Author Topic: Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?  (Read 4468 times)

Offline Rattlebone

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Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?
« on: July 07, 2008, 10:35:17 pm »

 One thing I noticed about nuage people is not only do they mix up traditions, and even then only take ones that are to their likening, but they also think sometimes think Natives were all about love, and being at one with the universe.

 This is of course is the exact opposite of the racist and Eurocentric people thinking we were all brutal blood thirsty savages.

  Over on the world of myspace I am well known for making fun of, and flaming twinkies. I am sure that in the world of twinkies over in myspace I am high up on the list of the most hated lol.

 Well this one day I ventured into a myspace group that was ran by, and filled with twinkies. At the time I was feeling somewhat mischievous, and so I started to poke at them, and over all just pissing them off.

 It was at this time that one said that I was "disrupting their Native serenity." The ironic thing about that statement was it made by somebody claiming to be from a Nation that my own was traditionally enemies with. That's when I let them know this fact and let them know that had it been back in the days of old I might have done more to them then just "disrupt their native serenity," and whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

 Even of course off the net, and  in the real world we all see and hear them speak like that. I just wonder what makes them think that some how we all sat around trying to be one with the universe, and all that other crap they talk about.

 I think some of these people that do come around us to learn native ways are setting themselves for a big fall. They think they can find something in us that is missing in their lives. They don't realize that we are normal people just like them. There is nothing special about us or our ways that is going to magically change their lives for them. Chances are if their own ways failed them in their lives, then our ways sure the heck won't fix anything for them either. Often times I think the problem they have, and the solution they need to fix it is within themselves, and only they themselves can fix that.

  The non Native world seems to be sharply divided sometimes with two types of people. Those that think we were savages, and those who think we were pre-Columbian hippies.

people at work always tell me how they wish they were Native cause "they just love our ways." I have learned to just smile at them, and go on my way and say nothing about it to them.

I think all of them need to learn we are just people, and people just like them.

That's just some of my thoughts for the day.


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Re: Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 03:05:45 am »
Someone actually used a term like "native serenity"?  That's almost too funny.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 12:59:11 pm »
- funny and sick at the same time but that's what you get when you are raised up on santa claus, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy

Offline earthw7

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Re: Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 04:32:24 pm »
On the rez here we have grandmas who can cut down to nothing if you cross them.
Did anyone tells these people we are warriors
In Spirit

Offline 40 Rabbits

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Re: Why do they think life was all fluffy and nice?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 05:45:42 pm »
..hehehe...i went to a show sunday featuring several n8v acts including vaughn eaglebear...he said an old toothless pink woman recently approached him at a show and asked him where he got his name...he said, "like everybody else...from my dad"...she wanted an "ndn" name too, so he named her "Gummy Bear"...

...i like to do that, too...ppl who come up to me and want to know what my "ndn" name is...i make shit up..."Breaks the wind", "Submissive Urinator"...2 that come to mind :)