Author Topic: Mother Earth on Valentine's Day  (Read 5175 times)

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Mother Earth on Valentine's Day
« on: February 20, 2008, 02:47:31 pm »

Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee invites you to join the "Tsunami of Love" for
Mother Earth on Valentine's Day

by Suzy Chaffee | Native Voice Foundation

Sedona, AZ - In December of 2006, Native (Wind) Energy's Bob Gough alerted
me, as co-chair of Native Voices Foundation (NVF), that Europe was having
its warmest winter in 1,250 years.

American Indian Elders had already saved ski resorts in 10 states from
droughts with their snowdances and prayers, inspired by ski areas inviting
tribes back to their ancestral mountains to ski, spearheaded by NVF; so on
a crazy-hearted whim, I called Woody Vaspra (Hawaiian-Chinese) , President
of the World Council of Elders, to see if we could help our European

Magically, network leaders started uniting behind Woody’s World Prayer to
rebalance Mother Earth, after meeting Sedona scientist Sperry Andrews at
Ranjita’s joyful Christmas Eve gathering in Oak Creek. Sperry has been
doing successful prayer and meditation experiments with members of the 100
million Oneness Network and University.

Thanks to this snowballing of networks, we decided to launch the prayer on
Valentines Day - when men and women are in sweetest harmony - to include
Mother Earth in our hearts. Thanks to skier Mary Ho, President of the China
Millennium Council, we learned that America’s Valentine’s Day coincides
with her Asian ceremonies. At the same time Jim "Kwa'howe" Prevatt,
spiritual leader of the Shasta Nation, led a prayer ceremony I attended on
Mt Shasta, a powerful sacred mountain.

Other compassionate visionary networks and leaders that inspired this
unprecedented breakthrough for humanity include: Jan Robert's Earth Charter
US (2,500 organizations) , Marie Pascale's TM and Conversations with God,
Laurie Weldon's World Olympic Press website, Send2Press Media networks, and
Elders groups led by Valerie Estes (Apache Healer), Eddy and Betty Box Jr.
(S. Ute), Blue Thunder (E. Shoshone), Kowasak Abenaki Chief Nancy Lyons…

NVF's European leader, French Princess Caroline Murat, excitedly reported
that just after last year's Valentine's Day, temperatures dropped in Europe
and their ski areas were blessed with critical snow (for crops too). We
were amazed, and the Europeans were grateful. Since Indigenous Elders tell
us that our Earth Mother responds to gratitude, just like people, NVF then
organized a world gratitude prayer, which led to their “booming end of ski

This December 2007, NVF organized another international prayer, this time
joined with the 13 tribes of Arizona, plus California and Colorado, to help
bring natural snow to the Arizona's sacred San Francisco Peaks so the ski
area would not need to use wastewater (with unfilterable pharmaceuticals)
for snowmaking. NVF included all U.S. ski areas in our snow prayer to
protect toddlers who eat snow, and our drinking water from accumulated
toxins. Now America is enjoying the best ski season in years, while Europe
is hurting for snow, and other continents for rain or continuing glacier

Therefore, we call on our beloved Earth Family to again unite this
Valentine's Day 2008 to hold Mother Earth in our hearts, give Her a big hug
and send her a “Tsunami of Love.??? That image was coined by Chief Sonne
Reyna, the ecstatic Yaqui star of the new Elders' epic film "In Search For
the Future." (Look for Chief Reyna’s “Tsunmai of Love for the Children??? -
global magical mass entertainment events that reawaken love in the hearts
of all humankind.)

This year we are inviting 25-35 million (world) Art of Living members,
founded by his Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a champion of Earth
( . This uniting of the Indians of the US and India, is thanks to
meeting Ashish and Barry & Bonnie Rosen in Sedona while launching Shankara,
their earth-honoring organic Ayurvedic skincare line here.

“Valentines Day overlaps with our Chinese Lunar New Year celebration of the
Earth Rat and precedes Lantern Festival, were people will pay honor and
tribute to their ancestors and pray for sustainability. Gene Tagaban
(Tlinkit-Cherokee) , member is of the Native American Olympic Team, will be
performing his stunning Raven Dance in commemoration of the Chinese Lantern
festival in Taiwan, while meeting with their indigenous peoples,??? reported
China’s Mary Ho.

Transcendental Meditation (TM), Buddhists, and tribes for eons, have proven
that united prayer can raise Earth's vibration and restore Nature's
precipitation, and Dr Emoto proved that love and appreciation can purify

Congratulations to our Earth Family for the vital progress in the last year
in respecting and taking better care of our eco-systems. The easiest
affordable solution, thanks to environmental scientists like Matthew
Turner, and the California Air Quality Board, is shifting to all natural
household products. Synthetic ones have been poisoning our families then
escaping to become the “second biggest cause of glacier melting pollution,
next to tailpipe exhaust.??? (See all stories on www.snow-riders. org). There
is a prophesy that women will purify the planet since moms are the family
consumers. Please spread the word.

This Valentines' Day, remember that it takes both love and demonstrative
action to make relationships with our loved ones sing, just as it does with
Mother Earth. Imagine a “tsunami of love and action??? transforming our Earth
“from a parking lot back to Paradise??? – a reversal of the Eagles song Hotel
California. Together we are… with Creator's guidance. And with love to our
dear Earth Mother who gives us a tsunami of love every day and everything
we have.

“Every time we bring a smile to someone's face, a flower blooms and new
life appears on the Earth.??? Jim Privat, Shasta Elder

NVF’s V-Day message is made possible by the great hearted foundations of
Dick Enersen (America’s Cup Winner), and Telluride-Texans Kit and Calvert
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 11:40:53 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit