Author Topic: Tsisqua  (Read 82584 times)

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Tsisqua and Moma porcupine
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2008, 07:03:57 pm »
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 05:08:46 am by wolfhawaii »

Offline Moma_porcupine

  • Posts: 681
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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2008, 04:01:59 am »
I must be crazy, but it seems this information will continue to bug me until I post it ...

On June 26 2008 Tsisqua edited her intitial introduction, and then she edited it again on June 29 2008.

In her intitial introduction she gave the first names and tribal affiliations of the NAU board members

Our board members are as follows:

Myself       (Keetoowah Band of Tsalagi)
EAZ           (Warm Springs...also my fiance)
Matty        (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Blade        (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Skylar       (San Carlos Apache/ cousin...all of the above three names are brothers)
Da'Quah   (Mohawk)
Juan          (Pawnee)
Alfie           (Quinault/White)
Lucas        (Quinault)
Jared         (Flathead/Blackfoot)
Consoni     (White Mountain Apache)
Clint          (Onieda/Mohawk/White)
Marcus      (Haidian)

I have the page saved, and could provide screen shots of the original page if people wanted to see this. Adm. also got sent links to the original when it existed as a cached page after this was edited.

It now reads;

Myself       (Keetoowah Band of Tsalagi)
Blade        (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Skylar       (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Da'Quah   (Mohawk)
Juan          (Pawnee)
Alfie           (Quinault/White)
Lucas        (Quinault)
Jared         (Flathead/Blackfoot)
Consoni     (White Mountain Apache)
Clint          (Onieda/Mohawk/White)
Marcus      (Haidian)

(edited to remove two board members who are currently being replaced 06/26/08)

In a number of places , Blade and Skylar use the surname Yazzie. Here in the NAFPS thread about an internet group called  "Tribal America", is some quotes posted by Tsisqua from someone she identifies as her cousin called Blade Yazzie , and his brother Skylar.;all

 Re: Tribal America
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008,
posted by Tsisqua
#7934 Re: TA Pool .....[edit]..... And now I find my brother Skylar has 2 been banned from entering the site 4 speaking his mind ....[edit ...]After all Tsissy did here, Pappy has made no apology, nothing. Chief? I see no Chief. Blade Yazzie. (2007-12-08 16:19:34.450114)

So Bade and Skylar, who are stated to be San Carlos Apache/Cherokee appear to be surnamed Yazzie. Yazzie is a Dine name, though I suppose if an Apache or Cherokee family had a patrilineal line that went back to a Dine ancestor it's possible this surname might be carried by an Apache or Cherokee family.

If Matty is the brother of Blade and Skylar as was stated by Tsisqua in her introduction , it would make sense to guess his name would be Matty Yazzie, but doing a google search on this name comes up with nothing.

However there is a Matty J. Yellowboy mentioned in in numourous places as someone with some authority in NAU and it appears this is Matty's full name.
posted by Tsisqua
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:34:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Native_American_ Unity" <>
[.edit ..]
With Respect,
Matty J Yellowboy
NAU ~ Native American Unity

 Re: Tribal America
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008,
am a member here, also on the yahoo group of NAFPS, American Indian Injustice, and a few of course my own site....she was directed to me yesterday for the first time via my cousin Matty who maintains a page on RNS to keep watch on certain well known fakes there,  he was being rudely questioned by her on our NAU links to Beaderman

Yellowboy seems to be a Lakota or Dakota name ... I suppose it's possible that an Apache or Cherokee family which had a patrilineal line going back to a Lakota ancestor might also have this surname.

This could be interpreted in a number of ways.

1. Maybe these brothers really are surnamed Yazzie and Yellowboy but they have different Dads. If this is true it would also mean that even though Matty J. Yellowboy has a different father with a Lakota surnname he somehow ended up inheriting the same San Carlos Apache/Cherokee bloodline as his brothers who's Dad was surnamed Yazzie.

2. Or, Maybe the names Yazzie and Yellowboy are not the real surnames of these 3 cousins and their relative , and they are just internet handles. If this is true , it would also mean that they all decided to use a seemingly real Native family name along with first names and middle initials as an internet ID rather than an obvious alias. This seems to be somewhat deceptive.

Blade and Skylar and Matty would be the relatives of the Mark Coyote Yazzie , who's death is reported and discussed in the link below.

This content is the property of the and is freely posted by members after logging in. Any duplication or distribution without our consent is strictly forbidden per federal and state regulations and is prosecutable under law.

(I am reproducing this for purposes of eduction and research . I have deleted everything which isn't directly relevent to establishing that this person is alleged to have been a family member of Tsisqua's ) 

Mark Coyote Yazzie - Mark Coyote Yazzie aka 'CoyoteShadow' passed away in the early hours of Monday morning at 4:26am>

Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I too am sad for the loss of Mark Coyote Yazzie. I understand he was defending a burial site from being desecrated and was fatally beaten in the process. My prayers are with all of those who grieve for him as I also pray that those who perpetrated these heinous acts will be brought to justice. Mi Takuye Oyacin (2007-12-15 19:12:41.672261)
Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Thank You to all who have keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I apprieciate all of you. My heart Tsissy said, let us not allow Marks work to have been in vein.Lonefeather. (2007-12-07 09:57:26.039149)

Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I appreciate all the prayers and words...please....let us not allow Marks work to have been in vain...I urge you to support our native rights, to unite and join forces against the desecration of our sacred make the voice of our people a united voice...a powerful voice...only together can we be heard...Tsisqua (2007-12-05 10:17:28.098041)

I haven't been able to find any news coverage of this or the investigation.

I guess people can interpret that however they do ...

The next think that makes me wonder is there is a NAU board member called Juan Wildcat-Hall

He is listed here by his full name as a member of NAU;

Blade Yazzie also had a myspace page and 5 friends, and one of them was Juan Wildcat~Hall , but I see this has now been removed. I could provide a screen shot of the page .
Blade Yazzie has 5 friends.
NAU ® Native American Unity
Juan Wildcat~Hall

Eric Wildcat-Hall has signed a couple of Tsisqua's petitions . Eric Wildcat-Hall is a real person who is in prison .

I can think of a few ways this could be interpreted

1.Maybe Juan Wildcat-Hall is a relative of the Native man who is in prison named Eric Wildcat Hall .

2. Or maybe Juan perfers using a real Native persons family name instead of an obvious internet alias . If this is what is going on it seems deceptive and even borders on identity theft.
The names on the petitions that Tsisqua starts are interesting as they give the impression of some family relationships.

I have edited most of the names out of this and I'm just leaving the ones I want to comment on. The others may be relevent and i haven't researched each of them . My comments are in italics .

Tsisqua was very involved in the internet group Tribal America which sponsered this petition and being as Tsisqua is the first name on this petition it seems fair to conclude she is the one who started it

Petition sponsor
Please visit with us at Native American online community promoting Unity of Native Peoples!
 #    Name   
1 Tsisqua   
(owner of NAU ) 
2 Eli S. Smith   
( claimed to be Tsisqua's fiance)

3Tina Lonefeather   
( An NAU member and administrator )

5 Jared Yellowboy   

This looks like Matty J Yellowboy has a relative ... As Jared is an unusual name, it seems quite a coincidence to have a Jared named as a NAU board member in Tsisqua's introduction and a different Jared signing one of Tsisqua's petitions . The problem is, Matty J Yellowboy is said to be Apache/ Cherokee in Tsisqua's introduction. The NAU member Jared is said to be Flathead/Blackfoot in Tsisqua's introduction. So apparently there is 2 different Jareds associated with Tsisqua.

 11Dancing Elk (edited comment ...)   Dancing Elk Notoweega, Alleghenny Lenape Multi Tribal Red Chief

( Alleghenny Lenape Multi Tribal Red Chief ? Is there such a thing ? Are the Notoweega a part of the Allegenny Lenape ? Does any legitimate group in OH have a Chief called Dancing Elk ? )

21 Kachina Dawisgala   
( You will see another petiton mentioned below was written by Tsisqua Dawisgala, and another petiton below is signed by Kachina Toulou. I guess this is either a strange coincidence or someone associated with Tsisqua likes using the name Kachina in combination with names they saw on other petitions )

22 Blade A Yazzie   
(Said to be Tsisqua's Cherokee/Apache cousin  )

29 Coyote Benidict Jr   This is just messed up beyond belief. WTF is up with these people? Tsissy call me, let me know what else can be done.

(Apparently this person is a friend of Tsisqua in real life , if she knows how to call them. Coincidentally Coyote is also the middle name of Mark Yazzie . )

30    Hector Moya   ( another person surnamed Moya is mentioned in a different petition below )

31    CLINT SOOSAY   I spent too long in the iron house due to people like this digging up sacred lands and i will do so again tsisqua don't you ever dare give in what you are doing our people need more people like you

There is a real person with this name who is in prison .

Clint SooSay # 08038-046
USP 2, K-Unit
PO Box 1034
Coleman, FL 33521

Age/Birthday: Birthday 4-13-1984
Race/Tribe: Chippewa-Cree
Physical Description: 5'10" 180 Lbs, black hair brown eyes
Release Date: 2014

Coincidentally NAU has a board member called Clint , except it can't be the same person because the NAU member with this name is said to be (Onieda/Mohawk/White)

35 Melvin Yazzie   
 There is a real Melvin Yazzie in prison . Like most people surmed Yazzie he is Dine - not Apache or Cherokee as Tsisqua's Yazzie cousins are claimed to be. See below
Number   140873
Birth Date   
Address   ASPC Lewis - Buckley Red Yard
P O Box 3400
Buckey, AZ 85326
Nation/Tribe   Dine

Coincidentally the next person who signed this is also in prison. Maybe Tsisqua is just entering names and comments from prisoners she coresponds with ?
36 Eric Wildcat Hall
Eric Wildcat Hall, #BL-5355, Unit 1/A, 10745 Route 18, Albion, PA 16475-0002, USA
Serving 35-75 years for helping ship arms to Central American indigenous activists.]

Here is another petition asking that Eric be allowed to access what is necessary to practice his religion . This petition was not put together by Tsisqua.
To:  support the religious rights of incarcerated First Nations People

WE THE UNDERSIGNED call upon Pennsylvania's Governor Thomas Ridge to intercede on the behalf of Eric Wildcat Hall and James Locklear Brooks, prisoners at the State Correctional Institution at Albion, PA., and issue an executive order to Martin F. Horm, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections, to allow Eric Wildcat Hall and James Locklear Brooks to have access to Medicine Bundles,.........

I went over the names in this petition. There is one person near the end that signs "Yellowboy" but except for that there is no sign of Tsisqua or any of her associates.

So ... I guess there is a few ways to interpret this ;

1. Maybe the real Eric Wildcat-Hall  arranged to have computer access to sign Tsisqua's petition protesting the excavation of this burial ground ... and another petition the sale of scalps on ebay ( below )

2. Maybe Eric gave his permission to someone associated with Tsisqua to sign this petition using his name

3 Maybe Eric Wildcat-Hall somehow manages to arrange to sign petitions started by Tsisqua who is friends of his relative Juan Wildcat-Hall, but for some reason Juan Wildcat-Hall and other NAU members who have easy access to computers and who have even started their own petition on the need for religious freedom in the iron lodge don't sign the petition to support Eric.

4 Maybe NAU members didn't sign the petition to support Eric because real Native people are involved in that issue and if these people aren't really related to them, they might start asking questions about who these people using the surnames Yazzie and Wildcat-Hall are. 

5.Maybe Tsisqua or someone associated with NAU and Tsisqua is using imprisoned American Indian's names instead of obvious internet AKA's to make their on line make believe role playing seem more real .

Coming back to the names on this petition

44    Patsy Floyd   OUr group has lost a very dear man because he tried to stop grave diggers and they attacked him with picks and shovels. This must stop, this discretion of our ancestors.
45    Patsy Floyd   OUr group has lost a very dear man because he tried to stop grave diggers and they attacked him with picks and shovels. This must stop, this discretion of our ancestors.

( I am told Patsy Floyd is real person who participates on a lot of mailing lists )

47Tina Lonefeather Someone that I loved, that we all loved has been killed for these very same reasons. For standing up for the truth, for what is right, for his people. He and many others are the honorable ones...not you. Ryan Weller, where is your grandmother buried you fucking coward. Justice will be ours...

51    Blade Yazzie   
( said to be Tsisqua's cousin and relative of Mark Coyote Yazzie )

(65 signitures in total)

Here is another petition created by Tsisqua which appears to have been signed by Eric Wildcat-Hall  ( I've edited the comments and names i don't see as relevant )

7    Tsisqua   

14    Skylar Yazzie   

15    Blade A Yazzie   

16    Kachina Toulou   
( The burial grounds rights petition above written by Tsisqua is signed by a Kachina Dawisgala - Dawisgala is a name Tsisqua sometimes uses. The inmate petiton , below was written by  Tsisqua Dawisgala )

18    Jared Barehand   I am of the Sioux Nation.

( Wow Jared is an unusual name and here is another one !  What a coincidence ! Three people named jared associated with Tsisqua ! )

Eli S. Smith   
(said to be Tsisqua's fiancee' )

31    Coyote E. Wildcat   I

(Another person who's name is Coyote and WildCat. Both these names are unusual . What a coincidence that Tsisqua knows so many different people with the same names !)

Ash Moya Jr   They are also trying to sell burial moccasins from the graves of infants on ebay, bones, and other items of disrespect. They can not use the excuse that ebay is so large that they find it too difficult to keep track of what goes on there. It is EBAYS responsibility to keep track. They are permitting these people an open field. The worse thing I see on ebay are OUR OWN PEOPLE selling items that are sacred, burial items etc etc. Ignorance breeds hatred. Tsisqua I have worked with you for many years, and I hope to work with you for many more years to come in your plight to educate and unite the people and in your fight for justice. You are an inspiration to me and others. We have to put a stop to this! By any means possible. I stand beside you! Beside all our brothers and sisters!
(All I can find doing a Google search is a cigar called Ash Moya... Wonder if they are related to the Hector Moya who signed the petiton above ...)

39    Johanna Dillion Yazzie    (I couldn't find anything else for Johanna Dillion Yazzie but there does seem to be a Johanna Yazzie who went to high school at Window Rock AZ)

55    J Yellowboy   
( looks like another relative of the Yellowboy family or Jared Yellowboy again )

56    Eric Wildcat Hall   
( Did Eric Wildcat - Hall sign this petiton or did someone sign this petiton using Eric's name and idenitity ? If someone signed this petition using Eric's name , did they first get Eric's permission ?)

70    Joe Bear Warrior Gonzales   I find this selling of Native American sacred objects and Native American body parts highly offensive. Please do your part in seeing that this travesty and racism is stopped. Bear Warrior
( This person calls himself one of the Cheifs of a group of people claiming distant Cherokee descent and the right to a Native political identity. He is also a NAU member )

Here is another petition created by Tsisqua

The Spirituality Rights For Our Brothers And Sisters In The Iron House Petition to US Congres/US Prison Officials was created by Native American Unity NAU and written by Tsisqua Dawisgala ( This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.
I did a google search on "Dawisgala" and it seems to be a Cherokee word meaning "flint".  Below are the people who signed the petion starting with the last person to sign. I've edited some of the comments to shorten this .

18.   udokoga Hall I am tsalagi {Cherokee.} ( edit )

( What a coincidence ! Here is the surname Hall again, which gives the impression this person and Juan Wildcat-Hall are related but Juan is said to be Pawnee and this person claims to be Cherokee )

14.   Nate Yazzie    
( looks like a relation of the Yazzie cousins )

9.   Blade Yazzie    
( said to be one of Tsisqua's Yazzie cousins )

8.   Joe Bear Warrior Gonzales    

( So called Chief of the United Peoples Cherokee Nation. I find it interesting that he is one of the few people on this petiton . I see he is a member of NAU and his name on these 2 petitions suggests he has been communicationg with NAU members for a while . I also noticed a lot of NAU's goals sound similar to the UPCN - and both groups sem to have questionable ways of defining who is and is not an Ndn. )
4.   Matty J Yellowboy    

(said to be Tsisqua's cousin and brother to at least 2 of the men surnamed Yazzie )

1.Tsisqua I work with many of our native brothers and sisters within the Iron Forts, it is high time changes were made, and time our people stood together to make these changes

So , I guess there is several ways this all could be interpreted.

1. Maybe these are peoples real names, but if this is the case there seems to be some family relationships and tribal affiliations which don't seem to fit together . There also seems to be no evidence any of these people have any connection with the real world. These names only come up in association with a few internet groups .

2.Maybe I just don't understand how internet petitions work , but it seems to me that when people sign a petition using an internet alias this would not be counted as a real signiture , as if people don't use their real names it could be one or 2 people using different names to sign the same petition over and over and over .

Which makes me wonder, if these names are not these peoples real names , why would so many people who appear to be interconnected and are associated with Tsisqua reduce their signiture on a petition to a meaningless gesture by signing it with an internet alias rather than a real name ? If these aren't people's real names, it seems these petitions are being used as nothing more than a stage to make it look like this cast of characters is involved in Native rights issues. 
Tsisqua herself has provided so many personal details  , anyone aquainted with her would easily be able to identify her. The UKB doesn't have that many members . Only one of them is likely to fit the following description.
Re: what tribe or nation is everyone?
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2007
I am a full blooded enrolled member of the Keetoowah Band Of Tsalagi, From Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Re: IMPORTANT NEWS...Please Read...
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2008
Yup...I know...I used to live in Cornwall Island on the Akwesasne the KRA Apartments...also on Raquette Point Road on the Hogansburg NY side....lived up there for years..

Re: WRedGranny Spreading Lies on Other Websites
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2008,
since my 'condition' is now put here for all to see...I will clarify it...I have a terminal heart that requires a heart transplant...of which I can not have
« on: April 11, 2008

Matty        (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Blade        (San Carlos Apache/ cousin)
Skylar       (San Carlos Apache/ cousin...all of the above three names are brothers)
( before the edit)
Re: Discussion with Moma P
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2008
Im 33
« on: April 11, 2008

We also run a NAIS program...(Native American Inmate Support)...of which many members actively get involved in....NAIS has been ongoing for the past 6 years now.

I haven't been able to find any online mention of this NAIS program except this new yahoo group with no messages.

Unless this is all make believe , this person posting as Tsisqua is only anonymous to people who don't know her.

I also want to point out that everything I have presented here is not private and all these claims were placed online by Tsisqua or by people closely associated with her.

As my questions about the claims Tsisqua has made have frequently been misconstrued to be " demands for private information" I want to say that it is entirely Tsisqua's choice if she wants to create a way to verify what she has claimed about herself  - or she can choose to simply leave these facts to speak for themselves - however people choose to interpret them.

I also wanted to add that Frederica mentioned in the NAFPS yahoo group that she thought Tsisqua was Theresa Courtney and then later Frederica mentioned that Tsisqua is who she says she is, which gave the impression Frederica was saying Tsisqua is Theresa Courtney .

I don't think there is any reason to think she is the Tsisqua here. Frederica can correct me if I'm wrong , but I think all Frederica meant is that she saw someone named Theresa Courtney who may have been the same person and though she doesn't know who Tsisqua is, she was willing to take Tsisqua's word for who she was and saw no reason to question this.   

I have not posted everything that I found, and I am really trying to only post enough information for people to make informed decisions about who they get involved with.

The information that was in the links that no longer work in my first post in this thread have been posted in reply 26 & 30 in the thread below;

The person posting as wredgranny and Mooniesixkiller revealed a bit more of how they see things in the thread below;
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 04:06:57 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2008, 05:03:02 am »
I must be crazy, but it seems this information will continue to bug me until I post it ...

Why is this so important as to put people's names on this site when they just signed some online petition on another site? I though your stated policy was to avoid posting people's information unless they were shown beyond doubt to be doing real i.e. criminal harm? Why are you driving yourself and others crazy with this? Who is harming whom? Jared is not an uncommon name, think there was a sandwich dude who got famous..... There are many people who are intermarried tribally, leading to all kinds of mixes; I know Cherokee/Navajo (their terminology, not mine) Cherokee/ Pima/Maricopa, Cherokee/Kiowa, yeah, even some Cherokee/white folks :) What is the point to all of this other than your apparent personal vendetta against Tsisqua, who if what has been posted is true, has a terminal heart condition which you must certainly be having some effect on. Do you really want to live with that or maybe it is beyond you to think that way? What is the point of all this?

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2008, 05:04:50 am »
Well obviously I am only semi computer literate; MP's words are on the first line above and mine follow below in the above post :-[

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2008, 03:08:00 pm »
Why is this so important as to put people's names on this site when they just signed some online petition on another site? I though your stated policy was to avoid posting people's information unless they were shown beyond doubt to be doing real i.e. criminal harm? Why are you driving yourself and others crazy with this? Who is harming whom? Jared is not an uncommon name, think there was a sandwich dude who got famous..... There are many people who are intermarried tribally, leading to all kinds of mixes; I know Cherokee/Navajo (their terminology, not mine) Cherokee/ Pima/Maricopa, Cherokee/Kiowa, yeah, even some Cherokee/white folks :) What is the point to all of this other than your apparent personal vendetta against Tsisqua, who if what has been posted is true, has a terminal heart condition which you must certainly be having some effect on. Do you really want to live with that or maybe it is beyond you to think that way? What is the point of all this?

Wolfhawaii, did you take the time to actually read thru the information Moma provided in the above post or just skim over it noticing names? I suggest you read thru it. There's a lot of information, which raises many questions. Moma is not the only one who has had questions about Tsisqua, Native American Unity, Tribal America, and more. Don't let your dislike for Moma and your admiration for Tsisqua cloud your judgement. Read the post, look into the claims made my Tsisqua and others involved with NAU, ask some questions. Don't jump to an immediate decision because of the personalities involved. Think!

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #50 on: July 23, 2008, 12:31:31 am »
I've wondered why EAZ (Eli Smith) and Matty (Yazzie/Yellowboy) were removed as board members, in the opening post of this thread on June 26th, while they are both still listed as board members on the actual Native American Unity site. In fact, Matty Yellowboy seems to be #1 on the website, even ranking higher than Tsisqua.

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2008, 05:43:59 am »
Well BLS I don't know Tsisqua or Moma Porkypine, so I neither dislike or admire either of them. I am not a member of NAU, not my thing, I hardly even have time to hit much anymore. I usually stick to Cherokee related threads here, and MP tends to post a lot about Cherokee subjects, usually in attack mode. I did read MP's info above and I still don't really know what the issue she concerned that some people are posing as real native people and running a free website and stealing people's identities, signing internet petitions using fake names, or what. If there are people posing here as somehing other than they are i don't think that is good and should be dealt with. It will be interesting to see what the meantime, MP wants Tsisqua to prove who she is (i think) and few if any knows who the hell MP is, kind of strange i think. I have a clan brother who is in office in  the UKB, but i wouldn't bother him with this kind of thing trying to determine enrollment.

EDITED TO ADD: If Tsisqua wanted me to verify who she is, I have some resources in Cherokee country and i am willing to do so if she is able to convince me she is who she says she this point I think it would be a good idea.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 05:15:15 pm by wolfhawaii »

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2008, 06:53:16 am »
Well BLS I don't know Tsisqua or Moma Porkypine, so I neither dislike or admire either of them. I am not a member of NAU, not my thing, I hardly even have time to hit much anymore. I usually stick to Cherokee related threads here, and MP tends to post a lot about Cherokee subjects, usually in attack mode. I did read MP's info above and I still don't really know what the issue she concerned that some people are posing as real native people and running a free website and stealing people's identities, signing internet petitions using fake names, or what. If there are people posing here as somehing other than they are i don't think that is good and should be dealt with. It will be interesting to see what the meantime, MP wants Tsisqua to prove who she is (i think) and few if any knows who the hell MP is, kind of strange i think. I have a clan brother who is in office in  the UKB, but i wouldn't bother him with this kind of thing trying to determine enrollment.

The issue is honesty and truthfulness. There are too many inconsistencies, half-truths, and lies where Tsisqua and Native American Unity are concerned.

NAU is made up of a board of 13 enrolled Native Americans

Our Staff members are as follows:


Sometimes these people have last names, sometimes not. Sometimes their surnames change; i.e. Matty Yellowboy/Matty Yazzie. We don't know who any of these people are.

It's one thing to be an anonymous poster on a forum and another thing to be an anonymous adminstrator of your own forum. These people (or possibly one or two people and several sock puppets) have access to their members' names, ISP and IP #, even their physical addresses. That bothers me. They have a chat room for teens, monitored 24/7. Well, that doesn't reassure me, since we know nothing about the people doing the monitoring.

Tsisqua claims to be an activist, yet signs petitions with her screen name. How many activists do you know who refuse to stand up and be counted as a real person?

And speaking of petitions . . . yes, it does seem as though the names of real people are being signed to these petitions without their knowledge. That would constitute indentity theft.

Why does Tsisqua refuse to give out any information about herself? She claims to need to remain anonymous because of the work she does. What? What does she do that puts her and her family in jeopardy? Exposing fakes and frauds? I did belong to the NAU Forum for a while; I know the work that they are doing. Nothing posted on that forum is original; most is copied right from NAFPS. Tsisqua isn't doing any ground-breaking detective work that would put her in danger. Even the claim to need to remain anonymous is bogus. Tsisqua has given out enough information about herself that anyone who knew her would easily be able to identify her on this or any other forum. How many enrolled Keetoowah, with a heart condition, formerly lived in New York and Canada and now reside in Ireland? Anyone who was her neigher in the KRA Apartments in Cornwall Island or on Raquette Point Road in Hogansburg, NY would recognize who she is. Or was this all a lie? Maybe she never lived in Cornwall Island or in Hogansburg, NY. Who knows? There have been too many lies. Maybe she really isn't enrolled Keetoowah. Who knows? I don't mean to sound crass, but how do we know she really has a health issue? Was that simply a ploy for sympathy? Seems the heart condition only gets mentioned when things aren't going her way.

As I said in another thread . . . If a member is claiming to be someone they aren't, how are they any different than the frauds we help to expose? Just because they may not be selling ceremony, doesn't make it okay. Claiming a spirituality and culture that is not rightfully yours is wrong. Appropriation doesn't have to be sold to make it unethical. A lie is still a lie, even if no money is attached to it. 
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 06:58:46 am by bls926 »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2008, 11:46:34 am »
The key question is NAU selling ceremonies or culture?  As far as internet petitions go the reality is that they are never counted and legally not valid because there is no way of verifying signatures. So why waste all this time and energy on it.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2008, 01:28:58 pm »
I also have not been sure whether to post this or not , and i talked about some of the pros and cons of confronting people who are misrepresenting themselves in the thread below .

I'm still not entirely sure what is the best thing to do , but I guess I believe when in doubt just keep doing your best to tell the truth ..

I don't agree that the only thing that matters is if someone is selling ceremony or misrepresenting culture.

People who lie are dangerous.

Before I posted this i did my best to confirm Tsisqua's stories. I contacted an activist who works in the prisions who knows Eric Wildcat-Hall. They told me Eric doesn't have a brother Juan and doesn't have computer access.

So , although we can't confirm who signed those petitions we can confirm there is an NAU member named Juan Wildcat-Hall who is not Eric's brother and coincidentally someone signing Tsisqua's petitions as Eric Wildcat-Hall.

So what is going on here? Where did Juan get the name Wildcat-Hall?

It should also be possible to confirm the story of what happened to Mark Yazzie , and events like this are usually well known in Indian country. How come no one has heard of this?   

I'm not trying to find out who Tsisqua is ( though I don't agree with heading up a Native Unity group anonymously )

When I contacted the activist mentioned above , I was very clear that if they knew who Tsisqua was based on her description, all I needed was confirmation that she was known and trusted in the Native community , and that I wished torespect her desire to remain anonymous.

Although this person works on native rights issues in the prisons and although Tsisqua clains to have done work in the prisons for 6 years this activist had no clue who she was and instead got the same impression I have, That she is stealing bits of peoples bios to create ghost personas. This person had already discussed Tsisqua with someone they know on the UKB tribal council and this person also found Tsisqua's claims doubtful.

NAFPS lists many fake tribes - as I understand it that is because groups calling themself Ndn and organizing into a political body when they aren't Ndns creates problems. So simply misapproprieating Native identities is something NAFPS does deal with and NAU goals are political - to unify Native people into one voice. As Ialready pointed out how can ths possibly be legitimate in an on line group when everybody could be anybody?

There is many real concerns here.

Sure this could all be a misunderstanding, but I find Tsisqua's expectation that she should be able to claim to be a Native person and head of a Native unity group without having to verify that either she or any of the NAU members are Native comnpletely bizarre, especially when she makes a point of going after people like Ravencrow and Red Nation Society mainly because they claim a Native identity which can't be verified. That she would get all insulted and indigent that anyone would ask for some way to verify her own CLAIMS just seems completely unreasonable.

All Tisqua would have to do is arrange with someone in the UKB tribal council to vouche for her being enrolled there and that the stories she has told are true. As has already been pointed out she has provided enough personal information that assuming she isn't lying she isn't anonymous to anyone who is aquainted with her. So arranging thios in no way would jeprodize her safty.

If she doesn't want to do this thats fine. But claims she has made, the names and tribal affiliations of NAU members really don't seem to fit together. The doubts about her are completely in her power to resolve and before anyone starts to make her out to be a victim here, it's important to understand she has set this up herself. 
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 02:00:55 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline bls926

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2008, 04:19:03 pm »
From the first page of this thread:

Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2008, 09:30:33 am »
Now if the Admin here at NAFPS wish me to remove our advertisements asking our members and readers to visit here in support....I will do so without a second thought. Nothing we place on our site can validate NAU....only how we deal with others...only the trust people build up due to their dealings with us....only through our keeping our word...can show who we are.

Right now I'm going to talk about some of my personal interactions with Tsisqua. She, nor anyone else at NAU, hasn't given me any reason to trust anything they say.

One of my first encounters with Tsisqua came in April. I had made a post here on NAFPS about Rachel Holzwarth. Tsisqua copied and pasted it to the NAU Forum, with the intro "Sent by bls926". While I don't care if someone copies anything I post anywhere on the internet, especially if it involves exposing a fraud, don't say I sent you something when I didn't. It would have been nice if she'd asked first and then she could have said something like, "Posted on NAFPS, reprinted here with bls926's permission". I sent Tsisqua a pm and asked her to change the intro, which she did.

I became a member of the NAU Forum in May 2008. I contributed a few things, mainly in regard to Holzwarth. There was one thread, started by Da'Quah, that listed frauds, people to avoid. David Swallow was on this list. I posted, asking why David was included. Tsisqua posted that Da'Quah was out of town and wouldn't be back for a week and then supplied links to threads on NAFPS where David Swallow had been discussed. While I might not agree with everything David has done, I would never refer to him as a fraud. One of the other moderators, I believe it was Blade, posted that Da'Quah was down in Texas and wouldn't be back for two weeks. I said I'd wait for his return; then asked what part of Texas Da'Quah was visiting. I'm in the Houston area and thought it would be nice if we could get together. There was no response to that.

In May and June, when Sheila Williams was acting the fool about NAFPS, Al, and other members here, I posted my thoughts about this.

While my May post must not have upset anyone at NAU, the one I made in June obviously did. My account at NAU was disabled on June 19th. I e-mailed Tsisqua and she responded that Juan had taken over the forum for her, but she was sure it was "just a technical problem". She was going to look into it, call Juan, and get back to me as soon as she knew something. She also said that NAU did not support Granny. "We dont support Granny....or her messed up behavior...not one bit...Infact she's just heard from me in person about her lies...posting on our yahoo group that she took down all postings and NAFPS is lying about her...when I went to her site myself and saw these things were STILL posted there..."

A week later, on June 27th, we had a couple visitors to Woodland Indians who had come from a link posted on the NAU Yahoo Group. Since no one at Woodland belongs to that group, we wondered just how the link to our forum got posted there. I tried to join the NAU Yahoo group, but was rejected. I e-mailed Tsisqua about this, wondering why I was rejected. Another song and dance, from Blade Yazzie this time. "Just to let you know, Tsiss is actually in the hospital, and may be there for some time. I will look into this for you when I get the chance, I am sure as you can imagine, we are busy with our own work, and trying to keep up with all Tsiss did." If Tsisqua was in the hospital, she must have had her laptop with her; she had logged onto Woodland and was logged into NAFPS several times a day. I wrote Blade another e-mail on July 5th, inquiring about Tsisqua.

I received an e-mail from Tsisqua on July 7th, letting me know she'd just gotten home the night before, and thanking me for my patience.

Another e-mail from Tsisqua on July 8th. "Seems we're having a problem with the NAU forum...I cant find anywhere that you were banned ...Ive even checked all the actions listed on the board regarding mod stats and its showing nothing..." She suggested that I re-register on the forum. She went on to say, "With regards to the Yahoo group...I dont run it...I just set it up for members to use is Ive sent mails to the 5 admin that request in writing why you weren't accepted as a member there...could have been something simple like your profile not being filled out...I dont know...but once I hear back from them I'll forward the mails to you....and I'll get it figured honestly im kind of surprised you weren't accepted there since many members know of you from NAFPS." Yeah, that's probably the reason my application was rejected; I'm sure Sheila Williams wouldn't want me there.

I have wondered about Mark Yazzie's brutal murder since I first read about it on Tribal America. No one I know has heard anything about it and many have questions. I wrote Tsisqua a pm on July 16th, asking about his death, where it had happened, and if the perpetrators had been arrested. I'll post more about that later.

Back to the NAU Forum . . . I did as Tsisqua suggested and re-registered on July 17th. Another rejection. I'm sure my pm about Mark Yazzie's death might have played a part in this. But then, maybe not. My account was disabled on June 19th and Tsisqua has given me the run around for the past month. Obviously someone wanted me off that forum and doesn't want me back.

Do I have any reason to trust Tsisqua or anyone else involved with Native American Unity?

I don't think so.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 08:11:17 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2008, 07:05:10 pm »
I debated all day yesterday about posting Tsisqua's pm's. Since I did tell her right up front that people were asking questions and I needed to tell them something, I don't consider this a breach of confidence. I wanted to post Matty's e-mail to me also. I don't feel that's a breach in confidentiality either. He wrote to me, unsolicited, threatening me with an improbable lawsuit. If he didn't want me to let people see this side of him, maybe he should have acted better. Remember in the thread about Sheila Williams, I compared the things that were being said and their actions to those of ravencrow. Matty falls in that same category. He's making threats that would never hold up in court. I never threatened anyone; did not harrass anyone. Re-posting info about someone that's been availabe online for the past 7 or 8 months is definitely not an invasion of privacy.

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Mark Yazzie
« Sent to: Tsisqua on: July 16, 2008, 04:41:55 pm »


I hope you are feeling better and stronger, getting healthier each day. Hope there won't be any more trips to the hospital anytime soon.

I mean no disrespect to you or your family by what I'm about to ask. Several people have inquired about your cousin's death. It seems there were no reports of Mark Yazzie's murder or the circumstances surrounding  it. The only place it is mentioned is on the Tribal America website. If this young man was murdered while protecting a burial site, he should be remembered. People want to know where it happened. They want to know if the perpetrators were caught and are standing trial for this horrible crime. Tsisqua, there are several people whom I respect a great deal, who doubt this murder happened. I need to tell them something. Help me out here.

I'm sorry if I've offended you in any way. That was not my intent.


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Re: Mark Yazzie
« Sent to: Tsisqua on: July 21, 2008, 11:22:00 am » 

Quote from: Tsisqua on July 17, 2008, 05:21:43 pm
I expect these are the postings from Tribal that you are referring to (In reverse order but dated):

Member Responses

#8048 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I too am sad for the loss of Mark Coyote Yazzie. I understand he was defending a burial site from being desecrated and was fatally beaten in the process. My prayers are with all of those who grieve for him as I also pray that those who perpetrated these heinous acts will be brought to justice. Mi Takuye Oyacin (2007-12-15 19:12:41.672261) #161182


#7971 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I am soo sorry about Mark! This was a terrible tragedy that should not of happend. He went home, and now walks with the spirits of our Ancestors! And He walks proudly among them!! (2007-12-10 17:55:57.24811) #165312

#7906 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Thank You to all who have keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I apprieciate all of you. My heart Tsissy said, let us not allow Marks work to have been in vein.Lonefeather. (2007-12-07 09:57:26.039149) #164149

#7901 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I appreciate all the prayers and words...please....let us not allow Marks work to have been in vain...I urge you to support our native rights, to unite and join forces against the desecration of our sacred make the voice of our people a united voice...a powerful voice...only together can we be heard...Tsisqua (2007-12-05 10:17:28.098041) #166047

#7900 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Tsis and Lonefeather from our household to yours our prayers are with you. We are sorry for your loss. Wankan Tanka give this family solice where needed, let the ancestors walk with Mark as he crosses over.All of Our Relations,Dave and Wendy Tatanka Inyan (2007-12-04 15:21:41.535699) #166717

#7898 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Who is Mark Coyote Yazzie?? (2007-12-04 12:43:27.049186) Anon

#7897 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Tsis, I'm so sorry and my prayers are with you and your family, and Lonefeather, my heart is with you as well. (2007-12-04 10:35:33.409202) #163468

#7896 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Tsis, sis I am so sorry to hear this news. I pray Great Spirit will be with you and your loved ones and bring you strength. (2007-12-03 16:42:06.836398) #47103

#7894 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Tis a sad sad day. To all his family, especially Tsis, my fervent prayers ask for peace and tranquilty for you in dealing with this tragedy. (2007-12-03 14:01:48.298232) #143182

#7893 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Mark... my heart is with you as you start your journey on the path to Creator. My prayers are with you and your family Tsis, I'm here for you whenever you need me little one. Diana ( Fire Eyes ) (2007-12-03 11:07:34.031334) #166035

#7892 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Mark, our hearts ache as you take your long journey... Tsisqua, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family... (2007-12-03 10:43:53.724725) #166010

12 replies found

Back To Discussions Home Page

Now please note...myself nor Lonefeather (Tina) Marks fiance at the time did NOT state what happened to Mark...the only person who claimed to know...was the topmost poster...Keepsthefire...who is not a member of my family...nor a friend to any of my family.

Myself, nor Tina...or any of our family members who were at Tribal posted anything regarding the death/cause of death of my it would be wrong to speak of him in such a way after his passing....some posts are also missing from that particular it was closed down/thread locked at that time due to some disrespectful postings made.

Now quite honestly...I couldnt give a rat ass what people here think...they know nothing of my family...nor is it anything to do with them now...nor will it ever be. And I mean no disrespect to you in my words.

I am not going to state what happened to my cousin...nor why...or by whom. It is a matter for my own family.....I did not take it to Tribal...and I wont bring it here...out of respect for the wonderful man who is no longer with us...this is a family matter.

Anyone who has an issue with that...they know how to find me...or they can contact Marks brother who has more right to speak of this than I...I was simply his cousin.

Matty can be contacted at If he wishes to speak of be it...but I do not. I dont involve myself in the family matters of others here...and I expect the same matter who they are.

Incidently, Marks legal name was never Yazzie....but that is not the concern of anyone here either...let alone annoymous posters of this board with little better to do than poke their noses into other peoples family matters.

Again I mean no disrespect by my words to you....Im just a little disgusted right about now.



First let me say that the people I referred to, who said that they doubted this murder occurred, are people I know outside of NAFPS; both are enrolled members of their Nations and are highly respected in Indian Country. It doesn't matter that Yazzie wasn't his legal name. Both are skeptical that this murder happened, regardless of the individual's name. Something like that could not happen without people knowing about it. AIM would know. All of Indian Country would know. The fact that no one has heard anything about the incident is very suspicious.

Second, you and Lonefeather may not have said how Mark Yazzie died on Tribal America, but neither of you corrected the poster who said Yazzie had died protecting a burial site and you both implied that was what had happened.

Tribal America - from your pm
#7906 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - Thank You to all who have keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I apprieciate all of you. My heart Tsissy said, let us not allow Marks work to have been in vein.Lonefeather. (2007-12-07 09:57:26.039149) #164149

#7901 Re: Mark Coyote Yazzie - I appreciate all the prayers and words...please....let us not allow Marks work to have been in vain...I urge you to support our native rights, to unite and join forces against the desecration of our sacred make the voice of our people a united voice...a powerful voice...only together can we be heard...Tsisqua (2007-12-05 10:17:28.098041) #166047

Tina has referred to his brutal murder defending a sacred burial site on other places.

Stop the digging on scared ground
45    Patsy Floyd   OUr group has lost a very dear man because he tried to stop grave diggers and they attacked him with picks and shovels. This must stop, this discretion of our ancestors.
46    Anonymous   
47    Tina Lonefeather   Someone that I loved, that we all loved has been killed for these very same reasons. For standing up for the truth, for what is right, for his people. He and many others are the honorable ones...not you. Ryan Weller, where is your grandmother buried you fucking coward. Justice will be ours...

So, saying y'all didn't say how he died, while being technically correct, is far from the truth. Much is said with your silence and also with what was posted by you and Tina.

You suggested that I contact Mark's brother Matty, Would that be Yazzie or Yellowboy? Or is that one and the same? I still fail to see the reason y'all use aliases.

Tsisqua, I think it's time for you to come clean. If your cousin was murdered, tell us. If not, it's time you made a retraction and apologize for misleading everyone.


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Re: Mark Yazzie
« Sent to: Tsisqua on: July 21, 2008, 02:30:51 pm »   

Quote from: Tsisqua on July 21, 2008, 12:58:13 pm
I suggest you put your Native friends in contact with Matty at, if they have questions, I am sure he will be more than willing to answer, hence afterall, Mark was his brother and he was there at the time.


I'm not going to bother anyone else about this. You're the one who claims to have lost a cousin. Either you bring this out in the open or I will.


That was the last correspondence I had with Tsisqua.
Monday evening, I received this e-mail form Matty.

(No Subject)???
From: NAU Native American Unity (
Sent: Mon 7/21/08 6:22 PM

I am enclosing a message I sent to you recently on the NAU forum, I presume you did not receive it.

Until the issue regarding my brother is cleared up, I cannot allow you to join this group, no matter what Tsiss has asked of me, I personally do not wish you to be here, even if she does.

I have contacted our family lawyer today, and I can assure you, anyone speaking ill of my brother, his death, or my family, will be severely dealt with, be you and your 'friends' annoymous or not. I see even now you seem confused even of your gender, since you are apparently a female, yet claim here on your request to join, that you are male.

I see your questioning of Tsiss as simply a ploy to try to obtain information regarding who SHE is, and nothing more. If Moma Porcupine cannot do her own dirty work, more fool you for being her lacky.

You may take this right back to Moma Porcupine, as I am no fool, and am already well aware of the game you are playing.

Infringement of a persons personal privicy, infringement of a persons family matters will not be taken lying down, of that I can assure you, be it on the NAFPS board, or anywhere else on the net.

You nor Moma Porcupine have the right to question the death of my brother, you are not my family, and my brother was nothing to you both. And I swear on his memory I will do all necessary to deal with anyone legally who raises this issue. I do not care how much money it costs, money I have in abundance and it will be well spent. Do you not know the taboos of our people? To not speak of the passed? Yet you wish to pick apart his death? I will not have it.

If you contact Tsiss again regarding this issue, I will take legal proceedings of harrassment. If you fail to believe me, I suggest you just try me. And the same goes for anyone else. I do not know what makes you think you have the right to question the death of anyone, and unless you are a federal agent, I have nothing more to say to you. Anything else I need to say can be said through my lawyer.

All messages, emails, etc, etc, are being filed and logged as evidence. I understand from your message to Tsiss in NAFPS that you came to her appearingly in a good way, but I sense the underlying tone of your words. I also sense those you respect, are people who have none for my family. As such, I will not entertain them or you unless it is via a courtroom. I hope I have made myself abundantly clear.

Your most recent message to Tsiss was threatening, of which has also been passed onto my lawyer.
I will also quote a portion of the registration rules from NAFPS:
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is

false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
I will also include some information we have regarding yourself from one of your very own aquaintances:
In a message dated 5/15/2008 8:11:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, XXXXXX writes: Your welcome. BLS is not enrolled either-some Cherokee ancester somewhere that's all, but way back, but she has never posted her family names. I see she posted a link to NAFPS on Easterband and then went back to NAFPS to make another derrogatory comment! Bonnie Lynn Singleton from Housten, Texas and Martha Newcomb Fanning from Housten, Texas-I didn't tell you and these names are posted on the web in different forums.
Since you seem confused regarding who you yourself are, I do not see your right to question the death of my brother. Who was he to you? Who am I to you? We are nothing, and we have not openly posted anywhere on the internet regarding his death. Again, this matter will now be dealt with legally. I see you have visited our NAU site to search for cached information on our Political and Informative section, you also visited our Singles Chatroom to do the same. Your IP number is logged, and my search shows the information we received above is correct, thus enabling my lawyer to locate your actual physical address. So please, do continue with your threats, anything further you wish to say will be taken directly to our family lawyer and dealt with accordingly.
Matty (NAU ~ Native American Unity)

There are no leaders in Unity...only many people walking side by side!

If he thinks this is going to scare me quiet . . . he really doesn't know who bls926 is.

To clear up a few inaccuracies in the info one of my "acquaintancies" sent to Matty:

I will also include some information we have regarding yourself from one of your very own aquaintances:

In a message dated 5/15/2008 8:11:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, XXXXXX writes: Your welcome. BLS is not enrolled either-some Cherokee ancester somewhere that's all, but way back, but she has never posted her family names. I see she posted a link to NAFPS on Easterband and then went back to NAFPS to make another derrogatory comment! Bonnie Lynn Singleton from Housten, Texas and Martha Newcomb Fanning from Housten, Texas-I didn't tell you and these names are posted on the web in different forums.

bls926 = Bonnie Lucille Singleton and my birthday September 26th

Newsflash: Everyone who posts on the internet and lives in Texas is not necessaily from Houston and definitely not the same person. Don't know why other names were brought into this. I have never posted under any other nic. I have been bls926 since day one and was Bonnie Singleton even before there was an internet.

Yes, I live in the Houston area. Never made any secret of that. Grew up in southeastern Pennsylvania, spent the first half of my life there. Guess I have two homes now, Texas and Pennsylvania.

No, I'm not enrolled. "Cherokee ancester somewhere that's all, but way back" . . . not exactly. It's only three generations back. My direct ancestors decided to leave the Nation. My great-grandmother married a German blacksmith and became assimilated. I was raised white, as was my mother and grandfather. I have family on the Baker Roll. I'm not going to give out their names on an open forum. I've given you my real name; you don't need theirs.

The link to NAFPS that I posted on was to the thread about Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum. I honestly don't know what they're talking about with "then went back to NAFPS to make another derrogatory comment!" Derogatory comment about what? Rachel Holzwarth? And that would be a bad thing?

As a side note: Whoever wrote the above quoted message to Matty really should have used spell-check before sending it.

Matty and Tsisqua, you don't scare me.

I don't understand why y'all need to pretend to be something you aren't. I think others need to see exactly what kind of people you really are.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 07:38:44 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #57 on: July 25, 2008, 03:49:19 pm »
When threats of legal action didn't work, NAU resorted to head games. Received this e-mail from Matty yesterday.

Matty/Tsisqua, it's still not working. You can't silence the truth.

Well Done???
From: NAU Native American Unity (
Sent: Thu 7/24/08 9:01 PM

I just wanted to thank you Bonnie, we've been inundated with mails of support, and our membership has risen by 173 members since you started posting. So I must thank you for the publicity. It seems that you have not made us look bad in any way, considering all your 'evidence' is merely heresay and speculation, and since you are desperately piecing together things from the net you 'presume' to be true, things you 'presume are connected', my how foolish you look, and in actual fact, you've made yourself look nothing more than vindictive and out for blood.
You posted private PM's on the board, yet Tsiss was made to remove her own PM's from Moma Porcupine and Barnaby. Showing true colors now I see, not just you, but the admin of the board, and other people have noticed this also.
I am glad Tsiss is away, as I know she would have posted in response to you. This way people are left with only your own vindictive words and rantings. As for my words to you? They show only honesty and disgust at your behaviour, and I see nothing wrong with that. I want people to know how I am. We have stated before, we do not put up with any BS, fakes and trouble makers, although we treat all people with respect, and I have always spoken to you in a respectful manner. It is a pity you cannot say the same.
Nice job Bonnie.

There are no leaders in Unity...only many people walking side by side!

Why write me about it? Why not post on the forum, Matty?

Matty, about the comments you made concerning the PM's I'd received from Tsisqua and posted here on the forum . . . That's why I made it a point to say that people were asking about Yazzie's death and I needed to tell them something; basically telling her I was going to let people know what she told me. Tsisqua had no expectation of privacy. The PM's that Tsisqua posted and then were deleted were not written in that way. Think that's what made the difference.

If there's anyone who's had a better experience with Tsisqua and/or NAU, or knows her/them to be who they say they are, please add to this thread or e-mail me directly.

Edit for punctuation. My OCD got the best of me; had to fix it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 07:41:36 pm by bls926 »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #58 on: July 25, 2008, 04:27:32 pm »
What bls926 is saying about there being a difference between posting PM's that were clearly looking for information to pass on to other people and PMs made in other circumstances is true but there is more of a story to this.

First, Tsisqua posted my PM as an edit made to  a post which was made quite a bit earlier and already had several replies made to it , so I didn't even notice it had been posted and it wasn't in thew flow of the conversation for me to reply to this and the way it was posted.

Secondly, Tsisqua snipped off the beginning and end of the PM

I still have the original in my outbox and in it's entirety it reads ;


Hi Tsisqua

I had to think about this for a bit...

NAU ~ Native American Unity Says:
April 10, 2008 at 11:45 am

Hartman deetz could you please contact our office at
We would appreciate it greatly…with thanks,


Maybe you don't mean to , but you give the impression of being the main coordinator of a group of 19,000 Native activists , with an "office" .

I can't speak for the other people who are members of this message board, but as you are presenting yourself as the coordinator of a large Native organization, would you be comfortable to

A. Introduce yourself in the Members introdution as a person with a real name and tribe you are enrolled in or otherwisew conected with , and also provide some of the real names of a few of your associates and the tribes they are enrolled in , together with the address where the NAU office is located ...


B. Introduce yourself in the Members introdution, as an anonymous person with a website called NAU, a large mailing list , and a computer in a room in a private residence that you call "your office" 

I want to say I don't think there is anything wrong with being an anonymous person who sets up a web page to provide information or networking for Native people, and i don't see a problem with having a mailing list of 19,000 - if this is true ... But this needs to be presented in a way that people understand who you are and what you are doing .

I don't mean to be rude. You seem like a nice person and some of what you have contributed has been really helpful - just - your claims of having an office and 19,000 members might be misleading, and as some of the issues you are approaching are sensitive, it would be good if you were clear about who you are, who you are affiliated with, and what you and the group NAU is actually doing.

Sorry but I do care about these issues and we have all kinds come through here trying to promote themselves to the detriment of NDN people , so I feel these things need to be kept clear.

Other than this bit of uncertainty , your support is appreciated  !
The parts highlighed in black bold are what Tsisqua chose to post. The parts not highlghted and especially the part hghlighted in bold red is what tsisqua chose to delete.

She then went on to accuse me ;

Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2008
Moma Porcupine...with are entitled to your personal opinion of me...and of NAU...and I have no issue with that whatsoever....infact im becomming quite used to it....your PM to me did however give the impression you were part of the admin here....of which I can post if need took a highly authorative tone...

I mentioned to Barnaby that this seemed wrong on a number of levels and because of this Tsisqua was asked to remove the PM which she did.

I don't think threatening emails that try to frighten people into silence should be kept private. It can't be shown how inappropriate this response from NAU is , without showing the messages that led up to this.

So the circumstances of Tsisqua posting my PM and bls926 posting the communication between her and NAU are quite different, and if a more reasonable response to reasonable questions had been recieved, I doubt there would have been any reason to make this public.

If there's anyone who's had a better experience with Tsisqua and/or NAU, or knows her/them to be who they say they are, please add to this thread or e-mail me directly.

I believe bls926 means people who can be verified to be real ... with real reputations in the native community . Not sock puppets or people who are supporting exploiters.

I also want to point out that in spite of the threats and undeserved abuse  bls926 is still doing her best to be fair and give the benifit of whatever doubt exists.

As I have also done.

But there is a point where things are beyond reasonable doubt ...

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Tsisqua
« Reply #59 on: July 26, 2008, 11:03:59 pm »
Tsisqua, if you are reading, please see my reply #51 above, and contact me if you want my assistance in resolving this. This issue has gone far enough that I think it is important for the concerns to be addressed.