You are a very ill, un informed individual putting words & situations into other people's view that most certainly are not true.
No one said Reiki was Celtic, no one said or claimed any of the things your mis-guided imagination has written. Why are you so angry? You never even met these people, You have no proof or validation. Did someone drop you on your little head and you dreamed all of this? Are you so overcome with jealousy and ineptablity because someone is doing good in the world and you are not part of it and cannot get the credit?? No one claims royalty or any other such thing, JUSt YOU ! ! ! Ms Young's title come to her by her family & her education in Europe. And yes, she does have a doctorate.
WHO may I ask put you in charge of the NAtive NAtion? You claim to be Celt, quote your Irish nonsense? Then What in earth are you doing here fighting about native shamans & healers ?
Guess No one in Ireland wants you either, sweetie! T'is you who is the fake. get over yourself.
If you had taken the time to check out things properly you would have discovered that you my dear are pissing in the wind ! You have all the wrong information and even researched the wrong family, gheeish ! ! There is no validity to anything you have stated here, your "facts" are all wrong. Your references are cached nonsense from years gone by of someone else's website. Trans Atlantic Polyglot??? what??? Who?

I do know for a fact the owner of this forum has been sued and this site has been shut down three times and is now as a dire last attempt running out of Panama. . . due to losing several lawsuits in the past.
Get ready for another one, sweetheart & YOU will be one of the ones held accountable.
Tell Allan or Al whatever you call him, You're sorry for once again using slander to ruin his forum/.
The Attorneys have already been contacted. Slander & defamation of character are illegal n the US and several other countries.
You have never met these people or been to their facility, yet you spew this hate speech and slander.