Author Topic: The good old days?  (Read 3875 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
The good old days?
« on: March 14, 2007, 07:01:33 pm »
Non-Natives long ago were forced from earth magic, the magic of the universe, the magic of the sun, woods, water. Their religions forced all people to obey a worship not because it was pleasing to God but because it was pleasing politically to their leaders.

I think it's absurd to suggest that Christianity was imposed on an entire continent by force. That would require coercive power greater than that enjoyed by the Stalinist states of Eastern Europe, which failed to stamp out worship of anything other than the state. Certainly force was used, but Christianity's success in Europe cannot be explained by that.

Yes, there are some powerful world religions that harken the faithful and provide sacred reality. How many priests can actually believe in God and connect to the magic when they are buggering little choir boys behind the pew?

Not many I guess, but how many priests do that? I'm not for a moment trying to minimise or excuse what many people have suffered at the hands of abusers within the Catholic Church (and other denominations) but it looks like you're trying to tar all Christians with same brush.