Author Topic: Tyohar & PachaMama "Tribal Gathering" - Osho people selling sweats and pipe cermonies in Costa Rica  (Read 30055 times)

Offline nemesis

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Where to start?

The founder of this place calls himself "Tyohar" and is a long time follower of Osho.

From the website:

Tyohar started his adventure when he traveled to Asia at the age of 21. He got fascinated by the underground gypsy lifestyle and has remained a traveler at heart ever since. Traveling and living mostly in India, Thailand and Japan he experienced many different cultures and the wild psychedelic underground movement which had a strong impact on him. This would eventually lead to a life-long love affair with spirituality and meditation.

In 1993 he met the teachings of the spiritual master Osho in Pune, India. This stirred a deep longing in him for freedom. The spiritual merging with Osho opened the door to meditation, mysticism and expansion of consciousness, that was revealed to him during this times as he traveled to and from Pune, Goa and eventually, the Himalaya mountains of India. There, his awakening blossomed into oneness and a let-go of the illusion of self happened.

After a period of traveling in Europe and North America and digesting the powerful realization of no-self, Tyohar began to share the fire of freedom and the overflowing energy that he had tapped into, in spontaneous meetings in Pune. The meetings attracted a trickle of seekers and curious people from the spiritual path. The number of people grew rapidly and a satsang-movement began to grow around him. This developed into the vision to establish a space where the inner work could take place unhindered by the cares of the world. A place dedicated to meditation, spiritual exploration and the discovery of our Buddha nature.

Tyohar started his adventure when he traveled to Asia at the age of 21. He got fascinated by the underground gypsy lifestyle and has remained a traveler at heart ever since. Traveling and living mostly in India, Thailand and Japan he experienced many different cultures and the wild psychedelic underground movement which had a strong impact on him. This would eventually lead to a life-long love affair with spirituality and meditation.

In 1993 he met the teachings of the spiritual master Osho in Pune, India. This stirred a deep longing in him for freedom. The spiritual merging with Osho opened the door to meditation, mysticism and expansion of consciousness, that was revealed to him during this times as he traveled to and from Pune, Goa and eventually, the Himalaya mountains of India. There, his awakening blossomed into oneness and a let-go of the illusion of self happened.

After a period of traveling in Europe and North America and digesting the powerful realization of no-self, Tyohar began to share the fire of freedom and the overflowing energy that he had tapped into, in spontaneous meetings in Pune. The meetings attracted a trickle of seekers and curious people from the spiritual path. The number of people grew rapidly and a satsang-movement began to grow around him. This developed into the vision to establish a space where the inner work could take place unhindered by the cares of the world. A place dedicated to meditation, spiritual exploration and the discovery of our Buddha nature.

In the year 2000 the vision turned into PachaMama, a spiritual village in the forest of Costa Rica, which is a cacophony of an alternative lifestyle, seeking and healing fueled by the fire of awakening that Tyohar emanates. Hundreds of seekers, travelers and meditators with an adventurous spirit visit the village every year. The spiritual work in PachaMama is based on physical rejuvenation, intense emotional release and purifying spiritual retreats for the body, mind and soul.

Tyohar is the founder and inspiration for this living social experiment along with the PachaMama family - the dozens of people that have settled there permanently. PachaMama is a non-profit organization. All the work that Tyohar does in the village is done voluntarily. The income from the work goes to maintain and develop the village. Tyohar says that a spiritual master is not a prestigious social status but a mirror that reflects our true nature, that which is beyond the personality. By living in a 'Buddha field', the community reflects the intention of living a life with high awareness.

Re sweat lodges:

The Sweat Lodge comes from Native American Shamanic traditions. It was developed as a ceremonial way of prayer to connect with the Creator, to purify the body and mind, and to uplift the spirit. It is an ancient and pure medicine.  The Native American Sweat Lodge ceremony has gradually become a regular PachaMama tradition, with sweat lodges taking place more or less once a week by the river.

PachaMama has adopted the ceremony as closely as possible to their Native American spirituality tradition, respecting and honoring their ways.

The sweatlodge is a small, round, closed structure. Red hot rocks are placed in a center pit and medicinal herbs are added. Water is poured on the rocks which produce a steam that purifies and heals. The symbolism of the steam and the structure of the sweat lodge represent the womb, life’s starting place. It has developed in the form of a ceremony, working respectfully with the essential elements (water, fire, air and earth) to create a powerful purification on all levels. It provides the possibility of expansion that allows us to directly connect with the Great Spirit. Silence, prayer and tribal music support the journey.

To the Native Americans the sweat lodge symbolized the womb of Grandmother Earth and the heated stones represented her body, which supports all life. The fire used to heat the rocks represented the light of the world, and the source of all life and power.

The leader opens the sweatlodge ceremony with words of intention, drum beats and songs, pouring water over the rocks. Each participant can offer personal prayers for self, others, in gratitude or for releasing all sorts of pains.

A sweat lodge typically lasts four "doors" or rounds, to the four directions, represented with colors, shamanic spirit guides and different elements.
Between rounds, more hot stones are brought in and the heat is built gradually until it reaches a certain peak.  At the end of the sweatlodge, participants leave the lodge in a respectful manner.

Ancient sweatlodge prayer

Grandfather, Mysterious One,
We search for you along this
Great Red Road you have set us on.
Sky Father, Tunkashila,
We thank you for this world.
We thank you for our own existence.
We ask only for your blessing and for your instruction.
Grandfather, Sacred One,
Put our feet on the holy path that leads to you,
and give us the strength and the will
to lead ourselves and our children
past the darkness we have entered.
Teach us to heal ourselves,
to heal each other and to heal the world.
Let us begin this very day,
this very hour,
the Great Healing to come.
Let us walk the Red Road in Peace.


a "sacred shamanic music ritual" with "the vine of the soul" (usually means ayahuasca)

I find this blend of sweat lodges, entheogens and Oshso rather concerning.

I have never heard of these people before.  I would value the opinions of others re this. Thank you.

Offline amorYcohetes

  • Posts: 71
Nemesis, this doesn't really address the substance of your concern, but...!?!!?!! ::)  Ha, that's a good one!!!  Uh, the term and concept of Pachamama = Andean cultural patrimony
This domain name = FAIL.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Thanks for that amorYcohetes

The first of many big FAILs I suspect

I just discovered this video on their youtube channel

Tyohar's facebook page

A first person account of Tyohar (interesting if depressing)

from here, where there is more information about  this person

another interesting 1st person account

also more about him here

So, from the above links to would seem that he's an Israeli citizen, trance DJ, into tantric sex, Osho, LSD, ecstasy and entheogens.  He treats women badly, he likes being a guru and he has destroyed an area of rain forest to build his personal little empire.  He seems to have roped in some native people (or not?) to his little enterprise which has its own practical and ethical issues.  

On an aside, did you know that there are more brothels in Costa Rica than in anywhere else in the world?  I mention this simply because I pay attention whenever some tantric guru pops up in a retreat / ashram in an area known for brothels.  People familiar with the history of Osho and other pseudo-tantric cults will know exactly why.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 11:18:14 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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It seems like he's using practically every dangerous combination he can think of in a completely thoughtless drugged out raver's notion of enlightenment.

A site which is kind of a Hindu version of NAFPS doesn't think much of him, as a "lightweight." There's also rumors that followers get held hostage, as well as his real name.

Prem Tyohar    M   b1970ish
aka Moshe Kastiel
 Tyohar    MORE Israeli rave DJ, Osho disciple in biz for himself. "Have no destination, and you will not get lost." Uninformative website. Rumours of visitors held hostage for retroactive fee increases in new tropical paradise commune in Costa Rica. Lightweight. 

Plenty of comments about him talk about his abusive and domineering nature, his money grubbing, and his events basically being lots of people out to get high.
There's also some very serious charges that his negligence contributed to a follower's accidental death.

Sw. Atmo Chirag // Sep 11, 2008 at 6:23 pm
I met Tyohar more than 10 years ago and spent quite some time with him and his girlfriend. I was there when he was scolding her for some missing paperwork before Mahableshwar silent-retreat. I was there when he tried to get ‘validated’ by Samdarshi.(It didn’t work, Samdarshi saw right through him and told clearly to his own disciples what ‘Tyohar’s condition was all about).
I was there when a Scottish disciple was left alone in Mahableshwar, against warnings and common sense, and plunged 200m into his death after Tyohar tried to convince everybody that “Arenu got enlightened”…. I was there when Tyohar run from Arenu’s parents and later quitely removed every trace of Arenu.
I was there when Tyohar stirred emotions and employed a “donate money now or the opportunity is lost for you” sales-gimmick in the middle of a silent-retreat, when later, he turned and walked all over the people who already committed to his project, when his “ecological” commune destroyed a piece of rainforest and turned it into a real estate heaven for himself and his greedy israeli buddies, when he freaked out upon learning that the italian connection wanted too much for the LSD tabs he brought and wanted to do his “magical” party with ecstacy-tabs instead. I was there witnessing his freak out when he got jealous, making Chandani (his dutiful girlfriend) pay… as if it wasn’t him that had little ‘healing sessions’ with the hot Italian friend of Gulabo(another Italian disciple), who left crying, never to return again.
I know Tyohar. I know his ‘exiting’ side, ‘lying’ side, ‘compassionate’ side, ‘aggresive’ side, ‘making you feel guilty’ side, ’sweet’ side, ‘bargaining like hell’ side, ‘horny’ side, ‘generous’ side. Above all he is a control freak. He has no qualms using Osho, sweettalk, manipulation and everything in his arsenal for the little kingdom he reigns over. If you wanna gather more experience , go check it out yourself but one advice: He is worse than worthless as a ‘guide’ on this journey of life. He might be borderline crazy, but he won’t be crazy enough to empower you. Either you need his special kind of abuse, or : Tyohar? NO, thanks…..

Rashke // Sep 11, 2008 at 7:00 pm
Yup, he gets his people high allright. ‘Shamanic ‘translates into ’substance (ab)use’ the experience is more due to the chemical induced circumstances than to his DJ ying abilities. And Pacha Mama is a rather faith based or so called devotional community. So he really does not need to do much to get them flying. Give the credit to the willingness of the party goers to have a good time and to the ability of his sidekicks to score good quality drugs rather than to Tyohar’s ‘guidance’....

Sw. Atmo Chirag // Sep 16, 2008 at 8:23 am
Heraclitus, you’re right. I did follow an attraction but what does that prove?
I came across a “Goa-trance DJ that “got enlightened” through the brand of ’sex and drugs and techno music’ that i was into. Had chicks around(all devotional  and dealt drugs with me and blessed my actions (along that kinda line) never meditated himself and told me that it’s ok to smoke hash, introduced me to new psychedelics and butressed my ego… Then (after getting a chunk of cash) changed his tune, acted like a dick and betrayed his promise on many occasions. So I left him, what’s so deep about it?
I followed many attractions, many infatuations, retained and lost habits. Not all of them healthy, not all of them good/bad etc.
I spent a bit more time with him than I could have exactly because of those “bugging thoughts” you gave a good example of. Namely “there to provoke disciples”, “sees things we are not capable of seeing”, “it must be my ego”….well, I’m sure you know a few more of the same….
But I’m quite familiar with the ‘issue’ to know that it’s useless to argue about it. One hears, believes, defends whatever one chooses, as one calls it.
I don’t mind that you hear some echo of some bitterness you encountered from your past. Sannyasins aquire naturally a ’sannyas conditioning’ as well as other possible conditionings that come along for the ride. I know nothing firsthand of the ‘Ranch’, I just know now that if Osho gave you the name of the “weeping philosopher”, you must be a natural ‘mindfucker’.
Maybe you go figure out if the things you hear are the sounds of one hand clapping

Offline nemesis

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Thank you educatedindian

All of that looks extremely worrying and only consolidates my concerns.

For the record I discovered the pachamama website as it was linked to on this website

I found that website on a flyer advertising a London based workshop on "Shamanic Trance Dance & Shaking", complete with Franklyn Mint style picture.

Upon closer examination the woman offering these workshops is another Oshso person.  

Unfortunately this blend of Osho (AKA Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh - the predatory pimp guru who accumulated millions of $, 93 Rolls Royces and a warehouse full of Rolex watches and diamond jewelry) with fake NDNs and plastic shamans is going to be a recurrent theme here.

Sadly there is a lot of this kind of thing about.  Very fashionable right now.  :(
« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 07:16:13 am by nemesis »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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PachaMama "Tribal Gathering", "Shamanic" Sweats, selling Pipe Ceremony
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 07:38:18 pm »
Looks like a hippie/nuage group of appropriators, selling spiritual tourism and running what they call a "Tribal Gathering", including pay to pray that you can put on your credit card:
"The Sweat Lodge comes from Native American Shamanic traditions. It was developed as a ceremonial way of prayer to connect with the Creator, to purify the body and mind, and to uplift the spirit. It is an ancient and pure medicine.
The Native American Sweat Lodge ceremony has gradually become a regular PachaMama tradition, with sweat lodges taking place more or less once a week by the river.

"PachaMama has adopted the ceremony as closely as possible to their Native American spirituality tradition, respecting and honoring their ways."
"The Tribal Gathering is a meeting place for those walking the Red Road, travelers on the path of love and beauty, following in the footsteps of the spiritual ancestors of this continent. It is a meeting place for different schools and traditions that come together to share the message of the heart.

"Seven days of ceremonies and prayer, music and dance. Honoring the elements, celebrating creation, welcoming all colors of humanity.

"Price: $ 350
"Price for children 1 to 13 years old: $ 70 (incl. 2 meals per day)

"The price includes all festival events and medicinal journeys.
"It does not include meals, except for children.

"Pipe Ceremony led by Grandmother Malinali and Palabra, sharing the oral tradition of the Red Road and the ways of the elders."

"Sweatlodge Closing Ceremony, offering gratitude through drumming, song and prayer. All throughout the week there will be lectures about the red road and the different elements, yoga classes and healing sessions."
"PachaMama is an alternative community in Costa Rica and a unique melting point of diverse personal and cultural backgrounds. - At once an experimental village, a spiritual commune, and a centre of transformation.

Facebook photo album of past events

Facebook page:
" is an alternative lifestyle community where seekers are co-creating a magical village in the forest on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica."

Offline nemesis

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Re: PachaMama "Tribal Gathering", "Shamanic" Sweats, selling Pipe Ceremony
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 11:18:47 pm »
There is already a thread about this guy, Tyohar, with links to some fairly serious allegations from disgruntled people who have witnessed the abuses at his centre.   He is a long time Osho devotee, an Israeli trance DJ and "shaman".  Lots of drugs flying around and all kinds of craziness

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: PachaMama "Tribal Gathering", "Shamanic" Sweats, selling Pipe Ceremony
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 11:21:22 pm »
Thanks. I'll merge the threads. I searched the forum on "Pacha Mama" so missed it.


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New images with fake prayers up on their Facebook

Offline earthw7

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Why do they always have to make up a Lakota prayer :o
In Spirit