Author Topic: Walter Renz  (Read 185950 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2009, 05:56:06 pm »
Am I logged on to NAFPS or Indianz.combatzone?? Why dont you take your trashing over ther and leave this forum to discuss frauds

I agree. Because Walter Renz is not a fraud!!

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2009, 06:59:51 pm »
Am I logged on to NAFPS or Indianz.combatzone?? Why dont you take your trashing over ther and leave this forum to discuss frauds

I agree. Because Walter Renz is not a fraud!!

Well Nikki, the facts speak for themselves, and Walter is in enough trouble on his own. And if being in trouble with the US Indian Arts and Crafts Act is not enough to prove this group is fake, then I wont try to convince you otherwise.. There are plenty of people who do know this guy is a fraud, his group is a fraud.

Here is your own email to me Nikki, a email of which you state Walters claims do not add up, that he is on a "to be delt with" list (maybe that was just another one of your empty threats?) So Nikki, here it is again, your own email:

Sego, Keely;

   Yes some of us here in Canada met Renz 2 times, as result of contact he made with one of my aquaintenances.

   There are a lot questions that we have about him , as much of what he told us doesn't add up. Especially, when his own people , this Chaliawa Nation really don't support what he does. They want him to do the work for him , but have have not given him any support, financially or physically. He basically told us that his mother, his wife and himself are the ones that do all of the work. The whole time he was here his wife called him about every 5 minutes, which ran up a huge cell phone bill. Then she will also call others up here running up their cell phone bills trying to reach him. He also wrote a cheque for 172.00 that bounced and he has dsihonoured by not covering it, after making several promises to. He also used and mouched off of people's goodness when he was here, promising to return to help us take care of the mounds issue in Toronto. He made several promises and guarentees of return, failing to keep his word. One of our chiefs at Tyendinaga, let me and my aquaintence know that his name is on a "to be dealt with list", because of his lack of keeping his committment to our people, and stating he would be by Stewart Maracle's side to support him. He made a big mistake with Stewart to make such a committment, and then not follow through with it. He is in toruble with the men's councils up here because of this and other things.
There were also questions about his genealogy as certain things do not add up.
Any blanks you can help us fill would greatly be appreciated. Renz also has been warned, that because he did not show up at the Clanmother's meeting at Six Nations Grand Territory last wednesday, his name would be mudd up here. Since then there has been no contact with him, nor have we heard anything from him. Again suspicion that he isn't who has told us he is and that he has no intention in clearing matters up here or taking responsibilty for what he says are his ancestoral sites in Toronto.


Niiki from Tyendinga Mohawk Territory

All new Yahoo! Mail - Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane.

And Nikki.. generally I make a rule that private emails are just that, private, and this is the first time I have ever posted someone's private email to me, and I only post it due to your flip flopping around about this issue.

Here is another email you sent:

Sego, Keely;

Niawen gowa for the info on Renz. I have passed this onto Chief Stewart Maracle.
He will be glad to get this information.

I am attaching some pictures he emailed to us.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Now, for the sake of hating me, you wish to support a person who has done all of this to your people? It just does not add up.

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2009, 09:37:22 pm »

If you dont mind, a few questions..

You are from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory? You live there with your people and you know their issues? Your involved with your people? Am I assuming this is correct?

Thanks in advance.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2009, 12:44:48 am »
Same reply on BlueJacket board above.

Appears her original post on LONG in Kansas b. TN was possibly DELETED?
If you click on her name in the query boards it will take you to everthing she posted
under that identity.
More interestingly, Keely says she is researching for a Salina Sherriff BUT she asks for help
ON THE MELUNGEONS board! (Black-Indian query board for the SOUTH, not Kansas.)
The page also has queries on Goings and other spellings?
==Dear Cousins==
It has been suggested to me that I contact you since my
research is different from most peoples'.  I am the re-
searcher for the Saline County Kansas Sheriff's Depart-
ment.  I am currently researching all our former Sher-
iff's in a attempt to locate decendants so that the de-
partment can locate a photo of the former Sheriff and
give our men who served our county honor and recogni-
tion for their service.
I have a Going brick wall.  Thomas J. Going came to Sa-
line County in March of 1866 with his wife Sarah.  He
was Sheriff here from 1872 to 1875. His oldest son,
George was killed in 1872, his second son James married
Georgia Elgin Goodwin on Jan. 1, 1884.  I show a daughter
born to them, Bessie, in 1885, and a son Thomas who died
in 1890 at the age of 2.
In 1888 Thomas J. Going had moved to Kansas City.  After
the death of the son of James and Sarah in 1890, they too
left, but I have not found out when or where.
Can any of your members help us with this quest?
Keely Denning
Saline County, KS Sheriff's Dept.

Found HER selling??? at
Date Posted: 16:22:18 04/19/01 Thu
Author: Keely
Subject: Re: UP FOR GRABS ***1893 Half Dollar***
In reply to: BobinMO 's message, "UP FOR GRABS ***1893 Half Dollar***" on 08:19:50 04/18/01 Wed
Ifin ya like the really hot stuff... send me your address to

For Keely's genealogy:
Squirrel & Longtail in Shawnee Rolls:
No. Surname First 
468 Longtail Sarah 
469 Longtail Hannah   
470 Longtail Abraham 
471 Lucke Wm   
472 Longtail Martha 
473 Lawrence John   
474 Lawrence Mary 
475 Longtail     
476 Longtail   
477 Longtail   
478 Longtail   
607 Squirrel Daniel
608 Squirrel 
609 Squirrel   
NO surname PANTHER listed, but that is Chippewa?????
(Note that there are many without first names.)

Let us not forget that she also posted that her grandfather? (Name)? on his death-bed
asked her mother and aunt to grab a piece of paper and write down the Draper's Meadows
story and said that light-skinned family members in her family were a throwback
to Mary Ingles? Here's the story she was "offended" by.
(Actually see the book "Follow the River" which offended her)
"Mary's sister-in-law Bettie was adopted by a widowed Shawnee and taken to another
village, and her sons were traded off."
"Will was able to buy back their captured son, Thomas at age 17. The lad was completely
integrated into life as an Indian and had trouble acclimating himself back into colonial
society. He never lost his respect for the Shawnee, nor his love of their culture.
Will served in the American Revolution and died in 1782 at the age of 53, and Mary never
remarried. Her son John built her a 'proper house', but she continued to live in the
windowless log cabin she had shared with her husband, saying she felt safer there."
Yet, Keely says that the Shawnee didn't have food to keep captives and killed them
as in the Marmaduke Swearingen case. So which is it?
This "user-submitted" account of Mary Draper Ingles says her infant daughter was "scalped".  (More on Mary Draper Ingles)
Ingles, John, The Story of Mary Draper Ingles and Son Thomas Ingles, circa 1824.
[This manuscript by Mary's son, who had the story orally from his mother, is at the
University of Virginia library. It is very difficult to read, with little punctuation,
and poor spelling. It has been reproduced in an edition by Roberta Ingles Steele which
retains the eccentricities of the author. This is probably the most significant primary
It does not mention the baby that figures in the narrative of John Peter Hale and
Alexander Thom.]
The Baby....fiction or Keely's grandfather's real story?
Mary's decision to give up her baby to the Indian girl was a selfless, ...
Follow the River is the best survival book I've read., December 1, 1997 ....
an old Dutch settler who's been a captive of the Shawnee far longer than Mary. ...
Here's a person whose "genealogy" supposedly had the infant girl of Mary Draper Ingles in
their line... Fact or fiction?
There are so many accounts of what did and did not happen in the "capture" of Ingles,
that one cannot seperate fact from fiction.
Yet, Keely has a need to fit her into her lines?
Now, Thomas, the "captive" supposedly has a 1/2 Shawnee daughter, Rhoda:
and Thomas and UKN have an "unnamed infant"
Here's yet another account.
"A new History of Kentucky", Harisson & Klotter, there is a completely different account
of the entire story.  "Mary was adopted as a daughter of a chief" and gave birth to a baby
girl, but nothing is said about what happened to that baby girl.
(There are over 600 books on the subject (for sale)...)
The event took place in what is today PA, (was VA although accounts differ as to
where exactly as some say Vances' Fort (near Ohio River, where today historians say that
Fort was never attacked; others say Lancaster (Eastern PA).  Fact or Fiction?
You can't have it both ways. Either the "Shawnee killed" all of their captives,
as Keely says, due to food shortage, or they adopted "captives" into their tribe/Nation.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #64 on: July 21, 2009, 12:47:48 am »
Who is the Draper-Ingles female child Keely was talking about that is in her lines, or
is this another Blue Jacket/Swearingen myth?
If she is Shawnee-Chippewa and certain of her family/genealogy,
why is she looking for light skinned Ingles females in her lines?
Could it be that her associates question her "Indian" lineage because as they say,
"She looks a little Indian", or because they called the family she says she is part of...
and they don't know her as family? Her acquaintances say she is a genealogist,
in her mind.
Any genealogy queries she has posted must be taken with a bit of wonder, because she can
easily post and say, "It's not me I'm doing the research for, but my husband, the Salina
Sherriff's office, etc."
If she is so sure of her genealogy, why not post it?
And, as she says in the genealogy forums, pay for Walter Renz's MtDNA test since she offered.
That should clear things up for his mothers, mothers, mother.
Posted by: Keely Denning (ID *****5275)
I am not a Draper, I am not a Ingles, I am a Shawnee Indian woman who has been raised with the traditional stories of our people.
In May, 1959, my grandfather was speaking of our family, he was dying, my aunt handed my mother pen and paper to have her write down what he was saying. He told the story of Drapers Meadow, said it happened so long ago, no one really remembers when, that a white female infant was taken into our family, he mentioned the names of Sopronia, Nancy, and Oua-Qua-Tha but we do not know if he is speaking of that child. When children were born into our family, who were of lighter skin, he said they were a "thowback" to the white of long ago.
I do not know if DNA can be done due to the fact that the child was female, and my grandfather is obviously male. The X cromozone to the Y cromozone in the testing is complicated to understand.
I am not here to say I am of the Ingles child, I am here to say I am glad to see there are many descendants. And to share my family story with those who are interested.
There are 199 SQUIRREL names in
NOT just Cherokee, but England as well.
Sources Searched
Matches were found only in the sources listed below. Click on a source to see more matches for that source. 
• Ancestral File - over 25 
• Census/1880 US Census - over 25 
• Census/1881 British Census - over 25 
• Census/1881 Canadian Census - 19 
• IGI/British Isles - over 25 
• IGI/Central America - 4 
• IGI/North America - over 16 
• IGI/World Misc. - 10 
• Pedigree Resource File - over 25 
• U.S. Social Security Death Index - over 25 
Some of the actual images may be available for free at
(The Ancestral Files are "user submitted", which means anyone can type anything without
For example:
Husband's Name
 (Sololy) SQUIRREL (AFN:1T68-C2R)  Pedigree 
 Born:  Abt 1770  Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 Married:    Place:     
Wife's Name
 Elizabeth HALFBREED (AFN:1T68-C30)  Pedigree 
 Born:  Abt 1778  Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 Married:    Place:     
 Father:  HALFBREED WILL (AFN:1T68-HLR)  Family 
 Mother:  Gulesi (AFN:1T68-HM0)   
 1.  Sex  Name   
  F Tiana SQUIRREL (AFN:1T68-C7S)  Pedigree 
    Born:  1790/1800   Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 2.  Sex  Name   
  F Nannie SQUIRREL (AFN:1T68-C6L)  Pedigree 
    Born:  1790/1800   Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 3.  Sex  Name   
  M William SQUIRREL (AFN:1T68-C5D)  Pedigree 
    Born:  1790/1800   Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 4.  Sex  Name   
  M Joseph WALKER (AFN:1T68-C46)  Pedigree 
    Born:  1790/1800   Place:  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
Parents of Halfbreed Elizabeth:
Gulesi (AFN: 1T68-HM0)  Pedigree
 Sex:  F  Family 
 Birth:   Abt 1749   
  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America   
 Spouse:  HALFBREED WILL (AFN: 1T68-HLR)  Family 
 Marriage:  1767 
  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America 
 Marriage:  1767 
  Cherokee Nation, East, Native America 
(No further info) CHEROKEE EAST
There are NO SQUIRREL surnames in the 1880 U.S.Federal Census that are Cherokee.
Would need the pay for sites for the 1900 Indian Census and The Dawes Final Roll.
As far as Social Security Death Indexes; since you so loudly posted that you pay
taxes, etc. in your recent posts in genforum, then your real Father should be listed
in Kansas SSDI since you were "born and raised all of your life" in Kansas. But not
one of the SQUIRREL names is from Kansas. Oh, but you were/are enrolled on Cherokee Nation
Oklahoma. Then, one of the following might be your Father/Grandfather?:
    Birth Date: 11 Apr 1907 
    Death Date: Sep 1980 
    Social Security Number:  445-20-3895 
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Oklahoma
  Death Residence Localities
    ZIP Code: 74352 
    Localities:  Locust Grove, Mayes, Oklahoma
    Birth Date: 30 Jan 1901 
    Death Date: Feb 1975 
    Social Security Number:  443-24-5155 
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Oklahoma
  Death Residence Localities
    ZIP Code: 74960 
    Localities:  Stilwell, Adair, Oklahoma
    Birth Date: 13 Dec 1945 
    Death Date: 5 Jul 2006 
    Social Security Number:  442-46-1727 
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Oklahoma
  Death Residence Localities
    ZIP Code: 74150 
    Localities:  Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Joe? who died in California?
    Birth Date: 1 May 1926 
    Death Date: 12 Jul 2004 
    Social Security Number:  443-24-1930 
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Oklahoma
  Death Residence Localities
    ZIP Code: 74403 
    Localities:  Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma
(this one likely closer to your possible father's age; Keely you did the same thing with
Longtail, so don't cry "foul"!)
There are more, but not one born in Kansas.
As per SAM CHARLEY married to Betsy Panther Charley:
1900 U. S. Census Image shows:
Sam Charley as son living on the CREEK Nation, Oklahoma
0188 Township 7 N Range 8 E (that part in Creek Nation )
(These parties do not know what month they were were borne; Handwritten)
137 137 Little Charley Head of Household 50 b. I.T Parents born ALABAMA,  a LANDLORD, employed 5 months, can't read, write, speak English, Owns Home 
        Louisiana Charley (maiden name unknown) 50 b. I.T. Parents b. ALABAMA (married 28 years, mother had 8 children, 5 living in 1900)
        Dave, son
        Addie, dau
        Bruner, Willie, Son-in-law
        Sam, son Indian Male b. 1882 18
        Louisa, dau
        Lucinda, dau (all are In. (Indian)   
So this is your great-great-grandfather and your grandfather Sam who told the Draper-Ingles
story on his deathbed? The census image clearly states CREEK INDIAN, Keely, so which is it?
Should be able to find much more. Glad to help you out.
(Some dates and ages not typed.)
Can search images at http:://
Just type Charley.
1900 U.S.Census: Sam SQUIRREL
Sam Squirrel with Betsy____Unknown (Panther) Squirrel
Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation 0025 Twp. 22 N. Range 23 East
111 111 Squirrel, Sam Head In M Oct 1856 49 M 20 years(All born Indian Territory) employed 3 months Farmer (Owns) can speak Eng., Can't read write
           "    , Betsy Wife In F May 1854 43 M 20 years NO CHILDREN 0/0 (All born I.T.)
NO children? Then how are you related?

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #65 on: July 21, 2009, 01:09:15 am »
Am I logged on to NAFPS or Indianz.combatzone?? Why dont you take your trashing over ther and leave this forum to discuss frauds

I agree. Because Walter Renz is not a fraud!!

Well Nikki, the facts speak for themselves, and Walter is in enough trouble on his own. And if being in trouble with the US Indian Arts and Crafts Act is not enough to prove this group is fake, then I wont try to convince you otherwise.. There are plenty of people who do know this guy is a fraud, his group is a fraud.

Here is your own email to me Nikki, a email of which you state Walters claims do not add up, that he is on a "to be delt with" list (maybe that was just another one of your empty threats?) So Nikki, here it is again, your own email:

Sego, Keely;

   Yes some of us here in Canada met Renz 2 times, as result of contact he made with one of my aquaintenances.

   There are a lot questions that we have about him , as much of what he told us doesn't add up. Especially, when his own people , this Chaliawa Nation really don't support what he does. They want him to do the work for him , but have have not given him any support, financially or physically. He basically told us that his mother, his wife and himself are the ones that do all of the work. The whole time he was here his wife called him about every 5 minutes, which ran up a huge cell phone bill. Then she will also call others up here running up their cell phone bills trying to reach him. He also wrote a cheque for 172.00 that bounced and he has dsihonoured by not covering it, after making several promises to. He also used and mouched off of people's goodness when he was here, promising to return to help us take care of the mounds issue in Toronto. He made several promises and guarentees of return, failing to keep his word. One of our chiefs at Tyendinaga, let me and my aquaintence know that his name is on a "to be dealt with list", because of his lack of keeping his committment to our people, and stating he would be by Stewart Maracle's side to support him. He made a big mistake with Stewart to make such a committment, and then not follow through with it. He is in toruble with the men's councils up here because of this and other things.
There were also questions about his genealogy as certain things do not add up.
Any blanks you can help us fill would greatly be appreciated. Renz also has been warned, that because he did not show up at the Clanmother's meeting at Six Nations Grand Territory last wednesday, his name would be mudd up here. Since then there has been no contact with him, nor have we heard anything from him. Again suspicion that he isn't who has told us he is and that he has no intention in clearing matters up here or taking responsibilty for what he says are his ancestoral sites in Toronto.


Niiki from Tyendinga Mohawk Territory

All new Yahoo! Mail - Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane.

And Nikki.. generally I make a rule that private emails are just that, private, and this is the first time I have ever posted someone's private email to me, and I only post it due to your flip flopping around about this issue.

Here is another email you sent:

Sego, Keely;

Niawen gowa for the info on Renz. I have passed this onto Chief Stewart Maracle.
He will be glad to get this information.

I am attaching some pictures he emailed to us.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Now, for the sake of hating me, you wish to support a person who has done all of this to your people? It just does not add up.

 You are hereby to cease and desist posting private emails that you do not have prior permission to post. This issue will be taken to the next level unless you cease and desist immediately.


Niiki from Tyendianga Mohawk Territory

Oh Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, you have been posting other peoples private emails.. the post of which this whole thread was moved to this forum begins with a private email from Renz about a guy named Johnson. And then you went on to post a private email of mine... Now you want to complain about private emails being posted?

Should the rules apply to everyone else except you?

Walter Renz  « 1 2 3 4 5 »       Keely

Keely ;

And who started this thread to begin with? Who took the liberty to cut and paste from another thread about someone else and start it with this thread? Was it you or your alter-ego?
Since you seem not to take responsibility for anything you have stated, any accusations you have made. We are finding that many of your accusations on Renz are not bearing the truth that you promote with your OTAH! And it is aparent that you are a real nutcase as these are the comments that are being made by many by you. And talk about harassment, I have never contacted any of your relatives, as others have who know them and the word has been passed on, that they don't know who you are and they think you are crazy! It's apparent by your numerous attacks on those that oppose on every board that you are apart of. Including this one. I do believe that it was suggested you take your rants elsewhere , to the boards that you are currently, and leave this one to true frauds. This is not the place to attack people who are doing good for the people. As far as Walter Renz goes, whatever personal issues he has, that is between him and that individual and not the whole world. He has done nothing to bring harm to our Confederacy or to our people. He only came here to help, and he also came here not looking to start any casinos, as others have tried to do. He has no interest in that nor does his people. Everyone gets into a financial situation at one point in their life, and because he is, is no reason for you to beat him down nor anyone else. To be beat someone down, when they are down, is a violation of our Great Law. You have definately showed your true colours in this forum as well as many others, and you are showing yourself as not one of us!  People like yourself are termed apples!
And we are better off with people working with us , who are true-hearts and not apples. For the apples eventually become rotten, and ruins everything good for the future generations!
As far as him being on "a to be dealt with" list, instead of his being on that list, it is yours!
Your first warning!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 01:26:54 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #66 on: July 21, 2009, 01:11:02 am »
More to come on Keely's accusations against Walters people. She again is going to lose this battle!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 01:28:14 am by Niiki »

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2009, 01:27:19 am »

I am not afraid of you or your idle threats.. or empty threats, which ever...

You continue to try and post things and they have no bearing upon me.

You continue to confuse the issue, you are busing posting stuff, making claims I posted when in many cases I was answering a post... I dont know how much more you can be confused! LOL

My Squirrel family is not of the Eastern Cherokee, I dont know how much more you can be lost when looking to the Qualla for answers about me... I am not related to anyone there... so you wont find me in those records  ;)

I know for a fact no one is emailing you with information about little ole me... because Nikki, no one really cares...

You wont find my PANTHER family in the Cherokee information, its because they were not Cherokee, DUH... but there are plenty of Panthers! You just got yourself so lost that you have forgotten what your true target is and your grasping at straws.

I feel sorry for you Nikki, your like a rabid dog bitting at anything that comes by... it is as if your in a frenzy and so blind to what is in front of you. I am concerned for your health because you could have a high blood pressure problem, it seems something is not right in the way you are posting.

Oh, and before I forget, your little "threat" you made... you know, the one where I am supposed to be at the top of the list  ;) just who is going to carry out that threat Nikki? Cheif Stewart Marcale? Am I supposed to be afraid?  ;D ;D ;D

Again, I ask you, do you live at the Six Nations? Do you know your people? Are you involved within your tribe? You act as if you know the chief really well, do you?

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #68 on: July 21, 2009, 01:51:26 am »

I know for a fact no one is emailing you with information about little ole me... because Nikki, no one really cares...

That again is where you are wrong!! You don't know that for a fact. This quote alone shows how ridiculous you are. Do think that you are in touch with everyone in the world?? If so, than you are only fooling yourself.

Do you really think people care enough about this situation that they would be emailing you? Your email address is hidden... how can all these people suddenly be emailing you? Why would they want to?

You dont have any power with the Mohawk Nation, you are not even known by the Mohawk Nation. You dont know Chief Stewart Maracle as you had written me that you were in contact with him.. aint that true Nikki... you dont know him, you made that stuff up about him didnt you...

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #69 on: July 21, 2009, 02:13:35 am »

Remember this email you sent me?

----- Original Message -----
From: Hot Girl
To: Keely
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: Renz

Sego Keely;

    We always give people the benefit of the doubt first. It is our way to take people at their word until, they prove otherwise. Renz has proven otherwise, that his word is no good, therefore we are unable to believe anything he says. He is a liar, and is like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

He doesn't walk his talk! He is also a ripp off artist!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


That email is what this thread was supposed to be about... it was supposed to be about Walter Renz being a fraud and hurting people. You got angry with Al because Al agreed that there could be a problem when a law is broken with the Arts and Crafts Act, you said we were wrong, Walter was not hurting anyone... Yet, here is your email speaking of the rip-off cause by Walter. THIS is what this thread is supposed to be about... and I would not mind one bit if Al decided to delete ALL posts by you, by me, regarding issues not about Walter Renz.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2009, 02:14:15 am »
I guess you are more worried about your name being on a to be dealt list, the reason why you are so fevershly trying to find out who he is??

You keep this up, you will find out who he is!!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #71 on: July 21, 2009, 02:18:06 am »

Remember this email you sent me?

----- Original Message -----
From: Hot Girl
To: Keely
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: Renz

Sego Keely;

    We always give people the benefit of the doubt first. It is our way to take people at their word until, they prove otherwise. Renz has proven otherwise, that his word is no good, therefore we are unable to believe anything he says. He is a liar, and is like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

He doesn't walk his talk! He is also a ripp off artist!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


That email is what this thread was supposed to be about... it was supposed to be about Walter Renz being a fraud and hurting people. You got angry with Al because Al agreed that there could be a problem when a law is broken with the Arts and Crafts Act, you said we were wrong, Walter was not hurting anyone... Yet, here is your email speaking of the rip-off cause by Walter. THIS is what this thread is supposed to be about... and I would not mind one bit if Al decided to delete ALL posts by you, by me, regarding issues not about Walter Renz.

 You do not have my permission to use any of my emails here. Either cease and desist or further action will be taken against you!!

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #72 on: July 21, 2009, 02:20:01 am »
I guess you are more worried about your name being on a to be dealt list, the reason why you are so fevershly trying to find out who he is??

You keep this up, you will find out who he is!!

I am trying to watch Nancy Grace! Stop making me laugh! ROFLMRAO! Come on Nikki... send him after me LOL I am so scared.. NOT LOL dang I am gonna have to catch Nancy on a later show tonight... you are so intertaining!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #73 on: July 21, 2009, 02:21:16 am »

I know for a fact no one is emailing you with information about little ole me... because Nikki, no one really cares...

That again is where you are wrong!! You don't know that for a fact. This quote alone shows how ridiculous you are. Do think that you are in touch with everyone in the world?? If so, than you are only fooling yourself.

Do you really think people care enough about this situation that they would be emailing you? Your email address is hidden... how can all these people suddenly be emailing you? Why would they want to?

You dont have any power with the Mohawk Nation, you are not even known by the Mohawk Nation. You dont know Chief Stewart Maracle as you had written me that you were in contact with him.. aint that true Nikki... you dont know him, you made that stuff up about him didnt you...


 Wrong again!!

OK I cant keep this game up with you Nikki, I just wanted to see you say you knew Chief Stewart Maracle... time and time again you have said that, both here and in emails to me... darn near every email you sent me you wrote "Chief Stewart Maracle"... then a friendly person sent me something, something that went zing right over my head... and that person was RIGHT!!

There is NO ONE named "Chief Stewart Maracle" in the Mohawk Nation... so if you were so involved with your people as you claim, I would think you would know your Chief's name!

His name is Chief R. Donald Maracle

Box 98, 48B Bayshore Rd. Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON, K0K 1X0

Wow Nikki, I guess you really knew him really well... you couldnt even get his name right...

Wrong again R. Donald Maracle is a band council chief not a traditional chief who carries a title.

Therefore you really don't know as much as you thought about who our real chiefs are. Band Council chiefs are not considered real chiefs here. They are employees of the colonial government. And being you are a volunteer for the sheriffs department where you live, that also makes you part of the same colonial system.

Oh NO! Are you saying your tribe's website is LYING???? Oh for goodness sakes!!!!!!!!!  LOL Nikki.... it is on the website:

Band Council Chiefs are elected chiefs and are not traditional chiefs. Traditional Chiefs are not elected. They are raised up through up our nations, our clans, and receive their titles through the clanmothers. So I strongly suggest you stop this now!! Further action will be taken against you! As you have messed with the wrong people this time!

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #74 on: July 21, 2009, 02:23:41 am »

Remember this email you sent me?

----- Original Message -----
From: Hot Girl
To: Keely
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: Renz

Sego Keely;

    We always give people the benefit of the doubt first. It is our way to take people at their word until, they prove otherwise. Renz has proven otherwise, that his word is no good, therefore we are unable to believe anything he says. He is a liar, and is like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

He doesn't walk his talk! He is also a ripp off artist!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


That email is what this thread was supposed to be about... it was supposed to be about Walter Renz being a fraud and hurting people. You got angry with Al because Al agreed that there could be a problem when a law is broken with the Arts and Crafts Act, you said we were wrong, Walter was not hurting anyone... Yet, here is your email speaking of the rip-off cause by Walter. THIS is what this thread is supposed to be about... and I would not mind one bit if Al decided to delete ALL posts by you, by me, regarding issues not about Walter Renz.

 You do not have my permission to use any of my emails here. Either cease and desist or further action will be taken against you!!

hAHAHAHAHAHA Your kidding right? I addressed that issue with you earlier... You cant have it both ways. You have been posting other peoples emails without permission. Why shouldnt the same rules apply to you?

I did make you a offer, remove everyone elses emails and I will gladly remove yours... You didnt take me up on that offer I made hours ago... You dont like people seeing what you wrote about Walter in private do you? Dont like it a bit...

I am not afraid of any "action" you seem to think you can produce.

You have a nice night