Author Topic: 4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow  (Read 11188 times)

Offline Pono Aloha

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4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow
« on: May 14, 2012, 11:27:07 pm »
What do you think of these folks?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: 4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 12:36:35 am »
From what I see on their website, the thread should be moved to the fraud section.

The Snows are dyed-in-the-wool Nuagers, and so are the other persons mentioned on their about-us page, and they also cooperate with the so-called Council of 13 grandmothers:

Chet Snow, Ph.D., is an internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer and regression therapist with degrees from Columbia University and the Sorbonne in Paris.  From New Jersey, Chet is of European & Native American heritage and a former president of the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapies. ….

Kallista Snow hails from Reims, France.  She has studied yoga, reflexology, therapeutic massage & mediation.   Having met Chet in Paris in 1985, they were brought together as a couple in December 1991 by Mother Meera, their spiritual mentor.   Since 1994 they have lived  in Sedona, Arizona, long recognized as sacred land by Native Americans.   Their  house was once home to  Hopi spiritual leader, White Bear.  She is a student of Peruvian shamanism and works with Gaia-Luz, a modern crystal skull.---

Denise L. Wahlberg
… Living in the Southwest among many different tribal cultures piqued her interest to learn more about Native American culture and spirituality, which she has studied for the last two decades. ...

Jane Hawthorne
… Jane is a practicing Andean shaman, having studied at the Four Winds Society and in Peru.  From 1999-2001, she served on the Board of a non-profit organization providing a discussion forum on alternative healing & psychic phenomena.  A third-level Reiki master and member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Jane has also studied inipi (sweat lodge ceremonies) with Lakota medicine keepers & remote viewing. ….

Linda Rettinger, LMT
Linda, of Mexican and Native American heritage, a highly respected Intuitive, passer of information, healer, massage therapist and message dreamer.  She is dedicated in supporting the community through her company: Meaningful Things. She often offers workshops highlighting Indigenous Elders, Healers, and Wisdom Keepers from around the world, working closely with the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and its Hopi-Tewa-Havasupi representative, Mona Polacca.
Emphasis mine

From their intros, they practice various varieties of nuage rubbish taken from almost every corner of the world. From reiki, regression therapy (whatever this is) to crystal skulls - you name it, they got it, and did or still do it.


The Four Directions Wisdom Society was conceived by Chet and Kallista Snow in May 2007 when, with friend and neighbor, Karen Koebnick of Stellar Productions Live, they organized and hosted the Four Directions Wisdom Gathering in Sedona, Arizona, with a half-dozen invited elders, including Mayan grandmother Flordemayo and Rogue-River Band grandmother Agnes Pilgrim, both of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers (founded in 2004), plus Auntie Puanani Mahoe of Hawaii; Grandfather Martin Gashwesoma of the Hopi nation; Uncle Willard Pine of the First Nations (Ojibway)    of Ontario, Canada and  Danilo Villafane from Columbia, South America.

The 200 participants in that first May 2007 Wisdom Gathering created an "open heart space" to share experiences and discuss current problems and suggested solutions for this long-predicted era of change or "Purification," to use a Hopi phrase, as Earth and our Solar system align in 2012 with the Galactic Center.  It was the most auspicious time to begin to direct our positive intentions across "Turtle Island" (the Americas) and around the globe.  We were joined in this endeavor by actor-activist Russell Means, Reverends Michael & Rickie Byers Beckwith with Sherry Whitfield, guardian of "Synergy," an ancient crystal skull once sacred to Pacific peoples, plus Dineh musician and dancer, Tony Redhouse, who performed traditional dances for  the group.

So there's also some 2012 garbage thrown in for good measure...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: 4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 01:56:23 pm »
This is probably the most important thing to note about this bunch: Those 200 "participants" at their previous meeting were actually victims paying $1400-2100 a pop. And for an extra $111 you even get to sit extra close to the twink leaders! Or you can just pay 60 bukcs extra for workshops later.

That means this outfit made 28,000-42,000 bucks in five days. It's about bucks, not wisdom, and that's enough to move it to Frauds.

If you wish to register via Pay Pal, click on the appropriate button below.
All other Registrations: click this line for a printable Registration Form

JUNE 1 - 6  (5 nights)
Gathering, Ceremonies, Luau & Hotel Packages:
Two People sharing a Keauhou Bay Sheraton Resort Room
(All Prices are per person for 5 nights)

There are 3 room types:  Mountain View, Partial Ocean, Ocean View
The earlier you purchase your registration, the less expensive it is!
Purchase Dates
 Mountain View
 Partial Ocean
 Ocean View 
April 18 - May 16
Extended to May 16
 $ 1,210.00
    $ 1,320.00
     $ 1,485.00

May 16+ see below
   (+15% EB price)
 $ 1,265.00
 $ 1,380.00
 $ 1,550.00
After May 16, Group discounts may not apply. Write:
Registrations by check, mailed with the Registration Form, get a 5% discount.  Our group rates include the resort fee of $24 per room, per day and include taxes
Sheraton Resort Package Prices for a Single Room
Purchase Dates
 Mountain View
 Partial Ocean
 Ocean View
April 18 - May 16
Extended to May 16
 $ 1,650.00
     $ 1,870.00
     $ 2,035.00
May 16+ see below
   (+ 15% EB price)
 $ 1,725.00 $ 1,955.00
 $ 2,130.00
After May 16, Group Discounts may not apply.  Contact:
Registrations by check, mailed with the Registration Form, get a 5% discount.  Our group rates include the Resort fee of $21 per room, per day and include all taxes!   
Note:  These are non-Hawaiian prices.  Hawaii residents with state ID, contact us for
   kama'aina rates: / 928-204-1962 or in Hawaii: (808) 573-6683 
          Our kama'aina hotel rates include the Resort fee of $21+tax per room, per day, and include  all taxes.   This makes them less expensive than the hotel kama'aina room rates
Note:   You may arrive up to 3 nights before June 1 and/or stay up to 3 nights after June 5 at our special group rate, if purchased together.  Ask us for extra-night prices.  All package registrations include a partial tax deductible fee, to help defray Elders' costs. 
Non-Hawaii residents, for Gathering, Ceremonies & Luau only - NO HOTEL
April Advance Price extended to May 16
Register by May 16:  $400 for 4 day event (includes $200 tax-deductible for Elders
As of May 17: $450 for 4 day event (includes $200 tax-deductible for Elders)
Payments by check, mailed with the Registration Form, get a 5% discount.
Questions?  Contact:  /  Dr Chet Snow: 928-204-1962
Add Gathering VIP Seating (1st 3 rows) = $111.00
         (Can be added any time until May 30)
Mon. June 4: 10 AM - 1 PM  Workshops
Optional 3-hour workshops will be given by certain Elders for $65 or $50 (kama'ainas)
Registration at the door or at weekend.
Agnes Pilgrim
Mona Polacca
Sherry & "Synergy"
 Mon. June 4:  3 PM - 6 PM Workshops
Optional 3-hour workshops will be given by certain Elders for $65 or $50 (kama'ainas)
Registration at the door or at weekend.
Auntie Pua Mahoe
To be Announced
Help us with our Mission: Make a Tax-deductible Donation via Pay Pal Today!
Mitakuye Oyasin - Aloha Nui Loa - Namaste
Shalom Aleichem - Salaam Alekem - Peace & Goodwill


After making tens of thousands they have the gall to ask for donations? How about the big cash actually going to help people?
Polacaa herself is in Justice studies and has a long history of good work as a substance abuse counselor, so it's really dismaying to see her go for the cash.

The 4D bunch, just like the ones behind 13 Grandmothers, seem to be bent on using this to appear legit. In reality...


Their Sedona house, built by members of the White [Healing] Lodge of England, was once home to  Hopi spiritual leader, White Bear.
With Mother Meera's permission, Chet and Kallista organized their first "sacred journey" for a group of ten to Germany to receive her "darshan" [blessing] in June 1997.   The following summer they added a small-group trip to England to explore the mysterious crop circles appearing there for the last two decades as well as ancient sacred sites such as Stonehenge and nearby Salisbury cathedral.  In September 2000 they hosted a 10-day pilgrimage to Provence and Languedoc, Kallista's former home with Barbara Marciniak and 13 special people to explore the mysteries of the Cathars, Mary Magdalene and Holy Grail.    Since then they have led spiritual research tours to the French Black Madonnas, Mary Magdalene in France and Morocco: Gateway to Atlantis.  Each summer they have lead a small-group (10 people) tour to the English crop circles.

...has also been featured on Sightings, the Art Bell Show..Since early 1998, Chet and Kallista have organized and hosted several international conferences in Sedona.  Three of these focused on "Crystal Healing and the Ancient Crystal Skulls," including the largest gathering of these ancient sacred talismans in modern times, while the fourth and fifth were their February 1999 "Earth Mysteries and the Millennium," featuring Edgar Mitchell, Zecharia Sitchin, Linda Moulton Howe, Neil Freer and Barbara Marciniak and November 2001 "Cosmic Connections," including a special "Day with Zecharia Sitchin."  In  November 2002, they moved America's annual Crop-Circle & Ancient Mysteries Conference: "Signs of Destiny," to Phoenix.   In 2004, they hosted Jose Arguelles & John Major Jenkins headed a "Signs of Destiny" Conference on "The Road to 2012"...

Starting in November 2007, Chet & Kallista have organized and hosted the "Secrets! Conference" series.  Their 2007 conference featured best-selling authors Whitley Strieber, Barbara Marciniak and Andrew Collins.  On November 21-24, 2008, they hosted "Secrets! What the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You!" .   Keynote Speakers included Richard C. Hoagland, David Wilcock and Dr. Nick Begich.   November 20-23, 2009 saw them present: "Secrets! The Energy Revolution," exploring new energies for Healing & Power.   DVDs were made of all the 2009 Conference presentations including sound-healer Jonathan GOLDMAN; new science & spirituality teacher, David WILCOCK; and the Disclosure Project's founder, Dr. Steven GREER.   Also featured were authors,  William Henry, Jeane Manning, David Sereda, and the Ancient Crystal Skull: Synergy.   A 2009 Keynote speaker Richard C. Hoagland also gave a special 2 hour+ workshop on "JFK, the Moon & 2010". 

November 18-21, 2011, marks their Emergence Conference - Expanding Reality - Going Beyond 2012.   Keynote speakers include Drs. Raymond Moody, JJ Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak, and Nancy Talbott, William Henry, visonary Nicolya Christi and Synergy.   Chet & Kallista's conference web page is: .

In February 1991, Chet Snow was invited to meet with spiritual elders of the Hopi nation and allowed to photograph their sacred, prophetic petroglyphs.  Struck by the similarities between them and recent crop circle formations in Britain, he has personally studied this phenomenon since then, traveling to southern England every July for the last 10 years to compare the circles’ symbolism to ancient markings from indigenous cultures around the world.   Since 1993 Kallista has joined him in this research and in hosting an annual small group tour to sacred sites in Wiltshire.  They host this tour each August for one week and are the main US distributors of the Wiltshire research Crop Circle Calendar, the only one to feature current-year formations.  See: Calendars to order online.

In May 1999, Chet and Kallista were honored to receive Gaia-Luz, a pure citrine crystal skull, recently hand carved in Brazil by native artisans, and weighing about five pounds.  Native cultures around the world have long revered the human skull as the guardian of special powers and intelligence.

OTOH it's refreshing they don't pretend it's ancient or Mayan for a change. Gaia Luz is certainly not the name those unnamed artisans called it. No mention of a tribe nor even if they considered it special. It could have been a tourist item for all we know.

Hawthorse used to do "interdimensional photography." The same site mentioned that as of 2005 she was still only studying "Andean shamanism." No teachers mentioned by name, either "Andean" or Lakota.

Rettinger's website is basically a one stop shopping for spirchul tourism.

And she peddles her own rituals, including one for the Fiscal New Year. Give her time, she'll sell one for the Quarterly Stock Reports, and another in case of an IRS Audit.

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: 4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2012, 08:05:50 am »
Thanks for all the research ... definitely look nuage. But I don't think they are making quite as much money as you state. Those prices include hotel rooms. It looks like conference alone is $400 (or $511 for VIP seating). That's still $80,000 IF they get 200 participants. That might be a big if, given this economy. I wonder how much of that the "elders" get?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: 4 Directions Wisdom Society, Chet Snow, Kalista Snow
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2012, 08:52:58 pm »
Part of that is the problem, these "elders" are proclaimed to be such by white Nuagers, and also are getting 60 bucks per person for workshops. If a white-Nuage-designated "elder" gets even 20 people, that's clearing 1200 for a morning's "work." If they get 100...

For non Natives reading this thread, esp if they aren't members of NAFPS, it's very important this next point is clear to you:

This is NOT how an elders gathering is done. Read any of the links to gatherings of elders who've posted declarations, and you'll see the difference. They don't meet at >$200 a night resorts and then charge a couple hundred to a couple grand per person for anyone else coming.

Typically elders would meet at a traditional Native community and be hosted by the people there. That means they scraped up enough money for gas for someone's old car or a cheap plane ticket, and then stayed in somebody's home or even camped out on the grounds of the meeting.

I know of some elders gatherings that were hosted by universities who got sponsorship by making it a meeting with academics as well. That might be the only case where these elders get to stay in a hotel, Motel 6 or a Ramada if they were lucky.

But staying in a resort that costs more per night than some people on the rezzes live on all month long? Please...