Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 574757 times)

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #240 on: June 19, 2014, 02:38:21 am »
after hearing horror stories and reading all the documented research, much of it compiled from what the spezzanos published themselves, with all this evidence , how can anyone think anything but that chuck and Lency spezzano are dangerous people, if the spexxanos' are dangerous, then i believe it is safe to say that the "advanced trainers" are also dangerous people to the public, they do hold their own PoV workshops and at the very least a variation of Chuck & Lency spezzanos' "teachings" .
   THE "ADVANCED TRAINERS" ARE EVEN LESS QUALIFIED TO WORK WITH PEOPLES MINDS. the advanced trainers also deceive the public that they are credible and qualified.I reality they and the 100 plus day grads of  are probably even more dangerous than their leaders and controllers Chuck & lency Spezzano.
when you think about these people pretending to be councilors from 100 days of workshops, that is barely over 3 monts of going to a university or college, we all know they take 4 or 2 years to complete to be tested to get your degree.. yet these PoV devotees must be made to believe their PoV 100 day grad certificate is enough to go make money for and with the PoV dogma.   for all the money a person can wast on a worthless 100 day grad cerificate that amounts to nothing more than showing how much you wasted on PoV, you're much better off going to get a proper education, or if you're looking for healing, what is the goal of the spezzanos'? turning you into an advanced trainer ?? then again you're better off to go see a licensed credible professionally educated psychologist than risking your life and sanity with a charlatan
 here is another dangerous example of harming people...a PoV survivor said she finally got brave enough to speak about being sexually abused at a chuck "workshop". chuck told her the reason she was sexually abused is because she was a rapist in her past life..
 we're lucky she's alive today because she turned suicidal after chuck packed up and left, leaving no proper trained people for after care her other than the local "advenced trainer" and a couple of 100 plus days of actual workshop "grads" we all know these people are not qualified to do mental health work,yet some call themselves trauma councelors,life skills coaches to name a few titles
 there are other people having problems from exposing themselves so deeply in the spezzano large group awareness training environment that are speaking up. everyone says the same thing. there is no proper back up care when the spezzanos go to the next place on their circuit.
 there are more and more people coming forward and telling how chuck turns "participants " against family members, it seems common for chuck to turn his victims against the ones they are close tt so they can create his new "family" for them to belong to.
these are definitely not very nice people for anyone to be involved with,
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 07:37:31 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #241 on: June 19, 2014, 12:09:00 pm »
Yesterday Piff made a reference to the DVD Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision (container title: Inspiring Heart, Mind and Soul). This was filmed July 23, 2007 in St. James Church, Piccadilly, London.

This DVD is 90 minutes of Charles Lee Spezzano performing his act to an audience of people who appear to be new to SALPOV. I did not recognize any of the familiar faces. So we are seeing the "gateway" Spezzano here.

Most of the performance is pretty routine for Spezzano-watchers. All problems boil down to guilt, all solutions boil down to love. He used a FN rape victim as his blame-the-victim example. Incredibly insensitive and destructive. The word "justice" is not in the SALPOV vocabulary. I should think activists involved with the movement to stop violence against women would be outraged at the assertions of Charles Lee Spezzano.

Charles exhibited the crude and obscene jokes he is famous for, in a CHURCH, to an English audience of strangers. It didn't go over too well. He kept having to tell the viewers it was OK to laugh. In short, he sort of died.

Toward the end is where the fun starts. Spezzano tells the assembled crowd he is going to perform a "Oneness Blessing," and he adds, "It's just an energy transfer, it's called a Deeksha Blessing."

He does this without pontificating further or defining what it means. What Lenora Kay Spezzano calls "Bliss Music" begins and lights go dim when Charles directs the stage crew (see attached). Then as the music plays, which is never identified but appears to be from India, Charles stands in front with his hands raised, imitating one of his "greatest inspirations," Amma and Bhagavan (see attached).

I figure this DVD was made shortly after Charles Lee Spezzano was finished with his enthusiastic participation in classes at Oneness University. As we can see, OU had more of an impact in shaping the present curriculum of SALPOV than Lenora claims in her recent statement.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 12:57:52 pm by Sandy S »


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #242 on: June 19, 2014, 06:52:31 pm »
This 2007 video of a speech in London, I find it appalling how Chuck Spezzano uses stories of First Nations people as a way to sell his product. He acts as if he is an all knowing expert on First Nations history and experience.

Chuck tells a story of a FN woman who had been raped 2 months before the workshop. He says that she was angry and that he told her she had to forgive the perpetrator. Chuck said "any time you are angry, you take that pistol and it becomes a machine gun and you shoot everyone around you" - he mimed the gun use as he said this. He also said that because she was angry, she was committing "emotional rape" on her family.

So, according to him, it was her fault. She was in her victim pattern and it was her responsibility to heal everyone. Chuck says he had her role play this out with other workshop participants, most everyone in the room became triggered and upset, according to Chuck this is apparently a good thing. She was told that she had to heal all the perpetrators, she had to give up her independence and ego (according to Chuck, ego is bad), and apply forgiveness and redemption.

As moreinfo has detailed, the Spezzanos are damaging people, and they especially target FN people.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #243 on: June 19, 2014, 07:24:34 pm »
   another one of the things chuck spezzano says is - you wished it on your self ??!!
to me i can't help but think - how in the hell can a 2 year old baby wish sexual abuse on itself, i'm not surprised those poor unfortunate souls that took a chance with chuck and lency spezzano turned suicidal, 
people really need to know about this group and maybe real government health officials need to scrutinize PoV with a fine comb ,
there are reports of ambulance cases for women that attended chucks work over shops because they were having nervous breakdowns from not being able to deal with what chuck exposed in them in front of the group in a community where everyone knows each other. and there is no confidentiality for the victims.
and yet there are people positioned in the communities that still push this cult sickness onto the unsuspecting people, it is really good that there are sites like this nafps to help people to learn about harmful groups and make the people less unsuspecting, public education seems to be the best way to go about dealing with these groups when PoV has mambers in village band councils and health centers supporting them and helping bring more "workshops" into the villages,
they are so brainwashed that they even say"because chuck said" it must be true, weel it sure is being proven that just because chuck said,it is not true or good for people, the deeply devote ones will probably fight to their death and take it to the grave that chuck is the best, because they were made to think that way, those poor victims, some willing victims like the ones writing the glowing testimonials praising chuck don't even know any better or anything else.
brian lynchman called this woman a willing victim and a part of the organization so she's doing this to pleas lency and help recruit for what she called an amazing healing session. hopefully no one in their right mind would want themselves to end up this way and see that it's brainwashing through and through,a doctor said part of their training was to recognize brainwashing, he said it's obvious this woman is brainwashed and this is not healing

this is worse that the original colonizers did and it needs to be addressed immediately, 
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 07:27:20 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #244 on: June 21, 2014, 01:14:48 pm »

I read a bit in some "view in the book" in the internet parts of C. Spezzonas books.

One problem, I understand it in this way in Spezzonas book view, Chuck Spezzona explains that are just few true emotions, which are mostly be covered by other emotions. Some so called real / true emotions are fear and anger ... guit has another aspect - he reduces and simplify all these emotions and its varieties down to these few emotions, pure and unaltered.
It is true, that secondary emotions cover  primary emotions, but all these emotions are existing.
A person develop secondary emotion for he can better stand by a situation.
I understand Spezzona, as if the covering emotions were nothing more but lies and the originary emotions had to come up to the surface so the person can understand himself better. But in this way I fear this person would just realise a part, something bad in the past he needs to let vanish for getting a better life in future. How can he develop an understandable relationship between the past and actual life? I cannot imagine that this runs. C. Spezzona forces people to sperate themselves. But maybe it is better to learn how to integrate one´s past, a part of one´s life he can never let disappear.  If this would be possible ... tell me, how to live with a black gap in your life?

Emotions are often not in pure forms and often it is so difficult to find those words which can describe correctly what one really feels. C. Spezzona  take these words and leave other speecheless.
Reduced to those "basic true" emotions I can imagine that people can develope an inner emptiness, Often it is very hard to stand by this emptiness and they need other people who lead them in life, who tell them, how to live, what to think, what to chose, ... . Emptiness makes people having fear, being helpless. There is a willing, but no decision-making ability... maybe they think they got no other choice than to be dependent for a help C. Spezzona or someone else gives them. C. Spezzona got easy explaining, maybe it seems chaotic, but maybe just on the surface. This chaotic way doesn´t let people develop an understanding of themselves, but it can fix people in helplesness and dependence.
Life is complex, not always easy to understand, sometimes it is dangerous to walk back on the way, being unprotected.

The guilt of being abused could have another background too: A lot of people who were afflicted by sexual violence learned to be guilty, the offender told them, on their own they feel guilty and dirty, ashamed... It is for them so difficult to learn that they are not guilty, it is a hard way to learn to unite the intellectual knowledge and the feeling of not being guilty. It could be, that they know intellectually they are not guilty, maybe know, that they had no chance to averted this terrible event. But the feeling let some struggle back, time by time and they need to learn again, this comes in little steps in therapies, it needs time, courage and endurance. Also to clearify the emotions, put in words, about what happened. It is hard to find the words when a afflicted person feels speechless. And C. Spezzona forces this feeling of guilt, he deals with the feeling of guilt, and he took the words away other needs to find out, he take away the chance that the afflicted people got the right to be angry, worry, sad, disppointed, ... I hope that afflicted people find a way to get a qualifiyed therapist or psychologist, both needs time, courage and endurance.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #245 on: June 22, 2014, 01:26:06 am »
after reading through the research on the spezzanos' and their "spiritual" business, i go back to reading this site about warning signs of dysfunctional cults and fing there are many, many yes answers questions that apply to chuck & lency spezannos high demand (cult) group - Psychology Of Vision.

they also have an indepth look at the oneness university, chuck has stated that this was one of hie 2 founding sources for inspiring PoV... but now time the spezzanos' are denying any association with ou and their inventors,bi=ut there is plenty of evidence to show they are full of shit about any involvement...

there are people that spent thousands to go attend a 21 day workshop event at oneness u for programming as suggested by the spezzanos if they wanted to continut trying to advance themselves in PoV...

 one cannot feel anything but sorry and pity for those poor souls that are duped into thinking the PoV is worth anything in the healing field to teach others or made to believe that this is personal healing to better your life.
 I truly hope the devotee deciples can overcome their phobias and get proper trained help to free themselves so they can truly begin to enjoy their lives.
but as sturmboe said  there are people that need to follow, and it will be a difficult task if not impossible for those that have been locked into and indoctrinated into this false belief system , those with 20 or more years of spending money on this group will probably never be able to break free, thinking they are right and on a healing journey and will take it to the grave with them.
a person working in cult exiting said - one of the first signs of someone already locked into the cult mindset is they get mad and protect the leader when questioned or even have any opinion about the group, every person in PoV and the erick gonzalez cult are all very angry people to those that speak up , how can this be called healing?? in any true healing group they're taught how to handle these situations ,every one knows bullying is not healing, yet these PoV and gonzalez devotees express a lot of bullying behavior, some even teaching their grand kids how to give dirty looks , it's strange to see the devotees in health care positions and all other disciples behave like this, are they so programmed that they don't know better, i'm beginning to think so.. it's not fair to the grand kids or people depending on having good people in health care positions.
sad but true. 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 03:04:45 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #246 on: June 22, 2014, 05:55:16 am »
Not everybody is innocent. What is someone doing, if he is guilty for something. He can learn to live with his guilt. But he can never cut away, what happened. There is too often the wish: "Make this off, as it would never have happened." This wish is impossible to fulfill.
It doesn´t seem to me POV helps people to learn to live with guilt. In what a situition POV forces them? This would be another aspect to see.

"one of the first signs of someone already locked into the cult mindset is they get mad and protect the leader when questioned or even have any opinion about the group"
I don´t agree with that. First it is difficult to say if someone is mad or what this "mad" really is, what mental issue. This reaction is also often seen by people who lived for years in families with physical and emotional misuse.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #247 on: June 22, 2014, 10:10:55 am »
"one of the first signs of someone already locked into the cult mindset is they get mad and protect the leader when questioned or even have any opinion about the group"
I don´t agree with that. First it is difficult to say if someone is mad or what this "mad" really is, what mental issue. This reaction is also often seen by people who lived for years in families with physical and emotional misuse.

Please. In this context, 'getting mad at someone' simly means 'getting angry'.

Aber bitte. Im obigen Kontext heißt 'getting mad at someone' soviel wie 'auf jdn wütend werden'.

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #248 on: June 22, 2014, 11:04:13 am »
OK, I translated "mad" directly, do not know this in this context as the meaning "being angry".

Also in this context "being angry" it happen by people who lived for years in families with physical and emotional misuse.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #249 on: June 22, 2014, 01:10:41 pm »
In the following Jed McKenna forum on, Lenora Kay Spezzano made a comment which had some very real-world replies--

Customer Discussions > Jed McKenna forum

I became enlightened 3 weeks ago...

See latest post
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Showing 1-8 of 8 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Aug 4, 2011 3:02:01 AM PDT

Lency Spezzano says:
...and brought 17 other women along with me during a 5 day seminar. The psycho-therapeutic healing technique that I have been developing for 28 years, Joining, is the perfect tool for self-annihilation. The Jed McKenna books and Haunted Universe were a good framework for me to help myself and the others understand the paradigm that we broke into. Since awakening, I have assisted others into enlightenment as well. It takes courage to face the self-hatred, rebellion against God, etc., deep in the mind, but those coming through my work can get a lot of the healing as a "download," rather than having to brave the territory alone. It is challenging, but very doable. Lency Spezzano, co-founder of the Psychology of Vision

Posted on May 30, 2012 7:57:28 PM PDT
Anon_nonA says:
why women ? Weren't there men ?

No offence .. but it kind of sounds fishy..

In reply to an earlier post on May 30, 2012 8:07:27 PM PDT
Lency Spezzano says:
Hahaha! It was a women's seminar, but since then men have gone through the process just as well. :)

Posted on Oct 9, 2012 5:24:26 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Oct 9, 2012 5:27:33 AM PDT
Joey says:
this doesn't sound like enlightenment. it sounds like using concepts from books to mythologize what were likely some darn nice mystical experiences. still, not enlightenment.

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 10, 2013 3:34:53 PM PST
Tom B Radar says:
Sounds like an article worthy of The Onion, fool!

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 17, 2013 12:15:46 PM PST
Amazon Customer says:
Seeing through the illusion can be facilitated for free by volunteers, and online. And by the way, YOU can't become enlightened. That's sort of RULE #1 of enlightenment, by the way.

In reply to an earlier post on Apr 11, 2013 10:23:31 PM PDT
overdrive sandwich says:
really getting a kick out of it, huh?

Posted on Sep 17, 2013 9:35:13 AM PDT
Lila Sterling says:
Just can't stop laughing...

A few observations. How many times has Lenora been enlightened? If she was not enlightened until mid-2011, does this mean all her previous teachings regarding spirituality were unenlightened?

The Spezzanos are well-known for lifting the material of others, repackaging it, and calling it their own (Course in Miracles, Oneness University, Louise Hay, Bob Trask triangle, Quantum flapdoodle, etc.)

I am not familiar with the work of Jed McKenna or Steven Norquist (author of Haunted Universe). When I read their works, I wonder if I'll find that many of their concepts have been lifted, twisted, and absorbed into SALPOV?

In checking out McKenna's homepage, I enjoyed this quote--

I am not the last word on 'Truth' as there is no last word. However, I am rather intolerant of folks who are trying to sell tomatoes from an empty cart.

It would be interesting to hear what McKenna, Norquist, Trask, Amma and Bhagavan, and Louise Hay would have to say about Lenora's "downloading/joining" or "Oneness session" YouTubes.

Notice Lenora also described her "downloading/joining" as a "psycho-therapeutic healing technique." She is basically calling this psychotherapy. According to Psychology Today, "Psychotherapy" is defined as--

Psych Basics
What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the practice of spending time with a psychological professional trained to help diagnose and treat mental and emotional problems. Therapy can take various forms—cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or a combination of these—but at the center of each is the caring relationship between a mental health professional and a patient.

Hmm. As any reader of this forum knows, Lenora is not a licensed professional and is not qualified to be inflicting her version of psychotherapy on victims. In many jurisdictions, she could be legally prosecuted for doing so. This might explain why the Spezzanos have not targeted the other 49 of the United States, their home nation. They are fortunate to be living in a state that is especially lax in the area of mental health regulation. Once Hawaii enacts a hypnotherapy law with some teeth, Lenora will be out of business.

By the by, hypnosis is one of the tools of psychotherapy.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #250 on: June 22, 2014, 05:02:34 pm »
thx for the correction notice Sturmboe,
i eas referring to the PoV people as being angry, in reality they become very angry when their leadr or group is questioned or even just discussed.
some of the PoV and erick gonzalez people have resorted to threatening people with a summary beating up and one huge mean energied woman threatened someone with her vehicle coming so close to the person that the person had to jump out of her way.
 it's already like these paople live in a commune in their own heads and they always stick together when out in the public together. people notice and talk about them, but they continue to do this, they're the last ones to know how obvious they are.
they not only turn angry and threatening but resort to spreading mean lies about people that speak up. probably thinking they're discrediting the people speaking public education about these groups.
 this is one way that PoV and this group.. is splitting people apart from their families and others in the communities they live in.
 it was a hypnotherapist that said when these people defend themselves and their leader by becoming angry and threatening towards those exposing them, turning angry because they're already hooked and indoctrinated into the cult leaders belief system, i believe what she's saying about them is true, she helps people exit cults and has been doing it for quite a while,
 yes people can get angry for many things, but when spefically applied to a classic cult devotees response, i think it to be one of the true signs of cult involvement, i see it first hand and up close

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #251 on: June 22, 2014, 07:15:45 pm »

i eas referring to the PoV people as being angry, in reality they become very angry when their leadr or group is questioned or even just discussed.
 it was a hypnotherapist that said when these people defend themselves and their leader by becoming angry and threatening towards those exposing them, turning angry because they're already hooked and indoctrinated into the cult leaders belief system, i believe what she's saying about them is true, she helps people exit cults and has been doing it for quite a while,

The way how they react is not only taking part in cults. One aspect is the fear. If an offender is brainwashing his victim by telling and showing him that he is the only one who can and will help, if the victim does not obey and fulfill the requirements the offender told, than the victim must be punished, and this is always the blame of the victim, the offender told again and again, he wasn´t the person who wished it, it is the result of the vicit,´s behaviour. An offender can build on his lies a bottom of a fear the victim has to live on and don´t know how to come out of this vicious circle. By the time, the victim believes the offender is right, with the inner knowing, that all this is false and hurting, but it is to dangerous to have look on the truth. There is always the question: "What will happen, when I break out? Is the offender just right? Can I stand by the punish he manace me? When I am punished, am I wrong?" Sometimes it seems for the victim more secure to obey and believe the offender is right - just to be able to survive. There is fear, blame, ... In psychotherapie it could be, the victim got the feeling the therapist want to break down the safty world, fears the punish will maybe come and maybe cannot stand by, and the victim feares he will be punished or die. So it could happen the victim is very angry about the therapist and fighting against.
In therapies the therapist and the vicitm clarify this situation step by step, the victim learns to break out of this circle, learn, what a true safty place really means, learn to decide on his own and being resonsible.
What the hypnotherapist says happen in cults, in some families and in the worst way in satanic cults, world wide organized: trigger, programming, conditioning - brainwash. Brainwash can be such a terrible work, basing on a deep psychological knowledge.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #252 on: June 23, 2014, 02:12:41 am »
     brainwash. Brainwash can be such a terrible work, basing on a deep psychological knowledge.
   I always thought all BRAINWASHING was something terrible to have happen to you , no matter how good the intentions or how you're programmed and who's doing it to you, we see it all the time in advertisements and commercials trying to sell you a product, but when you have people doing this to vulnerable people for control and profit is disgusting, and to top it off the people are progremmed to protect and promote the perpetuate-rs.
the people that had this done too them ahave a long road in their personal recovery. It's like they are double whammied with something to heal from, many probably were looking for qualified help in the first place, when the end up brainwashed on top of their personal problems , this will be a tough job for them to fix ,what a disaster to end up in
 here is another educated comment about these spezzano people and the advanced trainer from Haida Gwaii..

« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 03:19:29 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #253 on: June 23, 2014, 04:36:23 am »
Lenora's Enlightenment, Part 1:
In my last post I touched on Lenora Kay Spezzano's "enlightenment" of mid-2011.

Enlightenment can come in different forms. It is a very individual thing, and for most of us it is a private and independent awakening, shaped by our own experience. To the Spezzanos, independence = falling away from the inter-dependent Oneness they worship as a result of their experience as devotees of Amma and Bhagavan, the leaders of Oneness University, where Charles and Lenora "borrowed" much of their theology.

To be independent means one is not likely to be a vulnerable client for the SALPOV program. So, independence is bad. Dependence on the SALPOV program is good. And profitable! Critical minds need not apply. Or the poor.

If you are a wage slave, who experiences enlightenment as a result of living on the edge while having to exist on a level where you barely scrape by providing for your loved ones, the Spezzanos don't really want to dirty their soft white hands with you. Nor will they recognize your enlightenment as valid, especially if your version of enlightenment means you can see the Spezzanos are emperors who wear no clothes! Charles charges over $1000 an hour for private consultations. The rabble need not bother applying. "Enlightenment" in the SALPOV world is only for those who can cough up the cash.  Jesus himself couldn't qualify for SALPOV courses because he would've lacked the primary qualification-- lots of money.

You'll notice in Lenora's protestations she does not deny they are about money, she just claims they are about more than that. I submit the "more than that" is just smoke and mirrors and they are indeed just all about money.

It is possible, although I for one remain wary, that Lenora did experience some form of enlightenment in 2011. But what she did with this concept is very capitalist American. Rather than treating her transformation as the sacred and unique happening it should be, she packaged, institutionalized, and marketed it. And then, being the cultural imperialist that she is, she held herself up as a "high priestess" and with the zeal of a Tupperware salesperson attempted to sell it to other cultures. One Haida person calls her efforts "psychocolonization." The real Hawaiians call it "ethnocide," as the Spezzanos have also swiped some of their schtick from the natives of their home state, Hawaii.

In many ways SALPOV is the McDonalds of "spiritual healing," except that it isn't affordable. But it is fast mass-marketed assembly-line junk food for the soul.

Lenora wrote at length about her "enlightenment" and it remains posted. I will bold the more, um, "interesting" passages--

Lency has been exploring new realms of consciousness in the last few weeks. Here is her experience - posted on her Blog and on Facebook:
Saving the World through Feminine Power
Social Media posts by Lency Spezzano during her extraordinary healing seminar for Women which took place in England this July 2011

Bringing a new level of the Feminine!
For the last couple of years my dear girlfriends in England, Evie and Avril (and before that, Julie) have made it possible to do a 5 day seminar with just women. The women's seminars are always powerful, deep and special in a way that really can't be described, but I am especially excited to go this time, because I have a great new gift to share. During a deep session with the Buddhist monks and nuns that I worked with in Taiwan in June, one in which we were executing "self" annihilation (especially valued by Buddhists), I went through a very interesting metamorphosis. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like I evolved from a caterpillar to a butterfly - a strange experience. By the end of the session I felt that I had transformed to a different archetypal identity, the High Priestess. It sounds strange as I type it here, but there is a very different feeling to there is a bright light in my head that hadn't been turned on before. So this is the newest "download" that I can share with the women in Bicester. It feels like perfect timing - the next level in Feminine Power. I can't wait to see everyone there!
?Lency Spezzano

Letter to my Mastery Program friends

In our Mastery Program, which is open to graduates of the Psychology of Vision 100 Day Program, we are all so close as a community that we group email each other several times a day. We share laughs, our healing process (which is continuous for us as a group), our victories, jokes, wisdom we chance upon, etc. This evening, in Bicester, England, I touched in with my Mastery friends with these words about Day 2 of the Healing the World through Feminine Power seminar:

Missing you all here. This women's seminar is operating at the level of the Mastery Program, for the most part, because of the Trainers, the four Mastery Program girls and me being in the group mind. But the healing is beyond the beyond. We healed the Oedipus issue all the way back to the original separation from God this afternoon, heartbreak after heartbreak. During that process I healed an absolutely tremendous heartbreak I had no idea was buried deep within - the heartbreak that came after my experience of The Holy Instant. To have been transported completely out of the dream of this world, into Oneness with God, and then to have fallen back into the dream, was pain well beyond any worldly heartbreak possible. My brain has changed forever after that healing. Rather than just channeling Heaven's grace, now I can feel God coming directly through me. I can't wait to pass that on to you.

And that was just one part of the day's process; each section was inexpressibly powerful. Earlier in the day, as an example, we discovered how we will save the planet, how the Grandmothers will speak. It is wonderful to have Florence with us here, to have such incredible aboriginal intelligence and leadership from a matriarchal culture. Again, it is just beyond words.

Love you all so much, and feel you with us here. Will keep you informed of our progress.

? Lency Spezzano

Feminine Power seminar update day 3

We started the day off with self-annihilation, slaying of the ego. This is something that I have practiced on three groups before. First, when Chuck and I taught a 4 day seminar in Tokyo in early May.

I had gone through the process on my own over four and a half days during that terrible time just after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the launch of the war in Libya. It felt like there was some kind of opening in the collective consciousness of the planet, and most people faced the feeling that all the talk about 2012 is true, that something really is going to happen to us on a planetary scale. I believe that what the human race will be going through is ego death, as the vibration or frequency of our existence changes, to become finer and higher. Our egoic selves, our suffering will have to go. For the ego, that is death.

The process of going through self annihilation is shattering. You must face the horrendous self hatred we all have buried inside us, which we glimpse only shallowly when we are most depressed. In this process you must face everything you judge in yourself: every flaw, every mistake, every failure, every mortifying embarrassment, every shame, every imperfection and all of your self disgust. It isn't pretty. You want to kill yourself. You recognize that all the evil you have seen outside yourself is just the projection of your own guilt. As you surrender and accept it all, without resistance, you face the understanding that all of that self hatred was really just disguising the fact that, in fact, you resent God. You discover your rebellion against God. You see that the concept of Satan is only the truth about who you really are. You are in a fight for supremacy with God, and it is a fight to the death. This is what we have really been hiding from. When you accept that and move through it you are so ashamed that you plead with God, beg God, please, please, please, to destroy you. To make it that you never existed. To never even have been a thought in the mind of God. Then, as you let go, and you die, there is God.

After the process you are still you, and still have an ego, but there is a great emptiness inside where before there was self and there was suffering. It is a huge relief. Going through it on your own is a harrowing experience. But if you are led through it in a joining session (the Psychology of Vision's feminine aspect) by someone who has already gone through it, you can get through it much, much more easily.

Because many of the Japanese PoV students are adept at joining (thanks goes out here to how much Master Trainers Hiromi and Hideaki, and the other Japanese PoV Trainers value it) and the Japanese in general have such a good attitude as students, I had the courage to propose it to them that they die. They agreed. I think the influence of Buddhism on their culture made it something they knew to be the true direction.

They were heroic. We did the process over two days, in two afternoon sessions. Two thirds of them (it was a large group, somewhere between 150 to 200 people) completed the process at a more shallow level on the first day, and on the second day one third got all the way through to the same point that I had reached . Every person in the room was glad for the experience.

Next, I tried it on a group of Germans. Half of them said it was the thing they most wanted. No one was willing even to break the surface of the emotion. They stayed in dissociation, but, after 45 minutes, were willing to follow me through something else that I was able to find inside myself and heal - giving up the notion of authority being outside yourself. That in itself was extremely liberating, and it was a triumphant session, but a no-go as far as self-annihilation.

My next chance to try it out on was a group of 70 monks and nuns in Taiwan. I figured I had pretty good odds with them, especially as Trainers Chi-Ching and Joy had made sure they had good training in the joining method. In the two consecutive sessions, which were part of a 5 day seminar, almost all of them got through the process. You can imagine how grateful they were - it's what they are all about.

So this morning, in our group of women (half of them being Trainers and Mastery Program members), with our purpose of coming together to heal the world and make the planetary shift be an easy birth - I knew the deck was stacked in our favor. As we began, I dropped into a new layer of the the pain of the healing process. It was beyond any self attack, but it was horrible just the same. It was desolate, empty separation - an unbridgeable distance between me and God. Unconsolable loss. The women dove in, starting with the self hatred, committed to following me all the way through. I cried and cried until, again, there was God. When the miracle of that hit my mind, I started to laugh the laughter that always comes with a miracle (which is the end result of a joining session). But that laughter turned into a belly laugh that went on and on. I literally screamed with laughter for half an hour (Evie's iPhone captured a lot of it - I have a feeling it is going to become a popular ring-tone in our crowd). 

It was laughing from relief. It was the laughter of getting the joke - the ridiculous notion that this dream of separation from God could be real. All of the women followed me, most rolling on the floor with laughter. There was a great nothing inside them, where they had been before. They got all of the way through the process in half an hour, and laughed their asses off for half an hour, and then it was lunch.

The afternoon started with us facing all of the evils of the world. Every race was represented in the room, and we had access to face the result and reality of genocide, slavery, war and our personal and ancestral guilt for all that has happened. We accepted that the nature of this world is impermanence, and that anything we are attached to will change. So we accepted all change - willing for absolutely EVERYTHING to change - bring it on! With that miracle we took a quick break, and came back... let go of the need to have any control over anything in our lives. To accept the primary tenet of all the great religions, which is to turn over control to a higher power, the way Muslims and Christians surrender to the Almighty. Giving up the role of being the captain of your own ship, and letting go of the tiller of your life so that you can lean back and float down the river of the Great Tao. A young woman led us back to the Garden, before we fell in this lifetime, back to when we were whole, where all was everything. With her we faced the passive aggression that was the reason for the failure and of our lives - our lack of success was an attack on God for not taking care of us. We followed the rage to its end, which was, again, God. Our desire to control fell away, and we once again could clearly and plainly see that everything is perfect! How could it not be? The whole idea that anything wrong could happen was ridiculous, hilarious! What freedom, and ease. Life is a delight. We are back in the garden of our happy childhood.

Tomorrow will probably bring another layer of the self-annihilation process, but who knows? Anything could happen, and it will be absolutely perfect!
?Lency Spezzano

Day 4 of the Women's Seminar
In the morning session all 17 of the participants and I became enlightened. It was hilarious to do it as a group. I highly recommend it.
In the afternoon we moved on to other issues higher on the PoV Triangle, Heart Enlightenment and Communion.

I have never laughed so much in my life as I have this week. We had a party for the Trainers in the seminar afterwards (and Chuck had joined us from Taiwan). It was so funny to see all the women acting like me...speechless, mindless.  :)  Everyone's sense of humor is so outlandish, and, somehow, everyone now can whistle well, even those who couldn't before. The Tao is so amusing.
?Lency Spezzano

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2011
The Final Day
In the morning of day 5, the last day of this year's Saving the World through Feminine Power seminar, I taught everyone how to go into the void - thanks, Peter Evans, for bringing this wisdom into our community. When you go into the void, you drop your identity completely to enter the mirror world that quantum physics says is the fundamental source of this universe. It is the anti-matter, non time and space world in which everything is non physical, and the experiences there are nirvana. It is strange to demonstrate the method to a group of people. You drop your self, go have an experience, and when you come back you have to take a few moments to remember who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. It's like waking up from a coma in a strange place with a bunch of people staring at you.  :)  "What am I doing? Oh, demonstrating the void exercise," I said both times I showed them. So funny.

In the afternoon we healed the Oedipus Complex all the way up through to God the Mother. Receiving love and bonding with the Great Mother that had been known in ancient times, but lost to us, was so powerful. And when that bonding was complete, we received the combined and equal love of God the Father (having healed that side of Oedipus earlier in the seminar) and God the Mother at the same time - thus ending the Oedipus Complex. When that occurred, we integrated the archetype of the High Priestess.

The cherry on top is that tonight is the full moon. We know that we fulfilled our mission. From the enlightened viewpoint we now can see that there is no real world to save, only a virtual one. But in this video game called life, the healing of Mother Earth is a milestone, after which we get to move up a level. We play the game of forgiveness and integration until we heal ourselves enough to wake up in the macrocosmic sense. Then the universe will disappear, and we will get the cosmic joke: we never left our real home of Oneness with God. Until then, the 18 of us will enjoy the video. It is hillarious - the Great Tao has SUCH a sense of humor!
?Lency Spezzano

Enlightenment is no place to camp :)
Being enlightened is so cool. Instead of feeling the world is real, you experience it as being only virtual, like a very good video game. So everything is easy, and it is so fun having so much of the ego gone. From time to time it still tries to reach up and grab your ass through your old habitual patterns that you haven't looked at and healed yet, but you know what it is trying to do, and you just heal it and it then it is back to the fun.

Enlightenment itself was no place to camp, really. PoV takes us to God Realization. The people stuck in enlightenment get pretty bored just knowing that the universe isn't real. They know it is meaningless as a source of anything of value, but they don't realize that it is the classroom of the Holy Spirit, and that the direction is Heaven, waking up in the macrocosmic sense. So they think there is nothing to do. They don't know the object of the game. The participants in the women's seminar spent one two hour lunch break before we went on to heal the next step. After getting Enlightenment of the Heart, they all said it was great to get God back. Then, in the end, receiving Mom and Dad's love together equally, both in the dream sense and in the cosmic sense out of the dream, was just so explosively sweet and touching.

It is raining in Bicester. My plan to take Alex PJ's dog on a hike to the ponds on the huge estate where she lives in the mews will have to be postponed. I love the English countryside. Last night, from our restaurant window, we saw a hare hop by who was so big it looked like a wallaby!
?Lency Spezzano

The Beloved
The final piece of healing to embody the High Priestess archetype came through in my meditation today. It is recovering the relationship with God as the Beloved.

I played this recording as the intro to the last healing of the seminar. Very powerful. A shout out to Melissa and the Great Tao for providing.  :)
?Lency Spezzano

In My Defenselessness My Safety Lies
In the last couple of days I had the chance to coach two of the participants from the women's seminar on how to navigate their lives post enlightenment. Like all the women in the group, their lives are completely different. Although things seem to be the same, nothing feels the same, because everything in their lives has shifted into a virtual reality. They wondered how they would go about living their lives. What about their long term goals? What would they do with themselves now? What about their relationships?

Primarily, they needed guidance on letting go of the habitual expectations and demands they had previously had on their lives. Together we went through the process of recognizing that the world could not provide anything that would or could be a source for satisfaction of desires (and it never really could). It was empty, meaningless in that regard. It was only a video game that would lead them on their journey to awaken from the dream. It was not real, and never had been, and could not give them anything real. For example, if you had always wanted to have a baby, would you still want one, knowing that the baby wouldn't be real? If you had been working up to manifesting a partner, would you still want one, knowing that any needs you have could only be satisfied outside the dream, and not by any partner?

They went through the process of letting go of any habitual demands on the world, and anything they had ever wanted from it. They let it burn away to ash, to nothingness. They let go of any possibility of it providing meaning or sustenance.

And as they did, each got the most beautiful expression on their faces. It was the look you see only on small children who haven't figured out that this world is a dangerous, bad place. It was the look of total defenselessness and innocence. The world could not hurt them, because it could not withhold from them what they desired, or cause them any disappointment. The world was a safe place again.

For all of us an adventure lies ahead of us - discovering what it is like to play the game of life this new way in all the situations of our lives...what will be different, while staying the same?
?Lency Spezzano

Needless to say her fellow participants were all paying customers.

So, what have we learned here? Lenora tells us she embodies the "High Priestess" and can now act as a conduit for God. Also, that she bought into that nonsense about 2012. I was personally acquainted with the late José Argüelles, one of the originators of the 2012 scare, which I consider the New Age version of the Y2K paranoia, and I highly suspect even he would've regarded the Spezzanos as plastic shamans, especially if he had viewed Lenora's "downloading" YouTubes.

I wondered who Peter Evans was and found this website from Portland, Oregon, USA--

Please note it includes this passage [also, see attached]--

Psychology of Vision... a powerful release technique developed by Chuck and Lency Spezzano, this method is based on the work of A Course in Miracles and The Oneness University.

Looks like Peter and company didn't get the orders from Hawaii to censor all mention of Oneness University. Hey guys, you better hurry up and goose-step with the program before Charles and Lenora brand you as "rebel shadows"!

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #254 on: June 23, 2014, 04:42:06 am »
Lenora's enlightenment, Part two:

Freshly enlightened, Lenora contributed to Once again, I have cast the more engaging quotes in bold. It highlights the sense of entitlement and feeling of superiority that comes naturally from someone who was raised as an affluent white American. So incredibly patronizing and self-anointing. I think someone's ego wasn't really annihilated and one look at the self-marketing on the current Spezzano website will prove that.

Well, let us proceed--

self annihilation process is leading people to enlightenment

    Posted by Lency Spezzano on August 20, 2011 at 9:58pm in Enlightenment Tools, Technologies, and Teachers
    View Discussions

I'm still in the research stage with this, but it appears that in the Psychology of Vision seminars, and in private sessions, we are able to lead people into enlightenment. My first success at this was with a group of 17 women (myself included) in a seminar in England 6 weeks ago. Since then I have done the process with small groups and individuals in person and over Skype video. PoV Trainers who received this process have produced the same results with their students in a seminar in Japan. (In the Psychology of Vision we have 50 Trainers around the world using the healing model that my husband, Chuck, and I have developed.) A very encouraging result. As best as I can tell, we have something of an enlightenment wave occurring.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 21, 2011 at 11:46am
    What are you calling "enlightenment"?

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 22, 2011 at 9:15am
    It's not an experience of mystical higher consciousness, although the base feeling is one of happiness, freedom and gratitude. The main quality of it is an abiding awareness that the world is an illusion, an absolute trust in the unfolding of the Great Tao, a sense of playing along with things as your "character" in the dream, a sense of detachment from events, being in the world but not of it. Ego still comes up at times to bite your ass, but you are immediately aware of it as your lingering ego, and it is easy to dismantle it. New layers can be annihilated as you progress. Less tolerance of bull. No outside authority. You don't do anything you don't want to do. More efficient at work, but little if any attachment to the outcome. Everything is more fun. But primarily, it is a paradigm shift. Although you might get involved in the dream, you never forget that that is all this reality is - a virtual reality.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 22, 2011 at 11:58am

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 22, 2011 at 8:12pm
    There is also a feeling of emptiness that focuses mostly in the belly, as well as the front of the brain. And a mindlessness that I was already pretty used to, but which has made many of the others laugh at themselves a lot. I watched one of our Trainers, who could normally juggle many technological devices at the same time, while multitasking the life of her family and business, not be able to operate her iPhone. She just laughed and put it away.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 7:54am
    In my experience these unusual feelings, sensations, changes in awareness happen constantly as we increase our consciousness.  Eventually we develop an intuitive sense as to their significance, although the meaning often doesn’t appear until later, sometimes long after their occurrence.   Many are simply the result of our turning our attention inward and becoming aware of what has already been going on within us.  But many are new, not at all usual to ordinary life, and which emerge in us as we become able to experience them.

    Certainly the starting point for any real change in ourselves has to be the awareness of a Supreme consciousness in and behind everything, and the realization that our physical senses, our normal mode of functioning as humans gives us only a very limited and false experience.  What we live as humans, our experience of being human, isn’t an illusion in the sense of being unreal, but in the sense of being limited, partial, distorted, false.       

    Enlightenment in one way or another is the process of moving out of this limited human consciousness which traps us, in a sense, and emerging into a higher, greater consciousness, one increasingly closer to that of the Supreme consciousness.  Because there are so many different aspects of this Supreme consciousness, and endless gradations of them, there have developed many different spiritual paths, and also many different views of what enlightenment is, or isn’t, all of them playing different roles throughout human history.

    This often makes very confusing any attempt to find our way through the myriad of traditions, paths, teachers, gurus and what not facing us today.  And although nearly any of them can be a starting point, ultimately we have to develop the capacity to do several things.   The first is to detach ourselves from our thoughts, feelings, emotions, even physical sensations, and watch everything going on in us without any reaction.   For most of us this is very hard to do at first.     

    We are used to identifying with this chaos of activity within ourselves, all the pleasure and pain that goes along with it, and as a result we suffer and have all of the problems of being human.  Because we are so used to it--in fact this normally represents to us our reason for and mode of existence, it is very difficult to change.  The techniques you and many other teachers offer are methods to help us do so. The process of letting go of all this identification is of course the source of seemingly endless difficulties, seemingly endless discussion, and seemingly endless work for numerous healers, guides and teachers.  The process is long and troublesome because of the strength of our old ways of functioning, the intensity of the habits we carry with us, developed not just in this life, but over many lives.

    But as we are able to detach ourselves from all of this inner activity, the attachment to life as we normally see it, we begin to be able to experience some of the larger consciousness behind it, and of which we are normally unaware because it is blocked by this activity, such as peace, joy, and freedom from the concerns and stresses of ordinary life.  We often begin to be aware of our non-physical senses, of the many non-physical forces and beings acting on us and through us of which we are normally unaware, even of the many non-physical worlds and planes of existence and their influence on the world around us.

    And as we are able more and more to live in this calm state, we also begin to be aware of some consciousness, some intelligence guiding us, not usually in words, but in an awareness, a kind of intuitive sense of things, of what should be done, should be said, of the why and meaning of many things in our life and that of others.  This is the Guide we have to learn to follow, this quiet voice, this awareness, eventually even as a spontaneous action, and which only comes in its purity within a calm internal state, free from all human thought, emotion and reaction.   

    As we increasingly let go of all of our attachments to life, we are able more and more to live constantly in our state of peaceful bliss, without need of all of the constant activity and diversions that most of humanity finds so necessary and appealing.  We no longer require much of anything outside of ourselves, and we only need to act when circumstances impose themselves on us, or we receive the impulse to do so from the inner Guide.     

    But this is not our final goal, or merely a preparation for the eventual movement out of the body into some non-physical state of bliss, as is taught in so many spiritual traditions.  Rather it is the base, the foundation for the development of a different kind of consciousness, a different kind of existence, a different form of functioning completely outside anything in human experience.  What you have described here is certainly a necessary step in that direction.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 23, 2011 at 8:33am
    Right, it's a process. What you are describing is what, in our model, we would call evolution toward God Realization, which is the ultimate goal we are moving toward. In the description I shared earlier, I described the qualities of the shift we have just settled into on our map - enlightenment. It's not the end all; it's just a marker along the path. It is, however, a pretty profound shift compared to the daily steps toward maturity we make, or even the great breakthroughs. It's a radical shift, a huge relief. And, if a person has a lot of emotional courage, and some training, they can accomplish the process pretty quickly. It takes a willingness to die, and a deep desire to end everything that is false about you. It is really not a pretty sight when you look at and digest the horrendous self loathing that is our ego.

    My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low. [Sandy S. interjection: Oh my God! Can you believe this?!?]

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 11:48am
    But even the ultimate goal of what you are calling God Realization is itself a process: that is, it is not a goal in the sense that we understand it, but rather the eventual movement out of the finite human existence, into the complete consciousness-power of the infinite, of the Supreme on all levels, acting through an individual form in an endless process of self-evolution. This is something that is beyond the human capacity to conceive or experience in any but a very limited way, something that is beyond any spiritual tradition or realization, something that is beyond anything existing on Earth or anywhere else in the universe at present.  Yet it is something that we are moving towards, or rather being pushed towards, and so we need to be aware of it to the extent that we can.  I am not writing lengthy responses to your posts because I enjoy doing so, or I necessarily think that you don’t already understand much of what I say, but rather because your posts touch on important points that in my view need to be clarified.     

    Spiritual development, inner development of the sort we are talking about here, is no longer an option for humanity; it is a necessity, or will be increasingly so as the world conditions inevitably deteriorate, confronting us with innumerable personal and collective crises of many sorts, crises which will more and more be beyond the capacity of traditional human means to solve, whether individually or collectively.  What we are doing by teaching these methods is not just presenting some means for achieving individual happiness or contentment, although that is part of it, but rather teaching how to move ourselves out of the limited experience and power of the human, into an alignment with the infinite power of Divinity.  The extent we can change our consciousness will determine our capacity to adapt to changing world conditions, to move through the inevitable turbulence and difficulties no matter where we are, no matter where we live or in what conditions.     

    Certainly even the awareness of the dynamics we are talking about represents a profound shift in the normal human view of things, and the capacity actually to make the change varies enormously.  What is ultimately being demanded of us is a complete transformation of the human personality, something which none of us, no matter how strong our will, how great our dedication, can accomplish in any short or painless way.  Nonetheless everyone, if they have a real inner need, a sincere will, can make constant progress toward it, even developing the necessary persistence, patience, endurance, strength, courage and trust in the Divine Guide that they don’t have at the outset.  I have seen remarkable examples.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 23, 2011 at 4:39pm
    I agree with what you are saying. It is why we have the schedule we have, working around the world with as many people as we can, and working with the collective unconscious as well, at every opportunity.     

    I have had many mystical experiences, the most profound being an experience of Oneness with God that was, in my estimation, a brief experience of our true, ultimate reality. It was outside of the physical universe, outside of time and space. It is awakening from the dream at that level that is my goal. Anything within the dream is just a means to that end, just a lesson for reintegration and forgiveness that will heal the belief in sin, guilt and fear that tie us to our idea of separation.     

    Enlightenment, per se, isn't mystical in itself. It's a paradigm shift. I think Jed McKenna does a very good job of defining what enlightenment is and is not in his Enlightenment trilogy. Have you read that, Anthony?       

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 6:53pm
    I've only watched a few of his videos.       

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 24, 2011 at 8:35am
    Oh, no kidding? I highly recommend them. The first one is Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damndest Thing. A very engaging read.  :)   

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 26, 2011 at 8:57am
    I did the first annihilation process with the Chinese group, and despite being new to the work, they did very well. As well as a group of Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan, and better than the Japanese and Germans I have done the process with. On Sunday I will do another self-annihilation process and an enlightenment download.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 28, 2011 at 7:50pm
    The Chinese did excellently on the second annihilation process and the enlightenment download they received on the last day of the seminar here. Almost everyone got through. I wish I could speak and write Mandarin, so I could get feedback about how they are feeling today. I'm sure I will get some feedback eventually. But they did tell me yesterday that they felt a great sense of emptiness and freedom after the first annihilation session two days before. Seminar participants in China are an interesting mix of people. More billionaires as well as mafia dons than we see in any other place. I wouldn't have dreamed that I could talk about God and all things spiritual here, but it works because I am not promoting any particular religion or cult. And the people are so hungry for it. This is the place we feel our work is most needed, in the grand scheme of things.

I'm still in the research stage with this, but it appears that in the Psychology of Vision seminars, and in private sessions, we are able to lead people into enlightenment.
My first success at this was with a group of 17 women (myself included) in a seminar in England 6 weeks ago. Since then I have done the process with small groups and individuals in person and over Skype video. PoV Trainers who received this process have produced the same results with their students in a seminar in Japan. (In the Psychology of Vision we have 50 Trainers around the world using the healing model that my husband, Chuck, and I have developed.) A very encouraging result. As best as I can tell, we have something of an enlightenment wave occurring.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 30, 2011 at 4:47am
    I got this feedback from a woman from Switzerland that I did an individual session with on the enlightenment process over Skype video. No feedback yet on how the Chinese group did.     

    Dear Lency,

    I am really happy. I feel in a flow and there is one major difference. If something happens or I do a mistake I don't feel guilty. It is a great relief, and I can easily accept how things are. The ease is also because I have no fear and worries anymore. Therefore my relationship with my husband and my children feels peaceful :-)

    I am conscious when the ego jumps in but it is not a problem.

    Thank you sooo much for your help and guidance
    Love xxxxxxx

    ?Lency Spezzano

I cannot find the "research" supposedly conducted by Lenora in any professional journals. Like everything else about SALPOV, they are accountable to no one and respond to all criticism with either silence, deleting the online evidence, posting outright reactionary untruths (as we have very ably documented on this forum), or making legal threats. I suspect the only research conducted by Spezzano and Associates is economic; how they can improve their profit margin by ripping off the latest New Age fad. That seems to be their "soul pattern."

"Less tolerance of bull"? Then how can Lenora tolerate herself? "No outside authority"? Well, at least that part is consistent. The Spezzanos have been very adept at sidestepping government regulatory agencies and avoiding all responsibility for the consequences of the pain they have caused. I still maintain they should foot the bill for SALPOV survivor exit counseling, especially in British Columbia. But according to Lenora that is all just a virtual video world and not real. How very convenient.

But wait a minute, here I am trying to apply logic to the policy of a couple of grifters. Every charge will be met by some doubletalk. As we have demonstrated many times on this forum nothing either of the Spezzanos claim can be taken at face value. And when we catch them in a lie they just counter with another lie as evidenced by Lenora's recent online broadside ironically entitled The Truth About Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision.

Becoming enlightened is just part of being alive, and every individual has their own independent way of finding it. You don't need the self-appointed "high priestess" at the expensive for-profit SALPOV to shepherd you.