Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 575208 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #435 on: April 28, 2015, 01:05:02 am »
Just as a footnote to moreinfo's post, we covered Charles Lee Spezzano's lack of professional and academic credentials at this link:;topicseen#msg37693

The Spezzanos have managed to find a way to pose as mental health professionals (e.g., naming their for-profit corporation "Psychology of Vision" but call themselves "coaches") and rake in big bucks without having to be licensed, regulated, peer-reviewed or accountable to anyone. They seldom have to face any consequences for their actions and they have never accepted any responsibility for anything that would harm their profit margin.

But those days are coming to an end, the world is catching up to them. As 2015-2016 unfolds I highly suspect "Uncle Chuck" and Lenora will curse the day they ever tried to peddle their vaporware in North America.  The circle of government authority becoming aware of the destructive nature of this cult is widening. 

As moreinfo says, there is more than one of us here. Affinity fraud gone haywire can turn back and bite the perpetrators with the same force they were attempting to exploit. The antics of Babs Stevens clearly demonstrates this was a cult takeover attempt that has messed up Haida Gwaii something fierce.  An audit of how many public dollars were spent on her excursions to places like Hawaii and Vancouver in order to score brownie points with her cult leaders the Spezzanos and perhaps Gonzalez is way overdue. How many tens of thousands of dollars were wasted on this nonsense when it could have been used to improve the local Haida communities in real ways?

I sincerely hope this Haida Gwaii fiasco results in a word you seldom see used in Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision--


Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #436 on: April 28, 2015, 02:52:07 am »
This link might be corny, but many parts of it accurately deconstructs and defines Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #437 on: May 02, 2015, 02:45:26 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 2

The following entry has been removed from Youtube:

Spar Street
"A short video montage of some of fine artist Spar Street's more well-known collectors, an extraordinary group of individuals." From 2008. This one is remarkable for who we don't see among the luminaries.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #438 on: May 05, 2015, 02:01:58 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 3

The following entry has been added to Youtube:

POV Canada
"Chuck Spezzano invites you to June 2015 workshop." In this short (2:14 min.) piece, Spezzano addresses a stationary camera set up in his home while he promotes an upcoming for-profit event in Vancouver, BC.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #439 on: May 05, 2015, 08:22:03 pm »
Charles Lee Spezzano takes credit for increasing the size of a female bustline!

In the last couple weeks I was reminded of the following passage uttered by Spezzano in his YouTube presentation "Tiger Woods by Dr. Chuck Spezzano." This was commercially recorded in late 2009 in a gallery featuring the paintings of Spar Street and was released on Youtube on April Fools Day, 2010:

Starting at the 5:47 mark--

In a lecture in Vancouver in 1990 I had a person in the question and answer period after I had talked about this kind of aspect of temptation, he said, "Wait a second, do you mean to say that of I keep my energy toward my girlfriend, who is flat-chested, instead of this woman who has these bodacious ta-tas that in that many days or within two weeks my girlfriend is going to have bodacious ta-tas?" I said, "What is it you think about when you think about ta-tas?" He said, "Well, I think about sexiness and I think about comfort, I think about nurturing and I think about being happy." I said, "That's what your girlfriend will have. It's not necessarily the form." I said, "But I have received a letter of thanks from one of my Japanese students whose wife has gone up two bra sizes because he has brought the energy back to her."

And people dish out thousands of dollars for this wisdom.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #440 on: May 07, 2015, 12:38:43 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 4

POV Canada on Facebook

Chuck talks about his Webinar, Jan. 6, 2012 (6:05 min.)
Spezzano promotes a webinar and reveals his hope that this form of commercial marketing will eventually replace personal appearances as he and Lenora enter their "Golden Years." He mentions the interesting differences between his territory and that of his spouse in the SALPOV merchandising area.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #441 on: May 16, 2015, 10:44:46 pm »
A few days ago on Charles Lee Spezzano's "card of the day," the following bit of wisdom was bestowed to the seekers--


TRANSCENDENCE & DON"T F**K WITH THE GORILLA are the cards for today. TRANSCENDENCE is the ability to cut through resistance and go up to a whole new level. DON"T F**K WITH THE GORILLA means to not antagonize a person or group of potentially belligerent power and cause yourself unnecessary pain and hardship. Together they mean that you can leap forward but don't stop to be passive-aggressive and open up a world of hurt. Have a great day!!!
Posted 4 days ago by Chuck Spezzano

A couple years back, in his March 21, 2013 card, he wasn't so shy about using the F-word--


THE COMIC and DON'T FUCK WITH THE GORILLA are the cards for today. The COMIC speaks of humorous situations arising while the old sign at the zoo in front of the simian cages..."DON"T FUCK WITH THE GORILLA" means don't foolishly tease or rile someone or something with the power to mess you up badly. Have a fun but prudent day!
Posted 21st March 2013 by Chuck Spezzano

Let's put aside Spezzano's infamous and unprofessional employment of dirty jokes and lewd language for now. There is something else about these two cards that intrigues me.

According to my sources, whenever Spezzano feels criticized or threatened he attempts to intimidate and bully his perceived opponent with the expression, "Don't fuck with the gorilla." So obviously he sees himself as a "potentially belligerent power" who can cause you "unnecessary pain and hardship" as well as someone "with the power to mess you up badly."

Have a fun but prudent day, fellow critics. We are dealing with a vainglorious split-mind.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #442 on: May 19, 2015, 11:46:02 pm »
Guys like him can't/won't do a dang thing or he wouldn't have said anything. He would do it just to prove a point and let the word get out on its own. And the last animal I would associate with Chucky boy is a gorilla. I know some real gorillas. Gorillas are some of my best friends. Chuck is no gorilla. LOL!!!
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #443 on: May 25, 2015, 02:37:02 pm »
In this forum we have documented and demonstrated that:

a) Psychology of Vision damages participants;
b) Lency Spezzano uses stage hypnotism; and
c) Psychology of Vision programs and the presentations of Chuck and Lency Spezzano are deceptive and manipulative, and take advantage of First nations participants and anyone else.

It's all about the money filling the bank account of the for-profit corporation known as Spezzano and Associates Ltd.

And now, for a bit of fun, Tim and Eric's Zone Theory. This is so Spezzano-like in promising a quick fix and enlightenment, it even includes a triangle!--

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #444 on: May 25, 2015, 09:11:00 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 5

Lency Spezzano
Within the last 24 hours, nearly half of Lenora Kay Spezzano's Youtube videos have been taken away from public view. It would appear that all the vanished videos were "downloading/joining" presentations. Only three videos concerning this subject remain on Lenora's public Youtube.

We have already transcribed all of these now-suppressed "downloading/joining" videos, so a record still exists for public examination. Start at this link--

In addition I have dozens of screenshots from these presentations which I am more than willing to share in response to any government or media inquiries.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #445 on: June 01, 2015, 02:58:33 pm »
A few updates and points of trivia--

Charles Lee Spezzano's upcoming June 6 appearance in Vancouver was originally marketed as a 5-day gig--

Well, apparently the pre-ticket sales have been below expectations and/or perhaps Spezzano is just plain greedy, but a new option of 3 days has been recently added for the seekers--


3 or 5 Day Psychology of Vision Seminar

In Vancouver with Founder, Chuck Spezzano

June 6-10, 2015

This will be Chuck's only workshop in Canada in 2015 so join us.

To be happy is to know your own emotions, and to live from your authentic nature. This emotional maturity makes you open, attractive, and true.

The first step to becoming happy is to learn about emotions, what they are and how to handle them. Since emotions are a choice and not determined by something outside of you, you can learn to recognize and release them.

Awareness and the desire to begin the healing process is what is needed. Rightly used, the energy of your emotions transforms into positive feelings used to live your purpose and contribute to life. Becoming more centered, you add to your self-value and gain greater love and fulfillment.

This next bit forgot to mention his seminars are also famous for their dirty jokes and mind manipulation.

This seminar will focus on the principles of emotional maturity developed by Chuck Spezzano. Chuck’s workshops offer a deep experiential learning opportunity in a supportive environment. His seminars are famous for their depth and humour and the connection that occurs when everyone’s heart is open.

The next part of the ad should start with, "Chuck Spezzano, APA unaccredited PhD ..."

Chuck Spezzano PhD is a man with a vision. For over 40 years he has traveled the world empowering people to choose love over fear. His work is a path of the heart, which combines his many years of experience as a relationship coach, spiritual teacher and practical mystic. He empowers people to become happy in their life and consequently their relationships, and to live with humour, inspiration and guidance. Chuck co-founded the Psychology of Vision model with his wife Lency Spezzano. It is a healing model that is committed to helping people lead happy lives.

And now comes the part where the 3-day option is added. Notice the First Nations fee is hardly "free." Where has the money come from for the Haida Gwaii attendees to attend these sessions, particularly those who hold public positions? I'm not casting asparagus or making accusations here, but I am interested in the answer. If I had a public officer using public money in order to attend a cult brainwashing session, I would be pretty upset.  Especially if that money could've been used for something really useful instead of fattening the Spezzano bank account.

There is a 3 Day option for this workshop - Saturday, June 6 - Monday, June 8th.

This 3 day seminar will be a complete healing experience as three days with Chuck Spezzano are always profound.
Register Now (by May 28th) for the 3 Day Option for $375 USD + tax
Couples, Senior, Students - $345 USD + tax
First Nations - $315 USD + tax
And if you want to experience the power of a 5 day which is about transformation then stay until Wednesday, June 10th.
Register Now (by May 28th) for 5 days for $625 USD + tax
Couples, Senior, Students - $575 USD + tax
First Nations - $475 USD + tax

If you feel inspired to join us for this workshop we specialize in creative solutions. Call Marianne at 604-526-4521 or email for a little help from your friends.  Contact for current CAD exchange rate.

In the following segment, I can't help but notice how long these sessions are. That is a red flag for cult watchers.

Date: Saturday, June 6 – Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Workshop Hours:- 10 am – 7 pm Workshop ending time is approx.

Registration: Saturday, 9 – 10 am

Location: Executive Hotel, 4201 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby, BC

A hotel group rate is available until May 8th – contact us for more information.

Group Rates are available.  Contact the office for the current CAD dollar tuition fee.



Email or

Call Myrna Taylor 604-669-7400 or Marianne  Vermilyea 604-526-4521

It's all about the money.


In other SALPOV news: Canada has added a new trainer, Bernadette Demens, and Alex Patchett-Joyce has returned to the roster of trainers on the UK SALPOV webpage.


I recently reported on the deletion from public view of most of Lenora Kay Spezzano's "downloading/joining" Youtubes--

Only three examples survived the purge. And I wondered, why these three? Then I noticed they were the only three where the number of "thumbs up" outnumbered the "thumbs down." As I recall in all the rest of the videos the "thumbs down" option was the dominant choice of the viewers, especially overwhelming in the Babs Stevens hypnosis demonstration--


Ba'hee Priss Dimmie!


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #446 on: June 01, 2015, 06:59:19 pm »
[quoteBa'hee Priss Dimmie!][/quote]

Sandy S, they are zoned out all right!  It reminds me so much of Lency, only she is not so funny.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #447 on: June 01, 2015, 11:38:02 pm »
Thanks Autumn for the comment on the Zone Theory link.

Take note of the attached image (must be signed in to view).

I have my spaghetti pot and my SALPOV DVD, so I am all set.

As far as diarrhea goes, Charles Lee Spezzano has addressed the spiritual metaphor aspect of that malady in the infamous and self-censored Healing Keys!--

Now I can get real sound advice that can make a difference!

Note: here's my past review of the attached image DVD--;topicseen#msg37561


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #448 on: June 08, 2015, 05:25:11 pm »
Unfortunately Chuck is back in B.C., Canada. 5 day seminar "What Happy People Know".

To be happy is to know your own emotions, and to live from your authentic nature. This emotional maturity makes you open, attractive, and true.

And if you want to experience the power of a 5 day which is about transformation then stay until Wednesday, June 10th.
Register Now (by May 28th) for 5 days for $625 USD + tax
Couples, Senior, Students - $575 USD + tax
First Nations - $475 USD + tax

POV continues to go after First Nations people. A discount on b.s. is still b.s.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #449 on: June 09, 2015, 05:00:55 pm »
I just had a look at the second picture and almost fell off the chair when I read:

biggest bugger (problem person)

At least in British English, that term carries notions of flatteries like sod, bastard, arsehole, and is also a not very nice term for a homosexual. Cultural and/or linguistic sensitivity is certainly not on the curriculum at PoV...