Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194319 times)

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #195 on: May 16, 2013, 02:31:45 pm »
Thank you Epiphany!!!! You have hit the nail on the head. As for this part "do they think I could ever just be a normal hard working honest guy? " He has never been a hard working honest guy! This man hides behind his sick wife and lets her go out and earn a living! When people call him on his crap and he feels backed into a corner, he ALWAYS make the claim that people are trying to harm his children! He know how to work the public claim Christianity, support the veterans and claim threats to children! I have never seen a true Christian do people this way. I have never seen a true Christian treat his wife and kids the way he does. As for the veterans, this is all new. He is not a veteran and has not claimed to support them until the last couple of years. This is not a man, but a coward who hides behind women and children! All to protect his scams and his ego. On his FB page it states "Self Employed and loving it"! What, JUST WHAT, EXACTLY DO YOU DO IN YOUR SELF EMPLOYMENT MR. GLASS?

As for the change on the blog, that has always been a part of their game as well. They post venomous, false, accusatory statements trying to suck people into mudslinging. After a few days or so, they delete them so they cannot be seen on their page any more, but still can on the screen shots!

Offline bearheart

  • Posts: 38
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #196 on: May 16, 2013, 05:58:42 pm »
Ah yes, and the good Christians ALWAYS leave their brother in a wheel-chair with these words to live by; Intil you sign us as legal 'Power of Attorney' then you are on your own.. Yep, compassion and love if I ever heard it.. Thank goodness his brother is a smart man.. and has not seen him since..History is an amazing thing..and we ALL know his..Want proof people? It is easily found once you Stop and listen to the facts..I hope everyone will read this forum from start to finish..the facts are here, in black and white, and I again commend you all..Great Work..
  Remember there is More to come..and it will..People are coming out of the wood-work (so to speak) it is amazing how many he has stolen and cheated..JUST AMAZING..

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #197 on: May 16, 2013, 09:34:49 pm »
Here's a post from today. Still claiming to be Cherokee! Notice how he capitalizes the "K" in Cherokee. I also find it telling how he states "my Jesus Christ ". Because his Jesus Christ is not the same as the rest of ours.

Roy Spotted Eagle
4 hours ago via mobile
Going to jonesville NC powwow for drumming flute playing dancing and most of all teaching about our CheroKee culture and our creator God and my Jesus Christ all are welcome to come join us have a blessed weekend and a safe one staying strong

Watch out Jonesville. In the second thought, he will be on his best behavior due to this site! Good going guys!!!

Offline wolflover

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #198 on: May 17, 2013, 03:00:56 pm »
Hi Everyone, have missed a few days getting on here, can't let that happen To all of you who responded about Sharon's blog (or should I say Roy's, cause he always makes her do his dirty work for him) You've all got his number, I find it funny that he is going to a Pow Wow with another known fraud Jim Wilson, two of a kind...Watch your back people, he and Sharon NEVER stop scheming!!!

Offline kokopelli

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #199 on: May 17, 2013, 05:53:35 pm »
Can someone explain to me how you can teach 'your' CheroKee culture when on this very site it was proven that you are about as white as they come? 

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #200 on: May 17, 2013, 06:25:34 pm »
Exactly our point!!!! He will not stop due to the dynamics that Epiphany pointed out! Too much shame for a small man to handle!
He could just as easily write this:

I, Roy, have worked very hard to defraud many people of all cultures. I have been working very hard for the great con game I've developed over the years. I'm especially wounded by the fact that people who were under my influence have not only gotten free, but also now persist in exposing me.

I'll take refuge in the standard line of many con artists: "Those people are sick, lost, filled with hate. Poor me. I'm right with God, they are sinners. Don't pay attention to the facts, instead be distracted by my piteous yet courageous pronouncements. I'm Good. They are Bad. I'm Right. They are Wrong.".

Because I've been on an adrenaline high enjoying this con game so much for so long, now that it has all ground to a halt, I won't be able to stop talking and writing about it. I've invested too much to just let it all fade away now. What will I, Super Roy, do with these costumes, all these props? What do these people expect of me, do they think I could ever just be a normal hard working honest guy? Don't they realize how super humble and specially chosen by God I am?

Because I'm addicted to my own act, I'll keep trying to distract everyone with hurled insults and fervent prayers. I'll continue to insist that reasoned research and facts = hell demons out to persecute me. Poor me.

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #201 on: May 20, 2013, 04:54:37 pm »
Now Sharon is posting on Roys page! She must have gotten spanked by someone! She is now trying to blame the posts here on a man that has never posted nor said a word about them in any public forum! At the same time, she is claiming it is all untrue and only due to hate.

That's right, "I HATE HOW YOU DO PEOPLE"!!!

Here is her post!

Sharon Brickle Glass He's been on there without any conclusions that I know of. You see, that it got VERY personal with Roy Spotted Eagle. I think that is because Al Carroll teaches at the community college in the town Jack Lynn lives in and that was Jack's contribution of hate for all the money he's been getting from Jezebel.
4 hours ago via mobile

Sharon Brickle Glass Jack Lynn and Al Carroll know each other, if not that Al Carroll knows Jackie. She's been in college for what 12 years now?

Take a look at this video. This contradicts what he told the Grammy Organization about having paid a company in Atlanta!! He claims that this poor recording was Grammy nominated.

He claims the drum was passed down from his great grandfather! This is also a lie. I GIFTED THAT DRUM TO THOSE BOYS!!!! AND THE FLUTE TO ROY!!!! BEFORE I KNEW WHAT A FRAUD HE WAS!!!!

Offline Superdog

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #202 on: May 20, 2013, 08:49:51 pm »

Sharon Brickle Glass He's been on there without any conclusions that I know of. You see, that it got VERY personal with Roy Spotted Eagle. I think that is because Al Carroll teaches at the community college in the town Jack Lynn lives in and that was Jack's contribution of hate for all the money he's been getting from Jezebel.
4 hours ago via mobile

Sharon Brickle Glass Jack Lynn and Al Carroll know each other, if not that Al Carroll knows Jackie. She's been in college for what 12 years now?

Now THAT is's barely said a word on this thread except to hand out some much needed bannings and to correct some erroneous claims made by posters on both's all your fault again Al... 8)

But honestly...what she says on her's really her business.  If it wasn't reposted here she wouldn't do it anymore.  She's basically trolling under a friendly bridge, but there's been a lot of feeding of that trolling.  In the end, she's really making herself look bad with all the venom, not to mention that she's unknowingly aligning herself with some of the better known frauds out there by reposting their information.  Like I said....if they only knew....


Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #203 on: May 20, 2013, 09:21:45 pm »

Sharon Brickle Glass He's been on there without any conclusions that I know of. You see, that it got VERY personal with Roy Spotted Eagle. I think that is because Al Carroll teaches at the community college in the town Jack Lynn lives in and that was Jack's contribution of hate for all the money he's been getting from Jezebel.
4 hours ago via mobile

Sharon Brickle Glass Jack Lynn and Al Carroll know each other, if not that Al Carroll knows Jackie. She's been in college for what 12 years now?

Sharon Brickle Glass He's been on there without any conclusions that I know of. You see, that it got VERY personal with Roy Spotted Eagle. I think that is because Al Carroll teaches at the community college in the town Jack Lynn lives in and that was Jack's contribution of hate for all the money he's been getting from Jezebel.
4 hours ago via mobile

Sharon Brickle Glass Jack Lynn and Al Carroll know each other, if not that Al Carroll knows Jackie. She's been in college for what 12 years now?

Now THAT is's barely said a word on this thread except to hand out some much needed bannings and to correct some erroneous claims made by posters on both's all your fault again Al... 8)

But honestly...what she says on her's really her business.  If it wasn't reposted here she wouldn't do it anymore.  She's basically trolling under a friendly bridge, but there's been a lot of feeding of that trolling.  In the end, she's really making herself look bad with all the venom, not to mention that she's unknowingly aligning herself with some of the better known frauds out there by reposting their information.  Like I said....if they only knew....


Who she is referring to is Roy's ex best friend Jack Lynn. She is claiming now that Jack has fabricated all of this along with Al Carrol because they have an association to the same town. Jack has been completely silent about them! Roy turned on Jack because Jack is a MUCH better flute player than Roy. In fact most players are.  He really is not much of a flute player as you can see on the video. I used to endorse him, until I found him to be such a fraud. At that time I began endorsing two young men who were both by FAR better flute players than Roy Glass. For this same reason, they have turned on them as well! Well dang, one of them won a Nammy last week!!!!!!!

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #204 on: May 20, 2013, 09:59:04 pm »
However, this is a bit more interesting chickashatruth.  I'd suggest a screenshot:

Chickasaw truth
Lets talk about this man his name Dana Ross flute maker when I meet this man he gifted me a flute we got really close to him and his wife tigger and so did my kids at the time his wife house was being foreclosed he explained he had a cabin for them to move in blue ridge Ga but it was not ready had a lot work to do to it I went there to help him with his cabin  Bought Materials for him and worked on his cabin got it ready help him move all there stuff from Atlanta Georgia to blue ridge made 9 trips over 3,000 miles to help them and did not ask for any money in fact left him money I also bought flutes for him he got very upset with me at Christmas time because I told his wife he was going to do a sweat lodge for people and she got mad because she had plans for them to go spend time with her family he would not answer his phone when I would call him my boys made them Christmas present and wanted to give them to them he told my son to keep it he didn't want them and not to call him any more my boys where 9 years old at this time there where four flutes that he gifted to me and I packed them up and mailed them to him and explained in a letter what he had done to my kids heart I really don't have anything for this man and yes Dana Ross did sale Sweat lodge and now as far as his wife tigger she has Divorced him and talking to some of Dana's family I find out he's brother killed him self but police are looking really hard at Dana because of the hate he had with his brother wow as I said before what a way to say thank you for your help.
Posted by Unknown at 10:03 AM No comments:"

That's what's up there right now....along with another (this time signed by Sharon) basically more of the same...just fyi...


Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #205 on: May 20, 2013, 11:07:20 pm »
Superdog, I am Dana Ross, they know this and that is why they have posted these blatant lies!!!!! All of them. It is typical of someone like this to use a tragic suicide of my brother and accuse me of killing him??? WTF??? And, I am still married!! Another lie!!! This does not affect me. They are just trying to get me to state that I am in fact Dana Ross. Therefore they can start just what they have started. It doesn't matter.

The truth of my disconnecting from them is just as I have always stated, they are lying, manipulating frauds!!!! I was the one he spun the David Letterman scam on and he got many more than 4 flutes. This man sought me out, targeted me and spun this scam in front of 25 people. There are witnesses!!

As for "wrote by unknown", this is Roy, he can't write and he can't spell! You are a little man Roy Glass, a boy!!!

Again, can you say LIBEL???

However, this is a bit more interesting chickashatruth.  I'd suggest a screenshot:

Chickasaw truth
Lets talk about this man his name Dana Ross flute maker when I meet this man he gifted me a flute we got really close to him and his wife tigger and so did my kids at the time his wife house was being foreclosed he explained he had a cabin for them to move in blue ridge Ga but it was not ready had a lot work to do to it I went there to help him with his cabin  Bought Materials for him and worked on his cabin got it ready help him move all there stuff from Atlanta Georgia to blue ridge made 9 trips over 3,000 miles to help them and did not ask for any money in fact left him money I also bought flutes for him he got very upset with me at Christmas time because I told his wife he was going to do a sweat lodge for people and she got mad because she had plans for them to go spend time with her family he would not answer his phone when I would call him my boys made them Christmas present and wanted to give them to them he told my son to keep it he didn't want them and not to call him any more my boys where 9 years old at this time there where four flutes that he gifted to me and I packed them up and mailed them to him and explained in a letter what he had done to my kids heart I really don't have anything for this man and yes Dana Ross did sale Sweat lodge and now as far as his wife tigger she has Divorced him and talking to some of Dana's family I find out he's brother killed him self but police are looking really hard at Dana because of the hate he had with his brother wow as I said before what a way to say thank you for your help.
Posted by Unknown at 10:03 AM No comments:"

That's what's up there right now....along with another (this time signed by Sharon) basically more of the same...just fyi...


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #206 on: May 20, 2013, 11:34:49 pm »

Here is her post!

Sharon Brickle Glass He's been on there without any conclusions that I know of. You see, that it got VERY personal with Roy Spotted Eagle. I think that is because Al Carroll teaches at the community college in the town Jack Lynn lives in and that was Jack's contribution of hate for all the money he's been getting from Jezebel.
4 hours ago via mobile

Sharon Brickle Glass Jack Lynn and Al Carroll know each other, if not that Al Carroll knows Jackie. She's been in college for what 12 years now?

I don't know anyone named Jack Lynn. I didn't know who Sharon Glass was before this thread, and except for her posts on this thread and her bizarre Linkedin invite, haven't had any contact with her.

Offline wolflover

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #207 on: May 21, 2013, 02:40:39 pm »
Educatedindian, She thinks she has all this " stuff " on you and is posting some very nasty things about you. We all know they are lies but she is doing her best to, at least on her posts, to get you thrown out of New Age. This is how they work, they are NEVER wrong, everyone else is!!She claims to be in litigation against you and newage. Just more of her BS, NO ONE takes her or Roy seriously except their few followers. He even stated on his post for his friends to "get their weapons out" the fight was on, he then took it off his page and rewrote it so it didn't sound like a threat. Same ol stuff, different day!!!

Offline Superdog

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #208 on: May 21, 2013, 04:44:11 pm »'s getting more comic by the second.....this one's just a pic of Al and labeled "Labels: Alton Carroll hates Native Americans"

So....I guess you hate yourself now.....
They don't seem to be very good at smear campaigns. 

Still no mention of the faux Grammy nomination....juss sayin'....  ;)


Offline loudcrow

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #209 on: May 21, 2013, 06:35:28 pm »
Roy and Sharon, present documents which prove our allegations are false or put a lid on it. It's
better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Your
libelous statements do nothing for your cause other than make you look ridiculous. Not everyone
here is a "WannaBe" but everyone here will go to any lengths to stop spiritual predators such
as yourselves.