Author Topic: Miguel  (Read 3268 times)

Offline Miguel

  • Posts: 2
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:57:21 pm »
Hi community,

My name is Miguel, I live in Spain, that is South Europe, and I found this web tonight (please, forgive my mistakes in english, as it is not my native language). I was looking for information about the awful sect founded by Konstantin Rudnev, known as Ashram Shamballa or Altai or whatever, as they have so many names.

I met them last year in Spain and fortunately I realized soon that all that stuff was a great fraud (I just took one seminar whith them, but I have female friends that at that times had taken several seminars and they were very excited about learning "femenine energies" or "the ways of the godesses". Now, all of them are aware about who they truly are, and they are out of touch with them fortunately). I started to look for this "school" in the internet, and it came out to be a very dangerous sect.

They tried to start one of their "schools" in Spain, but they were soon known as a sect by a lot of pleople so (as far as I know) they decided to move and they are  acting now in many countries, most actively in Southamerica, mainly in Chile.

I am willing to have as many information as I can about this terrible group to warn people about them. They pretend to be "russian shamans" but they are cheaters and abusers. A very dangerous group invoved in kidnapping, deceiving, abusing and raping of people from 15 to 35 years old. At these days, the sect leader Konstantin Rudnev is being judged by Russian authorities but their addepts are spread worldwide recruiting new victims.

Thank you to all of you for your important work here.



Offline nemesis

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Re: Miguel
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2012, 11:05:43 am »
Hello Miguel and welcome to the boards.

I am so sorry that you had a bad experience with Ashram Shambala but I am very pleased that you and your friends got out before you were brainwashed and enslaved by the cult.

I am also pleased that the forum here has been helpful for you. 

I sent you a private message re this group and look forward to hearing from you.

Please be careful, also be careful of private message from less well known members as some Ashram Shambala supporters have posted here in the past.  If in doubt about a message you can forward it to the mods, better to be safe than sorry.


Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Miguel
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2012, 11:30:08 pm »
Hi Miguel, welcome. Because you have met these people I hope you can share your experience so long as you feel comfortable and safe doing so.