Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194282 times)

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #285 on: July 24, 2014, 05:27:19 pm »
Along with Roy being a con artist, are we also seeing mental illness in him, delusions?

I think he got mental problems, but delusions... I don´t think so. Identity problems, he seems to me unconfident. Could be he feels being more valuable in his chosen life as a Cherokee... I don´t know what his real life means to him. Sad which way he chose

Or does it look like he is entirely intentionally a con?

I don´t believe, in my opinion there are too many signals which portant that he got not the poise for a staging con.

Offline raven wing

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #286 on: August 03, 2014, 02:02:27 am »
Indeed I did apologize to Bearhearts wife. I felt it was an important step in healing for her and myself. I'm not sure who else is in need of an apology, But when I am wrong I admit I was wrong. I only stated what I knew as the truth at the time. Live and Learn. BTW I'm still waiting for an apology from some that questioned my parenting skills. I hold no ill will as it takes up to much time and energy. I wish peace on you all.

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #287 on: August 03, 2014, 04:47:50 am »
Raven Wing, I for one was accused by you on this very forum of cyberstalking your daughter! I most certainly would like a public apology!

Offline raven wing

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #288 on: August 03, 2014, 01:31:03 pm »
 ChikashaTruth, An IP was tracked to your area, The reason we did nothing was I felt it might not be legit. I would not want to falsely accuse anyone. So yes I  apologize.
Like I have said before If I'm wrong I admit it and will not lie for anyone for any reason.

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #289 on: August 03, 2014, 01:43:15 pm »
I appreciate your apology. I don't know you and felt all along you were being scammed like so many others.

Offline bearheart

  • Posts: 38
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #290 on: August 03, 2014, 10:02:22 pm »
Raven Wing, It seems that you have truly seen Roy for what he is and I do appreciate the apology you made to my wife for all the lies and untruths that were being told. I am sure that you were believing what you were told by both Sharon and Roy. It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong. But, I must also say that Sharon was very quick to accuse and lie on people when she thought it would benefit her and/or Roy. If she truly has seen the error of her ways, she has not shown it by showing any remorse whatsoever. It is hard to feel sorry for someone that was a major part of a scam for so long and then when the bottom falls out and the truth is finally revealed, they ignore it and act as if they have done nothing wrong by playing the innocent victim. It would be very considerate if everyone would make these apologies and tell these truths on Facebook where  they were all so quick to lie upon and judge us, the innocent victims of these outright scams. I feel that all the "friends" that were so quick to read the bashing, weather they believed it or not, need to be made aware that it was indeed all lies, made up to protect Roy, so he could continue with his schemes and plots to victimize others which were and are just as innocent as us. I would also like to ask you, what caused you to see the truth , what brought you to the point that you realized we were right the whole time and you were being played also? Please inform us and post the reasons on this site. If you are sincere, join us in stopping these fraudulent activities by Roy Glass. Take an active stance in righting these wrongs. We all welcome your comments and are very interested in what you may know. Thank you very much, Bearheart

Offline Elixir

  • Posts: 17
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #291 on: August 04, 2014, 02:04:39 am »
You seem so anxious for an apology from me, but you seem reluctant to give one. You forget that your wife told me that she had been having an affair with my husband for over a year. When I asked for the proof she said she had, it was not given. There are many things here, said about me that are not true. None of you ever took the time to get to know me. Everyone was always interested in talking to my flamboyant husband. Raven Wing, is one of the only ones who took the time to talk to and get to know me. I confided in her, because she has always treated me with respect. I am indeed sorry for anyone that I have wronged. Everyone needs to acknowledge that no one is perfect, and that perception is reality. I also have to wonder why some of you Lilly white folks, with no Injun credentials are so obsessed with Roy. If your wife did give him money, it was because she was trying to be with him. Too bad it didn't happen. I would have been freed sooner.

Offline bearheart

  • Posts: 38
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #292 on: August 04, 2014, 04:01:19 am »
First and most important, is the fact that both Roy and Sharon borrowed and scammed money from not only us but many people. Our case was proven as previously stated in a court of law- you do not win a case without proof, as Sharon well knows-- secondly, my wife did tell you in a brief conversation that Roy had been (trying) to manipulate her for over a year, the call you made to my wife after talking with a well known minister was concerning another young woman who Roy had been disrespecting- as a matter of fact Sharon also attacked her- yes, it was my wife whom this minister called and asked if Roy was doing these things- there were actually 4 women we know he was preying upon- and yes my wife and myself called him out on it- as well as being a fraud and scam artist- all of which you, Sharon aka Elixer were a participating partner in- you told as many lies as Roy to keep the scam going- where was your mortal ethics?  We were not the ones doing the seeking out- we were the ones being preyed on from the very beginning- do you remember the fake pictures you took and the lies presented to us that very first day- telling us his brother had died from a gunshot, well knowing he was in fact very much alive- and your first visit to come see us (we did not invite you here, you just called to say you were coming) stop and remember who sought out who- all a part of a well planned scam- Perhaps you should have not called my wife a damn liar and hung up the phone, if you had listened to Chief, my wife as well as myself and all the others who have tried to talk to you instead of bashing everyone, then as you say- it would not have taken so long for the truth to be known- How can anyone allow another person to do that to anyone else- Certainly not I, and not anyone who runs this forum- and yes I am lily white, never claimed to be anything other than a white man- but I do respect people- and I do respect the truth-Just in case you don't remember-here's what you started the scam with-the tepi pic  :-\


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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #293 on: August 04, 2014, 04:24:40 pm »
. Everyone needs to acknowledge that no one is perfect, and that perception is reality. I also have to wonder why some of you Lilly white folks, with no Injun credentials are so obsessed with Roy.

I myself can agree that no one is perfect. I do not agree that "perception is reality". People may perceive Roy as Cherokee, that does not mean that he is. People may perceive Roy as honest, that does not mean that he is.

Sharon, if I was in your shoes, I would need to stop making excuses for Roy. I would have to get completely away from him. I would need to stop thinking that other women who now speak out against Roy are somehow women scorned. I would have to let that all go and get away from Roy. I'd seek domestic violence counseling (verbal and emotional abuse is violence too). I would focus on myself and my children and my healthy future. I know you did not ask us for any advice, but for myself, I need to say this. I hope you get fully free.

I'm white, with no known NDN heritage. I'm in this work because I have some genealogy and research skills, and because I've fallen prey to frauds in the past. Also, I'm big on truth and justice. If I can lend a helping hand, all the better.

Now people who are curious about Roy can read through this thread and become more informed. They can look over records, read through people's experiences, and make their own choices. Consumer education is a good thing.

Offline Elixir

  • Posts: 17
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #294 on: August 10, 2014, 12:46:58 am »
Hey Piff, thank you for being kind. I have gotten away from him. We are now legally separated. As I was going through the process of preparing for the separation hearing, people started coming forward to tell me things. I spoke to one lady who told me that Roy told her that I was dead. He introduced her to his twin sons. He would drive to her house on the days that I worked 12 hours and spend the day. She said he was always at her house. He was living in my house, robbing me blind and going to see another woman in the truck I traded my Lexus SUV in for. She said she quit seeing him because he had too many secrets. He was always saying that he had to go back to the reservation. He refused to show her where he lived. That is because it was my house that I have lived in for 15 years. I lost my house to foreclosure because if his lies. I spoke to another woman who was with him for 4 years. He starved her, took her money, and beat her. When she left he stalked and threatened her. She and her child left him on December 13. That's the day that he picked for the death of the child that was supposedly relative that died on the trail of tears. He told me that our neighbor was on the sexual offender's registry, so I would not go talk to the neighbors. I learned that there is no 3rd degree black belt, no schooling for electrical work or auto mechanics, no Native American heritage, and no mustang that he caught in the wild and raised. He has a history of trying to get with younger women and ending up with their mothers. He is a sick, twisted individual. I have seen messages between him and many females. One he gave the advise to dress as to appear to be a very young girl to be sexually appealing to her husband. There were so many things that I did not understand, that hurt, but at the same time he would tell me every day how much I meant to him and how much he loved me. Unless I asked him the wrong question. Then there was a big explosion and craziness. Sometimes he would hold a gun to his head, sometimes he would leave. Over time that behavior teaches you to keep your mouth shut. Finally I saw where he scanned a friends tribal card into his computer and put his own name in. It only been in the last few months that I started seeing the truth. I see now that I was wrong to defend him. I did what I thought was right. Turns out I was very very wrong. There are other things too, that I have learned that are far worse than what is mentioned here. It is an ugly situation, but yet he continues to lie. He lied on his affidavit to court. He lies to his lawyer, and I am sure there are women right now that he is lying to in order to get money. For those of you who feel the need to judge me for standing with a man that I loved and that I thought loved me, I hope you never are in my shoes. He's good at what he does and he is smart. He's been doing this all his life. I believe he learned that and worse from his Mother.

Offline Elixir

  • Posts: 17
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #295 on: August 10, 2014, 02:02:26 am »
Andy Hammond, you do not know me, if your memory would serve you and you were honest you would know that Roy had 99% of his conversations with you, your wife and others away from me. For a time you and your wife were all up in his BS. I showed you the picture because Roy asked me to. The spots of light were not put there by me. I've taken other photographs that way too. It pretty much showed your character when you went around telling folks at the Strong Sun Pow Wow that you were going to show up in court against Roy. Someone that heard you called Roy and told him that. The picture of the Teepee is an original. I think you and your Wife should be honest with one another about what went on with her and Roy. Or not. It doesn't matter to me. You have no right to question my ethics. I am guilty for defending a man that I loved, who I thought loved me. Some of what I said is what I heard from Roy. If any of that was untrue, I am sorry. Roy is the one who you were best buds with, not me. I was at work, making money for him to squander.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #296 on: August 10, 2014, 08:23:53 am »

do you feel you did the right step it is good because you decide it on your own.
There is a reason why you felt in love with him, there was something that Roy was able to support your wishes, your needs.
There is no guarantee for anyone not to come in a situation as you was and you are now at the moment. Maybe you´ll got the power to look what it was, understand all better, maybe it help you to see the trap bevor you will be taken in by someone once again. As sad as it is, it can make you smarter and stronger in life. Lifeevents can be so bitter and painful...
You will find your way, walk carefully.

I think you are right to say Roy is ill. There is a reason why he struggles in, but this should not be a freeway to betray. It could be a chance to decide not to walk this destroying path he comes to know. But he needs to look closely what is. Roy got some aspects of being unsettled and this can be his chance to ask what happens to him and to walk a way which not destroying the rest of his scrupulosity, he can find a honest way to live - but just if he wants to fight for it, that´s not easy.
But if there is anotherone who allways serves Roys lies like in a game, the chance will be smaller for him.
Well, he on his own decides to go the way he wants, (noone else can do it for him), and he is responsibe (no one else).

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #297 on: August 10, 2014, 02:44:29 pm »
elixir,,,,,,an you tell us more about his hokey get-up tha he wears and where he scored the bustle an roach? and the BOOTS hahahaha and his eage eye?

Offline Elixir

  • Posts: 17
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #298 on: August 11, 2014, 02:08:48 am »
I believe he got the bustle from eBay. He told me it was his fathers. I think he used 350 or so dollars of mine to purchase it. I don't know about the roach. Both of his eyes are blue and he wears a brown contact in one, there is no telling what he's told people about his eye. I do believe he is mentally ill. He admits there is something wrong, but he says it is PTSD. Whatever the problem is, he makes choices, just like everyone else. And just like everyone else, he will pay for those choices. I would not want to be in his shoes. He was supposed to go to see a psychiatrist on Aug 5th, but I do not know if he did or not. Anyone else that has questions, feel free to ask. I will tell you what I know. I really tried to help him, but the only help he wanted was money. That is over with. I will finish my obligation, as dictated by the judge. That's it. Any female that involves herself with him is doomed to being used, cheated on and abused.

Offline Elixir

  • Posts: 17
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #299 on: August 11, 2014, 02:13:57 am »
Oh, the boots, the dark brown ones are  kukurabura from Australia. He had some guy off eBay make him some tall moccasins. I guess he figured that the general public would not know the difference in what he wore. The flute playing is something that has me puzzled. He is really good and does not have any formal music training. Maybe it's all in the manipulation. Who knows.