Author Topic: Tara Sutphen  (Read 12469 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Tara Sutphen
« on: May 19, 2006, 04:48:28 pm »
Another one from ENAF.

Tara Sutphen is scheduled to appear at the London Festival of Mind, Body and
Spirit later this month.  Full details are at  Extract "One quarter
Native American, she draws on her roots to specialise in shamanic & occult
techniques such as leading vision quests, palmistry, astrology and automatic
writing. She has created several meditation CDs, is an author and has
conducted and co-presented workshops worldwide."

Anyone have any info. on this lady?

Well - she was born in San Francisco - she is a member of the "Sedona tribe" - like Brooke Medicine Eagle - and beyond the fact that she loves horses, past lives and chocolate - She is married to  Dave Sutphen who is also a new-ager making the big $$ - Her Nativeness is never specified and her traditions are of no tribe or community I know of. Her visiion quest has no relationship to what people in real Indian communities do.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tara Sutphen
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 05:11:13 pm »
The Sutphens, no comments necessary.
"Tara and I met in February 1983. Her son William was six, and my son Travis was five. At this time, we were living together in Malibu, CA. My psychic friends predicted our meeting. Alan Vaughan said, “You’re going to meet a beautiful, lean lady with long black hair very soon--around Christmas time or shortly thereafter. She will be very important to you and I think you’ll live together.??? Actress/author Susan Strasberg said my numerology indicated a very important relationship was forthcoming and 1984 would be a marriage year. Encino, CA psychic Lorraine Laahs predicted my Arizona involvement with a “dark-haired woman with Indian blood.??? At the time, Tara did not know she was one-quarter Native American. My astrologer, Barbara May, had told me to be ready for a  predestined meeting that was “very strong??? in my chart.

Scottsdale, AZ will always be one of my favorite places. I had lived here for years before moving to Malibu. After Tara and I married in 1984, we moved to Scottsdale for a year, before returning to California. Today, we visit the city a couple times a year, and it always feels like coming home.

Featured speaker Jess Stearn, author of “Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet??? and many other New Age books, had introduced me to Tara six months earlier. Three years before, Jess predicted to Tara that she would meet the most important man in her life through him. He also foresaw her, dressed in white, embracing this man on the patio of his Malibu home. Tara and I were married on the deck of Jess’ home in March, 1984.

Jess never lacked for abundant female attention. He died in 2001, but Tara remains in contact with him via automatic writing.

Author Brad Steiger was a featured speaker at the seminar. To me, Brad is the ultimate metaphysical researcher, having written more books on New Age subjects than anyone else."
"One quarter Blackfoot Indian, Tara Sutphen draws on her roots to specialise in shamanic and occult techniques such vision quests, palmistry, esoteric astrology and automatic writing.""

Amazing claim. The Blackfeet did automatic writing, when they didn't even have a written language?

"Tara is able to communicate successfully with the dead to obtain answers and predict coming events.
Tara has written many articles about the psychic sciences for national women’s magazines such as American Woman and Woman’s Own. She is the author of ‘Blame It On Your Past Lives’ and three series of audio CDs, which include guided meditations. Two of her recent video projects have received wide acclaim. These are ‘Destiny of Peace’, which is aimed to help individuals achieve greater levels of inner peace both on a personal and world level. The second ‘Whispers on the Wind’ is a series of interviews with Native American shamans in Montana and Utah."