Author Topic: painful legacy of Indian boarding schools  (Read 94480 times)

Offline amorYcohetes

  • Posts: 71
Re: painful legacy of Indian boarding schools
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2011, 01:21:31 pm »
Got an email about a new documentary of testimonios by boarding school survivors that White Bison has made this year:
"White Bison's long-awaited documentary, The Wellbriety Movement: Journey of Forgiveness was released on March 3, 2011.  One month has gone by, and the response and support has been phenomenal.  Don Coyhis, President and Founder of White Bison provides an update on the response.
We want to hear your feedback. Leave comments on our Discussion Board on the Wellbriety Technical Assistance Center Facebook page. Follow us on Twitter at #whitebison, leave comments on White Bison's website or post on our blog at"

From their blog:
"The documentary is an Indian-Give-Away.
The documentary is available free to all who need it.

Therefore the following copyright applies:

    * To be copies,
    * Borrowed,
    * Loaned,
    * Distributed,
    * Given Away

As an Indian-Give-Away, we ask that no one sell this video or otherwise attempt to make personal gain from its distribution.

Remember you can also order a copy of the DVD. Just email your name and physical address to Feel free to share the documentary

If you are able, we would appreciate any donations to help this give-away for postage and the cost of materials."

Offline amorYcohetes

  • Posts: 71
More Sexual Abuse Survivors Fighting for Accountability
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2011, 10:15:35 pm »
Happened across this article in an alternative weekly newspaper from Seattle.  (Here in Boston, our alt weekly The Phoenix was one of the first outlets to report on the Catholic Church sexual abuse epidemic and coverup when survivors took legal action bringing it to light in 2001-2002.)  I am not in a position to know how accurate the historical analysis in this piece is, but the stories of the Alaska Native tribal members who are survivors of child sexual abuse by Jesuit priests, are just heartbreaking. 

The accounts are pretty detailed, so be warned if you are sensitive to triggers about this stuff.


Father James Poole's story is not an isolated case in Alaska. On the morning of January 14 in Seattle, Ken Roosa and a small group Alaska Natives stood on the sidewalk outside Seattle University to announce a new lawsuit against the Jesuits, claiming a widespread conspiracy to dump pedophile priests in isolated Native villages where they could abuse children off the radar.

"They did it because there was no money there, no power, no police," Roosa said to the assembled cameras and microphones. "It was a pedophile's paradise." He described a chain of poor Native villages where priests—many of them serial sex offenders—reigned supreme. "We are going to shine some light on a dark and dirty corner of the Jesuit order."

The suit, filed in the superior court of Bethel, Alaska, the day before, accuses several priests of being offenders and conspirators. Among the alleged conspirators is Father Stephen Sundborg, who is the current president of Seattle University and was Provincial of the Oregon Province of Jesuits from 1990 through 1996. (The Oregon Province includes Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Alaska; as Provincial, Sundborg was head of the entire province.) The suit alleges that while Sundborg was head of the Northwest Jesuits, he had access to the personnel files of several pedophile priests, including one named Father Henry Hargreaves, whom he allowed to remain in the ministry. "As a direct result of Father Sundborg's decision," the suit alleges, "Father Hargreaves was able to continue molesting children, including but not limited to James Doe 94, who was raped by Father Hargreaves in 1992, when James Doe was approximately 6 years old."

Roosa and his associate Patrick Wall (a former Benedictine monk who once worked as a sex-abuse fixer for the Catholic Church) said they knew of 345 cases of molestation in Alaska by 28 perpetrators who came from at least four different countries.

This concentration of abuses is orders of magnitude greater than Catholic sex-abuse cases in other parts of the United States. Today, Roosa said, there are 17,000 Catholics in the diocese of Fairbanks, though there was a much smaller number during the peak of the abuse. Roosa compared this lawsuit to the famous Los Angeles suits of 2001, which claimed 550 victims of abuse in a Catholic population of 3.4 million.

These abusers in Alaska, Wall said, were specifically sent to Alaska "to get them off the grid, where they could do the least amount of damage" to the church's public image.