Author Topic: Shannon & Marv Harwood, Kimmapii School of Shamanism  (Read 11667 times)

Offline OneRed

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Shannon & Marv Harwood, Kimmapii School of Shamanism
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:18:15 pm »

Run by Shanon Harwood and Marv Harwood

Kimmapii comes from the Blackfoot word “Ikimmapii’ipiitsii” meaning “to help, to care”. The name was chosen by two of the Spiritual Elders, Joe and Josephine Crowshoe of the Piikaani Nation.

It was transferred to Shanon Harwood (Inniskimaaki) and Marv Harwood (Piitaotokaan) in a traditional Blackfoot ceremony in 1989. In transferring the name, the Crowshoes charged Marv and Shanon with the duty to “bridge the gap between all people”. To prepare them for this duty, the Crowshoes began teaching and training them in Plains Native/Animistic ritual, ceremony and practice.

From these beginnings, the teaching and healing partnership of Marv and Shanon Harwood grew to form the Kimmapii School of Shamanism.

The Harwoods were then called to further their training with The Four Winds Society.  Both Marv and Shanon are now graduates of Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s “Healing the Light Body School”. This in-depth, advanced study in South American Energetic/Shamanism augmented the training of the North and further prepared them to fulfill their mission.

Now teaching three streams of Shamanism – Energetic, Animistic and Destinistic - the Harwoods focus on the similarities between them rather than their differences.

Energetic Shamanism

Workshops, locations  and fees

Spirit Drum Workshop


About us white folks selling Native ceremonies (it says about us, just being sarcastic)

Marv Harwood 


    - Eagle Head

Marv Harwood, named Piitaotokaan or Eagle Head by Spiritual Elder Joe Crowshoe Sr. of the Piikaani Nation in 1989, trained for over 15 years in Plains Native ceremony and medicine practices. He is a pipe carrier in the Blackfoot tradition, and has been transferred many rights and privileges accorded only to those who truly embrace the medicine ways.

In addition, Marv has more than 10 years of training in Energetic Shamanism primarily under the tutorage of Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society.  His training includes "Healing the Light Body", "Advanced Divination" and "Walking With Protection".

Marv is a gifted shaman, ceremonialist, trainer, speaker and healer who shares teachings and ceremonies that are older than time.

Shanon, named Inniskimaaki or Buffalo Rock Woman by Spiritual Elder Josephine Crowshoe of the Piikaani Nation in 1989, trained for more than 15 years in Blackfoot ceremony and medicine practices.

Shanon is a graduate of the “Healing the Lightbody School” with The Four Winds Society.  Her advance studies in Energetic Shamanism include  “Working with the Sacred”, "The Munay Ki"  and 3 levels of Soul Retrieval training that culminated with "Advanced Soul Retrieval" certification.

Shanon has been a Tarot and Astrology teacher and practitioner for more than 30 years and as such, she has been invited repetitively as guest lecturer on Tarot and Astrology for Chapters of the Edgar Cayce Society.

They also have a kids web site

kimmapii kids

« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 12:31:35 am by educatedindian »

Offline emeraldsunsets

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Re: Kimmapii School of Shamanism
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2011, 04:22:29 pm »
Oh wow

Inka Energetic Shamanism?

newage hocus pocus lol

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kimmapii School of Shamanism
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 02:25:35 pm »
The Crowshoes are genuine Blackfoot elders who have passed on, very conveniently for the Harwoods. It does seem the Harwoods are at least partly lying about their claimed endorsement and/or training in Blackfoot ways. As well the Harwoods are falsely claiming to be Blackfoot medicine people or pipe carriers.

You can find plenty of links showing the Crowshoes did speak to a number of outsiders about traditional ways and ceremony. But these were all, as far as I can find, people in academia, or in govt programs that would in turn preserve Blackfoot culture. And even for this, it was controversial among the Blackfoot.

All of this below is a world away from "teaching a white couple to become Blackfoot pipe carriers" like the Harwoods claim.

Joe Crowshoe has received criticism for his role in sharing the culture, traditions and religion of the Peigan with society at large, his was nevertheless regarded as a respected elder. The couple maintains such cultural practices as the legends and stories passed down, the use of sweetgrass in smudge and the use of the pipe. Crowshoe served as an advisor on setting up Native American studies programs at both the University of Calgary and the University of Lethbridge. Crowshoe was also instrumental in developing the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretative Centre into a UNESCO world heritage site. In addition to his work with post-secondary institutions, Crowshoe also worked for about 20 years as a cultural and spiritual advisor for the public education system on the Peigan reserve. As well, he provided editing assistance on the first Blackfoot language dictionary.
The couple was instrumental in the perpetuation of the Peigan culture, and received many honours for their work. They were recipients of a National Aboriginal Achievement Award. The two also received the Order of Canada in 1991. Joe was given an Alberta Achievement Award in 1989, and an Honorary Doctorate of law from the University of Calgary, as well as an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from the University of Montana. He was a member of the official welcoming committee at the 1991 Royal Visit, and has a Citation of Citizenship from the Government of Canada. Joe Crowshoe was a lifetime councilor at the Peigan Nation. Josephine, a Holy Woman, is the Keeper of the Natoas (sun dance) Bundle and Joe is the Holder of the Blackfoot Short Thunder Medicine Pipe Bundle.


There's also this page, which again shows a far different picture from what the Harwoods claim.

The Elders Speak: Crowshoe says now is the time to reveal our culture
Author: Leslie Crossingham, Alberta
Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Year: 1988 Page 12

The world is changing and now is the time to reveal much of what was once considered secret.

So says Peigan Elder and spiritual leader Joe Crowshoe, who conducted the blessing of the Oldman River on the Peigan reserve last month. The respected gentleman allowed non-Native and non-band members to watch as he performed the sacred pipe ceremony and unfurled the holy waterpipes. He also allowed newspaper reporters to photograph and publish photographs of the ceremony.

However, he stresses that his decision was not made lightly, but only after deep meditation and consultation with others.

"The world is changing," he said in an interview in his Peigan home. "Now is the time for these things to be seen. It is important."

Crowshoe explains that as a young man growing up on the reserve nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains he was taught by the Elders, as well as Christian ministers, about God and the prophets.

"I found out that God, or the Great Spirit, sent prophets to all the people of the worldour prophet Napi, is like those other prophets."

Crowshoe sees all religions as one under the Great Spirit and that every religion is part of God's plan for the world.

"You must not criticize another religion or another way. The Crees have their own way and the Blackfoot have their own way. Even in other nations, we all have the same thing.

"It is given to us, these ceremonial ways. My teachers told me that people are going to say bad things, but just keep going on because you are doing the right thing."

Young men and women from many reserves visit the Crowshoe home to seek guidance which is gladly given.

"I was told to pass the teaching on to your people. To love all people. I don't care who they are, we have to draw people together in unity and share the peace. And this is also important for the whites."

Josephine Crowshoe agrees with her husband and says she has heard complaints from young Natives that white people are "taking their religion away".

"Our religion is like a book," she says. "We dropped it and left it and if a white man picks it up and says it is good and it will help him, let him use it. We should not complain because we left it."

Both Elders feel that nothing is lost to Native people or to Native religion if white people learn the Native way, but they emphasize there will always be some aspect of the religion kept secret.

"We are taught that the pipe is like the Bible. People can see it, it is not secret. We are also told by the old people-'Don't add, don't take out even if we don't understand why we should have to do something, because it was put there by the Creator thousands of years ago'."

More than anything, Crowshoe adds that a teacher must remember that he does not teach to elevate himself. Teaching must be a selfless act that does not glorify his person-only the Great Spirit.

"We do not take these special things, and say 'Look at me, see how much I know.' Our religion was never meant to do that," says Josephine.


So both by adding Nuage gibberish and setting themselves up as online ceremony sellers, the Harwoods betray the elders they claim to have learned from.

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Re: Shannon & Marv Harwood, Kimmapii School of Shamanism
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2016, 12:38:48 am »
The Harwoods emailed, tried empty legal threats but have now backed down and refused to answer questions. First is their email, then my response, then their second, then my second email.

They definitely deserve more investigation, such as how much money they make from their fraud.

This is a formal request to have all references to Kimmapii removed from the website “New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman”. 

We’ve been advised that it is our responsibility to inform you, as moderator, that we have never been contacted by any of your writers/contributors to verify our credentials, supply our educational background or authenticate our experience; and to affirm that their posts are defamatory falsehoods.

Thank you,
Marv and Shanon Harwood

We always welcome more information that may clear these matters up. But clearly whoever advised you (you claim) doesn't know what defamatory or defamation means.

Even a first year law student knows better than to claim criticism and investigation equals defamation, and that truth is an absolute defense to defamation. In nearly 20 years, not once has any fraud ever succeeded in intimidating us into removing information and exposes about them.

The information online about you comes from your own site. What you teach is clearly almost entirely based on the teachings of notorious fraud Albert Villoldo, a disgraced ex academic, rather than indigenous beliefs. Fraud teachings like Munay Ki and Four Winds took New Age imitations of Hindu beliefs and passed them off as Native to the ignorant.

There is also quite a bit of non Native beliefs like tarot and astrology that are offensive to mix with Native traditions. You also state you learned teachings from racists like the Edgar Cayce group, who believe Natives to be a dying senile race to be used by superior whites.

All of this is directly contrary to what the Blackfoot elders you claim to have been taught by would have wanted.

Can you answer for any of the falsehoods and fraudulent teachings you pass off as Native? If so, we will gladly post your defense. Or you can answer so yourself on the site.

No intimidation on our part was intended.  On the contrary, be assured that the tone of that email, as well as this one, was not meant to be inflammatory ~ just businesslike.   

This email is to thank you for your anticipated response, and to advise that we have no interest in engaging in pointless banter - although apparently controversy of any kind, especially negative, seems to make us all the more popular; human nature is bizarre, isn’t it? 

As we close this correspondence, we thank you once again, and with sincerity send you much munay (love from the heart),
Shanon & Marv Harwood


You do not deny being trained by New Age frauds? Nor that none of your teachings have any resemblance to actual Native traditions, nor association with racists such as Cayce's group, nor that these contradict your claimed training by Blackfoot elders?

Well I guess I should thank you for confirming so.

Thanks also for recognizing your legal threats were empty, and that you realize you had embarrassed yourself.