Author Topic: Larkin and Perruchon's partner  (Read 3069 times)

Offline Emmia

  • Posts: 21
Larkin and Perruchon's partner
« on: February 16, 2009, 01:38:46 am »
I have been reading through some of the archived material on the board and just have to comment briefly on a couple of older posts.

Larkin - I have met him a couple of times  (about 6 years in between) on faires here in Sweden. I believe he told me that he grew up around Taos New Mexico and he also gave me a couple of comments about what he does, which my mind has chosen to block out. Anyways, I agree with Annika, I also got a flyer and started wondering (seriously wondering).

Perruchon's partner - I have seen him on one fair I believe. Very colorful but in my opinion he's right out there with the South American groups that try to pass as American indian.

By the way, I think I will never forget the guy who has also turned up a couple of times at faires, dressed in a cape. He comes up to my booth, stares me in the eyes and says "I'm a shaman!". My first thought is always "good for you!" (sarcastically, ok!) but I try not to say anything. On the inside, after the sarcasm, I tell myself "if you were a such a person (I am seriuosly allergic to the word shaman) you wouldn't have to tell anyone, people would just know anyways". People have a tendency to think that just because I distribute and talk about native music I must also be interested in talking about spirituality, indian names etc. My reply is always "no i'm not interested and even if I was, I wouldn't talk about it, it would then be a private matter.
Not a popular comment...

One more by the way.... talking about people who try to pass as something they aren't: does anyone know what Douglas Spotted Eagle is doing nowadays? It's been really quiet about him for quite a while.

Time to go to bed, it's 2:30 AM.
