Author Topic: Most Narcissistic Self-Help Guru Award Nominations!  (Read 3703 times)

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Most Narcissistic Self-Help Guru Award Nominations!
« on: September 25, 2010, 04:27:30 am »
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Americans Against Self-Help Fraud (AASF) is now accepting nominations for the 2010 "Most Narcissistic Self-Help Guru" Award in both a female & male category! These awards are given each year to the two Self-Help Gurus who Americans think are most "in love with themselves!"

The following traits are common among narcissists & are provided to help you with your nominations:

1. Feels the need to have a lot of attention, adulation, admiration and / or subservience from others.

2. Is preoccupied with themselves, their preferences, needs, aspirations & with fantasies of unlimited success.

3. Typically possesses a charming public image (designed to generate admiration) while privately they are often aggressive, neurotic & dysfunctional.

4. Quickly criticizes others but cannot take criticism, & often interrupts others but hates being interrupted.

5. Feels entitled to special privileges & often expects others to bow to their desires & plans.

6. Chases after his or her fantasies without feeling any guilt over hurting others or taking their money.

Please do your part to ensure that these Narcissistic Self-Help Gurus continue to receive the attention they deserve (desire) by writing in the name of your favorite nominee in the spaces provided below. Voting shows that you, along with millions of other Americans, care about the negative impact that the highly profitable "Self-Help Industrial Complex" is having on America. IF YOU DON'T VOTE, DON'T GRIPE!

Also, feel free to help spread the link to the survey by blogging or Tweeting about the MOST Narcissistic Self-Help Guru Awards.

The winners in both the female & male categories will be announced on Halloween October 31, 2010 at & http://selfhelpfraud.ning. Be prepared to be scared! Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful participation!

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

Most Narcissistic FEMALE Self-Help Guru (Please write in her full name & remember your entry is completely anonymous!)

Most Narcissistic MALE Self-Help Guru (Please write in his full name & remember your entry is completely anonymous!)


Write in nominations at:

ETA: Ooops, looks like they've already picked the "winners" for 2010:  Unsurprisingly, James Arthur Ray won himself some awards, including:

    *  BI-POLAR AWARD given to the Self-Help Guru whose promises got the opposite results

    * BEST PERFORMANCE IN A MIS-LEADING ROLE AWARD given to the Self Help Guru who did the best job of deceiving the public
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:44:32 pm by Kathryn »

Re: Most Narcissistic Self-Help Guru Award Nominations!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 05:14:56 am »
:) he also won:

BERNIE MADOFF LIFETIME MIS-ACHIEVEMENT AWARD given to the best, all around Self-Help Guru who did the most to diminish the human race goes to James Arthur Ray & Vianna Stibal who share this year's award
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet