous information can endanger the lives of the people who I am directly responsible for. I operate in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Israel and Palestine. I have already had complaints form people who know me and question why these lies are allowed to be spread.
[Again, the many typos are just as he sent them. I have no idea what he hopes to accomplish by such lurid Muslim baiting. So much for his claim of wanting to spread peace in the Mideast.]

Finally,I am involved with the rights of indigenous peoples through my project in Switzerland. We are currently working closely with IPUN and the Amazigh World Congress to get more representation for First Nations in Geneva.

[IPUN is Indigenous Peoples UN. I couldn't find any evidence of him ever working with the UN.
Amazigh is a Berber group, a people in North Africa. It's actually the World Amazigh Congress, not the AWC as he falsely claims. He claimed 3 weeks at his LinkedIn he was invited to speak at their youth congress. That's it as far as "working closely."]

 I honestly do not have the time for this. i am quite prepared to send you evidence if necessary to prove what I say is true.
[Certainly not enough time for spellcheck, or checking basic facts.]

This behaviour by an " educated indian" as he labels himself is not befitting to his august position as an educator.

 I urge him to remove these article forthwith. Thank you.
[Articles? I didn't write any on him. Several UK papers did. Several members posted them. I made a few comments on his links, that's it.]

Yours faithfully,
Robin Denton
President AUP
[He also included an attachment of his tiny party's logo, as if that would impress others.]

[ETA- There is no "Hogan Lowell" law firm I could find. There is a Hogan Lovell firm that specializes in business law. But their website does not mention handling libel cases. I'd say Mr. Denton found their name online but did not bother to look closely, and never had US counsel, or perhaps any counsel at all beyond his rape case.]
Seriously, this should be televised. Like, him rambling on with his whatever he claims and Al doing a voice-over commentary like on a DVD's extra content. I don't mean to make light of what is a serious situation with a potentially dangerous (to unsuspecting women) person, but I think it would be great for demonstration purposes in the future. he is an archetype of the frauds fought daily here, just a bit more criminal in scope, though.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
First let me say I approve that your group is trying to make the identities of new age frauds public. However I am not yet sure about the accuracy of some of the reporting.

In one post I saw this “IPUN is Indigenous Peoples UN. I couldn't find any evidence of him (Paul Denton) ever working with the UN.”

I am one of the founding members of the IPUN, Indigenous Peoples United Nations, and we are not part of the UN.

The IPUN is registered with the UN as an international indigenous organization. That is a very simple matter to check as the UN site has a search feature for all registered organizations, but clearly someone did not take the time to bother searching.

The IPUN is a new organization, our charter was signed on the 26th of June in San Francisco at the commemoration of the UN’s 70th anniversary where the Secretary General of the UN gave a speech, but we were registered with the UN before the official signing. We are still small with only a few hundred tribes and tribal organizations representing over 1 million indigenous people around the world, a small fraction of the world’s indigenous population.

Yes Robin Denton is a member of the IPUN. I had doubts about some of the members, but he was not one of those on my list to be investigated farther. So far he has been an asset to the IPUN and has not done anything to raise suspicions.

In my life I have seen a lot of bad people turn their lives around and change for the better. Perhaps he committed crimes in the past, perhaps not, but as long as his actions now are proper and he is trying to do right, I am willing to give him that chance. His work with the IPUN does not give him access to people, and is purely bureaucratic in nature.

Of the over 1 million members of the IPUN, I am sure there are a number with a shady past. As I have blood on my hands from my past, I am in no position to judge another. If he committed crimes, I will let the courts decide such matters and the Great Spirit will be the final judge of all of us.

In closing I have found this site to be useful, and I found information on some of the people in the IPUN I had suspicions about. So overall this site has proved useful and informative.


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IPUN is listed as an NGO at the UN:

This is Mr. Laster's LinkedIn page:

Lost Tribes Warriors of the Rainbow
Weapemeoc Nation
December 2014 – Present (8 months)

The history of the Lost Tribes of the Weapemeoc Nation offers a unique perspective on the events of colonial history, the history of slavery, and the fight for equality and self governance by native nations.

Their history touches on the history of other tribes and sheds light on their struggles as well.

But it is more than just the story of a native nation, it is a call to save the earth and touches on the native prophecies like The Warriors of the Rainbow and their part in native history and saving the earth.

It also offers insight into some of the beliefs of the Mound Building cultures, long thought to be lost to time.

Charles Laster
Massasoit Sachem Of the Weapemeoc Nation
(My Bolding)

This is a sample of Mr. Laster's international efforts, although there is no mention of IPUN in this article.

A tiny American Indian native nation, the Weapemeoc, has found itself in the middle of this international struggle and is trying to raise funds for a diplomatic tour of South East Asia with their crowd funding campaign

Sachem Laster of the Weapemeoc has been invited to attend and be a guest speaker at a conference of tribal leaders the next day.

Offline Ingeborg

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I just asked Mr Laster to provide an intro, because I am somewhat puzzled by differing tribal affiliations mentioned. Apparently, he is called a Weapemeoc in newer entries, but Mr Laster also keeps a blog in which he claims to belong to the Notoweega Nation.

@Sachem Laster -
for your convenience, the link to the thread I started: .

Offline Ingeborg

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Yes Robin Denton is a member of the IPUN. I had doubts about some of the members, but he was not one of those on my list to be investigated farther. So far he has been an asset to the IPUN and has not done anything to raise suspicions.

In my life I have seen a lot of bad people turn their lives around and change for the better. Perhaps he committed crimes in the past, perhaps not, but as long as his actions now are proper and he is trying to do right, I am willing to give him that chance. His work with the IPUN does not give him access to people, and is purely bureaucratic in nature.

Of the over 1 million members of the IPUN, I am sure there are a number with a shady past.

I see that Denton also gets opportunity to post events at the IPUN facebook site, like this one:

Robin Denton
July 15 - 17:18

This great scholar is actually a Canuck Native Indian - his night into this great document - which Ive seen myself - is the key to helping the sacred hoop amongst nations. Our vision in rainbow is to be the vehicle for change. I have been participating in this change on the front line... for many years. I just want to encourage you all... get educated... and win the arguments against big brother. Just like Leonard Peltier I too was falsely imprisoned... but I haven't been silenced by those saboteurs... we continue...the struggle continues... until the final victory... theres work to be done... aho!

If I am not quite mistaken, Denton here takes the liberty to call a university prof who belongs to the Canadian Métis Nation a "Canuck Native Indian". Nothing to raise suspicion? ? ? I beg yours?

Then Denton mentions 'our vision in rainbow'. I wonder whether IPUN may have adapted the rather strange ideas promoted by the Rainbow Gathering? Or why is it that Denton is allowed to speak about 'our vision' in a rather prominent place on the IPUN facebook site?

Lastly: Denton has the effin cheek (and please pardon my French which is solely caused by Denton's extreme insolence) to compare his case to someone like Mr Peltier. So does Denton get away with quite incorrectly and insolently declaring himself a martyr on the IPUN facebook site? Mr Peltier was incarcerated for something he was accused of having committed as a political activist. Denton's activism, on the other hand and from what I pick up in this thread, seems to have been confined to rape. Denton's attempts to whitewash himself and at the same time fling mud at someone else is simply sickening, and I apologise to Mr Peltier and his family, friends, and supporters for what his [...] Denton had the insolence to publish.

You also claimed Denton's activities with IPUN did not give him access to people. Having had a look at the facebook site, I don't agree.

You furthermore claimed Denton was doing bureaucratic work. Again, having had a look at the facebook site, I have to disagree - he seems in fact to be acting as a spokesperson.

Lastly, you mention IPUN had more than 1 million members. This is quite impressive. Do you mean to tell us that out of more than 1 million, there is no-one more appropriate to be found for making public statements than a person convicted of rape and facing re-trial? I cannot quite imagine such large an organisation couldn't find someone more suitable than Denton.

And finally: Denton finishes his entry with the word 'aho'. Is there not one single person in an organisation of more than 1 million indigenous persons to kick his behind and give him a good piece of their mind for using such stereotype and Nuage vocabulary? Hard to imagine.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 05:21:43 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline educatedindian

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....I am one of the founding members of the IPUN, Indigenous Peoples United Nations, and we are not part of the UN....

We are still small with only a few hundred tribes and tribal organizations representing over 1 million indigenous people around the world, a small fraction of the world’s indigenous population.

Yes Robin Denton is a member of the IPUN. I had doubts about some of the members, but he was not one of those on my list to be investigated farther. So far he has been an asset to the IPUN and has not done anything to raise suspicions.

In my life I have seen a lot of bad people turn their lives around and change for the better. Perhaps he committed crimes in the past, perhaps not, but as long as his actions now are proper and he is trying to do right, I am willing to give him that chance....

Hello Mr. Laster, I hope you stay around to see and respond to posts, and not just post once and I leave. I'm pretty sure Denton asked you to come here after his failed attempt to intimidate me by sending not-credible legal threats to my college.

Nowhere did I state IPUN was part of the UN. That was your own mistaken assumption. I stated Denton claims to have worked with the UN, and so far you have not stated that claim of his to be true.

Like others, I have my doubts that you'd have no problem with a serial rapist working with or representing your group.

Not only that, you seem to be in massive denial about just what he has done. You say, "Maybe he committed some crimes..." No, he was convicted of a dozen counts of rape and witness intimidation.

You go on to say "As long as his actions are now proper..." But they are not.

1. Denton spends a lot of effort to smear his victim as insane and abusive.

2. He continues to deny his rapes and threats were wrong.

3. He goes on women bashing tirades and conspiracy theories, claiming feminists, Freemasons, and Satanists were out to frame him. These are signs of needing mental health care, as well as being a misogynist bigot.
The strong respect women are accorded in every Native culture I'm aware of is completely contrary to Denton's actions.

4. On top of his rapes and witness intimidation, he works as an organizer with the Rainbow Family cult. This is a group with a long disturbing history of sexual assaults and drug abuse at their gatherings.

The Rainbows also have a long history of desecrating Native sacred sites. It's hard to imagine a worse choice to work with IPUN, short of a white supremacist.

It's not a matter of Denton being a convicted criminal. If he had served his time and worked to reform himself, I and I think most of the people here would praise that. He has never accepted responsibility for what he did, and was never punished as he deserved.

His whole history is one of showing two faces, one where he poses as a Christian minister and writes children's stories, all the while abusing and threatening women and working as a leader of those who desecrate Native holy places.

Most rapists are serial abusers, and when they go unpunished feel invulnerable and may assault others again. Denton abusing women in the future who are part of or around an IPUN gathering is a real possibility.

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28


I just asked Mr Laster to provide an intro, because I am somewhat puzzled by differing tribal affiliations mentioned. Apparently, he is called a Weapemeoc in newer entries, but Mr Laster also keeps a blog in which he claims to belong to the Notoweega Nation.”

Sorry I don’t blog myself, I was added to a group that is with the Notoweega Nation as I am distantly related to several members of the group. Also I don’t approve of some of that tribes legal tactics, but not my place to say anything.

I am Man’toUghQueMend tribe of the Weapemeoc Nation, but like many, the blood of other tribes flows in my veins, my mother is Cherokee and I have distant relations in many tribes. Laster is a rare surname but found in tribe coast to coast, both recognized tribes and those not reognized.

“I see that Denton also gets opportunity to post events at the IPUN facebook site, like this one:”

Public page so I guess anyone can post.

“You also claimed Denton's activities with IPUN did not give him access to people. Having had a look at the facebook site, I don't agree.”

Well let me know what that was, as he has only helped provide us with some of his contacts. We have not provided any contacts for him. Also any member is free to promote the IPUN, we have no control over sovereign tribes and individuals, we are not a police force.


I understand your concerns, and I do not approve of criminals. I have to work with tribe overseas who are enemies of each other, or ran drugs to pay for their army, and countries engaged in human trafficking. International politics is a messy business. Denton’s past the least of my problems.

Even if I vehemently opposed him, I do not have the authority to remove him from the IPUN

“The Rainbows also have a long history of desecrating Native sacred sites. It's hard to imagine a worse choice to work with IPUN, short of a white supremacist.”

Yes on at least 3 occasions I know of. The Rainbow family is another story. However the Rainbow affiliation of Denton was not an issue, at the time we needed his tribal contacts overseas. I may comment on the Rainbow family on that thread.

Have to go to work, will try to continue this latter

Offline Sachem Laster

  • Posts: 28
Let me try a different approach and start with the standard legal disclaimer:

Paul Denton does not hold any official position with the IPUN. He is an individual working with the IPUN as a contact person between the IPUN and his tribal contacts. As such the IPUN has no authority over him or his actions, and likewise his actions due not reflect on the IPUN.

As he is not involved with the IPUN directly, he was not on my list of people I needed to investigate. He did mention this site, and as I was investigating people who are directly involved with the IPUN, I deemed it prudent to check this site out for myself.

As to why I am investigating people directly involved with the IPUN, I need to give some background.

We are a tiny tribal nation, and are not seeking recognition by the BIA or any state. We have instead focused on international relations and we have spent considerable time building a relationship with tribes around the world.

The Zo Reunification Organization, ZoRO is one of our closest international allies. I was going to travel there in August to formally start an international alliance we had been discussing for some time.

A small group that also saw the need for such an international organization started the IPUN. They had political contacts, but little else. The UN wanted them to represent tribes from around the world before it would accept their charter, and they were not given much time to do it. So they started frantically searching the net for groups to contact. By chance they saw the ZoRO main site and my campaign to raise funds to speak at their conference in August.

Thus ZoRO and some of my other allies as well joined the IPUN with us before the charter was official signed. At the time of the Charter signing, 99% of the tribes and people represented were my allies, several hundred tribes representing around 1.25 million indigenous people. These were just the ones I could get to quickly before the UN deadline.

As a result we have become part of the core leadership of this newly formed organization, but I do not know these people that started the IPUN and have no history with them.

The IPUN members did not entirely trust me either. After all no one has ever heard of my tribe or nation, as we have been largely forgotten by historians. Only in the last few days have they started to address me by my title as Sachem.

I expected the members of this group to be equally suspicious of me, and I don’t blame you in the least for checking me out as well.

The Weapemeoc keeps a low profile, or tries to at least. We also have a rather unique history and legal status that constrains us in some ways as well in the US. We sold our land to search for a new home in 1740, before there was a US, and therefore we have no treaty history with the US Government, only England. That meant under the old rules of the BIA, we could never become recognized, so why bother, and instead focused in international diplomacy.

The BIA recently changed the rules, but we have lost interest in formal recognition by them long ago. We recently resolved our status with the UK and the Royal Family, and that was what was really important to us.

This group will have to make up its own mind about me.

My main concern was this issue with Denton could affect the IPUN.

I understand Denton’s concerns for his safety. I was going to risk my life on my diplomatic tour of SE Asia. Besides peaceful tribes like the ZO, I would be trying to contact others not so peaceful, and then there was always the chance Myanmar might catch me in their country and execute me.

Also, it only takes one fanatic who saw something he did not like on the Internet to end your life in parts of the world.

I have far to many things that need my attention. I don’t have time to properly investigate Denton’s past, or even thoroughly examine the material presented here. As he is not directly involved with the IPUN leadership, it is not even on my list. Thus I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yes I understand the moral issues, but I have become a rather pragmatic leader and politician over the years. I have to work with tribal drug/war lords and fanatics, as well as corrupt governments and their officials, some redefine evil. I have seen and dealt with too much evil in my life. Perhaps my soul has been stained by it.

But I will see that the IPUN succeeds and indigenous peoples around the world will have a voice at the UN and their inherent rights recognized and honored by countries. The Great Spirit, history, and my people will be the ones to judge if my actions in doing so were just, and I will accept that verdict gladly.

Offline Sachem Laster

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I found the link one of the members mentioned about me.

As some members of the Notoweega are distant relation, I have provided advise in the past, and was part of their facebook group, but did not know they gave me any recognition for my minor academic business advice, even though I am not a member of their tribe, on their website.

If the old Yeopim page is still up you will find me listed there as well. They are one of the tribes of the Weapemeoc still in existence, and we have worked together in the past.

Offline educatedindian

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Let me try a different approach and start with the standard legal disclaimer:

Paul Denton does not hold any official position with the IPUN. He is an individual working with the IPUN as a contact person between the IPUN and his tribal contacts. As such the IPUN has no authority over him or his actions, and likewise his actions due not reflect on the IPUN.

I think this is probably the most important point in what you've said. Denton is deliberately exaggerating to give the false impression he is a leader of IPUN and far more involved with Native issues than he actually is. He's likely put far more effort into being part of the Rainbow Family cult than anything.

Offline Superdog

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First let me say I approve that your group is trying to make the identities of new age frauds public. However I am not yet sure about the accuracy of some of the reporting.

In one post I saw this “IPUN is Indigenous Peoples UN. I couldn't find any evidence of him (Paul Denton) ever working with the UN.”

I am one of the founding members of the IPUN, Indigenous Peoples United Nations, and we are not part of the UN.

The IPUN is registered with the UN as an international indigenous organization. That is a very simple matter to check as the UN site has a search feature for all registered organizations, but clearly someone did not take the time to bother searching.
The IPUN is a new organization, our charter was signed on the 26th of June in San Francisco at the commemoration of the UN’s 70th anniversary where the Secretary General of the UN gave a speech, but we were registered with the UN before the official signing.
Yes Robin Denton is a member of the IPUN. I had doubts about some of the members, but he was not one of those on my list to be investigated farther. So far he has been an asset to the IPUN and has not done anything to raise suspicions.

In my life I have seen a lot of bad people turn their lives around and change for the better. Perhaps he committed crimes in the past, perhaps not, but as long as his actions now are proper and he is trying to do right, I am willing to give him that chance. His work with the IPUN does not give him access to people, and is purely bureaucratic in nature.

Of the over 1 million members of the IPUN, I am sure there are a number with a shady past. As I have blood on my hands from my past, I am in no position to judge another. If he committed crimes, I will let the courts decide such matters and the Great Spirit will be the final judge of all of us.

In closing I have found this site to be useful, and I found information on some of the people in the IPUN I had suspicions about. So overall this site has proved useful and informative.

Hmm....I did go through the trouble of searching the UN sites and other sites about your group (IPUN) and came up with nothing.  Can you provide a link??

It seems there is some grandiosity in the description of the group as well.  This group signed its charter less than a month ago and in the bold you're claiming to represent over a million people....I don't see anything on the IPUN site or the facebook site that corroborates that claim. 

Care to clear these things up for us?


Offline educatedindian

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Denton just sent an email accusing me of being a "terrorist sympathiseer" among other things.

Denton has been steadily harassing higher ups in my school for months now, the dean, asst dean, dept head, and deans at the wrong campuses because he's too incompetent to read an organization chart. Mostly he's tried repeating some of the usual falsehoods online.

There's also a silly attempt at a petition online and articles he's written and phone calls and emails under the following false names:
DG Cooper
Theland  or Theland Robideaux
Reynaldo F

The petition has a couple dozen signatures, mostly phony or anonymous or jokes. It's fallen as flat as Denton's angry calls and emails. No one pays attention to online petitions when the signatures can't be verified. Denton's been mildly annoying in wasting the time of people at my school, and they stand behind me and were sympathetic to me having to deal with loons like him.

I also want to warn others that Denton could try the same with you. Recall he's done a lot to smear and intimidate his rape victim.

Offline Diana

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Denton just sent an email accusing me of being a "terrorist sympathiseer" among other things.

Denton has been steadily harassing higher ups in my school for months now, the dean, asst dean, dept head, and deans at the wrong campuses because he's too incompetent to read an organization chart. Mostly he's tried repeating some of the usual falsehoods online.

There's also a silly attempt at a petition online and articles he's written and phone calls and emails under the following false names:
DG Cooper
Theland  or Theland Robideaux
Reynaldo F

The petition has a couple dozen signatures, mostly phony or anonymous or jokes. It's fallen as flat as Denton's angry calls and emails. No one pays attention to online petitions when the signatures can't be verified. Denton's been mildly annoying in wasting the time of people at my school, and they stand behind me and were sympathetic to me having to deal with loons like him.

I also want to warn others that Denton could try the same with you. Recall he's done a lot to smear and intimidate his rape victim.

If Denton is out on bail for the rape charges he may be violating the conditions of his bail/release? I don't know how the British court system works, but it might be a good idea to look into. As with most defendants who are charged with sexual assault the court may order the defendant stay away and have no contact with the victim. The defendant can be re-arrested for violating the conditions imposed by the court. This Robin Denton is certainly harassing you and has displayed this type of behavior before.


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Denton's latest, where he accuses no less than Arvol Looking Horse of cursing him out.
And yes, this is how he actually wrote. An English "lord" who spells worse than a 3rd grader.
For the record, we've never blocked him from joining. We'd welcome him responding. I'd guess someone who can't spell probably can't read "join."

If u call yourself educated then u hud be honest with yr education and NOT try to deceive people or suppress truth.

u asked for evidence. I have used a firm who are US based for a constitutional challenge i made as party leader against the IEC. This is a fact.

...Ive had to fight people like you ever since the time of apartheid in south africa.  If you truly care about the native american indian you would not object to what the rainbow is doing around the world to empower indigenous peoples.

As for the compensation case i have against the uk govt. that is none of your business. But is ongoing.

finally, i tried to resolve this amicbly with chief arrival looking horse and with mr swan. all i got in return was "fuck you" - that was about the extent of his vocabulary. I tried to contact you by registering on yr website and giving my version of the events that took place. you also blocked that. that you were untouchable and that the things you tried to do - have no consequences.

theres an old english saying my friend.. don't throw stones if you're living in a glass house. you don't know how this propaganda is being used by the islamic state to recruit terorirst on your own soil. you should sincerely wake up and smell the coffee.

if you want an honest debate... I'm open to that... but it seems you want to carry on making defamatory statements...and live in deception...