General > Frauds

Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills

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There's a pretty strong message saying they are not wanted, over 100 signatures in just a day. Repost far and wide.

There's also a conference call mentioned at the end that the Rainbows are having, with UUWS asking people to call in and protest.


Petitioning Rainbow Warriors

"Rainbow Warriors" Stay away from The Black Hills of South Dakota! ~ U.U.W.S ~

James Swan Rapid City, SD

United Urban Warrior Society are asking "The People" to sign this petition! We do not want thousands of Rainbow Hippies desecration our Sacred Black Hills bringing with them Drugs, Nudity, and Filth!

They are not welcome by the Majority of "Oceti Sakowin" (Sioux Nation) They have exploited our culture and bastardized our beliefs to fit their needs! When asked to stay away Their general response is "We can go where we want"

"No rainbow hippie dippy culture rapist exploiters will be tolerated... period.. you all trash our sacred black hills, culture rape, and think you have a right to do as you please, you do not.. this is not we r the one tribe we r the Oceti one spiritual leader can say you can come here n then you think we would all roll over? Bull.. you r not welcome here... period.. stay away"  ~U.U.W.S. Joye Braun (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe)

"I would just as soon take a war party up in the hills and scalp a bunch of them! Then sit down and talk about them standing next to us with their Bull Shit Rainbow prophecy crap!...They say they respect us and honor our way! Yet they want to come and desecrate our church with their foolishness! No matter what we say or not! Then think its OK just because a couple Sell out Indians welcome them...LOL. AS IF they speak for "Oceti Sakowin" (The whole Sioux Nation)"  ~ James "Magaska" Swan   Founder U.U.W.S.

Letter to Rainbow Warriors

Stay away from The Black Hills of South Dakota

Petition Update

Rainbow Confrence call information

James Swan
Rapid City, SD

Jun 10, 2015 — Next Sunday 6/14/2015
9pm eastern (8C, 7M, 6P) (712) 432 0460 then 397370#. Lets all call them and tell them NO!

At a N.California Rainbow gathering there was a Council with tribal elders . The Rainbow Family was informed
that their Kid Village (for families with young children) had been set up on a traditional birthing site , which was
a little grove of Aspen . Just above the grove was a stony knoll , and here is where the fathers had sat awaiting
and passing the time making arrowheads . The Rainbow were instructed not to take away any found arrowheads
nor to gather in any quantity the medicine plants that were abundant in the meadow .

Later on , a young native man informed the people he was one who had been born here . Those two stone pillars ,
he said pointing , is considered a gateway unto the Aspen Grove . When the gathering was over , he went travelling
with some hippies in a painted bus .

That's how it really goes . There is no war . Sacred means peaceful . In the 1500's tribes from all over gathered in
the Black Hills to heal from the plagues , gathering especially at the soothing hot springs. In healing there is peace .
In the town of Hot Springs , S.Dak. , there is now a Veteran's facility - for the healing . There , you can feel a history
of suffering and healing for all peoples . My prayers are for all peoples .

OMG! Has anyone read the comments on the petition? One of those rainbow creeps a Mike Kissler is threatening Mr.Swan. He even posted his address in hopes of intimidating him. @tikoo, so much for your peaceful hippie dippie crap.


Defend the Sacred:
tikoo, if your prayers are for all Peoples, respect the wishes of the traditional Peoples for whom the Black Hills are sacred. Go to your "rainbow" peeps and tell them to hold it somewhere else. Your gathering is not wanted, and anyone who told you otherwise is either lying, or was lied to.

Plenty of us here know the people who go to Rainbow. I know women who've been raped at Rainbow by hippie men. The only Natives who go are either young and lost, or exploiter sellouts, or blatant frauds. The main person who has led sweats there is not Native, though he's fooled the white people into thinking he is.

Keep this thing away from sacred sites. The people don't know how to behave respectfully. Not to the Earth, or to the People. Their words about peace and love for the Earth and for Natives are empty. We've heard it all before. The group's actions speak louder.

Defend the Sacred:
And 99.99% of the time, when a Rainbow person says "tribal elders" they mean old, white hippies. They consider themselves a "tribe" and think they can pick and choose who's a "tribal elder."


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