Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1827776 times)

Offline tsalagi43

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #705 on: January 08, 2011, 09:37:50 pm »
I wouldn't call her so much racist (though she was claiming I was...) as much as severely misguided.  She claims to know ONE Native person (she kept insisting I ask him about her), so therefore she was joining AIM.  In Denmark.  Is there a chapter in Denmark?  That's near Iowa, enit?  LOL
Funny story along this line.  Acquaintance of mine's dad had a woman come up to him and demand he give her an Indian name.  He laughed and said he couldn't do that.  She says, "It's because I'm WHITE, isn't it?"   Yeeeaaaahhhh....let's start with that....LOL
I also had someone on Facebook accuse me of being racist because I posted a lot of Native Issue items, and accused everyone on my list of having 'made up' names!  But he claims HE is not a racist...noooo...."I don't see colour"...sure...and if four, say, black guys mug you, you're gonna tell the cops....????  Bet you see colour then.

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #706 on: January 08, 2011, 10:34:44 pm »
Wow, i live on my reservation, i have a college deree, i don't get government cheese, i have worked all my life,
I do believe my ways are for my people because look what happens people take them, change them, corrupt them,
to the point them don't even make sense like tis woman lies after lies then we have cult people who follow her
condemn the very people they are stealing from what is wrong with this picture????

 Stop!, yer gonna ruin their fantasy!  ;D

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #707 on: January 08, 2011, 10:54:48 pm »
Wow, i live on my reservation, i have a college deree, i don't get government cheese, i have worked all my life,
I do believe my ways are for my people because look what happens people take them, change them, corrupt them,
to the point them don't even make sense like tis woman lies after lies then we have cult people who follow her
condemn the very people they are stealing from what is wrong with this picture????

 Stop!, yer gonna ruin their fantasy!  ;D

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Offline tsalagi43

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #708 on: January 09, 2011, 12:46:10 am »
Everyone likes a good fantasy.  I have one...has to do with Adam Beach...and that's all I'm sayin'... ;D

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #709 on: January 09, 2011, 05:32:04 am »
Someone I heard once defending this woman charlatan Crowther said something to the effect that,

".... just because some indigenous people say they do not know of little grandmother does not mean they are being honest"
 :( They were defending the lies saying that the lies are nothing and I should listen to her speak of "One Tribe of Many Colors" and peace and love? There is no love where lies prevail and she is not someone I will ever support.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 01:15:08 am by Eccentric Lady »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #710 on: January 09, 2011, 10:37:48 am »
Yes, most of the Kiesha supporters are still saying that indigenous people should just loosen up and become part of the rest of the world... which ofc should accept the Kiesha-mess as main religion and god. (Ok, I forgot my sarcasm filter at home again..)

I don't comment that much at the moment here, because I have grown tired with the whole mess... There is so many things wrong in the picture, even when not commenting most of her message at all, but still most of the people choose to be blindfolded and lead to the... well, not sure where. Altho, I am happy to inform the people in the forum that from what I've heard, the latest prayer request didn't catch so big attention now, because of the information out there. The amount of "likes" in fb was way less than what it would have been in the spring. Altho, it is possible that the people have just "changed the channel" from the bird deaths and all, or maybe thinking that it is their sign of salvation coming soon...

Ok, I am not too nice today either, it seems. Time to go to find something fun to do.

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #711 on: January 10, 2011, 08:13:01 pm »
Hi all!..been watching this thread progress for some time now and must say thank you for your persistence in revealing this obvious fake that is Kiesha Crowther.
I happen to still be a 'friend' of hers on facebook and have just seen the following posts which may interest you all.

Posted by a follower: "kiesha just to inform you and everyone else that the salish never made a statement about you..this is a fact. For anyone who would like to check this you can ring them, the video was made with the agenda of turning lightworker against lightworker by unsavoury rock on..chin your back sisx"

Response to above from Kiesha "Thanks sweetie, yes i know its true, and because im not protesting all the hateful agendas it looks to some like im accepting it.. but im trying not to engage with hate... yes this group spreading hate have written many emails to me and to ...those i work for.. but with no name signed at the bottom, not even a real email address to return a message to.. Never have i been contacted by any official anyone.. hate is hate. and it saddens me to think how many are out there to destroy love and light.. but im going to just keep marching forward..."

Kiesha then makes this statement on her facebook page (seems that little ego stroke gave her a lil confidence boost eh  ;) "I would like to make something perfectly clear see bleow: To all those who have heard about the native American attacks on me and what i do.... I will say again, i do not teach native American ways, never have.. if anyone has went to any of my workshops or listed to what i have said.. you will fin...d i do not teach native ways, If the complaint is that i use a peace pipe while i pray... I say to this every woman man and child has the right to pray to great spirit as they wish and so do I. To those of you who are attacking me thinking i make money by doing ceremony, if you are to look into anything that i have done you would know for a fact i have never charged a dime to do ceremony ( in my own way in respect of the ancestors and great spirit) not a penny has been made. To those who believe the attack by native americans threatening me and my livelihood.. you should know they are fighting their own battle.. once again i do not teach native ways, because i have used a pipe in my way of prayer does not mean i teach native things.. never have, never will.. If you know anything of what i teach you will see i share the idea of love and coming together for a higher way of being. It has nothing at all to do with a specific tradition but a world message of unity. and teaching that we all have the right to connect with great spirit and our higher selves for a better future. Further more all of these attacks are done by those who will not even sign their names to a offensive email or even give a email address to correspond with. The world is full of those who love and those who hate.. all over the planet those light workers teaching love are being attacked by throngs of people who have nothing better to do than act in hate and violence and try to protect their native rights by lashing out.. at people who are not even teaching their ways.. again i will say this.. i do not teach native American anything and have made an official report on this on my website. To be accused of such things is pushing me to my tolerance levels... I ask the members of the tribe not to feed into this hate, this is the very thing we are trying to work against.. and to those who spend their time in anger and hatred and using your energy to spread such hate... may love soften your hearts and may you remember you too have the ability to change the world if you give your energy to light. Every human on this planet has the right to want a better future and a better planet to live on. We each have the (authority) to teach and be love and light.. there is no one person, tribe, or teacher better than you, or with more authority than you.. it is our responsibility to stand up for what is right and move forward in love and not cower in front of those who wish to bring us down. I have tried to ignore this long enough but i am getting very tiered of hearing or reading peoples acusations against me when they are indeed barking up the wrong tree. Thank you to those who stand by love and light and the message.. I ask no one to follow me, but i ask as i always have to listen to your own hearts and remember the good within yourselves.. as children of Mother Earth.. remember who you are.. and help make a difference... love to all, even those who attack with such hate in their hearts and malice on their tongues... LG"

Like I said I've been observing her for a while now and am pretty convinced that there is a complex network involved, for example, some of her postings have been littered with loads of spelling errors, I'm no expert in dyslexia but you know when a person spells something how they say it in speech?? that, then her other posts are mostly error free, you can just tell it's two different styles of writing and more than likely two different people posting on her behalf but of course the blind will miss minor details like this and continue to hang on her every word. Why don't these people use common sense..!

I don't like how she's manipulating people under the masquerade of love and of course taking advantage of native american culture, sacred practices. Is there any way we could get an official statement from the tribe that couldn't be disputed?

Peace and thanks  :)

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #712 on: January 10, 2011, 08:17:41 pm »
Just re-read her first response "yes this group spreading hate have written many emails to me and to ...those i work for"...those you work for?...interesting

Offline Ema-Nuel

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #713 on: January 10, 2011, 11:06:02 pm »
Hi, the 27:th dec I mailed cskt (The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes) and asked whether the utube denial of Keishas shaman status was their statement.
Did that because there was nothing about it on their site (and still isn´t)
In the first answer 3:rd jan "Robert McDonald Communications Director -- CSKT" said he didn´t know of what I was reffering to. The utube denial was by then gone, so he could not look at it.
I then wrote back to him:
"It was a clip where CSKT is denying Keisha Crowther "Little Grandmother" being shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes.
A film with her on this adress:"
This was 4:th jan. So far no more answer.
A little mysterious that a communication director seemed to have no idea of an "official statement", as I think the utube film claimed to be.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #714 on: January 10, 2011, 11:43:28 pm »
The statement was issued by the Elders' Committee. There may have been some confusion because the Elders' Committee is not the same thing as the tribal government. They don't speak for one another. I’ve been in contact with Mr. McDonald and he said nothing that would lead me to believe that the Elders were not within their right to issue the statement.

Give Mr. McDonald some time to respond.  From what I understand he has been inundated by people wanting to know if Kiesha is indeed legit.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #715 on: January 11, 2011, 12:32:35 am »
That's great news.. maybe not for Mr. McDonald..  but that many are taking action to find
some truth.  :D 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #716 on: January 11, 2011, 01:02:27 am »
Hi, the 27:th dec I mailed cskt (The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes) and asked whether the utube denial of Keishas shaman status was their statement.
Did that because there was nothing about it on their site (and still isn´t)
In the first answer 3:rd jan "Robert McDonald Communications Director -- CSKT" said he didn´t know of what I was reffering to. The utube denial was by then gone, so he could not look at it.
I then wrote back to him:
"It was a clip where CSKT is denying Keisha Crowther "Little Grandmother" being shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes.
A film with her on this adress:"
This was 4:th jan. So far no more answer.
A little mysterious that a communication director seemed to have no idea of an "official statement", as I think the utube film claimed to be.

You e-mailed the wrong place.  The CSKT Elders Cultural Advisory council is described here and they are the ones attributed with the statement..not tribal government and in my opinion a much more valid one as these individuals are the ones that actually practice and preserve traditional culture and make sure it's taught to others (freely and all are welcome to go and learn, even Kiesha..she might try it, wisdom comes from life experience and often times from making mistakes as she's done, humbling herself and actually learning about her mother's tribe before claiming to represent them might be in order to attain even the littlest bit of authenticity...)

"They assist with all our duties and goals of the Salish - Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee. They are very giving and dedicated elders. They continue to share their wisdom, strength and support with us all in our work to reserve, perpetuate and protect the traditions, languages and lifeways of our people. The Committee staff continues to record new interviews with knowledgeable elders, as this is essential for the preservation of the language and culture.

The Elders Council gather monthly throughout the year to share their knowledge. They assist in teaching Salish Language Classes and Cultural Awareness Classes. They have received awards and recognition for their dedicated work in preserving the language and culture of the Tribes. They are irreplaceable, the backbones of our traditions and survival of native languages, they are true treasures.

The traditional elders continue to lead and guide the committee and all tribal people in the gathering of traditional foods and medicinal plants. The committee and Elders Advisory Council assist with the Jump Dances at the beginning of every year. These are held at the Longhouse (Longhouse is located in St. Ignatius, Montana on Blind Barnaby St.). They guide us with our annual Bitterroot Feast and Ceremony in the spring, where we give thanks for the bitterroot and other foods and we pray for good sustenance for our people all year. The Committee Staff and Elders Advisory Council then begin the year of gathering our plants for food and medicines to share and teach the tribal people about. The committee and elders organize annual trips to the Medicine Tree in the Bitterroot Valley, and continue to work to protect the tree form highway expansion, we also make an annual fall pilgrimage to the Bitterroot Valley and Stevensville to honor our ancestors and visit the homeland of the Salish. The Elders Advisory Council are currently and have been assisting with the Salish-Pend d'Oreille History Project which will produce a book on history, place names, Swan Massacre.

Within the Tribal Government, the Committee Staff and Elders Advisory Council also perform a number of tasks to ensure the presence of a cultural perspective. The Committee and elders giver presentations and cultural orientation workshops to various departments and outside entities when called upon. Various elders from the Advisory Council are called upon regularly by various Tribal Departments and Tribal Council to attend meetings on things like water rights negotiations, treaty rights celebrations, timber sales, tobacco conferences, hi-way expansions, cutting meat, beading, story telling, preservations of sites to name a few."

Which is different than the tribal government PR person (Robert MacDonald) you contacted here:

or even the Culture Committee in general which receives it's guidance from the Elder's Committee, however the Elder's Committee page only lists contacts for the culture committe which is:

Salish/Pend d'Oreille Culture Committee
PO Box 550
St. Ignatius, Montana 59865
Phone: (406) 745-4572
Fax: (406) 745-4573

Hope that helps.


Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #717 on: January 11, 2011, 09:19:10 am »
Ok, want to set something straight, if Kiesha is claiming that no one of the critisizers have used their own name. I have. I made it sure to use my own name and my main email when I wrote to her, more than once. Even wrote through her fb profile with my own personal profile more than once to point out some issues. I might be here with a different name, but many of her "followers" know who I am anyway. I never got ANY answers.

I find the "those I work for" pretty interesting too. Does she mean the elders that she isn't working for, the "invisible" council or the fraud team? I find it pretty hard to write to council that doesn't exist at least... Or is  she the spokesperson of the people who write her texts and answers her mail? In any case... From what I watched almost all of the last year, Kiesha herself makes lots of spelling errors, so when ever long text is clean, it is written or at least read through by someone else with suggestions.

(I really can't believe how people find the guts to lie so much... I feel ill just reading it. :/ And really, even if not "teaching" the native american ways, why to use sacred items that are connected in their cultural context, that makes no sense.)

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #718 on: January 11, 2011, 10:29:11 am »
Ok, want to set something straight, if Kiesha is claiming that no one of the critisizers have used their own name. I have. I made it sure to use my own name and my main email when I wrote to her, more than once.  I never got ANY answers.

I, too , have always used my real email with my name. I have politely asked very relevant questions but never got a reply.

I have been teaching management and leadership for corporations for 20 years.  Any leader must be expected to be questioned, whether you´re a political or religious leader, a corporation manager or a leader for a football team. Doesn´t matter. The opposite – no questions allowed – would open up for a very dangerous kind of leadership for sure, practiced by people like Hitler and cultleaders.

Leaders EARN their position by proving to be honest, reliable and trustworthy – the more transparent, the better a leader.
A leader refusing to answer even basic questions would be like a big red warningsign in my book.  Only with a bunch of followers who are prepared to be led anywhere, anytime by anyone can such a person gain power. But these people are not following a leader, they are following a dictator, quite often dressed in the garb of an angel. 

Do not listen to the WORDS – watch the actions!

Offline Lodro

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #719 on: January 11, 2011, 11:18:12 am »
I've been using my own name too, and my main email account in correspondence with Crowther.