Author Topic: Earthkeepers question  (Read 5872 times)

Offline GhostBear

  • Posts: 31
Earthkeepers question
« on: March 05, 2007, 05:24:44 pm »
My sister is being harassed by a non-native woman, being called non-traditional.  This person was the focus of a fraud post here quite a while ago and it looks like she is up to the same stuff again.  She's promoting this group    We are mixed bloods and never professed to be traditionals but to have someone who is a non-native promoting a group like this, to us is extremely disresectful.  Does anyone know anything about this group?


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Earthkeepers question
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 07:30:38 pm »
Pretty ridiculous claims of her's, since EK could not be more nontraditional themselves. Armbruster was a ceremony seller from Sedona.

When you say harassment, what do you mean exactly? Who exactly is doing this?
"In Memory of John Armbruster, January 22, 2004
Friend, confident and fellow Earth keeper...John Armbruster, passed from this plane of existence on Thursday evening January 22nd in Atlanta, Georgia in the arms of Jennifer, the love of his life.  John is survived by a son, Thunder, and a daughter, Rain. 
John was a Shawnee pipe carrier, creator of the medicine wheel at Schnebly Hill Road Vortex, talented douser, sweat lodge leader, Earth Healer, and encampment leader for over fifteen years.  His ashes were brought to Sedona for ceremony at Schnebly Hill Road Medicine Wheel
About John
Earthkeeper, Sacred Song keeper, Pipe Carrier, Dowsing Master, Geomancy / Feng Shui Practitioner"

Ran a Nuage knockoff of a powwow in Illinois.
"May 22-25: 6th Annual Earthkeeper's Spirit Encampment
Location: Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve, 27064 S. Dutton Rd., Beecher, IL 60401
Conact: Karla, phone: 219-531-8775, email:
Event Detail: 3 nights and 4 days of camping, community & ceremony lead by Earthkeeper, John Armbruster, from Sedona, AZ. Drumming, medicine wheel, and sweat lodge."

Armbruster unfortunately franchised out his ceremony selling to white wannabes.
"Once in Sedona in 1988 she met John Armbruster; shaman, healer and geomancer. John taught her about the very essence of the energies of the Sedona vortex sites. Together they did sweat lodges, retreats and sacred journeys on the land for Suzanne's clients. In 1994 Suzanne was guided to create the original Sedona Meditation Tours. The vortex tour combined her work with John Armbruster and her work in the Yucatan Peninsula doing earth healing work at the pyramid sites with groups for two weeks at a time."

And she fell for one flake and fraud after another.

"Suzanne McMillan (1943-2006)
Suzanne has been leading people on spiritual quests since 1987 across the United States, Canada and Mexico....She has assisted Werner Ehart in the EST programs, as well as living at Leonard Orrs' Rebirthing Community.  She was certified as a rebirther by Leonard Orr.  Leonard is the grandfather of the breath work seminars that have taken the country by storm.  She facilitated the community projects for the Justin Sterling Women and Men's workshops in Santa Cruz, CA.  It was here that she learned how to put a workshop together with a beginning, middle and end ... each piece building on the next for a desired intent and outcome.
She attended and assisted in the Sage Workshops based out of Santa Barbara and San Jose, California.  The gift of these workshops was the knowing that each of us are our own "sage" or wise person from within; that each role we play in life is just that ... a part.
Suzanne holds a BA in Art from Eckerd College. She received her Holistic Health Practitioner and Massage certification in 1979 from Heartwood College in Santa Cruz, CA.  She facilitated the guided meditations in John Gray ("Men are from Mars ...") and Barbara De Angelis, PhD. (Relationship author) first relationship workshops in the early 80's in Los Angeles.  She was the personal masseuse for Sondra Ray and her staff for the Loving Relationships workshops throughout California in the early 80's.
In her early twenties Suzanne read every book she could get her hands on in metaphysics:  Gina Ceminera, Ruth Montgomery, Edgar Cayce, Jess Stern, etc.  Later followed with Dick Sutfcan, Page Bryant as well as visits with Muktananda, Dali Lama, Baba Hari Das."

Offline GhostBear

  • Posts: 31
Re: Earthkeepers question
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2007, 07:46:43 pm »
The person verbally harassing my sister is the same person this post, just a new page and name.  She's been posting links to Earthkeepers to insinuate that she is "traditional" and has even mentioned using peyote, though I do not know if it is through this group.
