Author Topic: Nuage Belief/NA Belief  (Read 10196 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nuage Belief/NA Belief
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2009, 05:03:48 pm »
Thank you, i like the way you put your thought into words i understand.

It is like starving people trying to force their way to someone's dinner table, never realizing they already have their own table of food..  and are simply blind to it because they do not understand, or bother to look at the food that is on their own table.

I live among my culture I see it everyday it is what I know,
it is what make me understand the world. It is hard sometime
to constantly explain to people who we are and what we believe.
I am not a capitist it is not my culture, I am Native to this land
I love this land but i know the history of the land, i tell people that
roots grow right out of my feet. The we way we pray to our relative
is the center who we are.

I was told a story a long time ago..............................................
They said that each people were given a ceremony to do across the world
to keep everything in balance, then a new age came where this ideal of
jesus spread and left the world without the ceremonies that must be done
each culture that hang on to their ways still did the ceremonies but
it became hard for the cultures that remained. Those that remined had
to pray more for the balance in the Mother earth. That is what we are doing.
Those who are lost and have no balance are now coming and corrupting the ceremonies
the new agers which will cause only more unbalanced in the world they said..............
This was a story told at an elders gathering around my part of the country
of course i shorten it and did not tell the whole thing because it is not my place too.
this is what I see
In Spirit

Re: Nuage Belief/NA Belief
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2009, 05:38:42 pm »
Thanks, I'm glad you can understand what I write!  :) 

I agree on that story.  I have a real issue with the "Christian" religion.  One reason (i have many) is because of how they decimated so many peoples, and yet, they deny.  There are quotes in Bible that state specifically to 'kill anyone who does not believe".  But then they swapped books so I guess the 'word of God' in one book is not the word of God in the 2nd or 3rd or however many books they have rewritten.

My personal belief is that there is going to be much chaos in this as the religion falls, and we see this as many 'new age' Christians begin to 'awaken' (for lack of better word) to the reality that decimating cultures (as well as many other aspects of this belief)  is not a right thing to do.  The deep evangelist is going to fight to the bitter end, and we see this in our politics now, but it (imo) will become much worse.  The wars between the religions will escalate, unfortunately, and the war in America will be also of this.  It will not surprise me if the ndn cultures in America go deeply underground, hidden.  In fact, may be the best thing to do.

The religious Reicht has already removed from U.S. courts the civil rights of 'religious discrimination' by making it impossible to fight unless you are very wealthy, unlike other protected civil rights.  Also, the U.S. dept of Agriculture has removed 'religion' from the list of protected civil rights on their documents.  

What this means, is when people begin to realize their 'religious' rights in this country have been compromised..well, it will be war of one kind or another.  But, I also have hope that it will not come to such as that.  Just depends on really, who gets in charge of the country, for now, with Obama Administration, I am not worried of more religious rights being removed.

I am hopeful that the ndn's of the world who have been able to keep their culture thus far will continue to do so.  There are many tribes not just here, but in the Amazon for example, or Africa, world wide..  and although I'm not knowledgeable on all this, I have to believe they will and you will all hold strong while this mess plays itself out.  

I think that as more people move away from the Christian doctrines, they will come more so to the ndn or any other indigenous way, as their religion has failed them.  They will seek.  

It is my hope that they find something more true to their own being, and in that.. balance with the world again... leaving the ndn cultures to their own.  Stop mixing and matching..

But I just don't know what they can find.  If they want to believe in crystals, and dragons.. that is fine as long as they do not mix in ndn culture where it doesn't belong.  I mean, find something that suits their own way, of itself, by itself.  I don't know what that is, or what it could be, but I have to believe they will find it at some point in time.  And I also think this is why it is so easy for people like James Ray to create cults.. proclaiming it's the 'way'.  Because this general population is in dire need of a 'way'.  

But, right now, all I see is a really big mess with no clarity.. just confusion.  It is not so easy for millions of displaced peoples (those who've lost their culture) to just go back to their genealogy and pick up the culture's of their ancestors when most of those cultures are truly gone, due to the mass decimation that took place.

People stranded in the ocean begin to drink the salt water, even though they know it will make them crazy.  

However, I don't believe in 'saviors'.  I understand, stranded in the ocean a person waits to be saved.. but comes a time when you have to begin to swim on your own...  :)

« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 06:02:05 pm by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Nuage Belief/NA Belief
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2009, 06:54:30 pm »
I want to add that I don't believe religion by itself is a 'culture'.  Religion exists within a culture, is part of a culture, or a culture can be created out of a religion...but by itself, it is not a culture.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet