Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194277 times)

Offline wolflover

  • Posts: 24
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #135 on: April 11, 2013, 09:09:15 pm »
I agree with you Kokapeli there is NO need for private messages!!! that's just another good way to avoid replying to everyone in an upfront manner. NO one is trying to ruin anyones lives, just want the scamming to STOP and the truth to be told. Everyone on here has been upfront except for Mr. and Mrs. Glass and sorry to say tlstevens you seem to just want to do it all in private, nothing needs to be hidden now the TRUTH is out! This is not a revenge against the Glass's it's people wanting to know the TRUTH. Again his family was NOT on the trail of tears even though pictures were posted on his facebook (for all to see) of a little gown and a supposed diary, all this was way to easy to investigate and learn that it was a LIE....

Offline tlstevens

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #136 on: April 11, 2013, 11:00:16 pm »
 @ Kop and Wolflover I meant discussing my daughter and her stalkers in PM as it has Nothing to do with your issues with Roy. I'm not hiding anything. I am trying to see both sides if you would read my comments you will see but you being so defensive seems to be the norm. I already admitted Maybe I was a little harsh and defensive myself but wouldn't any of you be if it were your child? I think so if you are any kind of parent. I think if you knew the whole of the story you would understand. Please reread my comments from today. Thank You

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #137 on: April 12, 2013, 12:00:43 am »

1. Having my child pulled into this  and called a liar makes me a little unhappy.

2. As for his cards, I have seen them, heck I've held them in my hands and they look real enough to me, not that it matters...

3. As for Them owing money, I know gifts and labor were exchanged, isn't that what you do with friends without expecting something in return?? Isn't that what Creator expects of us?

4. Why this sudden need to destroy his life?? Shouldn't you just let Creator take care of it as we are taught? Now I believe I have acted with respect...

No, you clearly have not. In less than a day you've done nothing but try to obscure the issues with some of the more bizarre defenses I've ever seen.

1. If there's any supposed stalking going on, go to the cops. So far all we have is your highly charged claim with no evidence. Until you can produce a police report (and the deputy who I contacted has not mentioned this at all) let's call this what it is, an attempt to change the subject and attack the victims. So until we see proof, no more distractions.

2.  Yes, it does matter. It's fraud. It's downright criminal. And clearly you can't judge very well.

Glass clearly is lying. He's half German, his mother was German and not Cherokee. There's no evidence of his ancestry at all.
This should matter very much since he's claiming to be a Cherokee musician, lying about both his ancestry and awards.

3. No, once again you change the subject and make a pretty bizarre defense.

Glass took money for a boys home that never got there. There was no "exchange". And no creator certainly ever said "Take for a charity and lie about it." Talk about a completely loony defense.

4. This is utterly ridiculous. No one is out to "destroy" anyone. Reporting fraud is not "out to destroy". Neither is investigation.

No more distractions, no more attacking rhe victims, and no more looniness from you. Try going off topic again and you'll be banned.

So let's hear it: why does Glass lie about who he is?
What happened to the funds he collected for the boys home? There are multiple accounts here.

Absolutely any orher discussion is off topic and won't be tolerated. Everyone else, don't play his game. Don't even respond when he tries to pull this nonsense.

Consider yourself warned again, with the finger posed over not only the ban button, but deletion of any further off topic distractions.

Offline tlstevens

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #138 on: April 12, 2013, 01:28:39 am »
@Educatedindian, I was commenting on what I absolutely know. They other claims I don't personally know about but if you read back I admitted to Superdog that I looked and did not see his name on any grammy list. The other things I am looking into. As I stated earlier I do not and will not lie for anyone. I am sorry you feel I am being evasive but I am truly not. I have not seen what others have or claim to. When I see I'm wrong I admit it, I have no problem with that. I feel I have been respectful today, I did not want to bring up anything not about this issue but I was accused of wanting to hide behind PMs, so my apologies. The "other" is being taken care of. Thank You

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #139 on: April 15, 2013, 11:48:28 am »
Looks like Roy and Sharon have decided to forego any further discussion and instead choose to attack the board.  Roy reposted a very long ramble by Sharon on his fb page.  Not really even worth reposting here, but it matches the method of operation described by the posters who are past associates with them.  When they're called out....try and discredit those who are asking questions.

Basically, she google searched the board and mined all the info from folks like John Lekay and others and put out an ad hominem on the board and on a person named "Allen Carroll"  (lol...if you're gonna attack a least get their name right.   ;D)

Her thoughts are not very well put together, but if they want to stand on the side of Lekay, William Jervis (aka Turtle Winds Firewalker), Ashby et al be our guest.....Jervis may even contact them soon to offer his services (just beware of the "Cherokee massage").

Not one mention of the faux grammy nomination....but that would mean admitting there never was one.


Offline wolflover

  • Posts: 24
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #140 on: April 15, 2013, 01:47:00 pm »
If Mr. & Mrs. Glass can rant on and on on Roys facebook against this site then why don't they put it on this site for all to see, NO they have to do everything against people on their own site to just stir the pot and try to turn people against this site. I haven't seen any lies on here, but I sure have seen a lot of lies going on on their facebook pages! If everyone one on here is lying why don't they answer all the questions about themselves and tell their side of it, they can't because they can't answer these questions truthfully! Time to tell the truth and answer the question honestly or sit down and keep your mouth shut, oh sorry that's what their doing sitting down and not giving answers. They would rather rant on about this site not being truthful!!!

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #141 on: April 16, 2013, 02:36:57 pm »
TLSTEVENS: Have you considered that you have not concluded that you are one of us? We have all started with these people in the very place you stand! We have all felt like you and believed in them like you do. I do not question your fairness or honesty as they do spin a very convincing story. Personally, I have never met anyone as scheming and devious as these and therefore thought this must all be true. No one would make up so many lies, so much deceit, and bring it into ones life, as a friend, as a Brother! It was far too inconceivable for me. And, that is how they work. I still pray for these people. That Creator will touch their hearts and they will become honest with themselves, and then others.  I pray that they will find happiness, themselves and their place. I know that they must be in very deep pain to live the lives they live. And for this, I hope for their change. They have been given much community, much love, much support and none of this is what they need. It is something much deeper. Something I cannot comprehend. I know in my heart that one day, when you question them, they will also turn on you, and for this, you are also in my prayers!

Offline wolflover

  • Posts: 24
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #142 on: April 16, 2013, 03:11:38 pm »
Chikasha, your words are honest and from the heart...thank you...

Offline wolflover

  • Posts: 24
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #143 on: April 16, 2013, 04:06:13 pm »
Looks like Roy and Sharon have decided to forego any further discussion and instead choose to attack the board.  Roy reposted a very long ramble by Sharon on his fb page.  Not really even worth reposting here, but it matches the method of operation described by the posters who are past associates with them.  When they're called out....try and discredit those who are asking questions.

Basically, she google searched the board and mined all the info from folks like John Lekay and others and put out an ad hominem on the board and on a person named "Allen Carroll"  (lol...if you're gonna attack a least get their name right.   ;D)

Her thoughts are not very well put together, but if they want to stand on the side of Lekay, William Jervis (aka Turtle Winds Firewalker), Ashby et al be our guest.....Jervis may even contact them soon to offer his services (just beware of the "Cherokee massage").

Not one mention of the faux grammy nomination....but that would mean admitting there never was one.

Superdog, looks like Sharon Glass would rather target you and I on facebook then answer some truthful questions, very sad indeed. I personally don't understand that if they have nothing to hide why not answer the questions, if they feel the questions are wrong about them why say they wont address them because we hide behind names, if we are wrong what does using other names matter anyway, instead they choose to use their evasive tactics to avoid answering honest questions...wolflover

Offline bearheart

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #144 on: April 16, 2013, 04:56:40 pm »
 And the same questions still have not been answered;
 1- Why do you say you were born in Stillwell Oklahoma when YOUR birth certificate clearly shows you were born in S.C. (could it be because you are lying?)
 2- Why do you say you are Grammy nominated ? (when it has been proven you were not)
 3- Why are you stating on your facebook page, at Pow Wows (on the mike) at public events ETC.. that you are 3/4 Cherokee? - when you ARE NOT - your genealogy proves that is a lie.
 4- Why do you continue to say you are a carded member of the Cherokee Nation? - YOU ARE NOT - Your card has been proven to be a fake! (you could not even spell your own hometown correctly on the fake card when you made it) Perhaps you should be more cautious next time.
 5- Why do you promote the sell of your cd's as a Charity Fund for the Cherokee Children's Home? - when in Fact you have never donated ONE cent to any Cherokee children's organization - this also has been Proven. (You should be ashamed, using children this way)
 6- Why ALL the LIES about your family walking the Trail of Tears, when there are TRUE NATIVES who had many family members who did - You Mr. Glass have made a mockery of their Ancestors on your facebook page and other places. All done as part of your SCAM to earn trust and cheat people of cash -

 I think it is Clear enough for everyone to see -- These people will not tell the Truth, and will continue to manipulate, any way they can -- Looks like there are events coming up that he has lied his way into -- More victims who will pay dearly in the long run for trusting these people -- I pray for the coordinators of these events, and for the people who are bound to fall victim to Roy's lies and deceit -- Hold on to your wallets -- for it will COST you --

Offline Superdog

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #145 on: April 17, 2013, 02:47:30 am »
Superdog, looks like Sharon Glass would rather target you and I on facebook then answer some truthful questions, very sad indeed. I personally don't understand that if they have nothing to hide why not answer the questions, if they feel the questions are wrong about them why say they wont address them because we hide behind names, if we are wrong what does using other names matter anyway, instead they choose to use their evasive tactics to avoid answering honest questions...wolflover

It's ok if she does that.  My internet handle can take it.  ;) The truth is...if there was nothing to hide, then they wouldn't hide anything.  Any objective reader can figure out the grammy nomination is not real.  So I'm gonna stop beating this dead horse.  The point was proven.  If she really wanted to have a discussion, she'd come here and do it rather than retreating to her fb wall. 


Offline wolflover

  • Posts: 24
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #146 on: April 17, 2013, 12:37:56 pm »
Superdog, looks like Sharon Glass would rather target you and I on facebook then answer some truthful questions, very sad indeed. I personally don't understand that if they have nothing to hide why not answer the questions, if they feel the questions are wrong about them why say they wont address them because we hide behind names, if we are wrong what does using other names matter anyway, instead they choose to use their evasive tactics to avoid answering honest questions...wolflover

Superdog, unfortuately this is what happens, people give up cause the Glasses just wait the time out and post on their facebooks. They have taken advantage of TOO many people and I for one am not giving up til the truth is out there for everyone to see.They have taken so much money from people and then ruined those peoples reputation with their lies.Roy is not Cherokee but is out there preaching the Cherokee way. If the teachings were right it would be different but it isn't. Being Native American is an honor not something to be used to fill their pockets. The lies and manipulations have to stop...If it was just the grammy thing it would be different but the lies don't stop there, including  sacred ceremonies that he doesn't know etc. etc. etc. enough said...wolflover

It's ok if she does that.  My internet handle can take it.  ;) The truth is...if there was nothing to hide, then they wouldn't hide anything.  Any objective reader can figure out the grammy nomination is not real.  So I'm gonna stop beating this dead horse.  The point was proven.  If she really wanted to have a discussion, she'd come here and do it rather than retreating to her fb wall. 


Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #147 on: April 17, 2013, 02:13:09 pm »
The fact that he is perfectly comfortable at desecrating and bastardizing culture, tradition and ceremony through his lies and deceit speaks very strongly that he is NOT of Cherokee heritage. For this very same fact it also leads to question his religious conviction as well!

Offline kokopelli

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #148 on: April 19, 2013, 12:32:43 am »
Wonders how successful Barbara Walters would be at getting a story using a fake, stupid name like Wolflover, Bearheart, or Chickosatruth? If anybody thinks they have the right to ask me ANY questions they best be using their legal names and be telling me why what I do and how I live is any of their Damn business. I'm not targeting anybody or retreating anywhere, y'all need to just shut up and mind your own business.

Ho hum that's a very Christian like life ya living there cursing and all.


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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #149 on: April 19, 2013, 07:26:14 am »
Christianity, many times, has been just another role people put on to push their own agendas.  It has been proven many times through history.