Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 423507 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Niawen gowa Educated Indian for removing Ennisko:wa's personal attacks! She still has nothing to say of any legitimacy or credibility since her comments are based from non credible sources!


Niiiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 02:06:05 pm by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Quote from Reply #142
Maybe that's why you are throwing such a hissy fit over it, and trying to discredit me. Which by the way, I am Mohawk, Bear Clan, by my mother, so I do know who I am, what nation and clan I belong to. So nomore calling me a fraud when you don't even know what you are talking about. Since you continue to support a fraud, after the facts have been clearly stated, then maybe that's what you are. Are you looking in the mirror at yourself again?? Maybe you can answer our questions without throwing childish fits or maybe you aren't capable of that???


Niiki  Mohawk from Tyendinaga Terriritory

RESPONSE:  You are saying that I called YOU a fraud.  Not once did I state that in this forum!!  I did not ask you what nation or what clan you are from, I do not care!!  [Long series of personal insults removed]

NOTICE TO FORUM:  I will not be sending or posting any information proving Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is who he states he is and is not what has been written in here by most of you, mainly Niiki/Redwolf.  Any Proof that needs to be given will be forwarded to those of importance. As in our opinion, nothing has to be proven to him (he is of no importance to us and has nothing to say of any legitmacy or credibility) or most others in this forum, and do not deserve, or entitled to our research, time or efforts.  Eventually you will see the proof through other means, but not directly from me. 

« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 10:22:09 am by educatedindian »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Quote from Reply #142
Maybe that's why you are throwing such a hissy fit over it, and trying to discredit me. Which by the way, I am Mohawk, Bear Clan, by my mother, so I do know who I am, what nation and clan I belong to. So nomore calling me a fraud when you don't even know what you are talking about. Since you continue to support a fraud, after the facts have been clearly stated, then maybe that's what you are. Are you looking in the mirror at yourself again?? Maybe you can answer our questions without throwing childish fits or maybe you aren't capable of that???


Niiki  Mohawk from Tyendinaga Terriritory

RESPONSE:  You are saying that I called YOU a fraud.  Not once did I state that in this forum!!  I did not ask you what nation or what clan you are from, I do not care!!  In my opinion: you accuse everyone in this forum of doing exactly what you do over and over and over again.  It is beyond belief that the moderators chastise so many others and allow you to continue to write the things (even after you have been told) you do about and to the people in this forum, it is sickening.  In my opinion you are what everyone has said in here and as for continuously accusing others of "childish fits" and "hissy fits" YOU own that!  When you are old... hold your hatred tightly, no one else will be around.  When you are called to your maker, you will own what happens there, I know I won't be where you end up.

NOTICE TO FORUM:  I will not be sending or posting any information proving Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is who he states he is and is not what has been written in here by most of you, mainly Niiki/Redwolf.  Any Proof that needs to be given will be forwarded to those of importance. As in our opinion, nothing has to be proven to him (he is of no importance to us and has nothing to say of any legitmacy or credibility) or most others in this forum, and do not deserve, or entitled to our research, time or efforts.  Eventually you will see the proof through other means, but not directly from me. 

You are piece of work!! As Don has stated before it is very difficult to get through to people to such as yourself! You say that Tecumseh Brown Eagle is who he says he is???? We know have proof and have proven that he is not who says he is. He is carrying a name " Tecumseh" that he has no right to carry. He is not Shawnee, Cherokee, Erie, or NAI for that matter. As for sentencing me to the "land of the tormentors" along with others who stand for the truth and have supported our Chiefs and Clanmothers and will continue to do so, what I see is you are in violation of the Great Law of Peace. We don't need to see any other proof from a warped minded human being such as yourself. We know who he is and what he is not. As far as you indicating that I am the same person, as R., that you are wrong again. Just because someone supports someone who stands for the truth and supports our Chiefs and clanmothers, doesn't make him or her an evil person as you are indicating in your post. Maybe it's time for the moderators of this group to give you the boot out!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


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All of you need to quit insulting each other and stick to the facts.  The thread is about TBE and you need facts not personal opinions.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I think that is just what TBE wants to divide Indian people. He and his allies want to destroy Indian people, culture, traditions, even history. They have been totally discredited by scientists who have studied their mythology and debunked it. I have seen these groups and individuals try to infiltrate and subvert Indian groups in the states, then surface with their black supremacist rhetoric and diatribes. All you have to do is go to youtube and search "black Indians" and "critics" you can see just what these people believe.
I am sorry that those who feel it is necessary to defend TBE have stooped to personal insults, but it doesn't surprise me. When these people have nothing else they resort to insults. Nikki has presented the facts and truth to the group, I concur with her and her factual evidence of TBE fraud. The Six Nations and Tyendinaga peoples have expressed their feelings about TBE. If people in this group want to help expose TBE and his group they should repost what Nikki has posted here in all the Indian groups they belong to. The only way to stop a fraud is through exposure.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I think that is just what TBE wants to divide Indian people. He and his allies want to destroy Indian people, culture, traditions, even history. They have been totally discredited by scientists who have studied their mythology and debunked it. I have seen these groups and individuals try to infiltrate and subvert Indian groups in the states, then surface with their black supremacist rhetoric and diatribes. All you have to do is go to youtube and search "black Indians" and "critics" you can see just what these people believe.
I am sorry that those who feel it is necessary to defend TBE have stooped to personal insults, but it doesn't surprise me. When these people have nothing else they resort to insults. Nikki has presented the facts and truth to the group, I concur with her and her factual evidence of TBE fraud. The Six Nations and Tyendinaga peoples have expressed their feelings about TBE. If people in this group want to help expose TBE and his group they should repost what Nikki has posted here in all the Indian groups they belong to. The only way to stop a fraud is through exposure.

Niawen Gowa Don! You are so right. Unfortunately MS. Hopson is not of Good Mind, and now and even more the truth shall prevail!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


  • Guest
The best way to deal with people that try to disrupt is just deal with the fact of the issue.  The side-agendas are of no consequence to the issue.  They are merely a distraction.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Here something that was sent around by Mary Sutherland of the Burlington News: She herself continues to call TBE a Chief and has not listened to the facts about him. I definitely would not waiste $24.99 on listening to his garbage! She also continues to promote a fraud!





If you missed last year’s Burlington Vortex Conference here is your chance to listen to the great speakers we had there. 

Each DVD contains all the lectures of each speaker. 

15% discount extended to all those who attended the conference and another 5% discount to paid subscribers of BUFO Radio

Following is the list of DVDs available for purchase:

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle -

Bio - Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is Chief and Chairman of the Erie Indian Mound builders Tribal Nation - Advocate for human rights and minorities - Co-Chairman of over 29 tribes- A Master Mason of the 32nd Degree, Shriner and Past Master - A member of the Black Indians & Inter Tribal Native American Association  and member of the United American Métis society

DVD - 2 lectures - Speaking on the people of Ancient America, Masonic influence on society, Occult codes found in the English Language and their meanings.

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99

 Dr. Claude Swanson -

 Bio -Dr. Swanson is an MIT and Princeton educated physicist. He has worked as a conventional applied physicist for more than twenty years, and has conducted extensive research into the physics of the paranormal. This research has involved underwater archaeology in Biminis, scientific measurements in haunted houses, experiments in remote viewing and psycho kinesis, and testing of new devices which can measure these strange forces. He has also written a book, The Synchronized Universe-New Science of the Paranormal, describing the scientific revolution he believes is underway.

DVD - 2 lectures - Speaking on the science of the paranormal and the synchronized universe.

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99

Stanton Friedman -

Bio - Stanton T. Friedman received BSc and MSc degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aero jet General Nucleonic, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, classified, eventually cancelled, projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space.

Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic "Flying Saucers ARE Real!" at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 provinces, 16 other countries. He has published more than 80 UFO papers and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored "Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident." TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his explosive book about the Majestic 12 group established in 1947 to deal with crashed saucers, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. The 2nd edition with a new 5000-word afterword was published in September 2005 and is in its 2nd printing. Stan was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in September, 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. A documentary "Stanton T. Friedman IS Real" was broadcast in Canada in 2002.

He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of Ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, the Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work; analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case; crashed saucers, flying saucer technology and challenges to the S.E.T.I.

DVD -  3 lectures- Speaking on the government cover-up of UFOs, the science of UFOs, Time and Space Travel, the Cosmic Watergate

Running time 3 hours - Price $31.99

 Heidi Hollis -

 Bio - Heidi Hollis is the director and founder of the UFO and paranormal discussion group UFO2U (since Aug. 1998). Heidi possesses a Bachelor of Science degree that earned her national certification as an Occupational Therapist-Registered. She has written articles for various venues such as UFO Magazine (UK & US), Unknown Magazine, Austin Para Times, Paranormal News, The Mothership Chronicles, Pancake Perspectives and is now involved in screen writing. She was also a CO-star on the Discovery Channel program called X-OPS and has been featured on various television and radio programs worldwide including: Coast to Coast AM, The Lou Gentile Show, UFO Desk, The Night Before with Nick Margerrison, Night Search, Tim Shaw's Asylum (UK), Jeff Rense' Sightings, Speaking of Strange, Telemundo, Unknown Magazine Hour and participating in the Steven Spielberg/Sci Fi Channel series Taken/Abduction Diaries, TBS, Fox Wake Up News, and Discovery Channel's Mystery Hunters.

Heidi's book The Secret War: The Heavens Speak of the Battle is available worldwide and is a bestseller and winner of the Editor's Choice and People's Choice Award!  Her latest book is called Jesus Is No Joke: A True Story of an Unlikely Witness Who Saw Jesus has been receiving rave reviews from critics across the country! This book entails how Heidi became inspired to do what she has in her research into alien encounters and Shadow People. 

DVD - 2 lectures - Speaking on the War in the Heavens, Shadow Beings and her encounters with the higher beings...including Jesus Christ! 

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99

  Frank Joseph -

Bio - Frank Joseph is the editor in chief of Ancient American magazine and author of:

The Atlantis Encyclopedia by Frank Joseph and Brad Steiger

Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History And Legends, Unearthed And Explored by Frank Joseph and Zecharia Sitchin

Sacred Sites: A Guide to Sacred Centers and Mysterious Places in the United States and Canada

Sacred Sites: A Guidebook to Sacred Centers & Mysterious Places in the United States

Sacred Sites of the West: A Guide to Mystical Centers

Survivors Of Atlantis: Their Impact on the World

Synchronicity and You Understanding the Role of Meaningful Coincidence in Your Life

There Are No Coincidences: Synchronicity As the Modern-day Mystical Experience

Opening the Ark of the Covenant: The Secret Power of the Ancients, the Knights Templar Connection, And the Search for the Holy Grail by Frank Joseph and Laura Beaudoin

Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria;The Lost Civilizations in the Light of Modern Discoveries

The Lost Treasure of King Juba ; The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus

The Destruction of Atlantis ; Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization

Survivors of Atlantis ; Their Impact on World Culture

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria; The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture

Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake; Joseph takes you on a riveting underwater adventure as he shares his research on the pre-Columbian stone structures beneath the surface of Rock Lake. Was this mysterious sunken city related to nearby Aztalan, to the Aztecs, Atlantis? And what about Rocky, the lake monster, often seen by terrified boaters?

Atlantis in Wisconsin; Long before the Vikings landed on the North American continent, there was an ancient civilization in Wisconsin. Frank Joseph writes a compelling archaeological history about his lost Bronze Age culture found beneath the depths of Rock Lake -- a culture which the evidence suggests had a lively copper trade with the lost continent of Atlantis

DVD - 2 lectures - Speaking on the people of Ancient America, the underwater pyramids of Rock Lake and his search for Atlantis and the Ark of the Covenant in North America.

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99

Peter Moon -

Bio - Author of:

The Spandau Mystery

Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal

Montauk Book of the Dead

The Brookhaven Connection co-authored with Wade Gordon

The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity

Montauk: The Alien Connection by Stewart Swerdlow and edited by Peter Moon

Ong's Hat: The Beginning co-authored with Joseph Matheny

Black Sun: Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan Connection co-authored with Preston B. Nichols

Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs co-authored with Preston B Nichols

Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness co-authored with P. Nichols

Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity co-authored with Preston B Nichols

The Montauk Project: Experiment in Time co-authored with Preston B Nichols

DVD - 2 lecturers  - Speaking on government cover-ups, the Montauk Projects, Mormon influence on North American history, Ancient pyramid builders of North America and their connection to Wisconsin.

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99 

 Bonnie Meyer -

 Bio - Bonnie Meyer a ‘contactee’ from Neenah, Wisconsin and author of the books Alien Contact: The messages they bring and Unholy Alliance: A Global Deception

DVD - 2 lectures - Speaking on her encounters with alien beings, alien abductees and UFOs

Running Time 2 hours - Price $24.99

Don Schmitt -

Bio- Don Schmitt is the former Director of Special Investigations and Co-Director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies [CUFOS].

He was consultant on the critically acclaimed movie, Roswell [Viacom, 1994], which was based on his first book, UFO Crash at Roswell [Avon, 1991)

Possessing a Bachelors degree from Concordia University and currently taking graduate courses in Criminal Justice at St. John’s University, Don has vowed to continue a proactive Roswell investigation until the ultimate truth behind Roswell is learned.  Don can be seen in a number of featured documentaries about the "Roswell Incident" that air on a regular basis on The Sci Fi Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, The History Channel, The Travel Channel and The National Geographic Channel.

DVD - 3 lectures - Speaking on the government cover-up of UFOs, The Roswell UFO Crash and Deathbed confessions of witnesses to the Roswell UFO crash, recovery and cover-ups.

Running Time 4 hours - Price $31.99

Sherry Strub -

Bio - Sherry Strub , author of Ghosts of Madison Wisconsin and Milwaukee Ghosts. Sherry is a paranormal researcher from Wisconsin and has been doing an amazing job at putting Wisconsin on the map as a 'paranormal state'.

DVD - 1 lecture - Speaking on Wisconsin Paranormal, haunting and ghostly encounters

Running Time 1 hour - Price $19.99

Jerry Smith -

Bio - Jerry E. Smith is author of:

HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy.

Weather Warfare: The Military's Plan To Draft Mother Nature.

Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History & Legend.

With three mass market non-fiction books under his belt and successful speaking engagements from Brisbane to The Bahamas, Jerry E. Smith is an “overnight sensation” that has been more than three decades in the making. His career as a writer, researcher, activist, editor and lecturer began with the first professional sale of his writing back in 1969.

In 1991 Jerry E. Smith and Jim Keith, author of Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order and numerous other conspiracy and mind control books, founded the National UFO Museum (NUFOM) in Reno, Nevada. From 1991 to 1994 Smith was the Executive Director of NUFOM, while Mr. Keith acted as the Chairman of the Board. In addition to his administrative duties of running the day-to-day operations of NUFOM, Smith also edited and wrote for that organization's quarterly journal, Notes from the Hangar.

At the same time Jerry E. Smith worked as an editor/graphic artist with Jim Keith's magazine Dharma Combat: The Magazine of Spirituality, Reality and Other Conspiracies, until Jim's untimely death in 1999. Jerry served variously as Managing Editor and Art Director from Dharma Combat's inception in 1988. He was also a regular contributor under the penname of jarod o'danu.

Mr. Smith's life-long political and environmental activism and research has resulted in the publication of scores of news stories, opinion pieces and book and movie reviews for local and regional magazines and newspapers throughout the western states. Mr. Smith's work has also appeared in such national publications as Fate Magazine and Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader.

DVD - 3 lectures - Speaking on Weather Warfare, secret government Black Op projects and the Secrets of the Holy Lance - the Spear of Destiny

Running Time 3 hours - Price $31.99

To Purchase, simply drop us a line at:

Tell us what DVDs you wish to purchase and we will get back to you immediately.

You can purchase via Pay Pal, check, money order or credit card


Mary Sutherland

532 N. Pine Street

Burlington, WI 53105

(262) 767 1116

Check out our store at


Mary Sutherland

532 N. Pine Street

Burlington, WI 53105

(262) 767 1116

Check out our store at

« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 03:55:50 am by Niiki »


  • Guest
You always have a certain number of people attracted to these theories of UFO's alien abductions, paranornal activity, Atlantis, and lost pyramids.  And selling DVD is commerical, so maybe the conference didn't do that well. 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Or maybe she is giving her fraud friend a cut from what dvd's she sells of his talk.


« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 03:56:44 am by Niiki »


  • Guest
I would guess she gets a cut % wise.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Vrooman Road bridge replacement plan has some neighbors angry about truck traffic
Posted by Karen Farkas/Plain Dealer Reporter March 01, 2009 07:00AM
Categories: Real Time News
Thomas Ondrey/The Plain DealerThe Vrooman Road bridge over the Grand River is scheduled for replacement in 2012.

LEROY TOWNSHIP -- Plans to replace the oft-flooded Vrooman Road bridge with a $23 million high-level span over the Grand River valley have as many twists as the steep hairpin road.

Irate residents. American Indian burial grounds. Ecological issues, since the Grand River is a state scenic river. And ongoing questions as to why a freeway interchange was even built there in the first place.

After 40 years of debate about what to do, a new bridge is expected to be built in 2012, said Bruce Landeg, chief deputy engineer in Lake County.

"Our mission is to design roads and bridges safe for the public, and this is one that floods and is unsafe for traffic," he said. "We are at odds with those residents, but we feel we are doing the right thing."

View Larger Map

Vrooman Road's two lanes narrow as it heads north from its Interstate 90 interchange. The road descends into the valley, goes over the Grand River, then climbs a ravine to Ohio 84. It will be replaced by a 1,900-foot-long bridge 80 feet above the river.

Planning is under way to determine where the bridge will end in Perry Township -- at Madison Avenue or Lane Road, Landeg said. But bridge piers will not affect the area by the river, and the north end of the bridge will be elevated over any areas that may have American Indian remains.

Vrooman Road resident Debra Daiello, who lives south of the river, said she and her neighbors do not think a new bridge is needed and will fight until the first shovel of dirt is turned. They have a Web site and signs in their front yards opposing the project.

"We are not going to just roll over and say, 'Do what you want,' " she said.

They don't want hundreds of trucks a day traveling through their neighborhood, and a high-level bridge might desecrate documented American Indian burial grounds, they said. The county should leave their road alone, they say, and build a new road and bridge to the east, through a right of way on Lake Metroparks land used for high-voltage power lines.

Landeg said that is not an option.

"For us to build a new road through park land is far more expensive and invasive to the wetlands and environment," he said.

He said residents have known since the early 1960s, after the I-90 interchange was built, that trucks should be able to use Vrooman to travel north to Lake County businesses, although he has no idea why the interchange was built.

"It is virtually unheard of to have a county road off an interstate," said Landeg.

Daiello said it is believed a politician involved in the freeway construction demanded an exit at Vrooman Road instead of Ohio 86, several miles west, because his parents lived on Vrooman.

Development has bypassed the interchange, where the only business is a gas station. Trucks exit I-90 at Ohio 44 or Ohio 528 to go north because they cannot navigate Vrooman's steep grades and curves. The narrow bridge over the river, built in 1952, has a load limit of 16 tons.
Chuck Crow/Plain Dealer fileSpring floods closed the Vrooman Road bridge in 2007.
The river floods the road near the bridge about 30 days a year. But the bridge did survive the devastating flood on July 28, 2006, that destroyed two Lake County bridges over streams that feed into the Grand River.

Those who live in the 18 homes on Vrooman Road relish their rural lifestyle. The road is bordered to the east by land owned by the park district.

In 1968, local and county officials proposed joining Ohio 2 where it ends at U.S. 20 in Perry Township to I-90 via Vrooman Road, but the idea never went forward. They then focused on replacing the bridge. Plans that were developed in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s never proceeded because of reasons that included lack of money, disputes over how high the bridge should be and concerns that the north end of the proposed bridge would disturb the burial grounds and mounds.

"Today's Vrooman Road bridge project is the feasible heir," Landeg said of the project, which will be financed primarily with federal money. "Given this history, the residents along Vrooman Road knew about this or should have known about these improvements for a very, very long time."

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, chairman of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, whose ancestors lived along the Grand River, said he has met with county engineers and residents.

"We sympathize with the residents but are pro-development," he said. However, he said the bridge should avoid any gravesites near Ohio 84 and Lane Road. Engineers should study using the right of way under the power lines, although that route could include undiscovered burial sites in the Lake Metroparks property, he said.

"They should explore all opportunities," Brown-Eagle said.

Leroy Township Trustee Linda Burhenne said a new bridge is badly needed.

"I absolutely feel for the folks who live up there because it will change the quality of their lives if it goes through as planned," she said. "But realistically, between I-90 and Ohio 84 it is a pretty major route. If you do it, you have to do it right.

"The reality is it is not our bridge and not our road."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 12:23:53 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Brown Eagle Construction, LLC
Contact: Tecumseh Brown Eagle
1501 N. Marginal Road, Suite 194
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: 2162985116

General contractor specializing in masonry, concrete, pre-engineered building systems, and commercial construction management.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
You tube : TBE and related youtube links
Oct. 24 Erie Indian Moundbuilders on Casino 1
Oct. 24 Erie Indian Moundbuilders on Casino 2
Oct. 24 Erie Indian Moundbuilders on Casino 3
Black Indian myth exposed #2- More of the Otah of what Tecumseh Brown Eagle Promotes
Black Indian-Myth Exposed # 1-fact or fiction- This is the Otah that Tecumseh Brown Eagle Promotes
For Afrocentrics claiming Olmecs-Proof that African Americans are not Olmecs
DNA PROVES Blacks africans are NOT native americans !! and proves Tecumseh Brown Eagle Wrong
DNA PROVES Blacks africans are NOT native americans!! pt2 and proves Tecumseh Brown Eagle Wrong
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 12:31:33 am by Niiki »

Offline educatedindian

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NOTICE TO FORUM:  I will not be sending or posting any information proving Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is who he states he is and is not what has been written in here by most of you, mainly Niiki/Redwolf.  Any Proof that needs to be given will be forwarded to those of importance. As in our opinion, nothing has to be proven to him (he is of no importance to us and has nothing to say of any legitmacy or credibility) or most others in this forum, and do not deserve, or entitled to our research, time or efforts.  Eventually you will see the proof through other means, but not directly from me. 

I'm not sure whether she's trying to insult me or not, or the entire forum, or just most of the forum. In any case, the ones she and Johnson should be trying so hard to prove everything to are the Six Nations, esp the actual Erie descendants.

Hopson went thru a lot of very elaborate promises she would send the supposed definitive proof she claims there is backing Johnson's claims. She's promised repeatedly in this thread. She sent a series of IMs to all the mods, repeatedly getting our assurances we would keep confidential any personal information in what was sent.

So far nothing, and that's after the last promise to send it all almost a week ago. Of course she is welcome at any time to prove me wrong, as is Johnson himself, or any of the EMB members or supporters.

I just received this email forwarded to me from a member of the Masons, regarding his opinion of Johnson's claim of being a member.


Concerning this man's association with the Masonic Order. My opinion as a Master Mason of [many] years is that it is highly doubtful that he is a member of a Lodge in good standing.

Reasons: Two. His actions. Any inappropriate attention to the order is frowned on and would result in Masonic discipline.

He is Black or so I think I picked up. While not inherently racist, most Blacks are members of the Prince Hall Order of Masons and are considered clandestine or counterfeit.

Explanation: Each state has a Grand Lodge from which all others are chartered. The Prince Hall lodge was started during the Revolutionary war by British troops with thirteen men of color to confound the war effort. Since it was started without the consent of the Grand Lodge of Mass. it is held to clandestine and therefore invalid.

...I feel confident that if he was ever a Mason he is not now. Some good Native American Mason would have filed charges by now...