Author Topic: Tim Sikyea "Wanbli Isna-la"  (Read 36720 times)

Offline NDN_Outlaw

  • Posts: 104
Re: Tim Sikyea "Wanbli Isna-la"
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2009, 02:08:38 pm »
Met him at the World Assembly of First Nations back in 1982.At that time he was a fashion designer commissioned to provide the conference with designer ribbon shirts. He seemed like a decent sort. The Dene of the North West Territories are very strong Catholics. Plains NDN sweat lodges brought in from the south are appearing in their communities. The Lakota Sioux ways are popping up every where and it is no surprize to see its prescence among the NWT Dene. I hope he is not alone but has Lakota Elders he confides in. A traditionalist with out a true spirit interpreter person to connect with can very easily go over board and lose their way. I hope he hasn't gone past his abilities. Good old man once told me , "Go fast go slow but go slow you'll go fast"