Author Topic: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk  (Read 110049 times)

Offline bls926

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2010, 09:01:32 am »
Nowhere on the Native Blood Drive Facebook does it mention anything about working for federal recognition for the Chickamauga Cherokee. All the posts and comments make it sound like it's all about unity, working together, human rights, freedom, preservation, the environment, and other worthwhile causes. If you don't visit the Chickamauga website, you wouldn't know what their agenda is. (Checked the Chickamauga site tonight and it still hasn't been changed. Still talking about how the CNO denies their existence, their rights to be recognized, etc.)

They now have 1,285 fans, many of whom are planning to march.


Basic Info
Founded:January 01, 2010

Detailed Info
Company Overview:We are a non-profit, seeking for ALL Native Blood to Unite as never before. Separation has brought us to this....WE WILL MAKE THE CHANGE for our Ancestors, our grand-children. Join this historic effort and at this Historic Event. Never before in History has such an Event for ALL Native Blood occured.
Mission:We are of Native Blood seeking Peace & Harmony with ALL Native Blood. Only by uniting will changes be made for our people. Stop discrimination. We have separated for decades...we must UNITE and gain much of what has been lost to our people.

And from their Wall:

NATIVE BLOOD DRIVE AUGUST 18-19, LINCOLN MEMORIAL A few Speakers represented at the Native Blood Drive. Wado ALL Native Blood! Russell ‘StrongBow’ Cooper/Michael Bucher/Joseph Strider, Jay NightWolf WPFW radio/Ed Koban/Fred Nordhorn Color Guard/Gourd Dancers, Chickamauga Singers Healing Drum from 8000 drums, Mo Brings Plenty/Roderick GreenGrass, Ed Koban, Pam ShiningStar, Thunder With the Hands Drum Group, David ‘Storm Wolf’ Watts, Chase White Eagle.
February 24 at 10:58am

NATIVE BLOOD DRIVE AUGUST 18-19, LINCOLN MEMORIAL A few Tribal Families represented:Tribal Families represented, Cherokee, Lakota, Cheyenne, Souix, Odawa, Ho-Chunk Nation, Oneida, Cree, Mohawk, Metis, and Shawnee, etc…Over 1 million expected
February 24 at 10:59am

... osiyo Join us in ALL TRIBES, ALL NATIVE BLOOD, ALL NATIONS, speaking/playing to Washington D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial on August 18-19. The United Kingdom, Russia, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Greece, has joined us to march and speak in their country. More are signing up daily...
February 24 at 11:15am
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 03:41:01 pm by bls926 »

Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2010, 05:12:34 pm »
Could make them a 'friend' and then post questions about this pointing to where it DOES say this. Or, post link to this thread? Or, if not wanting to make them 'friend' on FB, could then just click on the friends listed and send them an email with the link to this discussion. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2010, 03:00:56 am »
Moma_porcupine said

I have to wonder what privileges these people imagine they would have, if they were enrolled in the CNO, that an unenrolled descendent would be denied?

I'm not at all clear what it is they are demanding...?

These people are demanding recognition, but recognition as what, and by who?

The Fraudulent Indian Task Force, from what I hear has been putting pressure on Public Institutions that host Presentations and Cultural Events by some of these alleged “Cherokees” and Self Declared “Cherokee Tribes”.  Some go to and have been going to places such as Public Schools, Public Libraries, State Parks, County Parks, Museums,  etc, etc and doing all sorts of programs ranging from everything to musical performances and cultural presentations to reenactments, storytelling and dance exhibitions, etc, etc.  

The Chief of this bogus Tribe ( James Billy Chance ) was doing different sorts of programs at some of the schools where they are located in Florida, ( I believe Elementary Schools, ) If you go to the Video that the Fraudulent Indian Task Force put out ( link below ), this Self Declared Chief appears there in the video.  His the one doing the presentation with the War Bonnet on.  In all likelyhood, that school district was contacted and he was exposed, and most likely won’t be doing presentations there again.  That might be part of the reason he’s so ticked off.  This has not only happened with him, put is happening across the country with these bogus groups.   ( mainly in the South East).  So in response to Moma_porcupine as to what they want, or what they can't do that an enrolled Cherokee could do, this is probably at least part of it.  The Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band discourages individuals not enrolled with one of the 3 Federally Recognzied Cherokee Tribes to speak on behalf of the Cherokee people.  Something that many individuals from these bogus groups are doing and do all the time.

It’s a lot more complicated then them just wanting the right to call themselves “Cherokees”.  There’s a lot at stake here for some of them. These bogus groups are very active across the SE working within public institutions and some have been doing it under the radar for years now ( sometimes even decades ).  As I said before, as the Cherokee Nation and Eastern Band starts to become more proactive in denouncing these frauds, we are going to see more and more conflict with these individuals and  groups.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 03:03:20 am by BlackWolf »

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2010, 06:04:05 pm »
They deny us the right to even say that we are Cherokee, they deny us the right to sell our crafts as Cherokee Made and we are denied our Freedom of Religion to worship our Creator as we deem necessary to our spirituality.

When he talks about the right to "say we are Cherokee", he's talking about speaking as an AUTHORITY on Cherokee culture and History.  This ties into the programs and cultural events they he and his bogus Tribe are part of. 

The second demand is in relation to the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990.

they deny us the right to sell our crafts as Cherokee Made

And I'm assuming the third demand has something to do with the Eagle Feather law, and other issues involved with Ceremony. I know Fish and Wildlife has been active lately in some of the SE Powwows in going after violators of the Eagle Feather Law

We educate children and adults through school programs, our website, tribal newsletters, public demonstrations, books and story fires that detail the telling of historical actions of this great nation while documenting the unique events pertaining to our people and the United States Government.

He talks about the School Programs that they do here.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2010, 06:15:39 pm »
We are keenly aware that war bonnets/head dresses/feather bonnets, are not a part of Cherokee Culture. Our purpose is to TEACH. When you see our Elders wearing this regalia in photo, it is for teaching purposes. Native BLOOD is Native Blood and we are ONE. The energy is beyond the is in the teaching that takes place. The Cultures of Native Americans. All Native Blood and Culture is honored when we teach. wado.

I guess he's aware that he and his group are under the microscope now.  So my question is.  If war bonnets are not part of Cherokee culture, then WHY WEAR IT, IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHEREOKEE?  Why not wear Traditional Cherokee regalia?  Native Blood is Native Blood?  I agree that there are certain similarities amongst Indian Tribes, but to call yourself a Cherokee, and dress up in a War Bonnet is beyond ridicules.  There’s no such thing as a Generic American Indian Culture.  These frauds are CLUELESS. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #50 on: March 01, 2010, 06:46:13 pm »
They've set up yet another Facebook page: Non Government Mixed Blood Indians

Their wall is full of rants about how "government Indians" (as in, those who belong to real tribes) oppress them.

Full of the same rhetoric as all their other pages.

I've seen a handful of facebook members challenge them via posts on their walls and discussions (their "teaching council" and "blood drive" pages). Some linked to this thread, and reposted some of it. No Mocs is deleting all criticism and even questions about their legitimacy. In one thread someone asked if the Chickamauga are federally recognized, and some guy lied and said they were.

Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #51 on: March 01, 2010, 09:20:27 pm »
Well, they can't get far then can they?  I mean, even with their walk in DC, if they aren't legit then they aren't legit and no amount of protest can really change that... correct?  Or is this wrong and it's possible they can get approved?  Seems unlikely to me, but what do I know..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #52 on: March 01, 2010, 10:44:17 pm »
I'm just  flat out disgusted with them.  "LittleOldMan"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline Paul123

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2010, 12:56:50 am »
All a long I have said that I don't like the name calling but dang,,
these guys are giving the real fake NDNs a bad name.... :D :D :D

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2010, 03:54:05 am »
Well, they can't get far then can they?  I mean, even with their walk in DC, if they aren't legit then they aren't legit and no amount of protest can really change that... correct?  Or is this wrong and it's possible they can get approved?  Seems unlikely to me, but what do I know..

No, the Chickamauga Cherokee won't achieve federal recognition; it's doubtful they'll even get Florida to recognize them. Right now that's probably the least of our worries. I'm concerned with the half-truths and out-right lies. They've put their own spin on everything from Cherokee history to how enrolled and/or full-bloods view unenrolled mixed-bloods. They claim that all enrolled are full-bloods, that mixed-bloods will never be enrolled with their Nation, that all full-bloods hate all mixed-bloods. Lies. How many people will believe these lies? How much damage will be done? What kind of feelings will these lies engender? What will happen . . . ??

I've copied a few of the comments from the Non Government Mixed Blood Indians Facebook. Only copied the ones posted by the account owner (No Moccasins ?). I didn't copy any of the comments made by fans; although some of those are out there. Claiming that they aren't accepted by Indians or whites, denied their freedom of religion, denied access to benefits. Crazy talk.

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians To all Non-Government Mixed Blood Native Americans, welcome. You now have a home. To all those who support Native Americans, we honor you. Stand with these Mixed Bloods. Many of them have absolute documented proven ancestors, but are shunned by the Government Indians.
Sat at 12:15pm

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians It is estimated that there are well over 12-14 million Mixed Blood Native Americans in America. Far more than the Governement Indians who call them horrific names and shun them. Please support the Mixed Bloods...ty
Sat at 12:17pm

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians Ahh... They Let Us Be Citizens, in our Own Country
Native Americans who were not already U.S. citizens were granted citizenship in 1924 by the Congress of the United States. And this was in the time frame when thousands and thousands were in hiding. How many ancestors did not want to be a citizen of the White man's government?.....
Yesterday at 10:21am

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians Chief Charles Hicks, Mixed Blood
Chief Charles Hicks, is one of the MANY MIXED BLOOD CHIEF"S. And yet, many Government Indians, would have us believe they are all FULL Blood...
9 hours ago

Finally, after a few days of slamming full-bloods, they've decided this evening that we should all work together.

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians Show Honor
Relations, .....and above all we miust show honor to ALL people, our own Mixed Blood's and the Government Tribes. We may have a different viewpoint...we may not always agree....but families do that. We must stand for ALL and stand with honor ALL the time...
about an hour ago

Again, as with the Native Blood Drive March, I see a whole lot of fans that should have known better. People lending their support for these people by the simple act of accepting a friend request.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:29:29 am by bls926 »

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2010, 05:01:45 am »
in this statement they are abdicating over throwing the government
or at least succeeding from this government

Non Government Mixed Blood Indians Ahh... They Let Us Be Citizens, in our Own Country
 this needs clarification for sure

and what is there complaint , it is not up to any government agency to validate them as natives it is up to each native nation to validate each individual, by blood line, or what ever each nation has set up as there standard, they can wine all they want, just pay you taxes and be a citizen of this country, or quot
"I CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO RETURN TO THE LAND OF YOUR ANCESTORS" , or play you games in your clubs and stop bothering the real people, they don't care, prove your self or just get off it
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 05:24:23 am by dabosijigwokush »

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2010, 05:46:02 am »

bls926 said
No, the Chickamauga Cherokee won't achieve federal recognition; it's doubtful they'll even get Florida to recognize them. Right now that's probably the least of our worries. I'm concerned with the half-truths and out-right lies. They've put their own spin on everything from Cherokee history to how enrolled and/or full-bloods view unenrolled mixed-bloods. They claim that all enrolled are full-bloods, that mixed-bloods will never be enrolled with their Nation, that all full-bloods hate all mixed-bloods. Lies. How many people will believe these lies? How much damage will be done? What kind of feelings will these lies engender? What will happen . . . ??

I agree bls926.  Also, I think Florida is one of the states that has a policy not to recognize Tribes outside of Federal Recognition.  I also agree that the biggest problem is all the misinformation they are spreading.  And its not like they are going to be out in Rural Florida dressing up and doing some powwow.  If they are going to be in Washington DC in front of the Lincoln Memorial or anywhere near it, we can conclude that even if they don't have a big turnout, they are going to bring attention to themselves one way or the other just by being there.  At that time of year in August, there will probably be a lot of tourist lingering around not to mention the fact that not many people are educated on the issue outside of Indian Country.  Its disturbing to imagine that these people will be out in DC spreading misinformation about the Cherokee people. 

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2010, 06:56:18 am »
The march and rally in August bothers me, too. The face they're showing on the Native Blood Drive Facebook is not the one on their own website. No wonder they have so many people supporting this march. On the Native Blood Facebook, it's all about unity, working together, preservation, saving the environment. Worthwhile causes we all support. Nowhere on that facebook page is their true agenda showing. How many would be supporting them if they realized the march was about federal recognition for a wannabe tribe? The Chickamauga Cherokee are conning everyone.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 01:36:10 am by bls926 »

Offline lostcherokee

  • Posts: 79
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2010, 11:03:03 am »
Chickamauga Cherokee Teaching Council
Not sure if this link has been mentioned yet ,but here it is any way

Offline Paul123

  • Posts: 148
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2010, 11:04:07 am »
Now it's up to 3 million.

well Deborah join me and a couple or three million more that are marching to Washington to stop all this"