Author Topic: Miriam Delicado &  (Read 23020 times)

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Miriam Delicado &
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:30:41 am »
Obviously fraudulent, but I can't post in that category (?)

Delicado is a UFO contactee from Canada, alleging to be in contact with Hopi & Maya elders. Her ETs are described as having a "blonde hair, blue eye" "Nordic" "almost translucent skin" appearance. She seems to be claiming some knowledge of "Hopi prophecies" - 2012 apocalypse, it appears. She's peddling a book and apparel on her website. She also is organizing something called The Great Gathering, "a time when humanity stands as one with one voice, one message"

"The indigenous people do hold a key to this event and I would as that everyone that comes to this forum and this site say a prayer in thanks to them for all they do and pray that they will come together with the RIGHT people so this great message comes to the world for free. This kind of knowledge and gathering is not for sale in any way and no one will be excluded."

Perhaps there is someone here that knows if Delicado really has relationships with Hopis and if so, if they know about her projects. Either way it seems clear to me that she is using Indians to try to give herself legitimacy.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 08:22:04 pm by educatedindian »

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 03:01:08 pm »
She shows up briefly in another thread as part of a "World Council of Elders" that were using a very ailing Hopi man and that the Hopi council  said no to.


  Re: World Council of Elders & Woody Vaspra
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2008, 09:04:28 AM »
....And yet on Ruff's online workshop and seminar selling site, it says this:
"I get dozens of emails a month for Grandfather Martin requesting he look at websites, come to events or call people. At this time he does not want to travel at all to anywhere. He cannot hear and does not use computers or phones. So, please know these requests will not be fulfilled. -Lisa"

It appears Gashweseoma is very elderly and ailing and being badly used, much like Roy Steevensz did to a Hopi elder.

Some other strange things on that site.

"A note from Kymberlee Ruff....
Dear Friends,
....Miriam Delicado drove all the way from CANADA when to talk to the Hopi Tribal Council. Even though in the end, they said "No", they almost agreed and it was still the respectful way to proceed."

But you went ahead and did it anyway. So you were not being respectful.


If you do a search on Delicado, one of the searches Google suggests is actually Miriam Delicado fraud. Apparently this is not because she's gotten attention as an exploiter. There apparently is a split within UFO devotees over her. The link also shows up because all these UFO groups claiming mankind is in danger and in need of rescuing also often claim global warming is a supposed fraud.

The Great Gathering will supposedly be of indigenous leaders worldwide. They've been advertising it since October, but not very successfully because there are at least half a dozen items with the same name promoted online that have higher rankings. I don't see any mention of even a single supposed "elder" by name, but suspect it will include the same people on the Woody Vaspra thread, frauds like Vaspra, Villoldo, Naylin/Yraceburu, and some people who are not exploiters but are falsely being presented as elders.

From her bio on her site.
"Although I have no formal education or degrees, my intelligence and intellect imply otherwise."

Amusing. I wouldn't say that. She writes like a kind of smart woman whose never developed critical thinking or picked up a nontabloid like book. I run into similar students in my classes, the same types who love conspiracy theories. Not as smart as they think they are and a bit gullible.

"Contact began with me at birth and is ongoing."

That really made my jaw drop. First, how would she know about alien contact at birth unless someone told her. A doctor would've made quite a good witness to her claims.

And if contact is ongoing, it'd be the simplest thing to set up a camcorder and invite credible witnesses or media. Be guaranteed to get quite a few more followers that way for her message. She claims aliens asked her to write her book to explain to the world about them. I'd say they couldn't have chosen a more incompetent person to spread their message.

I'm undecided as to whether she's sincere in her beliefs or just out to avoid having to actually work for a living.

There's also quite a bit of gall on her part. She posted articles on her site about the Sedona deaths and how people shouldn't abuse ceremony, but her "council of elders" hosted phony sundances and  badly used an ailing Hopi man. And who does she go to for advice on ceremony abuse? The fraud group Manataka.

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 03:17:16 pm »
Do you know if this woman is tied to groups like Tecumseh Brown Eagle, who is also into the UFO thing?


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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2010, 11:30:46 pm »

I discovered Miriam Delicado from a group called "Project Camelot" and decided to join her bluestar messageboard to see what everyone had to say. To be honest, I'm not very impressed. This "great gathering" I have a feeling will wind up as something quite forgettable, if it even happens at all. As for Miriam herself, I can't really say. She says quite a lot of the right things, but I can't seem to grasp her real intentions. Hard to tell who's genuine from who's not with some folks. The "tall blonde" story stretches credibility to say the least.

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 02:38:24 pm »
Delicado has joined, and sent us this message. First is her defense of what she does. She has some surprising praise for NAFPS, but also what seems to be some ugly attacks on the Hopi who disagree with her as sellouts (including them along with ceremony sellers). This is followed by my response to her.


Thank you for your work at NAFPS. I have come to your site several times in the past year as I have come across some of these plastic shaman myself. They are easy to spot when you meet them in person. All that is required is for your eyes to be open.

I share this as a reply to one of your threads.

With great respect I thank you for taking the time to read this.

I do not claim to be a shaman, I do not claim to represent anyone. I do not have a name that tries to claim I am from a particular tribe. I do not claim I have Sacred Teachings from the "indigenous" tribes. I do not claim to do ceremony with these tribes. I do not claim I was "adopted" by a tribe. I do not write books about them. I do not hold seminars about them. I do......have great respect and hold them in a place of honor.

What I do claim is this;

Some the most used and abused people on this earth are the indigenous all over the world. The people who protect the land at all cost. If humanity does not wake up and come together in unity there will be no future for any of us and that includes the indigenous.

It is appalling that so many people I have met claim to be shaman, healers, Prophecy keepers and they know nothing of respect and honor of the True Traditional people of this earth. Many of these people I have met do not agree with what I am doing, I understand why.

I do not put names beside my name in order to sell a ticket to hear me speak. I do not speak to the public about things that are private for those who I have spoken with that deserve respect and honor.

There are many times I hear those that are "indigenous" using their own people to sell the Sacred. To twist the very spiritual fabric of life and ceremony in order to make money and gain power.

There are those who speak so freely of these things and yet they understand nothing. They are not Traditional themselves as they travel the world selling, selling, selling. They create confusion, they create doubt, they create chaos and they harm the True Knowledge.

There are organizations that I have come across that fool the public, create lies and deception in order to gain money and power. The real damage is done when they begin to convince people that THEY are the the True Traditionals, Prophecy Keepers and Ceremony holders. They claim to represent Tribes. They sell tickets to thier events and use the words of the ancestors of all tribes to create this this deception. Each time they speak they dishonor the past, the Ancestors, Traditions, Sacred and Ceremonies and harm the present and the future.

There is great dishonor to those Traditionals who devote their lives to the Sacred. Holding it for us all, for all life to be in balance.

This is what must change. WE the people of this earth must speak with one another. WE the people of all tribes, all races, religions must unite in our hearts and create change.

The Great Gathering is the gathering of Humanity. Not only the Indigenous Tribes of the world. It is a unity of all people. The Great Gathering can no longer afford to leave anyone behind. Either we choose to walk as one, or the Earth will remove us all. This is a time of change and choice. It is up to those with True Heart to come together.

In order to walk with the Creator you do not need to be a Traditional person from a particualr Tribe. You can walk with Creator if you open your heart directly and Creator will guide you.

That is free.............
No one can own this.........
We are all Created equal......

Miriam Delicado


Thank you for the kind words. We appreciate your opposition to those making false claims.
But we wonder how sincere that opposition is. After all, you are making a great many claims on behalf of a Hopi man with little ability to tell what you are doing in his name, no phone or internet, very elderly and in poor health.
You also are falsely claiming he is an authority when all four Hopi priesthoods and the tribal council have repeatedly stated he is not.
The Hopi Nation has repeatedly denounced the interference and disruption caused by outsiders such as yourself. Why can't you respect that?
You also promote the fraudulent so called Blue Star Prophecy, which Robert Morning Sky admitted he made up and is not actually part of Hopi belief or tradition.
Why do you promote that falsehood and others?
There are many ways to promote change and peace. Why not turn to them instead of doing so much harm the Hopi?
The simplest way to promote respect for Native traditions is to begin by respecting them yourself, then urge those that will listen to do the same.
I hope you look within and acknowledge the wrong you do, and change for the better.
Al Carroll


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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2010, 09:51:45 pm »
taken from her Blog http ://,
..."My friend channels Chief Joseph and the first time I heard her do this there was a familiarity in the rhythm of her voice.  I felt a familiarity.  I had no idea who Chief Joseph was so I looked him up on the internet the next day and when I saw his picture I just knew that I had known him and somehow the past life I’d know I’d had as an Indian had been with him. (Turns out I’ve been with him more than once)

The next time she channeled him I asked him and this is when he said that I had been “wife of his son” and that I had 2 sons — one died of a fever as a result of illness brought by the white man and the other was killed in a stampede”   I had also lost my husband in the 1877 battle of Bear Paw Mountain.

This is where my user name of Kayanaka (SHE SAYS ABOVE THAT SHE DOESNT USE A NAME FROM A NATIVE TRIBE) comes from.  I do not know if it is spelled right – but that was my name at that time.  It is supposed to mean “Spring Flower”

Talk about a Gathering — If you search “Chief Joseph family” you will find a picture where he is sitting with a woman to his right and to his left.  The young woman in the back with the braids was me.  Each and every one of those in the picture has reincarnated and we are now together or know of each other and how to reach each other.

I have been learning Eagle Medicine and other Native American way during the past year. I hear native songs and it’s like I know them.  I go to a ceremony and I know it.

This past Monday (June 21st) we had a pipe ceremony and over 40 attended to pray for Mother Earth.  It was so awesome and moving."...

She is well on her way to being an exploiter, she couldnt even take the time to give us a personal message just something she cut and pasted from her blog. Who did the Pipe-Ceremony i wonder! And she's learning Eagle Medicine?????

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 08:04:26 pm »
She wrote again, with over half a dozen messages, getting progressively more ridiculous with her claims and excuses. Unfortunately, she requested I not post them. So instead I'll just post my own response to her.

The amount of emails you sent is impressive. I don't think we've ever had someone so panicked over what we posted about them online.
Just to clear up a few matters:
I am not Apukjij. That is a separate person.
We do not post phone numbers, as a matter of policy.
We also do not post emails when requested. Normally we reserve that for survivors of New Age exploiters who may face threats or harassment, but when requested we always observe that.
Nothing stops me from reposting my own response to you, nor summarizing what's in your emails, since there is no private information in them.
In response to your emails:
You have not provided the slightest bit of evidence that anything on the thread is inaccurate.
Instead you keep repeatedly denying responsibility for your own actions, like a child who has yet to learn responsibility.
Now you claim your website and your blog are not actually yours, and even that your own words are not your own.
Seemingly you ask us to believe several supposed enemies of yours have wrested control of both your websites and you have done nothing to regain control of them. Bizarre, almost as ludicrous as your UFO claims.

You simultaneously claim to oppose the Hopi priesthood, yet to respect Hopis and Hopi tradition. You claim to have the support of the Hopi tribal govt, yet all the evidence is against that. That includes them refusing you, and your lack of respect when you scattered the ashes of a non Hopi on Hopi land.
Worst of all is your bizarre claim that you alone know what is Hopi tradition, and that to oppose your falsehoods and exploitation is to disrespect Hopi ways.
No. Anyone, seemingly, except you and a few similarly deluded people, can see that you have no respect for Hopi tradition, and your obsession harms everyone, including yourself.
Any further response by you needs to be on the board, for all to see.
I will not call you. It's been my experience that those who request phone calls rather than discussing publicly want to hide what they are doing.
Al Carroll

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 01:51:57 pm »
It warned me that this topic is older than 120 days old but I saw a need to update the thread here on Miriam Delicado because I've had a somewhat curious experience with this woman via Facebook. It's been a while since I participated in the NAFPS community discussion board here and long gone are the days when I used to participate on this forum.

This is how I ran into Miriam... I run, organize and founded to the Utah UFO Festival here in Utah and one of our recent guests was Clifford Mahooty from the Zuni Pueblo. After his testimony was shared on social media via Facebook on Joe Montaldo's wall, she came out of the woodwork warning people to stay clear of Clifford Mahooty and I was really curious about this woman's outlook so I had her call me on the phone to try and understand where she was coming from. She claimed to have deep respectful relationships with several people out in Hopiland and after researching her name as a possible new-age fraud, this NAFPS Fraud thread on Miriam was the first thing to show up in Google Search.

I believe that the UFO Phenomenon is a real thing. I've had three close encounters since 2013, which has put me square on the UFO Road but I have since seen the niche/circuit chalk full of new age exploiters. I'm not falsely accusing Miriam of being a new age fraud but I do not believe what she is telling me and I certainly do not agree with her attacks against Clifford Mahooty. Obviously, Clifford has outted her more than once from the sounds of it... Even Miriam claimed that he was saying things behind her back. Well, she obviously is questionable herself in her dealings with unsuspecting people who are curious about the UFO Phenomenon and happen to be in those circles.

Please forgive me for updating an ancient thread but I just wanted to share my opinions and fairly recent experience.

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2017, 10:51:28 pm »
It's always god t get updates. Thanks.

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2017, 02:18:45 pm »
It's always god t get updates. Thanks.

True... when filtering and vetting people, if they have any sort of claim about dealings with indigenous people giving them certain special privileges, etc, NAFPS is the first resource I utilize. I google the individual's name and NAFPS and it's surprising what pops out of the woodwork! It's an invaluable resource especially as the internet continues to grow. Would love to see the organization with some social media outlets like Instagram since a lot of posers now utilize them!


Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2018, 05:53:23 am »
So a few emails have come from Miriam nearly a year later alleging or implying that I’m slanderous and am guilty of defamation  on my part for inquiring about Mariem and researching her background. I never accused her of being a fraud so I don’t know how my previous responses on NewAgeFraud constitute slander!? She’s got me confused on that one and even took it to the next level in her responses below, of which, were directed at my 501(c)3 and me.

 I don’t think these accusations could be further from the truth. I was just literally digging for information on her and investigating her because of public attacks and statements she was making against a friend of mine by the name of Clifford Mahooty from Zuni. I have talked to Clifford and he has never really said anything about Mariam when I asked about her. He didn’t really care to say much of anything but she is extremely outspoken and pointing out that she thinks of Clifford as some sort of of fraud talking about her behind her back. Clifford is Zuni and I’m sure he can have his opinions and sentiments but I haven’t seen any indicator that he’s a fraud. He’s been good to me and a solid friend. He volunteered his time at the Utah UFO Fest as well.

Our festival is also free to the public and 55% of the proceeds are going to our local Homeless Shelter and Food Pantry - the Iron County Care and Share.

Here’s Miriam’s responses to me in two emails in one of them she attached a letter from the Hopi Cuktural Preservation Office Addresssed to Clifford but I’m wondering if Miriam pulled that letter from another source source or took it out of context in order to suit her own purposes? I don’t know but the following emails tonight really totally ruined my afternoon. I will reach out to the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office about Clifford but I’m much more concerned about this woman because of her own actions. Here’s her messages to me:

To: Nathan Cowlishaw, Aka: Nathan Arizona,

“Your comments online regarding me are slander. I have taken screen shots and when I do have the ability to hire an attorney, you will be added to the people who we will be listing as making slanderous claims. I will also be sure to add your nonprofit since you mention it in the slander.

You have now become the disinformation agent of Mahooty. How appalling.

Attached is a letter that was sent to Mahooty and others listed at the top of the letter, asking him to stop selling Hopi.

Do your research.

I will ensure that everyone in my circle knows that you have made slanderous statements in the public regarding me. It will be on my website and social media.

Also, using your nonprofit to sander me only makes it more appalling and I will be looking into the legalities of using your nonprofit name for personal reasons to harm the reputation of someone for your personal gain. This most likely is not legal according to your nonprofit status! If I find this to be illegal, I will be sure to report you to the IRS.

I will end this again by stating that slander is illegal. Do your research!”

~ Miriam Delicado

And the 2nd Email:

“You are using a site that claims I am a fraud to make defamatory comments about me. This is not asking questions. This is a subtle and yet direct way of supporting the slander that I am a fraud.

If you were looking for clarity you would have found it by following through on all the contacts I gave you to confirm what was shared with you. These are real contacts in Hopi itself. There are facts here that you, Mahooty and NAFTS are completely leaving out. Like the fact that Mr Mahooty is not welcome in Hopi to sell Hopi Culture and Religion.

Clifford Mahooty is selling Hopi Religion as a means to make a name for himself.

Be sure to call the number on the letter from Hopi to confirm that Mahooty is making many false claims about their culture. You yourself claim to be respectful to the Hopi. Please do your research, as you claim you are doing, and contact the Hopi at the Cultural Preservation Office. They will clarify the great concern that the Hopi Tribe, Cultural Preservation Office and Traditional People have regarding the false information and selling of Hopi Culture and Religion.

I am also available for a phone call to clarify further for you in this matter.

I will also state, that in this email you make it very clear you are defending a friend. Which you do so on a fraud website by using the name of your Nonprofit as influence. This is appalling.

Please take the time to do ACTUAL research.”

~ Miriam Delicado

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2018, 06:09:53 am »
PS: excuse the typos... I’m limited to an iPhone tonight.

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado - Blue Star Prophecy
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2018, 06:44:28 pm »
Apparently Miriam is becoming a big fan of mine; she had this to say publicly via Facebook:

Nathan Cowlishaw WARNING: DISINFORMATION This man is attempting to speak on behalf of the Hopi people. Another outsider who claims they have the right to represent Hopi with no real contacts, information or knowledge of them.
Twisting facts to suit an agenda of false information sharing. The people who all comment on the post below are showing how little they know about Hopi in general. Nathan Cowlishaw and the Utah UFO Festival is going out of his way to attempt to discredit me. As a friend of Clifford Mahooty he has no focus other than trying to hurt me in some way, for his friend. There is no REAL attempt to find truth. All he is doing is looking at information that is online and contacting other white people, or other plastic shaman. What he is doing shows me the truth that he has zero knowledge of Hopi or the Hopi people and possibly even any other culture of indigenous. His lack of contacts and factual information demonstrates that he really has no legitimate standing and I warn the rest of the UFO community to beware of this person. He is making a good attempt to share a great deal of misinformation and at the same time, trying to harm me is some way. This is what happens when people go to indigenous communities and try to get involved. ANYONE in the community that wants FACTS, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to provide them and you can ask me anything you like. If you do choose to contact me, you will quickly find that Mr Mahooty's group are spreading disinformation to the public. Do your own research! REAL research not online gossip sites. The Hopi know me and know everything I do. They even know about this situation. I have nothing to hide. "As the Hopi say, Miriam, we know the truth and so do you. These people will never stop what they are doing so let them go. They want to fight." Miriam Delicado

My response to her was Miriam Delicado:

 “Miriam, everything you stated here is patently false. The Utah UFO Festival has nothing to do with this; this is my own independent research. I told you I would be contacting the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office next week and I never claimed to speak for the Hopi and your reactions are only tightening my resolve to try and find out more information and investigate further about who you are! Your actions and words speak louder than anything else... Your reactions against me here and other verbal attacks against a friend of mine will continue to draw more proactive research.

On another note Ron Regehr had this to say to me about Clifford Mahooty from Zuni in his defense regarding the letter from the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office that is attached as a PDF here on NAFPS:

Clifford DID get in trouble with Hopi Cultural Center. A man here in Sedona booked a tour and stated Clifford would guide them through Hopi. That was NOT true, but Clifford was rebuked for that. I have a copy of the letter somewhere (unless I deleted it). . .Irrespective, I believe it important for all to know the back story and what prompted the letter. Clifford was 100% innocent and was being exploited by the tour leader, who, by the way, paid the others $1,000 each and expenses. Clifford received NOTHING but grief.”

“...Got it. Yes, that is the one. Clifford was NOT planning on leading ANY tours at Hopi. That was a creation by Robert Dakota without Clifford's knowledge.”

Ron also stated:

“I've known Clifford for many years and have NEVER heard him speak ill of anyone.”

Ron Rehehr, closel

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Re: Miriam Delicado &
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2018, 08:21:17 pm »
We don't want this thread to get sidetracked entirely into her attacks on you or Mahooty. I will say that he and his associations are problematic. He appears at many UFO conferences. Sometimes he gets portrayed falsely. They keep listing him as an elder when as far as I've seen he never makes that claim himself. He's a retired engineer. And of course he's Zuni, not Hopi, and whether the two are related depends on who you ask.

A few UFO types themselves at times border on being exploiters. But the majority are divided between sincere and frustrated they can't get the issue looked at seriously, and kooks who are the biggest reason it's hard for others to view them seriously.

Nathan, we've certainly disagreed quite a bit on FB. I had some big problems with your defense of the dangerous racist militias surrounding the Bundys, and unfriended you for that.

None of that excuses Delicado of course. At the time this thread began on her nearly a decade ago, I would've said she might be sincere but misguided, or perhaps had mental health issues. All the many sites she's on now, and books she's written say that money is her biggest, perhaps only motive. It's not spreading her unoriginal message "The aliens are here/coming, let's prepare/understand."

From reviews of her book.
As a person that has been there , the book was disappointing and misleading.I Fell VERY MISLED! on coast to coast AM , she led the listeners to believe she had been a prophet !about the blue star katchina anything she wrote about in this book you can Google it, so is that where her aliens are getting there info? Google? did she make a million off coast to coast am? I hope not!disappointing is this work taking from native Hopi people, shame on you!P,S I wasted 20 dollars on this crap!Thanks a lot

The much touted message never comes... and I found myself ANGRY with her by the end of the book... HOW could she have missed the coincidences to talk more with the Native American man... but she kept putting him off despite his best efforts!

Do I think she had an encounter? Yes. Do I think they gave her some message? Perhaps, even probably. Do I think she communicated that message? No. Her encounter was 15-20 years ago, do I think the details of their message are even relevant today? Probably not... but how is one supposed to know??? She never EXPLAINS the message, nor does she verify how they communicated it or that they appropriately update her since... that's all left so vague. How do we know this race of aliens even has an agenda that matters... She never tells us who they are or where they come from....

I have heard Ms Delicado say that she never reads or researches other people's contact stories so as to not dilute or confuse her own story... I think that is an excuse for being uneducated on the overall subject and a way to deflect any inability to comment on it. There is too much, 'I can't tell you' and bits of story in the book that go nowhere... she demonstrates more failure and missed opportunity than anything! And she chews out the wonderful aliens telling them not to interfere during what is basically a memorial service??!! C'mon!!! Doesn't she think the aliens who are wise enough to understand our race and be benevolent, loving and caring would be wise enough to figure that out??!!

...scolds the very aliens who contacted her ASSUMING they are going to be impolite. How much of a control issue does this lady have?!! Well, perhaps that is the true message they are trying to communicate through her... "Save yourselves, humans... you are the only ones that can." Or as Gandhi once said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

That's the real message, isn't it, Miriam??? Too bad you couldn't let go enough to let anyone help you say that a little more plainly.

She claims both in the book and during her Coast to Coast radio interviews to have been abducted since the age 22, claims still to be abducted on a regular basis. The Tall Blond Aliens have told her sooo much, but, you know what? She does not remember most of it, or can't tell you yet, because you are either not ready, or it's not time yet, or may be later, if you are dumb enough to buy another book of hers, or waste your time listening to her on the radio. For example, after all those visitations, she cannot even tell you where they are from. What she does "remember" is warmed over Hopi prophecy that you can read on the Internet for free. So, boys and girls, I say keep your money...

Besides books she sells seminars, asks for donations, and makes many appearances. Her website is actually On it she claims to be working to preserve indigenous cultures. Then why have a site named after an obvious long ago debunked pseudo spiritual fraud? Blue Star is fraud Robt Morning Sky's claims, nothing even remotely traditional.

There's photos of her as a tourist with unnamed tribal people that's supposed to convince us of her good intentions. It doesn't. It's pandering to a white savior complex.

There's also something deeply creepy and racist with her whole claim of "great ancestors" that she repeatedly calls "the Tall Blonds." It's like a Hitler fantasy of all humanity descended from Aryans.

All of this is certainly enough to move her to Frauds.

Offline cowlishaw

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Re: Miriam Delicado &
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2018, 11:09:08 pm »

I was certainly in the wrong for voicing and showing support for the Bundys especially after their maniacal takeover of a federal wildlife refuge; that’s where I drew the line and started changing my mind. I started to observe Ammon Bundy’s complete lack of respect for the local county sheriff up there in Oregon and his complete lack of respect for Law Enforcement in general when talking back to them or arguing with them and came to a conclusion that their group was simply glory hunting, thereafter...

Regarding Cliff, I wouldn’t rebuttal anything you have stated in your scrutiny of him and it is problematic when conferences do misrepresent him. On a personal level though I do feel he is respectful though, but I don’t think he is always aware of what’s going on around him especially when things pop up on the internet. I doubt he gets on on the Internet. Christopher O’Brien was helping him with a lot of logistics when he was speaking at our conference.

I never intended to wind up on the UFO Road and I didn’t realize that it would lead me on a direct collision course with a lot of new agers or even potential exploiters; but it should have been a given. I don’t have a problem with some of these new agers as long as they aren’t misrepresenting themselves or exploiting other cultures. I try very hard to vett those that come to present at our conference. Ufology is a pseudo-science chalk full of charltatons, profiteers. I’m more skeptical of it than the UFO Phenomenon itself. If it hadn’t been for a few of my own close encounters between 2013-2015, I wouldn’t even be walking this walk.. It’s been a lot of work but I will continue to try and vett people in my research of this phenomenon.  I HAVE to use scientific objectivity in my approach in order to avoid becoming deceived. Mayve in my own way I can give  some validity to the discourse in the long run and going into the future. A lot of people have turned UFOs into a religion or made  it their belief system. Lol!
