Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 704155 times)

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #450 on: May 15, 2008, 01:22:50 pm »
If you want to stop her and make others seriously think before they steal someone elses work,then thats the way to go first.Contact Capitol with the relevant links.ask them if they have authosied the usage of that track by this woman.....and wait...If she has not then they will not only go after copyright but royalties also

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #451 on: May 15, 2008, 08:34:01 pm »
Just noticed an update on her schedule.  Don't know how truthful it is considering it has no details, but it looks like she's made it out of the country (or at least wants us all to think that and hopes the smoke will clear in a month and we all forget about her.)

May 9, 2008 Oxford Michigan

Global Heart Fire Ceremony

May 12th - June 15, 2008- Israel and Egypt

June 17, 2008- West Yellowstone, Montana
Language of One: Metatron Graduation Ceremony

June 18-21, 2008 - West Yellowstone, MT
The Gathering of One, Global Eden Event


Funny how it just says Israel and Egypt.  She used to have a Tel Aviv date in there, but that was removed and now it looks like re-entered. 

I kind of have a hard time believing she's really out of the country.  You'd think if anything, with her recent fine for illegally importing eagle feathers, that they'd give her bags and equipment a serious once over.....tough call though. 

I find it downright amusing that she still keeps dates on her schedule that were previously cancelled and the upcoming dates where her contracts were cancelled.

Can she be honest about anything????

Somebody should probably call Fish and Wildlife and let them know she's supposedly skipped out of the country.  Especially when she' also currently under suspicion (from my end fact...but their end suspicion) of SELLING eagle feathers as well.

What was her contact in Tel Aviv again???  I'll do a little diggin' if someone can remind me of it.....see if i can find out anything from over there.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #452 on: May 15, 2008, 08:39:31 pm »
Well...her film is listed as part of a film festival in Tel Aviv....

here's the link

One of the most interesting things....her name has changed.....

The film is attributed to Soruj Olzwarth

Here's another page from the spirit festival itself....this time the film is directed by Suraj

Tricky....but still easy to find.  Nice try Rachel.

I've been heating up my e-mail to let the organizers of this event know all about her....she's also submitted her film for film awards....

Gotta keep up the pressure on her.....just her consideration in legitimate film festivals and awards is something she'd use for PR to keep fooling people into thinking she's legit.

I've also tried to contact the editor of the film itself through a forum page where he posted far no response
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 08:50:32 pm by Superdog »

Offline mtig49

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #453 on: May 15, 2008, 09:11:45 pm »
The songs in her book could be look at as Intellectual property
(IP) is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. Under intellectual property law, the holder of one of these abstract "properties" has certain exclusive rights to the creative work, commercial symbol, or invention which is covered by it.
The songs could be look at as Intellectual property of the nations the songs come from. Like the First Nations Water songs that she had in the book would be IP of the First Nations and would be copyrighted by them.
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Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #454 on: May 15, 2008, 10:31:33 pm »
Isn't it strange that her list of events says,

"May 9, 2008 Oxford Michigan

Global Heart Fire Ceremony

May 12th - June 15, 2008- Israel and Egypt

June 17, 2008- West Yellowstone, Montana
Language of One: Metatron Graduation Ceremony

June 18-21, 2008 - West Yellowstone, MT
The Gathering of One, Global Eden Event"

None of which were on the calendar?  I don't think she can keep her lies straight.

but her calendar says

"Healing Waters Ceremony with GrandMother Drum
WhenMay 25, 2008WhereDallas/ Fort Worth, Texas (map)DescriptionHealing Waters Ceremony with GrandMother Drum > > Location: TBA Host Sponsors: Donna Reis 817-788-9451 > and O! Suzanna - Suzanna Brown 214-906-7528 > more details»  Add to Calendar»"

"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #455 on: May 16, 2008, 04:08:00 am »
Current Schedule (as of 4/11/08):
May 11, 2008 - Bowling Green, Ohio
Mother Day Healing Waters Ceremony

May 13-17, 2008 - Spirit Film Festival
Tel Aviv, Israel
GrandMother Drum Film Premiere

June 6-9, 2008 - Lev Tahor Sacred Music Festival
Tel Aviv, Israel
Sound Healing and the Power of the Drum

June 17, 2008 - West Yellowstone, Montana
Language of One: Metatron Graduation Ceremony

June 18-21, 2008 - West Yellowstone, MT
The Gathering of One, Global Eden Event

June 26-29, 2008 Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Gathering
Bear Butte Lodge, South Dakota

July 4-6, 2008 - Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Medicine Wheel Portal Ceremonial Weekend

August 9, 2008 - Homer, Alaska
GrandMother Drum Prayerformance

August 10, 2008 - Homer, Alaska
Illuminating the Sacred Heart Teachings

August 14-19, 2008 Homer, Alaska
Morning Dove Lodge: Shamanic Women's Healing Ceremonies Launching of the Rainbow Fire Dream Lodge.

Dallas/Ft Worth and Oklahoma have been off her schedule since April 11th. They probably just forgot to take the event for May 25th off the calendar.

The May 11th event in Ohio was definitely cancelled by April 14th, but I think it stayed on her schedule for a while after that. Gone now.

The May and June dates for Tel Aviv were removed from her schedule on April 20th. I'd wondered at the time if she was worried about getting her eagle feathers out of the country and back in again. As of today Israel and Egypt have been put back on the schedule for that approximate time.

There'd been a big gaping hole in her schedule between Michigan and Yellowstone. Had wondered what she'd do with all that free time.

Her invitation to The Gathering of One, Global Eden Event was rescinded on May 6th. It's still on her schedule though.

Bear Butte, June 26 - 29, is not on her schedule as of today. Wonder if that's a mistake or if they've told her not to come.

Vancouver Island, British Columbia was cancelled April 21st, but not removed from the schedule until recently.

Wonder if she really is in Israel and/or Egypt for the next month.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 04:20:54 am by bls926 »

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #456 on: May 16, 2008, 03:57:28 pm »
Hello all - wasnt sure where to put this.. but to me this says Fraud Woman will still be attending..... here is his words.... if they shut down our site we will gather somewhere else....

An Open Letter to the “We Steal From Ndns??? Group:

As an Elder among the Circle of Sevens, I have listened patiently to your many words, as I would listen while sitting with Elders. My life’s work is about calling the world into a place of peace, such as I am doing with The Gathering of One at Yellowstone. With this in mind, I wish to challenge all of you here. I believe it is my time to claim the talking stick and ask all of you to listen. I have dedicated my life to bringing harmony and peace to all peoples. My own ancestors are Native American who walked the Trail of Tears. As a best-selling author, I have asked people to enter into healing as we work together in making this world a better place. It is my way to respect all peoples. And it is out of respect that I offer you the following three challenges.

The First Challenge
Have you sat and talked with your Elders?

I want you folks here to know that I have taken time and effort to speak with Elders of the Shoshone, the Hopi, the Navajo, the Mayans of Guatemala, the Aztec of Mexico, the Quechua of Peru, the Shuar of Ecuador, the Dagara of Africa, the Wiwa, Kogi, Kankuamos, and Arhuago of Colombia. I have also sat across the table with the leader of the World Council of Elders who has given his blessing on The Gathering of One. And in each and every case, I want all of you to know that I have never heard from any one of these Elders the words I see on your Web page. From the Elders, I hear the stories of how the people were once one. On your Web page, all I read is how we are separate. From the Elders, I have received permission to do our Western ceremony on land that was once Indian. On your Web page all I read is how you wish to disrupt this ceremony when I have gone to such lengths to be respectful towards yours. So I ask you, what is it that you would choose? To walk with peace or to walk with war in your heart?

I challenge you to sit with your Elders as I have. Ask your Elders to tell you the stories they have told me: How the people were all one, long ago.

The Second Challenge
Have you spoken truth and walked with Integrity?

Many of you have gone to great lengths to challenge the integrity of Ms. Holzwarth, who has called herself “White Eagle Medicine Woman.??? And I now ask you to apply the same standards to yourselves. Some of you have illegally copied my words and text from my websites without my permission. Is this integrity? Is this truth? If I walked into your sacred place and stole your eagle feathers that speak to the spirits, would you put up with it? If I walked into your dance and stole the drum that speaks to the earth, would you put up with it? No, you would not, and you have not. Then why do you steal my words from my sacred place of speaking, and misuse them? Is this truth? Is this integrity?

These words of mine were all copyrighted. And worse, you selectively pulled out of context and added your own words of judgment. None of you asked my permission to copy or use my words, even though I make my living by my words. My attorney has notified My Space of this transgression. Not one of you has tried to sit with me to learn who I am and what I stand for. You simply have judged me and my words of peace that you have tried to make false. Is this integrity? Is this truth?

You tell me; what kind of person applies standards of righteousness to another and not to him or herself? I challenge you to remove from your Web page what you have stolen. I challenge you for an apology for the character assassination that was sent in the mails to others without one single person bothering to talk to me first. Is this integrity? Is this truth?

The Third Challenge
What are you really about? Decide.

The Gathering of One is all about bringing the world into oneness. Peoples from all over the world are coming. A few of them will be Indians. You are making efforts to cause a disruption. Why? Are you against peace? Are you against oneness? Are you against the prophecies of many nations, including indigenous nations, that speak of a Golden Age of Peace, that speak of the peoples coming together, that speak of the coming of the 5th world? In the messages I have sent out to the world, I have used inclusive language that speaks to the many nations, and not to any one. Are you telling me that your way is the only way?

You say you want to teach me and others a lesson. I have sat with your Elders, yet you have not sat with me or mine. Your Elders have shown me respect, as I have them. If you want to teach me or anyone else a lesson, I challenge you to learn the lessons of respect, truth, and integrity as spoken to me by your own Elders.

Rather than come to The Gathering of One to cause disharmony and discord, I challenge you to sit at table with us, to tell us the stories of your peoples when the people were one. I challenge you to open your hearts to this story your Elders have told me, and to walk the words that you use to greet one another: “To all my relations.??? For we are all related, are we not. I challenge you to choose peace, to walk in love, and to show respect as I have shown it to you.

Let us walk in beauty,
GW Hardin

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #457 on: May 16, 2008, 04:19:35 pm »
Hardin shows up sayin' "sit down and listen" and then throws a threat around about illegally copying his works.  Which is wrong.  It's posted on a public domain.  All of the words are attributed to him so there's no stealing goin on there.  Thanks for the threat though.  And also thanks for attempting to throw forward a resume to convince people your somehow worth listening to.  You haven't sat and talked with my elders Hardin.  They hate seeing people being charged huge sums of money for "peace and healing" just as much as I do.

I think what he fails to understand is that even though he's sat across the table and had a few conversations with some Native elders....we live with our elders in our lives EVERY DAY....not just once in a while.

He wants to put up challenges...then respond to why people are up in arms in the first place....QUIT CHARGING PEOPLE TO PRAY WITH YOU AND QUIT SUPPORTING FRAUDULENT SHAMANS WHO DO THE SAME!!

If that happens....then we're all wrong....and for myself the apology would be real and heartfelt. 

Until then're just another Commercial Spiritualist.  (Can I copyright and trademark that term????    aye....j/k)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 04:21:10 pm by Superdog »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #458 on: May 16, 2008, 04:37:14 pm »
It's little wonder GW Hardin defends Holzwarth, and then says, essentially "I'm more spirchul at being Indian than you dumb Indians. Let ME tell YOU the truth about your own traditions."

Hardin's an outright fraud we've talked about before.

Hardin makes his living sellling "healing" workshops. At least one those workshops (the last one) makes him an exploiter of NDNs himself.

BTW, Hardin...

Do you really think a Nuage website of a spiritual exploiter deliberately put on display on the internet is anywhere close to anything like the cultural property of elders who make every effort to keep their knowledge from being taken and misused?

Hardin is no elder by any stretch of the imagination. I'd also bet many of the people he spoke to were not either. Shoshone? Was that Benny Lebeau? Aztec? They call themselves Nahuatl, and are mostly devout Catholics. Mayans? They have over two dozen language groups alone, thousands of villages. Same even more so with the Quechua, and both people have to deal with many mestizos who pass themselves off as elders to white tourists.

You can't help but notice that Hardin doesn't name a single actual elder, and repeats some of the typical modern falsehoods about two spirits.

 G.W. Hardin, New York Times bestselling author, will teach participants how they can join in what the angels call the coming together of Heaven and Earth.

This will include techniques in determining and finding one's own purpose or gift and using it, how to set up an angelic gateway, and how to align oneself with the new gifts that angels wish to bring to humans in the new world un-folding before us.


Beginning as a Healing Practitioner
2- or 3-day workshop $150 per person

Learn how to use the body in finding disease-causing miasms or blocks. Use sound to implement angelic acutuning (chakra tuning forks and angelic oils), a technique which takes Chinese acupuncture and aromatherapy a step further. Discover how to create an angelic gateway using semi-precious and precious stones to assist you in your own healing and the healing of others. Learn how to use body-tripping (a shamanic trance technique) to uncover and heal past-life issues related to healing.

Advanced Healing Techniques
1-day workshop $75. per person

Learn how to use the powers of "grace" to clear meridian miasms and blockages. Work with fellow participants in approaching how to heal with intent or with a glance. Discover ancient and lost techniques using elementals to heal body tissue. Explore the use of polarity techniques to prepare the body for healing.

Musculoskeletal Clearing
3-hour workshop $35. per person

Get rid of aches and pains by learning how to use sound and grace-therapy to promote healing with simple but powerful techniques.

The Seven Gifts of Heaven
4-hour workshop $50. per person

Find out how to discover the gift you were born with. Learn how to construct and use an angelic gateway. Experience what it is like to talk to your angels and spirit helpers in the gateway.

The Powers of the Gatekeepers
4-hour workshop $50. per person
Discover the capacity to explore other dimensions. Visit a vortex, a power point, and a natural gateway where the ancients explored the "Hole in the Ground" and the "Hole in the Sky." Intended for those comfortable with non-ordinary reality and androgyny. Engage the true power of the self in the "Sacred Marriage." Participate in techniques similar to shamanic journeying that will allow you to follow the power cords of nature and beyond.

The Children of the New Earth
Love offering

Hear the story of how Hardin discovers the Children of the New Earth and how they are awakening. Learn how these gifted kids and young adults are beginning to awaken, usually by being struck or surrounded by an unexplainable brilliant light. Called by many as "Indigos" or "Crystal Children," hear how they cry out for the support and guidance of elders, wise men and wise women. Find out how you can help to foster the coming forth of more of these awakening adepts.

How to Walk the Healing Path
Free Lecture

One of the main focuses of the Indigos is to heal our planet. But that can only happen if we first heal ourselves. And in order to change ourselves we must see how to move beyond limits and limitations. Gary demonstrates to the audience how we have the ability to move into oneness and, once in oneness, how we heal all when we heal one. Specific techniques will be demonstrated to show how we as a people can move to a consciousness that allows us to affect the world rather than the world affecting us. Participants will see how individuals and groups can move into healing simply with the intentions and powers of grace from a healing facilitator. This mind-altering presentation leaves people amazed.

Angelic Prophecies & the New Earth
Free Lecture

Hardin discusses prophetic excerpts from his new book, The Days of Wonder: Dawn of a Great Tomorrow. Find out how you can prepare yourself, your family, and your friends for the wonders that are entering with the coming together of Heaven and Earth. Take with you information that will allow you to go beyond your notion of being limited. Discover how we, like the whales and dolphins, have the capacity to enter into the uncharted waters of human Oneness.

The Sacredness of Being Gay
Love offering

Indigenous societies have always known that those known as the "Wall Walkers" or "Two-Spirits" or "Guardians of the Otherworld" have been key to the survival of their villages as well as to their ways of life. Learn how the time has come once again to bring back the spiritual gifts of being gay.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #459 on: May 16, 2008, 05:02:05 pm »
OK, Mr. Hardin:
I challenge you to LIST the Elders you have spoken with. 
You say you have spoken to my elders so who are they?
You make broad statements without checking your facts.  For you to say you have spoken to my elders you need to have spoken to the elders of all nations and organizations.  Since there are over 500 nations in the US, and over 500 nations in Canada and we haven't even started to list all the nations in the rest of the world, I would fathom a guess that you would need to have spoken to at least 5000 elders just to cover the US and Canada.
Now let me answer your challenges.
Yes, I speak with my elders on almost a daily basis.  They support protection of our traditional culture and ways and do not just take from it what they want.  It is an all or nothing situation for them.  I also speak with Elders from other nations and find they also see it as all or nothing.
I always speak with Truth and Integrity and will do what is right to protect my Elders, children, family, community, culture.  For these things are what make me who I am.  Without these things I have no value to my own spirit.  These are the things that people like you seem to be trying to take from us for centuries now, am I to sit and let you do this?  NO!  My ancestors did not, so I will not.
You have admitted that what is on the site was COPIED from YOUR website, but you say it is not the truth, so am I to understand you lie?  If that is the case then how can I believe anything you say?
As for Ms. Holzwarth, I was there when her Eagle Feathers were taken by Fish and Wildlife, I was there when she spoke with such animosity toward us.  I have read her website where she asked for letters of support, a truly enlightened being would not have to beg their followers for support, it would be given without request, and therein come from the heart, where the true spirit lives and thrives.    "Thank you for keeping me updated with your emails.   I pray that any narrow minded souls open their hearts ..."  "Beautiful letter. I have also experienced the persecution, accusations and misunderstandings myself. ..."  I wonder what was said in that letter since people who know nothing of us or our elders would see us as "Radical" for protecting our sacred items "... I think you need to try in advance to gather truly representative leaders of Native American people to your meeting so they can hold back the anger of the radical people. Radical people perceive themselves as the victims and perceive you as the "torturer" so they are not going to listen to you, so they need to be controlled by their own fellows. ..."  Look for yourself   This is a person of whom you say has integrity?   A person who openly breaks the law of the land, a person who has now used four names of which I have proof from her websites, not to mention the two other names listed for her in Isreal.  There is far more proof of her hedonism than I have time to list here.
If you place it on a website it is the same as being published in a book and can therefore be used as long as credit is given, if your lawyer has told you different, he needs to look at the law, as you can be in sued for trying to shut down this site for this action since it is COPIED as you admit and credited.
As I say I stand behind all my actions and do not ask anyone to do that which I would not.
So I have now met all 3 of your challenges, will you meet my ONE Challenge?  List the names of the ELDERS of ALL nations to whom you have spoken.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #460 on: May 16, 2008, 05:47:55 pm »
Well said Half Wolf
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #461 on: May 16, 2008, 06:56:58 pm »
Also I would like to ask Mr. Hardin where he gets the idea that our spiritual leaders are gay.  Can you document your research work Mr.Hardin, I have never found anything except on your web site that leads to that alegation, that is slanderous, have you spoken with your lawyer about that?
"In Native American societies, the medicine men, the diviners, the dreamers and the dreamspeakers, the astrologers, the sacred singers and the callers of the spirits were most often gay."
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #462 on: May 16, 2008, 07:15:36 pm »
Appears there's a difference of opinion among the organizers of the Gathering of One. Joe and Robbie Crane, in an e-mail dated May 6th, have said Holzwarth will not be participating in the gathering and apologized for their ignorance. GW Hardin, in the above open letter to the myspace group, not only says Holzwarth and her drum will be there, but threatens lawsuits if we all don't shut up and behave.

Offline mtig49

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #463 on: May 16, 2008, 07:27:01 pm »
If gay as happy ;)
people think gay and native and then they think two sprits people. But growing up as a native person i have never heared of my people talking about or having teaching of two sprits. But because a few tribe from out west have teaching on sprits they thing all native peoples do.
Now our spiritual leaders are gay? there is this coming from. I am trying to think of any spirtual leaders that i know that are gay but cant think of any.
"Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have."

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #464 on: May 16, 2008, 07:32:36 pm »
The Medicine MAn with us at the protest in Mi. brought his wife and he DEFINTELY wasn't looking at the guys there.  :)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 08:12:11 pm by Half-Wolf »
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck