Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194315 times)

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #270 on: July 07, 2014, 02:01:57 pm »
It appears that the beaten and vile wife has left this pathetic human being. She still does not believe all of the insidious, criminal and fraudulent things this man has done as well as the womanizing and adultery.  PEOPLE BEWARE!!! HIS SUPPORT SYSTEM HAS FLOWN THE COUPE. NATIVE AMERICANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH! VETERANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH! HE WILL FIND A NEW TARGET. THIS IS HOW HE SURVIVES. HE KNOWS NO OTHER WAY. HE'S NEVER HAD A JOB. HE IS A LIFE LONG SCAMMER AN KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES!

Offline Elixir

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #271 on: July 15, 2014, 01:33:26 am »
How do YOU know what she believes?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #272 on: July 15, 2014, 09:52:13 pm »
Elixir, you should introduce yourself and tell us what you know. Also who you are.

Your profile shows you using the email But you refer to Sharon Glass in the third person. If you are not Ms. Glass, it looks like you are trying to impersonate her.

If you are Roy Glass, please give your side of things. We always welcome new information.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #273 on: July 15, 2014, 09:59:48 pm »
I believe it to be Sharon Glass. She is a pharmacist and she always plays name games like the pharmacological name of Elixir so as to toy with us!

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #274 on: July 16, 2014, 02:24:12 am »
It seems somebody else has his number!!!

Offline bearheart

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #275 on: July 16, 2014, 03:13:20 am »
  Sounds like this may very well be Sharon Glass, due to the fact that she had called the sheriff's office a few weeks ago and made a report that Roy Glass was enroute to our home to  :-\ harm my wife and myself as well as someone in Tenn. (seems he blames us for exposing him as a fraud) The sheriff's office saw it as a threat-- at which time 5 police cars came to our home-- it appears Sharon Brickle Glass was tracking Roy on her phone for them while in contact via her phone--she described him as a Native Indian to the S.C. trooper who stopped him 23 miles from our house--he stated he was going to visit at our address, then changed his story to going to camp at a millpond (our property) near here--he had no weapon, so trooper convinced him to go back to Union county--an incident report was made which we have a copy of--Now, here is the funny thing--I was told by someone Roy knows this past weekend that the entire thing was a scam conducted by Sharon to get Roy in trouble--at least that is what Roy seems to be telling everyone--quite confusing as to who the master con is -- Roy or Sharon ?

Offline runswithscissors

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #276 on: July 18, 2014, 01:18:37 am »
I'm the one who put the profile up about Roy being a psycho - my feeble attempt at quietly warning others about him so that he might not be able to hurt someone like he has hurt my mother.  I'm (i don't even want my name here), Sharon's oldest for those of you who don't know.  I can confirm that the incident of him at least pretending to go after the people that he threatened happened exactly as she says.  My mom did not fabricate it, and I was helping her track his phone.  I have tons of screen shots with his GPS location with a time and date stamp.  I also have a file of a bunch of other stuff when I started investigating him 10 years ago.  I don't care what he has done to any of you, it will NEVER compare to what he has done to my family.  Please let us close this chapter in our lives so that there will one day be a time when we don't have to think about his sorry butt.  I'm sure there are some of you who won't believe me, c'est la vie.
Mom - I know that you feel like you have to deal with this page, to defend yourself, to justify your actions but you really don't.  The mistakes you made were made out of love and devotion even if it were to Roy.  Let these people do their thing, they can deal with him and we can let it go. 
Just for the record - I have no interest in discussing the rights or wrongs of anyone here.  Thanks, yall have a good night.

Offline Elixir

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #277 on: July 19, 2014, 01:51:56 am »
I am indeed Sharon Glass. I really have nothing to add. If you add crap to an already existing pile, guess what you get? That's right, more crap! I have a life to live and I suggest you all do the same.

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #278 on: July 20, 2014, 11:35:00 am »
I find this thread sometimes confusing and not always conclusive.
Some posts caught in my eyes, they are very emotional that this obscure a con, like  Roy can be, than enlighten him. And it can also disguise that his fans could be first of all a victim and than become a perpetrator or maybe correctly mentioned - were urged to be.

It seems to me that there are at least two victims here in this threat ...

I tried to make my own picture of somebody, who can abuse victims in this way, but it's difficult;
I don´t know if Roy belongs in parts to those people I try to describe. Some points may agree other surely not. If Roy is a chronic liar there are surely other characteristic points not to forgett

Those offender  observe other people very closely and look out if they can be used as a victim and perpetrator.
 They know how to bind, manipulate and condition their victims. They go forward in considered small steps.
The offender gives the victim the feeling that they understand him/her, but also that the victim is one of the very few people who understand the offender. And the offender presents himself is an innocent victim, whom was played ranks on him.
The perpetrator slowly builds an emotional bond, by emotionally bind the victim to the offender. But the offender goes by itself no emotional bond and obligation.

If the offender asks for help, he gives the victim his gratitude that it has helped him, but at the same time he gives the victim the feel of a bad conscience (or will have at least) if it would not have helped, because it would have allowed his own fault, that the offender´s feeling / find will go bad or worth. Sometimes the offender manifests this feeling with obvious or subliminal threats ....
The offender is grateful for help, but he actually gives often the victim the feel that the victim can be grateful to have helped the offender.

If the offender keeps succeeding dealing with a bad conscience, guilt and gratitude to bind the victim more and more, the victim goes for  him in the service, pays bills, provides services to do work, not all activities are legally .. and for all that the victim is put off his head, voluntarily ... truly voluntary,  can one still speak in this case of voluntary?
For some victims it is very, very hard to make their own decisions from this emotional prison, to break through, because they are afraid of not being able to bear the responsibility of a "No". A "No" and the reactions that follow the victim must be able to stand by, also, that the victim is rejected and threatened by the offender The terrible acts of the offender stop than when the victim returns repentant, admit its guilt ... and - relieved - gets the feeling that the offender not just forgives, but also is the real savior ...

It may be that a victim give up step by step its own desires and needs, so that it can standby the demands of the offender. Sometimes the victim does not really know what actually is going wrong in its life and what is right, it has no more a connection to itself and the way to look behind the machinations is painful. Because that inevitably leads to a painful self-knowledge.

Often the offender blocks the contact of the vicitm with the external world, to the comparisons with other opinions and reviews is only possible, and the victim feels also often blocked by critics who hurt emotionally and put on guilt, than they try to understand the backgrounds.

Emotionally bound by the offender, emotionally struck by the critics, this often drives the victim back into the arms of the offender, he gives the victim the feeling that he was the only one who really granted the protection of victims. The victim often will ask for the offende´s forgiveness

Offender who bind, manipulate and condition their victims in this way, are shrewd.
They can often recognize the behavior patterns of victims which it learned up in its life, and the offender make his advantage. They know exactly when they need to bind the victim, when the time is that they make the victim into a perpetrator so that the victim can not break out of prison ... Many of these Offender have time, some love this game with life about they have total power.

If a victim wants to understand why it came to this rule, victimized and maybe become a perpetrator, they must learn to understand themselves why they react to triggers and with which patterns they react, to grasp the bond to what used to be, to what is today. There is no forgetting, but they can close a chapter of their live and take carefully time to learn about ... from a step back from the events it can be a bit easier. It is about understanding what happened, what is their guilt and its shame, to learn to live with it, about what they are not guilty (and this brick - feeling to be guilty of something they are really not guilty is hard to comprehend) ... and at least they need to be carefully for themselves, use positive values.

If victims learn to understand themselves, they can build warning bells which will ring when a person comes back, which does not have good intentions ... warning bells do not come from somewhere, they can only built up due to the experience and knowledge .. .

And this can happen to anyone here,  ...

« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 11:48:46 am by Sturmboe »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #279 on: July 22, 2014, 06:58:24 pm »
Elixir, who claims to be Sharon Glass, and Roy Glass, are both posting from the same IP address. So either Sharon is posing as Roy, or Roy is posing as Sharon. Or the strangest possibility of all, they are both posting as themselves from that same address.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #280 on: July 22, 2014, 07:27:10 pm »
Very interesting. When was the last time Roy has posted something? I haven't seen a post from him for over a year.

Offline bearheart

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #281 on: July 23, 2014, 01:51:37 am »
Very interesting that it's still the same IP address, may just prove it is another scam - most likely has to do with getting out of paying us the money they owe - this may be only a small portion of what they received from us, but we will continue to seek payment of this portion - it was very convenient for their property to be in someone other than their names - I hear that Roy Glass has gotten together a new drum team ??? in Winston Salem area - another set of victims on the way - but at least the Veterans who we were worried about caught on to him quickly, and are no longer having anything to do with him - Yes, they were cheated also - My wife did receive an apology from Tricia Stevens who was one of the first to bash this forum for exposing the Glass's - seems she saw the light also - hopefully my wife was not the only one to receive an apology from her - 

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #282 on: July 23, 2014, 06:36:47 pm »
How and Why does this man keep getting away with the things he does. Here is proof that he has given a complete Red Tail Hawk tail to someone, in public, on FaceBook at a major university. Someone who it has been proven has no Native blood or authentic credentials to be possessing raptor feathers. Then, he gives it to some else who does not have any proper credentials either! AND NOTHING IS DONE! WHY?


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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #283 on: July 23, 2014, 07:30:25 pm »
Along with Roy being a con artist, are we also seeing mental illness in him, delusions? Or does it look like he is entirely intentionally a con?

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #284 on: July 23, 2014, 07:47:26 pm »
Good question Piff! I think he may be mental. As many times as he has been arrested, I don't know why he has never been admitted for observation.

What I don't get is DNR will go to Pow Wow's and arrest someone for a single feather. This man is gifting an entire tail. This means that this Hawk is dead! Several people have heard one of his sons claim that he shot it off of their fence.