Author Topic: Frauds in the UK  (Read 126686 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2009, 10:23:34 am »
Here is one I've just found and could well be part of this groups activities, bur there is also a very familiar name, Brooke Medicine Eagle !!

They really are branching out, camping in tipis, sweat lodges and much more, once you have paid your entrance fee and made the appropiate connections (Payments) they'll even give you a Native name   lol

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2009, 12:28:33 pm »
I've just found this, several interesting people seem connected....

More research to follow

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Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2009, 11:50:31 am »
Well there has been an interesting development.
Adrienne has always claimed to be calm, never getting angry, always sending healing and calming energy in responce to any situation and such a perfect!
But she turned up on my friends doorstep this morning and started to ask him about her being posted as a fraud. He wouldn't comment or reveal anything. her responce was to tell him that Kate and Bearcloud think it hilariously funny that they have been posted and sent pink love and healing to all here.
It also transpires that Kate and Barecloud are married by ceremony.
My friend stated that there was nothing to talk about and turned to re-enter his apartment. She followed him and forced her way into his home. He asked her to leave where she refused. He then stated that unless she did he would call the police as she had forced her way in. As he picked up his cell to dial them she slapped it out of his hand and set about him. She's quite a big lady and as she works as a carer she has considerable strength. There was no serious damage done, apart from some hair pulling, bruises and a slight graze. He is pressing charges for assault.
But this shows that these people should be approached with caution as these reports could be met with violence and there claims of peace and love are as false as they are.

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2009, 10:57:20 am »
A bit of research using the information that Kate and Bearcloud are married has turned up loads of info and added a great deal of weight to their fraud status;
From Bearclouds web site I followed the trail to his project The Chameleon Project. Especially quoting the Six Nations in his Council of Elders statement;
It didn't take much to work out how to become a member;

We encourage your participation at a variety of levels. The synergy of contributions
will enhance the success of this oasis for humanity.
Thank you for making a generous contribution. You will receive a tax deductible receipt in the mail. Please fill out our Chameleon Project Membership Form.

Following the link thru Corporate/Team players I was able to find a link to Kate Fenn, using google and Kate Fenn egypt I managed to locate her and a example of a full blown typical fraud with all the usual claims and a link back to Barecloud.
Look about half way down the page to find her including this pearl of info..

 While holding regular Sweat Lodges and ceremonies and having a constant working and deep connection with ROD BEARCLOUD, well known for his Traditional ways and lodges on the reservations and wonderful visionary Artwork.
Kate has for many years been teaching through the use of Meditation, Sweat Lodge ceremonies, Vision Quest Healing, and the Medicine Wheel.

"I have always known Kate to work with the old ways,and I know them to be at the Medicine Wheel,and Inipi's (purification lodges). I know Kate's lodges have always been built in the right way and have been learned well over time.It's good to see something in another country go in a good way that is of Native American orientation.In the many years that i have come to England,it has been the same.Kate's teaching i have heard and i know will assist many people in their journey on the EarthMother.It is good for my heart to see,and i wish you a continued sacred journey." ROD BEARCLOUD BERRY, TRADITIONAL OSAGE NATIVE AMERICAN VISION SEEKER AND LODGE KEEPER.

Still with Google I found a crop circle link that posted this snippet of info;

Rod has been a soldier at the croppie frontline for some time now, producing DVDs and artworks examining the extraordinary geometry and meaning of crop formations, but this is the first calendar he has produced. Taking a bold stylistically different approach from the competition, facing the obligatory full-size photo of a crop circle, each from the 2004 season, is a circular date grid framing a ring showing the phases of the moon.

This calendar is very much for the celestially-minded, including astronomical and astrological details, and includes sunrise and sunset times at sacred sites around the world for each month. Each quadranted page is packed full of smaller photos, quotes and colourful silhouettes.

Though some of the photos are a little murky in places, this stands out from the other calendars in being a radically altered approach to the expected format, and as such will please those with a more adventurous and spiritual bent.

Rod Bearcloud, Tlaquepaque C-107, Sedona, AZ 86339
Tel: (001) 928 282 4940

UK copies can be ordered from Kate Fenn at:

3 Elder Court, Lavender Drive, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 ORL, UK

More will no doubt come to light on this pair and their friends. If the teachings they pass on result in example as shown by Ms Gilbert then soldiers and violence can be expected.

^. .^

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2009, 05:46:23 pm »
Could you put the material you found in quotation marks or italics or a quote box? Just some way to clearly set their words apart from yours. I want to make sure everyone reading this is clear on who's saying what. Thanks! :-)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:51:46 am by Kathryn »

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2009, 09:48:17 am »
I've been following up on Kate Fenn and discovered this site;

Vision Quest and Sweat Lodges
Location: Cornwall
Dates: 9-11th October 2009
Duration: 3 days
Cost: £200 per person

Not only are they selling ceremony but also the bits that you'll need to take part!

You will need - an eagle feather (or buzzard or hawk), a blanket, herbs - can be purchased separately, white sage, ceremonial tobacco, sweetgrass, a small shell -to burn herbs within a small pipe of your choice and a lighter of your choice.

Once again this couple are adding another dimension to being frauds and doing their best to really cash in on selling ceremonies!
As I discover more I'll keep people informed.

^. .^

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2009, 02:45:41 pm »
Received this account.


Kate Fenn and Bear Cloud
I was in a group of Kates for many years before identifying several issues that did not add up.

It became known amongst a group of us who dared question what was going on as "Love Light and a stab in the back".

So much money went on Egyptian trips, Spanish trips, trips to forest of dean, making sweat lodge etc. However the final straws were Kate doing vision quests when untrained without any concerns for the persons major health conditions taking part- (Spain) and her deliberate attacks on another truely committed and natural healer who did not claim to be a shaman.

She too used Willy Lone Bear, a really genuine bloke, kind, deeply thoughtful.

As for her and Rod Bear Cloud Berry- well, Kates husband must be a saint. Rod was also well known in Glastonbury through a lass called Kitta. He dished up talks year in and out on the sacred geometry as if it was a new discovery and the dvd's cost a packet.

Kate was inconsistant, changing the 'sacred ways' to suit herself and was power conscious- when challenged love went out the window.
In her own way she was a good medium but there was no base value understanding which added up.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2009, 11:00:48 am »
As for her and Rod Bear Cloud Berry- well, Kates husband must be a saint.

This got me thinking.
After a little research I came across

Katherine Fenn Age guide: 45-49
Calne, Wiltshire,

who lives with
Trevor M Fenn Age guide: 50-54
Calne, Wiltshire,

Matthew G Fenn Age guide: 17-20
Calne, Wiltshire

It looks as if she lives with her husband and a son. Maybe more, but the source I used only finds people over 18 years old. I do indeed wonder what her husband and son think of her relationship with Rod Bearcloud Berry. It also points to her morals and principals as well as showing how she can manipulate the truth.
I can just imagine her saying I am married to a Native American.
But I bet she never says I am in a bigamous marriage to a Native American.
Pity that the second marriage was only a ceremony and not a legal marriage!


Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2009, 10:10:30 am »
A small development yesterday. The police contacted my friend and where there had been a warrant for the arrest of Adrienne Gilbert she turned up at the police station with a lawyer.
The outcome is she denied the assault and with the help of the lawyer no charges are going to be pressed.
Clearly she's as spiritual as her teacher and truth is alien to both of them. But it might just be that she's a good student and learnt well.
The friend is still having medical treatment for the damage to his shoulder and might need an operation where she threw him against the wall so hard.

^. .^

Offline nativeBS

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2009, 04:59:48 am »
RE: Rod Bearcloud Berry

Can anyone tell me about the  Ni´U´Kon´ska tribe from Olkahoma?  This is the "new" tribe that Rod claims to be from.  I don't ever remember his claiming that origin before, however, it recently was published in this article:

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2009, 10:29:57 am »
Rod Berry I have noticed has changed the tribal name a couple of times over the years. All the bits I researched he has always claimed to be Osage but has changed the original name from The Tall Ones (in one of his gallery reviews) to also being The Sky People (for his Star Tribe Project).
I do like his quote, "says it takes years to learn about the sweat lodge. Go to a couple hundred,” he says, “then maybe you will begin to understand what they are about. And then you will no longer want to conduct one, because it carries great responsibility.”
Especially when his 'English (bigamist) wife' is conducting them and I've heard he attends them. It might even be that he attends as the pipe carrier!
Typical seller of ceremony quote, it's wrong for others, but OK for me to do it.

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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #41 on: December 29, 2009, 10:21:03 pm »
Typical seller of ceremony quote, it's wrong for others, but OK for me to do it.

Yup, typical.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2009, 10:56:04 am »
Welome to 2010 all and I've discovered that the lessons of Sedona haven't crossed the puddle and the charlatans have already started planning a busy year.
My first discovery was;
Due to requests I will be holding another full ceremony sweat lodge on 20th February 2010. The lodge on the 15th was beautiful and she held everyone in love and beauty as always. It was a fun day filled with teachings from my path  and  new found friendship and connections.
Followed closely by;
She's alreadt planned a full program of exploitation for the coming year.
Reading her About Me page she states she is a Dramatherapist, drama as in acting I presume. That just about says it all!
Bethlehem Taylor is mentioned and we've encountered him/her before at who it seems have now expanded into running sweats at other sites and possibly even teaching them.
My final offering for today is;
Just scratching the surface this really sticks out as a NuAge site. There is no mention of Sweats in 2010 yet, but I'll keep monitoring them.

Nappy New Year all

^. .^

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2010, 10:30:44 am »
RE: Rod Bearcloud Berry

Can anyone tell me about the  Ni´U´Kon´ska tribe from Olkahoma?  This is the "new" tribe that Rod claims to be from.  I don't ever remember his claiming that origin before, however, it recently was published in this article:

This has just appearred in the comment section of the page of the above link, which is based in Sedona and Berry lives there. Hopefully several residents will read it and he'll recieve the acclaim he deserves;

 Expand ?Guest
 Richard Hollier  1 day ago   

Rod Bearcloud Berry condems non native people selling sweat lodge ceremonies. Perhaps he'd comment on Kate Fenn based in England that he has connections with who performs and sells sweat lodges and other Native American ceremonies. This comment he made on her write up for one site that promotes her selling ceremonies.
"I have always known Kate to work with the old ways,and I know them to be at the Medicine Wheel,and Inipi's (purification lodges). I know Kate's lodges have always been built in the right way and have been learned well over time.It's good to see something in another country go in a good way that is of Native American orientation.In the many years that i have come to England,it has been the same.Kate's teaching i have heard and i know will assist many people in their journey on the EarthMother.It is good for my heart to see,and i wish you a continued sacred journey." ROD BEARCLOUD BERRY, TRADITIONAL OSAGE NATIVE AMERICAN VISION SEEKER AND LODGE KEEPER.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Frauds in the UK
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2010, 11:35:54 am »
This is a very interesting thread, thank you

I first found out about frauds like this in the UK in the mid 1980s

A guy I knew at the time (called himself a "modern primitive"  ::) )was covered in tattoos, piercings etc. attended a shamanic retreat with  group of friends and his girlfriend.

If my memory is correct this retreat was somewhere in Devon.  I did not know this man really well and have no idea what the name of the "shaman" was.

Anyway he returned from this retreat in a terrible state.

Basically the shaman had given all of them some kind of hallucinogenic stuff to drink as part of some ritual.  

Then when everyone was under the influence of the drug he seduced this guy's girlfriend and some other women who were the gfs of other men attending.

Obviously being in a state of hallucinating and knowing that your girlfriend has gone off to have sex with the "shaman" was highly traumatic. This shaman had attendants who lectured the men about the importance of relinquishing jealousy and possessiveness if one was to develop spiritually.

A truly horrible time was had by all.  Except for the "shaman" who seemed to enjoy himself immensely.

Mr "modern primitive" paid a lot of money for this experience too.  He wasn't a bad person (at least not as far a I know), a bit of a naive person with a love for trying "edgy" experiences and a complete lack of understanding about cultural appropriation.  I always hated the "modern primitive" movement on so many levels and find the term highly offensive, but what that so called shaman did to the people on that retreat was really terrible.

That was my first experience (albeit 2nd hand) of realising that some people use a combination of powerful hallucinogens and a "shamanism" to abuse and take advantage of people.

I think this stuff goes on a lot more than most people realise.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 04:11:24 pm by nemesis »