Author Topic: Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay  (Read 105816 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2007, 04:39:46 pm »
I agree  Lekay doesn't seem to have a clue who or what he is promoting . That's assuming Lekay has the good intentions he claims .

I see Lekay has published another article attempting to discredit the information posted in NAFPS . Sorry if this seems like I am beating a dead horse . I just can't resist poking at misleading arguements that don't even fit together .

A part of It appears its based on this Green Grass proclamation  Why would anyone want the Bush Cheney administration telling people how to pray. That's bizarre.

Thomas Lightening bolt
Thank you for sending me a copy of that "Green Grass Proclamation" by Arvol Looking Horse. You are right, that is BIZZAR!

What seems bizzar to me is that Lekay and TLB would try and discredit the many recognized Elders who are listed with this proclamation , who are trying to protect their culture , by attributing this proclamation to the Bush Cheney administration . 

Lekay - refering to Al
He does comes across as if he wants to start another Helta skelta. A race war.
Lekay has already seen that people posting in NAFPS generally challenge anyone being dishonest , deceptive , disrepectful or exploitive , in their use of Native culture , regardless of their race  . People post here generally do this purely on principal and Lekay has seen this in our concens about some of the people of Native descent Lekay has promoted.

If Lekay sees this conflict as based on race, as he says , that would be non natives against Indians . As Lekay has said the Indians who are trying to protect their culture are "bizzar" , it would seem to follow that Lekay must be thinking it is the group of mainly non native people , and the Native people who serve non native intrests , who arn't bizzar . Presumably Lekay is supporting the people he thinks aren't bizzar which is by his own addmission would seem to be the group which is primarily non native. 

I guess it is good to know what side he is on , even if he hasn't consciously figured this out yet , himself ... Hopefully when he does, he might rethink his position .

The old smear campaign against medicine people, divide  and conquer concept

It looks to me like the divisions that exist would be between a group of Native people wanting to keep the traditional ways healthy by retaining them in a correct cultural context , and another group of mainly non native people , who are creating divisions and conquering Indian people and intrests , through diverting Native people to serve their own interests .

As the only people with any legitimate claim to authority in Native matters would be Native people recognized as authoritive by their tribe , if anyone is getting smeared , it would have to be the true tribal Spiritual leaders .   

That proclamation is ALL politics and my teacher said that politics is not Native American, it is a "white thing".
The proclomation refered to is NOT all about politics - though this attempt to discredit it might be . Undermining the authority of the Native leaders who serve the long term health and well being of their people and culture also undermines the survival of Native people and culture.  Hmmm .... Who would want to do something like that ? As I understand it that proclamation is all about preserving these traditions for future generations and the importance of maintaining these traditions within the balance only a deeply rooted knowledgeable traditional community can provide .

What I do see is a pattern that Al Carroll/educated Indian attacks anyone who seems to not to fit into his compartment of what  he believes an authentic medicine man should be.

Who made these people God? How are  they qualified to sit on judgment on anyone? Who qualified them, the evil spirits, powers, and forces...or the Government?

I am always puzzled how it can be, that people who want to gain credibility by claiming to be practicing some sort of Native traditions , also want to be able to  contradict themselves by claiming they have a right to " do their own thing" , and these people will say no one has a right to judge if this is being done correctly . Sorry , but it can't be both ways . Native traditions have a structure, and protocols and if these are lost , what is being done cannot rightly be claimed to be Native traditions . If people want to invent things they should just call it that . Not "traditional " or Indian .

When people start insisting no one should judge , this implies there is no correct way to do these things . This attidude seems to rely upon the very racist assupmtion that presumes that there is no reason for how things are done, beyond superstision ,and no matter how people do things , the consequences will be the same .  This disrespectful attitude seem to presume that if people just want to make something up or are delusional that is just as valuable as the years of training and traditional protocols Elders say must be respected for these things to work properly . Which doesn't say much for the opinion these people have of the traditional knowledge of indiginous peoples .

This attituded of disrespect for traditional authorities and protocols gets repeated throughout this interview . 

And who the heck is Arvol to say anything about people selling the "sacred" when he himself was (or still is) selling copies
of the sacred "Star Book" ON LINE!

Who the heck is TLB ????  Why would Lekay even imagine that TLB , who , as I understand it , claims his teacher is someone called Coyote , who TLB claims is really Fools Crow , who now exists in another dimension , is an authoritive  person to ask about anything?

Any allegations coming from these two have almost no credibility as far as I am concerned . but if this alleged sale of the "Star book" occured, and was not the best thing to do , I am sure the Lakota community would be able to address this . This is one of the reasons it is so crucial that Spiritual traditions exist within a community which has enough knowledge to make sure things stay on track , because no individual has enough personal strength and knowledge to able to do this on their own .

And there is still more no brainers ...

How ever just  because someone may sell ceremony does not necessarily make them phony, it throws into question their ethics.

I WANT a medicine man that has made mistakes, someone who has been there, who has had life experiences. Someone that I can relate to. Someone I can respect. To me, a flawless medicine man is phony.

Apparently it hasn't occured to him , that there is a connection between Spirituality and ethical behavior , or that people trusted as healers and guides who haven't got strong moral backbone can be as dangerous as medicine swallowed with the help of dirty water. Having learned from past mistakes and having humility is completely different than being untrustworthy . And if people have committed serious crimes, I don't think these people can reasonably expect to keep this secret and have access to people of the same description as their previous victims .

Lekay to TLB
Yes. So you never have done any of the things these newagefraud people have accused you off. Sold ceremony, healings etc.

Lekay doesn't even keep his basic facts straight .  Nobody ever accused TLB of selling ceremonies healings ect .The concern was his obvious self promotion and immodest public claims to be carrying medicine .   

as for claiming to be a medicine man ect... didn't Black Elk say he was a medicine man and talk about medicine in a public forum, along with many other "Untouchables" (people beyond reproach) Fools Crow, Geronimo, Lame Deer ect... ?

As I understand it , this information was shared at a time before there was wide spread exploitation of information belonging to Native communities , and it was shared out of a concern the information could be lost  . A person doing what they thought best to preserve cultural information is different , than talking about these things in conjunction with promoting the sale of a CD . 

The part that concerns me the most is that some one who may need help AND IS WORTHY OF HELP may take these evil lies to heart and not ask the one person at the right time, at the right place, who could of helped them and not receive the healing that  they DESERVED,

People deserve to be able to choose who they get involved with based on correct information about who this person is and what this person actually knows .

In my opinion  Kevin Annett deserves a Nobel peace prize and his film unrepentant an Academy award for best new documentary and not this newagefraud nonsense.

At first glance any critism of Kevin Annett might appear to be unfounded and unfair , but a closer look reveals some serious ethical concerns . It is a lot to read through , and unfortunantly , it is so much easier to just do a quick glance and look at how things appear on the surface . Which is how people who are exploiters manage to get away with what they do . For people who want more information on the contraversy surounding Annett , it can be found in this thread .

Gotta wonder what really motivates some people .


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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2007, 05:16:42 pm »
He definately has an agenda. Remember he could not make Al take down what was written about LBW, who he interviewed and supports. So he has to discredit the entire site. Also he tried to use one member, baiting her to set her up to claim Al was editing a post that was never really there. He is definately a pro at what he does. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #62 on: July 02, 2007, 02:18:13 pm »
Sheesh, hard to believe Lekay is so paranoid annd out of touch as to claim Looking Horse is a tool of Bush and Cheney.

Of course he is either too lazy, or too incompetent to notice that the declarations from Looking Horse have been signed by hundreds of elders from dozens of nations.

Also pretty amazing that he claims we want to "start a race war" when our forum is about a third non Native members.

Incidentally, John boy, you come across as pretty racistr yourself when you insist over and over again you and only you know far better about Native cultures than any dumb NDN could.

I take it as a mark of success that the only "Indian" who has fallen for your line, outside of a dubious character like TLB, is David Yeagley, a white supremacist imposter.

That he continues to blindly worship a self destructive nut like Annett says volumes about him. Annett could not be doing more damage if he were trying. For both Lekay and Annett it's all about feeding their own paranoia and ego, not what's best for Native communities, and especially not about actually listening to Native people.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #63 on: August 07, 2007, 04:06:03 pm »
 I see steve_w has admitted to being John Martin and John Lekay has turned the thread in Ect titled " Steves side track " into an article in his Heyoka magazine , with some added comments . Wow Lekay sure can pick em ...


This interaction is with a man named John Martin. A full blooded Lakota who went on the forum under the pseudonym Steve W to question Al Carroll about his hate speech, libeling others and his claims of being a Mescalero apache. Al Carroll was claming Steve W was John LeKay. This is
part of what transpired. Much of John Martin/Steve Ws posts were deleted but we fortunately caught the last post, Reply #12 Today July 24th 2007 at 12:50:23 PM in its entirety before this happened. For anyone who is wondering who Barnaby McEwan is, he is the European administer of NAFPS  residing in Totnes, Devon England.

The John Martin mentioned in the above link, reportedly made death threats on Al Carrolls parents phone , last spring . Reportedly The police were involved .  Lekay claims John Martin is a full blood Lakota . As if this " fact " in itself is all the credentials anyone should need for their opinions to be taken seriously .  Apparently Lekay doesn't have any problem promoting the views of someone who has a reputation of being a full on nut bar- as long as it is someone who will say what Lekay wants to hear  .

Suprisingly Lekay doesn't even notice this guy might not be credible when John Martin tells Lekay he is a full blood Lakota even though  Mr Martin  claimed to be Cherokee when posting in NAFPS . I wonder if Lekay ever bothered to check that out with the Lakota tribe Martin claims , or does Lekay only "scrutinze" those who don't support the misinformation Lekay wants people to believe ? 

Scrutinizing people involved in a public controversy is fine, but you really cross the line into " malicious intent " or at least " negligence " when you start publishing rumors from sources with no credibility or making stuff up because you aren't finding anything that really exists , and you want to discredit the person  .

Especially take a look at John Lekays note inserted into reply 10 . Referring to Al carroll ;( added when he turned this thread into an article on his website )

"He did not use the word expelled, or say that they demanded he be disqualified from his doctorial teachers training program. He created this ambiguity and impression of being an employed  teacher on the faculty at ASU. Any reasonable person would infer that this meant he was saying he is a ASU collage teacher.

As far as Mr. Hirst is concerned, this is completely off topic and appears as if you are deliberately just trying to change the subject and take the focus off  Mr Carroll and his claims of teaching at ASU. This only makes it more obvious that he
was not being entirely forth coming with the truth. "A half-truth is a whole lie??? Yiddish proverb. "

And reply 11 , Steve_w or John Martin ;

"Your own personal contact does not even refer to you as "Dr. Carroll". That says alot in itself. "

So it sounds like Lekay and John Martin are saying Al Carroll is a liar about having taught at ASU and about having received a Phd . Even a moderate amount of research proves this allegation that Al is a liar to be a lie . 

I believe these allegations are nothing but malicious attempt at defamation  , and even a moderate effort to research this would have shown Lekay  that Al did teach at ASU

Regents’ Professor: Iverson;
Professors: Adelson, Batalden, Burg, Davis, Dellheim, Fuchs, Giffin, Gratton, Kleinfeld, Lavrin, Luckingham, Mackinnon, Rosales, Ruiz, Simpson, Stowe, Tambs, Tillman, Trennert, Warnicke;
Associate Professors: Barnes, Carroll, Gray, Gullett, Hendricks, Kahn, Longley, Rush, Samuelson, Smith, Soergel, Stoner, Thornton, VanderMeer, Warren-Findley;
Assistant Professors: Manchester, Thompson, Wilson;
Senior Instructional Professional: Luey

Here an ASU webpage which mentions Alton Carroll having a Phd in history .

Alton Carl Carroll, Ph.D., Hist., 1 p.m., July 6, COOR 4411.

And then there is this piece of irresponsible reporting ;

It has been alleged that Brent Michael David's is using the pseudonym of "moma porcupine" on the NAFPS website. However this has never been proved or disproved.

While I am flattered and amused that anyone would think this  , I am not sure Brent Micheal David would be , and attributing my opinions and activities to him may be defamatory , and it is definently untrue . I am not Brent Micheal Davies , and there is absolutely no evidence of this , or reason to think I am . Lekay really does seem to have difficulty understanding the difference between investigative reporting of the facts , and just making stuff up . Lekay also doesn't seem to understand the responsibility he has if he passes on incorrect information , and peoples lives are affected .   

If I don't feel safe to say who I am , why would it be OK to wrongly attribute my posts to Brent Micheal David ?

There is a big difference between publishing something you honestly believe is true and in the public intrest and malicious defamation .

Someone posting on as "Child Roland" who claims to be a psychologist from Manitoba pointed out that Al being a public figure should expect scrutiny .

That seems to be fair enough . But if you if you scurtinze someone and you don't find anything , you can't just make something up .

There is a huge difference between repeating a story you were told that you have reasonable grounds to believe it true , that appears to come from a credible source , and repeating a story from someone like John Martin .

If people want to "scrutinize " people here , they also need "scrutinze" the source of their other information . Did Lekay call John Martin's alleged tribe to find out if he is s full blood Lakota ?  Did Lekay contact Dupree's tribal Elders and ask about her claims to be entitled to Arvol's position ? He has never mentioned any Lakota Elders who are supporting these claims .

Repeating sourceless rumors , that don't fit with any of the known facts , to people who are not vulnerable to the type of bad experince you are alleging , is very different than repeating the information you were told directly from someone that was abused , to other people who are likely to be vulnerable to the same bad experince .

Maybe Lekay could learn something from NAFPS, where we do try to make sure what we post is in the public intrest, and we do try to make sure we have our facts straight before publishing .


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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #64 on: August 07, 2007, 11:19:41 pm »
Well, ir you remember, Steve W. came in stating his relative was supposably moonlighting as a "faithHealer", and was asking what could be done. At first was non-Indian, then a Cherokee plumber in Flordia, and before it was over was teaching in Texas with Al. Posted mostly disruptive things, asking if "Paula Horne was a White woman". And was jumping from thread to thread as ordinary trolls do when trying to disrupt. John Martin aka Tallsoldier and his affiliates are pretty well known. They really don't even require much research.  frederica

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #65 on: August 08, 2007, 04:17:37 am »
I'm prety sure Brent will get a kick out of Lekay and Martin's paranoia, claiming to see him everywhere, just like I did when I found out Yeagley had repeatedly kicked out people from Sadbeagle forum he thought were me. If I know Brent, he'll find some way to turn the whole bit into some pretty good satire.

Lekay and Martin are as sloppy with their research as ever. I've known Moma P a bit longer than Brent.

Maybe because Yeagley routinely impersonates being numerous women on his website to give the impression of actually having any support from Native women, Martin now thinks everybody is a crossdresser online like Yeagley?

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2007, 01:21:25 pm »
I'm glad you don't think BMD will be overly bothered by being accused of being some mouthy woman pretending to  be a porcupine in cyberspace . I am not sure how i would feel about it if someone did that to me ... 

Maybe when the people Lekay expects to dominate ( like maybe woman and Indians ) don't get dominated ,the only way he can accept it is is by thinking they aren't really a woman or an Indian . or educated . or there isn't so many of them , because they are really just a couple people pretending to be more .... LOL

One thing I noticed ,which I am sure John Lekay hasn't , and even some Indianz haven't , is the behavior of lost souls and exploiters that get discussed here , which Lekay seems so determined to bully us into accepting , just tends to make Native people more mistrustful and closed to people on the margins .

Below is some parts of a discussion of Lekay shutting down this message board on another message board ;

And the new agers wonder why we are starting to no longer share with them.

( refering to Arvol Looking Horse )
this is the thanks he gets from those he has tried to help.

have known that Wannabes Twinkeys neuage etc. have been looked at in a bad light. My friends and I have joked about them when we saw them at powwows. Always thought them benighn didn't take them seriously. Well this is one time that you will see me admit to being wrong. Reading the responces here has shown me just how much they are a problem and also how dangerious that they can be I understand now why you tend to jump first and ask question after.
When you see some book learned twit get into an argument over spirital practice with a wicasa wakan over twice their age the amusement wears thin very fast. I have seen more than one supposed mellow newager get violent when told "no"

It is kind of ironic that Lekay keeps going on about how people who aren't enrolled have no buisness trying to deal with frauds .

The mistrust created by the sheer volume of people determined to have access to native culture on their own terms , tends to damage the reputation of unenrolled mixed blood people in general , maybe more than any other interest group . That Looking Horse proclamation that Lekay seems so fond of complaining about, only happened because of all the abuse that was going on . The people truely hurt by the measures that have had to be taken to protect tribal traditions aren't the people in Europe hoping to be a Sundancer .  It is the mixed blood , the unenrolled who ARE connected with the Native world but now not enough to be entirely trusted or included .  Even if a person "earns the trust of the tribe" there is still all that persons cousins and relatives who might not be trustworthy at all  . So it is a community issue not an individual one . Some native people who have the luxury of being well insulated by a strong native community might think this is no big deal , but when you repeatedly see mixed blood people who's family members went through the same brutality and forced assimilation , who are still struggling to come to terms with this , often with substance abuse issues and other baggae , seeing these people also having to cope with tribal people who have been terrorized by influxes of people determined to "have it all " without any respect for what is needed to maintain it all in a healthy way  - it really is too much . And I have seen this happen repeatedly .

The unenrolled , or urban mixed blood communities probably have to deal with the constant infiltration of
ignorance and exploitation  more than any other community , and it seems incredibly ignorant to imagine this is somthing that should only be dealt with by enrolled Indians . Because it isn't enrolled Indians who have this  constantly in their face , at their community functions , or in the lives of friends and family .

Sometimes people who live in a desert understand the importance of clean water more clearly than people who live beside a river or in a swamp . 
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 03:51:29 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Cetan

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2007, 07:55:03 pm »
I do not have any personal knowlege however Suzanne Dupree's claim that the chanupa she carried was Frank Fool Crow's could be very easily checked - most of his grandchildren who cared for him and traveled with him are living today, including his eldest granddaughter in Pine Ridge Village, oldest grandsonby KILI butte and another is in Batesland


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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #68 on: August 10, 2007, 01:57:03 am »
That's a Lakota affair, they will manage it.   frederica

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #69 on: August 10, 2007, 04:05:07 am »
From the Native student activist group in Tucson, Do No Harm, at their Yahoo group Debunking Debunkers Rule-


My name is Tim Star. I'm Lakota and I've been interested in what NAFPS and this group does for quite a while, but I've never bothered to post. It really burns me that such an obvious faker can shut NDNs down.

Heyoka is a pretty slick Lefty publication that features several well known New Age Frauds. In my opinion, the look and style give it away as a pub by waanaabiiz for waanaabiiz.

It's got all the markers of a typical twinkie publication. There's appropriation of the Didgeridoo and lots of stuff about "Black Elk's vision" (well known twinkie marker) and he seems to think that if he throws in Noam Chomsky and a few pro environmentalist pieces with old time hippy favorites thrown in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, John Lennon etc to appeal to the boomers and make up for his shameful promotion of some very well known frauds.

Naturally, everything focuses on white guilt for the sins of the fathers and there's no current interviews with LEGITIMATE tribal leaders or information about OUR ISSUES - tribal sovereignty or current environmental/tribal struggles. (All the environmental issues are at least 20 years old except for the NYT articles that he posted directly to give his twinkie rag more credibility)

How the frauds love the past!

It really offends me how Natives are portrayed as subservient storytellers and spiritual guides who pine for the lost past and just want to help save the whiteman (from his own greed and self- destruction)

It's definitely intended for an upper middle class WHITE college educated audience. This is not a ForUsByUs kind of pub.

If the "featured Natives" weren't so offensive they'd be comical.

Red Elk is featured once in volume. He gets a loon of the month award for his hilarious work on google video:
(don't watch while drinking liquids)

Blackfeet and Shoshonee)

RED ELK: The search for Big Foot

Here's Dan Asher doing something ridiculous with a drum by the fire

Here's Jim Medicine Tree (alleged Cherokee Elder caretaker of the United Nations Turtle Pipe and the 200-year old Black Thunderbird Pipe, to help heal our drought-stricken land.)doing his twinkie thing in Australia.

And Mala Spotted Eagle Pope who runs the Nanish Shontie scam in Washington is featured in the rag.

I wonder how much money he gets from advertising these guys?

I ran across one page is just plain offensive, I submitted it to blue
corn comics wall of shame

the caption reads:
"Drawing a comparison between indigenous Native Americans whos land was stolen by European colonist-settlers, and indigenous Palestinians whose land continues to be stolen by European colonist-settlers, peace activists held a demonstration at a West Bank roadblock, dressed up as Native Americans in bid to get their message through to
visiting US secretary of state."
(email robschmidt@ to enter)

Then there's this bizarre interview with someone who is only identified as "Robin a respected Native Grandmother"

I mean, who talks like that? Real NDNs just don't talk like that.

The woman just spews out the usual specious rhetoric of the twinkie apologists and seems to be unable to grasp the concept that the FRAUDS bear the burden of proof and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. She attempts to create a side issue by claiming that NAFPS members are not enrolled. She mostly just repeats the standard twinkie arguments in a rambling incoherent fashion. (Big surprise!)

There is apparently no standard of proof that would satisfy her and she tries to use the term "cut and paste" to disparage the research of the group. I don't know what this is about?

This guy is on some type of crusade to get Al back for exposing all his twinkie friends.

Check this out:
> > > ht tp://
> > > ht tp://

If these two pages don't expose LeKay as a nutcase I just don't know what will!

There's no proof anywhere in the rag that Red Elk, Mala Spotted Eagle Pope, "respected Lakota grandmother Robin", Dan Asher, William Under Baggage, John Martin, David "Sitting Owl" Littlejohn and Jim MedicineTree or that any of the other hang around the forts in the magazine are enrolled, yet LeKay makes Al's tribal ties an issue.

My question is Who is John Martin and why is he wearing sunglasses?

I'm tribally enrolled Lakota and I've never heard of these people!

The nuts just keep crawling out of the wood work and declaring themselves pipe carriers init?

It seems like the Crystal Skull people who started out in Washington State are all associated with this guy. Real Lakota are having a lot of trouble with this particular group of frauds. The stuff the peddle is just bizarre and no real NDN would ever mistake them for legit They all think they're pipe carriers


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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2007, 05:55:04 am »
Lekay gives up and does his best to put a spin on it. Forwarded message.


Can you please tell Al I removed everything off about him from heyoka.
All the articles. Interviews etc. Gone. I did this on my own
violation. No one asked me to do this. I think its best for everyone
concerned to end this. This is only causing more division and playing
into the hands of people who would want this to happen.

Its best to focus on the issues. environment, poverty, human rights,

I made my point.


John LeKay


His own violation. Interesting Freudian slip.

He also removed some of the slander of Looking Horse and posted a disclaimer.

I don't see any reason to remove anything we have in here. Unlike him we've always been entirely truthful.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #71 on: August 14, 2007, 09:43:22 am »
Some interesting comments here. Thanks to everyone who stuck up for us, I know it can seem like climbing a mountain of garbage.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #72 on: August 14, 2007, 09:15:48 pm »
A further development: the Lackey has put the defamatory material on a new site. Not the most imaginative move. You've seen it all before if you've been following the story.

The site's IP address is, obtained by doing an "A record" lookup here ("DNS Lookup" under "Hostname tools").

A whois lookup on this address gives us:

NetRange: -
NetHandle:  NET-68-178-128-0-1
Parent:     NET-68-0-0-0-0
NetType:    Direct Allocation
RegDate:    2005-04-12
Updated:    2007-06-14

OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE51-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Abuse Department
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-480-624-2505

If you write to inform about that site's offensive material, do mention that it breaches their Universal Terms of Service, available here.

[...]Morally objectionable activities will include, but not be limited to: activities designed to defame, embarrass, harm, abuse, threaten, slander or harass third parties;[...]/quote]
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 06:07:08 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #73 on: August 14, 2007, 11:39:19 pm »
I see a couple people have mentioned John Martin is answering John Lekay's emails . What's up with that ?
Even my best friends don't answer my emails ...
Re: Our First "Official" Complaint
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 04:21:22 pm »
I sent an email to Lick Kay, and from an email address I don't use, and will only be good for another three days, and guess who sends an email to it?    John Martin, "Tall Solder."

( the comment below is found in the link posted by Barnaby in  reply 71 above . )

Friday Aug 10th, 2007 5:47 PM
by Marie
Mr. LeKay,
As you suggested, I attempted to contact John LeKay at info [at]
(... continued )
I received an extremely irrational and abusive email from someone called John Martin.

For people who aren't familiar with who these people are and who they are affiliated with ;

John martin is also Tallsoldier77 ,
Below is a link to an article written by John Martin AKA Tallsoldier77 showing this is the same person ;
by John Martin
Thursday Aug 9th, 2007 8:40 PM"

Apparently Lekay seems to think that because John Martin is of Lakota descent he is an authoritive person on Spiritual matters. For people who would like to explore this assumption , here is a link to some of the topics Tallsodier77 has started at the indianz message board ,
edited Aug 16 because the link provided goes to a webpage that is constantly changing .   

I have to warn people these 3 links below contain descriptions of body parts doing things some people
may find offensive , derogatory comments aimed at particular minority groups , death threats and other seemingly contradictory and chaotic thought processes.

This is the same tallsoldier77 who frequently posts on David Yeagley's badeagle message board ;;act=ST

Posted: Nov. 26 2006,9:46    

"All I am saying is that the self-proclaimed "Fraud-hunter" posts some of the most slanderous and blatant lies I have ever seen, since I joined this forum.

He calls Dr. Yeagley every name in the book. He says that is a neo-nazi/white supremacist stronghold, I have never seen any post here that supported or re-affirmed the white separatists movement."

It is a bit hard to understand why even an ignorant person ,who was wanting to support Native rights , would criticize Al Carroll but defend  Yeagley , when Yeagley says things like ;
Quoting Yeagley
"I was invited to speak to leaders of Citizens Equal Rights Alliance, United Property Owners, Upstate Citizens for Equality, and One Nation. These organizations represent over a quarter of a million Americans citizens who have personally lost money, property, business, and basic civil rights as the result of aggressions by the Indian casino industry. (Not to mention the income counties and states lose to tax-exempt "Indian" casino business.)"

"It's their people that created America, not Indians. Only a diabolically self-righteous liberal politician would take America out of the hands that created it, and give it to those who either lost it, or never had anything to do with it."
Quoting David Yeagley
As a Comanche Indian, I'm sensitive to this history. I believe the conqueror has a right to what he has conquered. No one  owns the land. Only he who is strong enough to possess it will control it and the people living on it. That's the law of war
What's Up With Dark Men?     
By David Yeagley | 2/26/2002

"Superior beauty is in the white race, with its scintillating varieties of color: red, brown, amber, golden hair... green, blue, light brown, gray eyes. In the darker races, everything is always the same, dark brown and black a beastly bore."

"These days the white woman is expected to humble herself before the darkie."

But Hitler was wrong in Mein Kamf (1925), when he accuses the Jewish male of a racial plot. When "the black-haired Jewish  youth" finds himself sexually attracted to the fair Aryan maiden, there is no "clear aim of ruining the hated white race" through intermarriage. The Jew himself would breed out, for he is a small minority.

But the masses of darker races don't fear extinction, because they are the vast majority. The white race is the world's minority.

Its Judeo-Christian religion allowed the European Caucasian race to advance above all other people; but the darker races now encroach through integration and intermarriage, in the name of equality and diversity.

Pat Buchanan says that there's something wrong with a race that doesn't care whether it exists or not. In his new book, The Death of The West, he refers to my article, "What's Up With White Women," in which I write about a white girl who has no pride in her race or its accomplishments.

There are dark people who look forward to the end of "whitey."
Korean Actress Exposed , Quoting David Yeagley
Mixed raced people can't help what they are. Their's is no fault. But there is no need to repeat the same, or to advocate  more, or to idolize such a condition by perpetuating it. When you realize you're on a wrong path, even if you didn't put yourself on it, the only dignified thing to do is to get back on the right path.

( Quoting from Lekay's first comment found in the link Barnaby posted in reply 71 )
John Lekay
John Martin is a full blood Lakota and not a white supremacist, (con... here i have deleted some questionable accusations about an internet link that BMD posted which is a side issue )

As far as I know, David Yeagley is a Comanche and a musician who has been under attack by Al Carroll and Brent Michel Davids for years and is not a white supremacist either.

How can John Lekay be so oblivious to who he supports and gets support from , and how these people are affecting the recognition of Native rights and the health of Native communities ?

I can't see how anyone can avoid wondering who these people are . Why are they are so opposed to the
people who are dedicated to supporting the Native Elders who are recognized as such by their community, and are trying to protect the the long term health of their culture ?

Sorry to keep posting so many long posts ... I keep meaning to stop ...   And then something else comes up ..
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 05:54:48 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: disturbing? Heyoka Magazine & John Lekay
« Reply #74 on: August 15, 2007, 08:09:37 am »
I was drinking a cup of tea when I saw Yeagley described on Lekay's site as 'not a white supremacist'. Tea came out of my nose.

John Martin is the nut who phoned Al's elderly parents to threaten them, and more recently together with the Lackey has been trolling on this forum under the name "Steve Williams".
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 08:30:55 am by Barnaby_McEwan »