Author Topic: Peter Maniscalco, Long Island, NY  (Read 4153 times)

Offline lindybowers

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Peter Maniscalco, Long Island, NY
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:53:09 pm »
There are many people in New York who call themselves Shamans.  Especially in Woodstock.  On Long Island, New York there is a man named Peter Maniscalco.  He calls himself a Shamanic Guide.  He does walks on the equinoxes and solstices, and does private sessions.  I think he is a fake.  Have you ever heard of him?   Linda   

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Peter Maniscalco, Long Island, NY
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 11:39:09 pm »
New inquiries should go in their own threads. I've moved this one here.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 01:18:09 am by Defend the Sacred »

Offline Sparks

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Re: Peter Maniscalco, Long Island, NY
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2018, 02:38:04 am »
There are dozens of Peter Maniscalcos on FB. This seems to be the person mentioned:

Seems he has a monthly agreement with this church:

w/ Peter Maniscalco

Join us on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 - 9pm in the Parish House.

This program is an introduction to Shamanic Drumming Meditation, a spiritual healing practice that is thousands of years old.  Shamanic Drumming Meditation seeks to integrate the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of the human self, creating a state of well-being.

The Shamanic Drumming Meditation begins with a reflection on how humans are an intimate, interconnected part of our majestic, beautiful, 13.7 billion year-old universe.  Some Native Americans, in describing the human relationship to other Earth creatures, say: "we are all related. St. Francis referred to other creatures and even celestial bodies as brothers and sisters.

Once participants have been introduced to the sense of human relationship to all creatures, the shamanic drumming meditation takes place.

We live in a time of crisis.  It is said: "crisis is the shaman's horse."  You are invited and welcome to go on a community shamanic adventure.  We will support each other on our inner journeys towards God and use this moment to seek new ways to evolve toward greater health and well-being for ourselves, each other, and Earth.

?Shamanic Drummer Peter Maniscalco has 35 years of experience in shamanic spiritual healing practice in the United States, Mexico, and the Amazon Jungle. As an adjunct Clinical Instructor, Peter has taught Healing: Integrating Science & Shamanic Drumming Meditation to SUNY Stony Brook nursing and medical students at St. George University Medical School, Grenada.  Peter has guided Shamanic Drumming Meditation programs at the United Nations and for New York State Nurse Practitioners. He taught Spirituality of the Environment at Southampton College.  He keeps a private practice.

(All boldings copied from original post.)

A three-part series on YouTube: Keepin' It Green: Shamanic Drumming and Fire Ceremony.

They all have the same introduction [Dated June 2, 2010]:

The Fire Ceremony is a way to make a primal connection to the first fire that created our universe. Making this deep, mystical connection allows for the possibility of personal healing and self-transformation.

Peter Maniscalco has led shamanically based Fire Ceremonies for more than 20 years. Experience the journey we pursued by the Sacred Tree on the Stony Brook Southampton campus on Long Island, New York in May 2010.

Peter is a 28-year student of shamanism. He has participated in shamanic ceremony in the United States, Mexico, and the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador and Peru. For more than 30 years, Peter has used shamanic methods in his actions as an advocate to protect and defend Long Island's environment. His shamanic environmental activities have been reported on in the NY Times, Newsday, and on TV and radio. As an educator, Peter taught Spirituality of the Environment and Environmental Ethics for many years at Long Island University, Southampton College. He has taught at Dowling College and is currently an instructor for the Westhampton Beach Community Education Program. Peter also teaches The Shamans Secret of Self-Transformation privately.

See also:

I cannot see that he claims indigenous ancestry. Neither does he name his teachers in "the United States, Mexico, and the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador and Peru". So how did he get started?