Author Topic: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire  (Read 109187 times)

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #90 on: May 17, 2010, 02:38:20 am »
What happen to the money that was raised by Buffalo Messengers to purchased the two buffalos???
Since Buffalo Messengers did not buy then , are they not suppose to give the people their money back?
People donated money towards the purchase of buying the buffalo.  Nothing else. POINT BLANK!
It's a shame that good people donated  $2,000 ++++++  of  their hard earned money and it  went somewhere else instead of what they gave their money for.
So where is the money??? Hawk or Buffalo Messengers   cannot use the money they raised for anything other than to purchased the buffalo? If they did than that is fraud!!!!
If anyone is reading this who donated money to Hawk and Buffalo Messengers TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF THE BUFFALOS you may want to get in contact with Division of Investigations and Division of Audits
Within the Bureau of Charitable Organizations is the Division of Investigations and Division of Audits. These divisions were created under the powers granted to the Secretary, who has the authority to investigate violations of the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act, 10 P.S. § 162.1 et seq. 
Citizens who have complaints concerning solicitations by charitable organizations, solicitors or fundraising counsels are urged to contact the Division of Investigations/Audits: 
By Phone
1-800-732-0999 (within PA)
717-787-0700 (outside PA)

  or   In Writing
 Division of Investigations/Audits
 212 North Office Building
 Harrisburg, PA  17120   

The Bureau is prohibited from releasing any information regarding any complaints it may have received or any investigations it may be conducting, except as provided by law.

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #91 on: May 21, 2010, 12:17:26 am »
I wonder why they never annouced this guy coming

greetings Relatives,
Approximately one week ago we were honored to host Chief Golden Eagle of the Yankton Sioux. He visited with us for a few days, spent time with these two Sacred Animals, and has issued a formal statement for all our Relatives. I invite you to read his words:

Chief Golden Eagle of the Yankton Sioux

And right here on NAFPS Forum  in The Looniest Nuage Site Contest

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #92 on: May 22, 2010, 08:01:32 pm »
I used to visit the Woodland Zoo many times after the white buffalo was born with my family. We always paided the admission price and went threw the zoo by ourselves. After they closed I was wondering how the buffalos where doing and I had heard that the two buffalos had a calf before they sold and moved from the Woodland Zoo. Well, I got my answer on another forum Woodland Indians and I have learned that the calf did not make it (live) And according to Micheal Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire AKA Sunkawitko someone believes ( althought they say they cannot prove it)  that the white buffalo is not the father of the calf that was born to the black/brown female buffalo.
that young calf didnt make it. he died a few days after birth. although unproven, it is believed the white was not his father
read down to post #496
How can this be, since the Woodland Zoo only had the two (white male) (black/brown female) at the zoo in the same pen? Why would they even make a statement like this? Is he now claming another virgin birth?
I am confused who believes that the white buffalo is not the father of the calf that died???? In the statements that was published on Buffalo Messengers myspace website  it clearly indicates that the white buffalo was indeed the father. It would be nice if Hawk , First Nations Inc or Buffalo Messengers could make this statement clear. Who now believes that the calf born was not fathered by the white buffalo????
Tuesday, August 04, 2009 
 28 days to go...
Greetings Relatives,

Well, 28 days left on the bid for the White and the Black buffalo, both considered Sacred Animals by many held as recognized Spiritual Leaders and Elders from the First Nations People. With the birth of the calf 7/26, this shows the white male is fertile and has no genetic defects. This is good as it proves he is not an albino and bad as it may raise the bid to something we could never match. There are those out there who would see this as a commodity. The thought process being, with a fertile white buffalo it could be mated with other buffalo and have a herd of white buffalo. A complete and total disregard for the spiritual aspects involved.

As of today, 8/03, our fund raising effort has generated a little over $600.00. Daily maintenance of the website shows 50-100 hits per day. Maybe this is how it should be. What is supposed to happen. I cannot say.

Several options have presented themselves. Which one prevails, again I cannot say. We will know September 2nd. Regardless of what happens, the message will remain. Whether these two are here or not. What has always been most important is the message they bring. Not the messenger. The message that it is time to return again to a spiritual way of life. Honor, integrity, strength of character. Doing what is right, regardless of what is said and done. Compassion, humility. Teaching the children again the measure of success is altruism. Altruism, the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. Behavior that may be a disadvantage but that benefits others. The central concept in Christianity, Sikhism, Kabbalah, Sufism, even Islam. The central concept of all indigenous spiritual understanding.

28 days to go. We will see.


Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2010, 10:03:21 pm »
Is everyone aware that this white buffalo's mother came from a herd that produce another white buffalo about six years before the birth of this one? Were the elders that gave statements made aware of this??
I meant it kinda loses it special spiritual meaning if this white buffalo comes from a herd that is known to produce other white buffalos.
The former owners "Sonny and Jill Herring even made the statement 

The white buffalo is not an albino, and is the result of a rare recessive gene that both parents must possess.

Not so rare if another white buffalo came from the same herd ( People really need to start questoning this)
The mother and another pregnant female came from a Nebraska herd in which another white buffalo was born about six years ago, Sonny Herring said

Fayette County zoo gets surprise rare specimen
By Bob Stiles
Monday, November 27, 2006

As Sonny Herring approached the pasture at his Fayette County zoo, he wondered what the white object was nestled in the grass.

"I thought something else got in the exhibit," Herring said Friday.

It did, but not what Herring was expecting. In the grass was a newborn white buffalo.

"I thought, 'What the heck, we got a white buffalo.' I think the odds are something like one in 10 million," Herring said.

His wife, Jill Herring, said she also was astounded by the birth Nov. 12 at the Woodland Zoo near Farmington. She saw the male calf shortly after its birth.

"It's pretty neat," she said. "To have an all-white one is extremely rare. No one I know who raises buffaloes has had one. We're thrilled, of course."

White buffaloes hold a place of reverence among American Indians, especially the Cheyenne, Sioux and other nomadic tribes of the Northern Plains.

According to a version of a legend, a white buffalo, disguised as a woman wearing white hides, appeared to two men.

One man treated her with dignity; the other didn't. She turned the disrespectful man into a pile of bones and gave the respectful one a pipe and taught his people rituals and music. She transformed into a female white buffalo calf and promised to return again.

The birth of a white male buffalo means men need to take responsibility for their families and the future of the tribe, according to an Associated Press story about the birth of a white buffalo earlier this decade.

No one at the National Bison Association could be reached for comment.

The Web site Wikipedia lists at least five births of white buffaloes nationwide since 1995. One farm in Wisconsin welcomed its third white buffalo, born earlier this year.

Jill Herring, who has operated the 180-animal zoo with her husband for 11 years, said the calf spends most of its time with its mother.

"It is with mom, and that is where it will stay," she said.

In addition to the color, the birth is unusual because of when it happened, Sonny Herring said. Normally, buffalo are born in March or April, he explained.

The mother and another pregnant female came from a Nebraska herd in which another white buffalo was born about six years ago, Sonny Herring said.
People who visit the zoo and see the white calf usually have the same question, Sonny Herring related, "'What's that?'"

"They don't expect a buffalo to be white."

Sonny Herring said the buffalo could help the zoo attract more visitors.
"We hope so," he said.
At this point, the calf doesn't have a name.

"We're searching for an Indian-type name for it, and we haven't come up with the right one yet," Jill Herring said.

But she does know what's in the calf's future.

"He will stay, definitely, because of what he is. There won't be a chance of him leaving," Jill Herring said.

Her husband agreed.

"It will stay here for as long as it wants," he said.

Bob Stiles can be reached at or 724-836-6622.

Images and text copyright © 2010 by Trib Total Media, Inc.
Reproduction or reuse prohibited without written consent.

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #94 on: August 26, 2010, 12:34:42 am »
Just wondering if anyone knows anything about Reverend Susan W. Ferraro. Seems she is holding a Womans Prayer Circle every Sunday at Nemacolin Woodlands Prayer Lodge site at Millioke Meadows in Farmington PA. Just wondering why a Reverend would be holding these Circles and using lakota words at all? Seems kinda confusing.

Women's Prayer Circle

As we witness the signs of fulfillment of prophecy occurring around the world we are humbly aware that our Creator is crying out to the People of all nations to awaken from our spiritual slumber, come together with all of our relations united in prayer and to intercede for the restoration of healing, peace,  harmony and respect for all life that is sustained by Creator’s gift of the Sacred  Mother Earth. The Creator’s task for this generation, global healing through World Peace and Prayer is in need of immediate attention and completion. As Mother Earth shakes, her mountains erupt and seas rise, her children of the Four Sacred Directions remain distracted by the busyness of greed based living. The Sacred White and Black Buffalo given to the People by Creator in fulfillment of ancient prophecy are a manifestation of a sign of both warning and deliverance. Through them the Creator is calling to the women of all races, all nations, all ages and all faiths to come together and join in prayer in this crucial season [/c in history. In honor of Traditional Indigenous principles for living, women were and are considered to be the backbone of the societal structure .Historically, we prayed, joined in sacred ceremony, lamenting to the very heart of Creator for pity and compassion to be extended to all life that we held near to our hearts. It is said that when the women  weakened and fall, society then falls.

It is the choice of each woman to take action and fulfill this sacred task at hand or bear the pain of the consequences of global destruction of our Sacred Mother Earth  .When she is sick, we are sick. When she dies, we die. The time to act is now. Our prayer is the power of unity in action. Through prayer we will begin to mobilize the power of the sacred energy of forgiveness and healing needed to bring the balance and harmony that our Sacred Mother Earth requires to survive for the next Seven Generations to come.

The Buffalo Messenger Family cordially invites you to participate in a women’s prayer circle to honor our Creator’s instructions for women of all faith traditions to join in prayer with all of our relations and begin to activate the energy of the sacred feminine with the pure intention for the People of all Nations to return to a spiritual path of living. Please make the time to make a difference . All life is a Sacred gift from Creator. Let us leave our children and all of our relations with the gift of a better world to live in. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Where: Nemacolin Woodlands Prayer Lodge site at Millioke Meadows
When : Every Sunday
Time:    1 to 2:30pm

Come with a clean heart, grateful mind, humble spirit and with the faith of a child.
Please call with any questions :Reverend Susan W. Ferraro 412-973-6300.


Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #95 on: August 27, 2010, 02:33:47 am »
Just found out that Rev. Susan Ferraro is Micheal Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire's non-native girlfriend. Still a little confused on why a white woman who is a Reverend be in charge of these prayer circles that are centered around Native American Spirituality

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #96 on: August 30, 2010, 02:30:51 pm »
This thread was merged with the older one since it seemed like a ploy for attention.

Goodfire/Spisak sent a message, inviting anyone with questions or concerns to meet with him or go to their center. "Come see for yourselves."

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #97 on: October 11, 2010, 06:12:50 pm »
Perfect example of a NEW AGE prayer circle.

heres another in PA  , scoll down the page.
Funny how close these two look alike.

I can just see the people all holding hands and singing Kum ba yah,
to funny what a joke.
Funny how it's held every sunday up in Farmington PA. just like a church service.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 06:54:39 pm by Ramona1 »

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #98 on: October 11, 2010, 08:15:45 pm »
oh no! women are getting together to pray! alert the media! and she said Mitakuye Oyasin. eeewwwww..............aaaahhhhhhhhhhh.......

someone plug the hole these idiots crawl out of!

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #99 on: October 11, 2010, 10:10:55 pm »
oh no! women are getting together to pray! alert the media! and she said Mitakuye Oyasin. eeewwwww..............aaaahhhhhhhhhhh.......

someone plug the hole these idiots crawl out of!

And I can bet she adds Amen to that. just by reading her words smells like New Age Crap.
I have one question. If this Rev, Susan is a preacher in the white religion is she not being blashimous to her own culture? After all does the bible not state that " Thou shall have  no other God than me" ( something like that)
Smells like new age crap . Peace and love and fluff bunnies and all

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #101 on: October 12, 2010, 02:51:21 pm »
Both of you need to have something to say other than insults. Any more childishness gets deleted.

With all due respect, I can and do understand the position you are in. I commiserate with the overwhelming responsibility of doing what you do. Do not, however, expect me to sit idly by while idiots of this magnitude attempt to convince the masses I am what they so blatantly appear to be. I am absolutely sick to death of this crap and the misinformed cretins who continue to perpetuate it. Every time, this goes back to the same two or three people. Ex-girlfriends with an axe to grind making self serving remarks. An ex, making disparaging remarks...imagine that. By all means, please delete the continued personal attacks. When proof is offered as to these malicious allegations, I am more than willing to address it accordingly. Otherwise, it is simply gossip and does not belong here, or anywhere else.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 02:55:53 pm by hawkgoodfire »

Leslie Noel

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #102 on: October 19, 2010, 03:56:04 am »
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 07:22:47 pm by Leslie Noel »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #103 on: October 19, 2010, 07:46:11 pm »
My personal take on this whole thing.  Let 'em go.

I'm not from a tribe that has anything to do with buffaloes so my opinion is strictly an outsider's opinion, but if these are sacred animals, then let them be free.  To me it's obvious the idea of "taking care" of something so powerful with human hands is a mistake and the negativity surrounding the whole situation...all the fighting, name calling, accusations about who said what to who, who has rights etc etc evidence of it.

Just my thoughts, back to my popcorn.


Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #104 on: October 19, 2010, 07:53:30 pm »
I agree with you to a certain extent Superdog.  The only problem is, these animal, spiritually significant or not, would likely not survive if they were released.  They've depended on human interaction since they were calves.  I don't like they idea that they are on exhibit...that leaves me with a very yucky feeling.