Author Topic: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf  (Read 73742 times)

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2014, 08:37:23 pm »
for the record, joanne told me that this lydia, eliase graywolf, and girl named jimi mcnair went to the feds claiming she robbed them....they did it with absolutely NO PROOF or joanne would be in jail

i have screenshots of eliase kissing joannes ass after meeting her online, then of him telling everyone joanne is his aunt......then an online attack on joanne telling her she was a govt informant and a bia stooge for not participating in their stupid plot.....joanne basically just told him to shut up and quit telling people he was related to her when he wasnt even indian

telling her "go suck up to your precious pope" and stuff like that.....he also started claiming that lydia was also his aunt and how lydia is a respected lakota and she was going to talk to the UN and bring justice back.....whatever...he is a delusional little ethiopian

i dont know much about her except that joanne wants nothing to do with her or her friends.......if her friend eliase is throwing her in the mix then maybe this lydia needs to go talk to eliase and tell him to quit telling all these stories........and joanne has paperwork that says lydia participated in statements to the feds of the alleged robbery that they made up.....even the feds didnt believe them

eliase is also bragging he is somehow connected to some militant jihadist group

when he first came on our radar we wondered "What the F*** did we stumble on?"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2014, 10:32:25 pm »
I never claimed to have firsthand knowledge. You are confusing me with MySaskCan Heather Martin who claims to have this knowledge you speak about. If you look at my profile that icon leads you right to my blog.

This is my blog.

One educated Indian, you removed quotes from posts by others on the NAFPS forum. If you felt it was spam why didn't you remove it when they were first posted by others. You call what I quoted that other members on this forum posted spam? You attack me and accuse me over what other members posted on this forum?

Spam is repeating the same thing many times. That's what you've done.

You claim to be Lakota but your blog is in the UK, as is your ISP. And your blog profile is hidden.

Contact a mod when you're ready to quit playing games. Until then you won't be able to post.

Offline MySaskCan

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2014, 03:10:11 pm »
Is this post true that Lydia White Calf slandered Joann Spotted Bear, making statements to me personally that Joann held her up at gun point and stole $3000.00 from her. She also had a man call me the next day wanting to know if Joann was at my house and telling me that Joann had a hit list. She is a non-native and should not be taking actions on behalf of the Lakota people. She claims to be fighting for us while she slanders our own people and seeks to divide them."

Is it true that Lydia is not still married to her husband and they are not together. She uses his name all the time and so do her friends.

Your way of speaking needs to be clearer.

You are the one making the accusation, so far without proof beyond your own testimony.

You say you are Lakota. But so far you have not introduced yourself or made your connection to all of this mess clear.

To both you and MSS, do not simply trade accusations. Provide proof of what you claim and also be extremely clear about who you are.

The above quote appears to be from Fabious (John O'Donnell's) puppet master, Pagan Media That Bites.  She is another disinfo agent posing as a 'New Age Indian'.  Their interest is in sexual abuse activism whether it be Irish, Indian or otherwise... However they are no crusaders for the victims, they are in place to protect the likes of Kevin Annett by taking out people who oppose Kevin Annett.   When Milehighsalute asked what they have stumbled upon this is a very astute and good question.  Why does an Irish man like Cotter (Fabious/Ronan/John O'Donnel) feel the need to come onto a forum such as this, when I've left the Kevin Annett issue alone?  Is it not an effective strategy to befriend (as Pagan once did) myself, Lydia White Calf, Mick O'Brien, Carrie Lester and others, only to use that confidence and the comments posted on her blog and facebook page as a means to spread lies about us all?  This same scenario happened when I had a Facebook page called No White Saviors which only had 35 people on it.  A guy named Charley Brown (who is involved with numerous native movements on FB including AIM) put me in touch with a guy named Emil Blonsky.  This guy, Emil, claimed to be with Anonymous and offered to dig up any info on Kevin I hadn't been able to find.  Emil, turned out to be a guy named Timm Wheeler whose 'day job' is IT security work.  Turns out I was set up and this Anonymous group produced a 'report' that glorified Kevin and accused me of working for Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.  It was a harmless accusation, but when I asked the author (Kitty Hundal) to remove it she produced a revised copy of the report calling me a liar and that she'd never made the claim in the first place.  Since that time, Kitty and Timm have engaged in a campaign of slander and lies written in the blogs Fabious posted links to.  Kitty and Fabious (O'Donnell) have been patting each other on the back for their most excellent deception which has always struck me as odd, because Fabious (O'Donnell) has supported Pagan who is outspoken in her hatred of Kevin Annett (supposedly).  This leads me to believe that the goal is not to expose Kevin Annett but to take myself and others out of the picture.  The question is why?  If Kevin is doing the right thing... is righteous in what he is doing (taking down the Pope) what threat am I?  Surely he has nothing to fear with God and the Natives and Irish abuse survivors on his side?  For the record, I'm no Anonymous Coward....

Pagan's blog:

Pagan's twitter feed: (See post of March 18)

Pagan and her role in the false allegations and arrest of an innocent man:

Pagan reported Lydia White Calf to Colorado Police on behalf of Kevin Annett after publishing a radio show and several articles/comments regarding the alleged "death threat" against KA.  Why is NESARA in on the action?

Pagan's radio show:

Ronan Cotter (aka John O'Donnell) posting on Anonygrans FB page:

Fabious Cotter:

Kitty Hundal :

Pagan/Aris screenshots of interest:

and here where you'll see at the end who her friends are:

Heather Martin (MySaskCan)

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2014, 03:36:51 pm »
i for one thinks that helps that you labeled the links

and yes i am beginning to think ALL of the above people are agent provocateurs....and one ethiopian tard who doesnt even know he is an agent provocateur because his payment is feeling indian

none of them have any business meddling in any indian affairs

again, if white people want to help us so bad, maybe they should attend concession/craft show fundraisers, buy proven ndn products and attend powwows to respectfully observe and buy some frybread........why the f*** are they muddying our waters even more by involving themselves in our politics or whatever???

and how come they never talk all this crap about being ndn, about being warriors on our behalf, militance blah blah blah in a room full of REAL INDIANS?.............unfugginbelievable!!!!!

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2014, 03:41:08 pm »
and i seen the facebook of an "eagle cruz".....he looks to be a chicano gangbanger (not that i hadnt done the same thing in the past) that sundances and northern traditional dances.....did eagle cruz sr impregnate a woman from a northern plains tribe or did the "adopt" sundance? if so that is not very yaqui of him, so i have my doubts about him too..........ALL these twinkies need to go have it out, a big ol battle royale fight to the death.....i hope they ALL win

Offline MySaskCan

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2014, 07:46:34 pm »
i for one thinks that helps that you labeled the links

and yes i am beginning to think ALL of the above people are agent provocateurs....and one ethiopian tard who doesnt even know he is an agent provocateur because his payment is feeling indian

none of them have any business meddling in any indian affairs

again, if white people want to help us so bad, maybe they should attend concession/craft show fundraisers, buy proven ndn products and attend powwows to respectfully observe and buy some frybread........why the f*** are they muddying our waters even more by involving themselves in our politics or whatever???

and how come they never talk all this crap about being ndn, about being warriors on our behalf, militance blah blah blah in a room full of REAL INDIANS?.............unfugginbelievable!!!!!

I'd never heard the term agent provocateur or black operative or bad-jacketing until I was labelled one by ironic....

My experience with Native people has been in the hospital setting... it is a sad affair that local, provincial and federal government officials have failed to actively rectify the wrongs...Here in Saskatchewan we have an epidemic of HIV and HepC cases in the 'First Nations' population... people in government and health care are turning a blind eye hoping it will just go away.  I can understand the anger people of any race feel witnessing this injustice... This empathy has been the blinders that obscure critical thinking when it comes to people like Kevin Annett.  He sells them some snake oil and they're so grateful because they don't have to feel guilty over the multi-generational effects of colonialization.  The dialogue of that first Tribunal was needed and indeed a good first start, but not perfect.  Agent Provocateur was a label thrown around within the first day and it's residual energy has only multiplied the negativity surrounding any healing that could have been done.  White people (whether true allies or not) indeed placed themselves in the midst of the fray and the impression by outsiders may have been that Native people were incapable of healing themselves.  But this is not simply a mishap of competing interests, all trying to do the right thing for the 'poor natives'... There were powerful 'agents' of disinformation, subversion and psychological operatives instigating whisper campaigns and sowing the seeds of destruction.  My assertion has always been that the goal has been to destroy the good and true activists and when they're out of the way, substitute the white-savior version of salvation.  It's a cruel irony that the 'Indian' must get that salvation from the Great White Reverend (Mr. Eagle Strong Voice) who has impersonated an Anishinabe Elder (a fiction named Jeremiah Jourdain), while laying claim to the nation of Kanata.  If taking this imposter out of the equation, so as to allow Native people to exert their own voice, is meddling in native affairs, then I stand guilty as charged....but I'll say this... Not one (real) native person has asked me to stop.

Offline Royce White Calf

  • Posts: 10
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2014, 10:42:52 pm »
My name is Royce White Calf.  I am Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  I am full blood and I am a patriot to my People – the Palestinians of the Western Hemisphere. I stand by them until I die. For me, I was born an enemy of the state, and my war for survival has been since my first breath. For my wife, it has been since shortly after we were married.  I have the following statements to make about myself, my wife, my sons, my marriage and the vicious and malicious lies being told about us all.
My wife of 20 years and mother to our enrolled sons, Lydia White Calf, and I have been stalked, harassed, and intimidated ruthlessly by the Intelligence Agencies and their cronies since the day we met Kevin Annett in June 1998.  She and I were asked by IHRAAM to be jurors at The Northwest Tribunal in Vancouver Canada which heard the testimonies of survivors of the genocidal Jesuit Residential School system to First Nations Peoples.  This is where we met our personal version of Douglas Durham, the agent for the Jesuits who calls himself Kevin Annett.
The above blathering of insanities by this ‘mile high salute’ is so absurd they do not deserve direct response.  I have a very good idea, along with many, who she is, and what are her real motives and mental health issues that drive her to such frothing hatred and self-embarrassment.  I respond today – once only – to expose fact from fiction for the honor of my People, my wife, my marriage and our sons. I respond finally because our enemy has weakened themselves and it is  appropriate to speak good words when others will see the truth from those that have balanced minds, as opposed to those that do not.
Neither my wife nor I are public figures.  We occasionally appear on the radio over the years, at the very most.  Therefore I wish to continue to protect our privacy, to the extent that it has been violated.  I have had many serious health issues the last few years that have left me long term in Pine Ridge.  Some of these have been related to deeply severe trauma, for which I have been treated at the IHS in Pine Ridge and Regional Hospital in Rapid City. These periods where I have had to stay close to free health care for multiple surgeries as well – and severe heart issues – have been seized upon by those that oppose the ideology of freedom, who have greedily grabbed at these temporary separations from my family to insinuate every manner of non-truth and ill deed.
Lydia is my wife today, and will be until I make that journey.  Her legal name is Lydia White Calf, by white man’s marriage laws – like everyone else in America – on or off the Reservation. We were married on June 24, 1994, and I am here to say that there is no better wife and woman in this world.  She has stood by me through many personal crises, and political ones. Because my People are still at war, she has suffered the collateral damage of war, including horrid character assassination.  She is kind, intelligent and deeply sincere.  She is the mother to my Lakota sons, Wakinyan Oliver White Calf and Akicita Henry White Calf, both enrolled in the Oglala Sioux Tribe.  If any of you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me. You have a problem with my People and you have a problem with my many elders, who have loved her and taken her in over these decades.  Come face me at my front door. Or come face us at the door to our Nation.
Let he, or she, who hurls the first lie, OR MOCKS MY NAME, come forward and bare the glass walls of that frail house of their stature as human beings, their lack of principle, their shallow and hollow selves, their valueless sullied harmful existence.
Let he or she who lies about myself, my good wife, our sons, my People…face their maker, our mutual Creator. Know that in my way, and by our laws, Lydia, Wakinyan, Akicita and I pray for good things for you.  I am Royce White Calf. I have spoken.
Wazyata Akicita, Ptehinsilaska
March 2014

(obviously the above was not read thoroughly)

A special thanks for the relentless dedication to our People to Heather Martin, a true sister in our struggle.

Offline Royce White Calf

  • Posts: 10
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2014, 11:18:51 am »

My name is Royce White Calf.  I am Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  I am full blood and I am a patriot to my People – the Palestinians of the Western Hemisphere. I stand by them until I die. For me, I was born an enemy of the state, and my war for survival has been since my first breath. For my wife, it has been since shortly after we were married.  I have the following statements to make about myself, my wife, my sons, my marriage and the vicious and malicious lies being told about us all.

My wife of 20 years and mother to our enrolled sons, Lydia White Calf, and I have been stalked, harassed, and intimidated ruthlessly by the Intelligence Agencies and their cronies since the day we met Kevin Annett in June 1998.  She and I were asked by IHRAAM to be jurors at The Northwest Tribunal in Vancouver Canada which heard the testimonies of survivors of the genocidal Jesuit Residential School system to First Nations Peoples.  This is where we met our personal version of Douglas Durham, the agent for the Jesuits who calls himself Kevin Annett.

The above blathering of insanities by this ‘mile high salute’ is so absurd they do not deserve direct response.  I have a very good idea, along with many, who she is, and what are her real motives and mental health issues that drive her to such frothing hatred and self-embarrassment.  I respond today – once only – to expose fact from fiction for the honor of my People, my wife, my marriage and our sons. I respond finally because our enemy has weakened themselves and it is  appropriate to speak good words when others will see the truth from those that have balanced minds, as opposed to those that do not.

Neither my wife nor I are public figures.  We occasionally appear on the radio over the years, at the very most.  Therefore I wish to continue to protect our privacy, to the extent that it has been violated.  I have had many serious health issues the last few years that have left me long term in Pine Ridge.  Some of these have been related to deeply severe trauma, for which I have been treated at the IHS in Pine Ridge and Regional Hospital in Rapid City. These periods where I have had to stay close to free health care for multiple surgeries as well – and severe heart issues – have been seized upon by those that oppose the ideology of freedom, who have greedily grabbed at these temporary separations from my family to insinuate every manner of non-truth and ill deed.

Lydia is my wife today, and will be until I make that journey.  Her legal name is Lydia White Calf, by white man’s marriage laws – like everyone else in America – on or off the Reservation. We were married on June 24, 1994, and I am here to say that there is no better wife and woman in this world.  She has stood by me through many personal crises, and political ones. Because my People are still at war, she has suffered the collateral damage of war, including horrid character assassination.  She is kind, intelligent and deeply sincere.  She is the mother to my Lakota sons, Wakinyan Oliver White Calf and Akicita Henry White Calf, both enrolled in the Oglala Sioux Tribe.  If any of you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me. You have a problem with my People and you have a problem with my many elders, who have loved her and taken her in over these decades.  Come face me at my front door. Or come face us at the door to our Nation.

Let he, or she, who hurls the first lie, OR MOCKS MY NAME, come forward and bare the glass walls of that frail house of their stature as human beings, their lack of principle, their shallow and hollow selves, their valueless sullied harmful existence.

Let he or she who lies about myself, my good wife, our sons, my People…face their maker, our mutual Creator. Know that in my way, and by our laws, Lydia, Wakinyan, Akicita and I pray for good things for you.  I am Royce White Calf. I have spoken.

Wazyata Akicita, Ptehinsilaska
March 2014

(obviously the above was not read thoroughly)

A special thanks for the relentless dedication to our People to Heather Martin, a true sister in our struggle.
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Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2014, 05:22:38 pm »
i have no quarrel with you….i actually have no quarrel with anyone except an associate of your wife’s and any others of his ilk……i infact only relayed what has been told to me...and what I read with my own eyes…..lemme tell the story AGAIN and summarize it better.

i never heard of lydia white calf until 2010 when elijah yenegata tewahade aka eliase graywolf went bragging to everyone on facebook how they were going to kill the pope and named her along with the radio guy. he claimed they were the only "true" lakota warriors "acicitas" and the only ones with the balls to do anything. he supposedly wanted to do this on behalf of the lakota people......where lydia and kevin exactly fit in i am unaware, but HE is the one who named them as co-conspirators and HE is the one who bragged about his intentions. so maybe you should take it up with the guy who drug your wife's name through his ramblings?

joanne happened to be in that "native" facebook group (which no longer exists) and told elijah to quit telling people he is doing  ANYTHING for the lakota people or the ndn people in general since he is NOT indian AT ALL. (she was one of the first to find out that he was ethiopian)

on another page he was calling her a pope-lover and an fbi agent and a govt plant to divide "his lakota people" and went on a rant how she screwed over the lakota people by turning him in........i didnt know if she did or i cant imagine her ever working with the govt....but if she did i say GOOD!! lakotas dont need ethiopians running around with insane plots on their behalf...right?

now the other time her name came up is when elijah (eliase) went around telling people that joanne robbed him, your wife and  someone named jimi mcnair at gunpoint. he said this all over youtube, facebook, comment sections in different parts of the net.....that is the other time he invoked your wife's name. more than a few times joanne challenged him again on this also.....and he told her to "go defend her precious pope" and that she didnt know what it was to be lakota and a warrior...just him and his friends do.

me, a few friends recognize how dangerous elijah is with his over the top fantasies of being an ndn we have been keeping track of him last few years.......and we had a fb group that somehow been pulled down as a "hate site" where we asked that everyone tell us thier "eliase stories" and conversations......everyone was the same.....they all believed he was lakota......and that he was plugged in to the big name aimsters and was some big time activist/enemy of the govt as well as a vet and a pipe carrier, to the extra gullible he told them he was a medicine man of the black elk family.

where does your wife fit in? she was mentioned a few times in the stories.....mostly by girls who elijah was trying to impress by saying she and arnette were involved in a plot to assasinate the pope.......on a hunch i ran her name here and there was already a thread on i added what had been relayed to me to the thread......much of which were copy/pastes from joanne herself. who has no knowledge of lydia other than she is an associate of a whacko.

now it is absolutely true about me asking most indians around as i am actually involved in the community here about what they know about any of this and its absolutley true that none of them know your wife either, but do know the phony elijah, and they wondered WTF i stumbled upon and heard the rumors also before i even mentioned it.....and their reactions were just as i stated....basically "what the hell are all these twinkies thinking? we would as a people NEVER be a part of a crazy plot like that".........that is true...and that is out of MY MOUTH that i witnessed that

so i did NOT want to turn this into an eliase graywolf thread....he has his own thread.........but as i lay down with "graywolves" your are gonna get say you are not public figures....i believe that.....but you can thank mr elijah tewahade-yenegata the pride of ethiopia aka eliase graywolf into turning her into a public course? maybe a statement from her calling him a liar and telling what she knows about both tewahade-yenegata and arnett.

Offline Lydia White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2014, 07:56:07 pm »
On behalf of the White Calf family, with the assistance of legal council:

In response on behalf of our relative by marriage and blood Lydia White Calf from the White Calf’s of Pine Ridge, South Dakota and Colorado –

The above post by our family member, Royce White Calf, serves as the response of Lydia White Calf as well.

This is not about Lydia White Calf, but about the vicious politics of Pine Ridge, and the war on our People, the Lakota, by agents and schills of all manner, who always expose themselves to the true people by examples such as the above.  It is also obvious libel and slander on the part of those posting on this thread perpetrating this libel and slander (not the forum or the administrators) punishable by law - to any that are literate or educated.

For any who wish further information regarding Joane Spotted Bear, please contact our Tribal Council, the OST, in regard to the discussions over the last several years to employ the Bad Man Clause, banning her from our Reservation.

It might serve the administrators to verify that the IP address of milehighsalute is located in Reno, Nevada – the address of Joane Spotted Bear, on public record. Since one spam artist was outed above by the administrators, it is our recommendation and request that the administrators act judiciously.  We do acknowledge that a proxy IP address may be in use. So this is not up to us, but a matter for the administrators to debate amongst themselves.

Several credible attempts by real Indian people who requested to join this forum to this effect were never granted access.  Therefore, there was no choice but to proceed under the invitation to Lydia White Calf to give a public statement, as it would be impossible for the administrators not to accept her personal request to join.

As Royce White Calf stated, “Lydia is the victim of collateral damage of war”.  The above attempted smear campaign and character assassination is so absurd and obvious for what it is – and has been exposed as such - there is no need for further comment.

Any further posts by any of the contributors that engage in harm to our family and our People will be summarily ignored.  There is nothing left to say, despite the anticipated attempts to bait such response.

Posted under Lydia White Calf’s account for us by Lydia White Calf’s family in Colorado.

Thank you for your kind consideration and attention.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2014, 07:32:19 pm »
On behalf of the White Calf family, with the assistance of legal council...

The above post by our family member, Royce White Calf, serves as the response of Lydia White Calf as well.

This is not about Lydia White Calf, but about the vicious politics of Pine Ridge, and the war on our People, the Lakota, by agents and schills of all manner...

It might serve the administrators to verify that the IP address of milehighsalute is located in Reno, Nevada – the address of Joane Spotted Bear, on public record. Since one spam artist was outed above by the administrators, it is our recommendation and request that the administrators act judiciously.  We do acknowledge that a proxy IP address may be in use. So this is not up to us, but a matter for the administrators to debate amongst themselves.

Several credible attempts by real Indian people who requested to join this forum to this effect were never granted access.  Therefore, there was no choice but to proceed under the invitation to Lydia White Calf to give a public statement, as it would be impossible for the administrators not to accept her personal request to join.

...there is no need for further comment.

Any further posts by any of the contributors that engage in harm to our family and our People will be summarily ignored.  There is nothing left to say, despite the anticipated attempts to bait such response.

Posted under Lydia White Calf’s account for us by Lydia White Calf’s family in Colorado...

Talk about delusional...

I hope any supposed lawyer didn't charge you much. A first year pre law student wouldn't attach their name to such a statement, much less a "council" of them. Or even a "schill."

Really, we can all see there was no lawyer, just a silly bluff pretending there was.

For the record, there have been no "attempts by several real Indian people" to join on Hersloff's behalf that were blocked by us. Why would we? You keep hanging yourself by your own statements, and it's downright entertaining.

Milehigh is not JPB. He posts from Colorado, as he's always been up front about. While I've never met him in person, he and I knew some of the same places in the area from back when I was stationed at Fitzsimmons AMC in the 80s. I have no reason to doubt he is who he says he is.

Hersloff is lying about being able to track IPs. Only moderators can. This is a silly failed attempt to intimidate.

If no further comment is necessary, fine. But I doubt her compulsive need to put her foot in her mouth is done yet.

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2014, 10:44:02 pm »
besides.......ONCE AGAIN....

maybe she needs to check her buddy graywolf since he is the one bragging about all this and spreading it around

i just repeated what i was told, and reposted what info i was given, and gave personal testimony to what i saw.....which was OPEN DISCUSSION

many people are ignorant of the law.....many throw the words slander and libel around

yet they forget....if they do something wrong in public....or talk about wrongdoing in public like your dog-banging buddy graywolf did......then we are allowed to talk about it

i said a few times in this discussion, that i did not know you....or want to know you....and what had been told to me about you was blah blah blah.....if you dont like me discussing blah blah blah then you best take it up with the source, or make sure no one finds out you were doing it and spreading it around, or just plain dont do it......that is if it is even true

it is already common knowledge that eliase graywolf is a liar and a fraud, you could have just came here and denounced him and no one would have questioned it and would have chalked it up to another delusional graywolf fantasy....maybe you should read the thread here on him

and truthfully i STILL dont believe him just on general principal

as far as lakota politics are concerned the more i know about them the more i know i want no part of that snake pit....aint my tribe....aint my business

but as i already said, you lay down with get fleas

have a good day

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2014, 03:05:27 pm » all the videos here are now deleted.......hmmmmm

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2014, 07:37:50 am »

Offline Diana

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2014, 08:57:17 am » kevin annett claiming to be reverend of NAC

Yuck! That Facebook was so creepy. I could be mistaken but that so called minister thunderwolf also had pics of himself dressed as a woman. God, what is it about these people, I just don't understand.

Why are these wannabes, pretendians and frauds so damaged? What is it about Indians that attracts such emotional cripples?

We've seen them here many times and they all eventually crash and burn or have the psychotic meltdowns.

It seems like a recent mental phenomenon or psychosis. I believe some of these people have lost contact with reality. It's very perplexing.   ??? ??? ???
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 08:59:00 am by Diana »