Author Topic: Caitlyn Johnston  (Read 5602 times)

Offline Ganieda

  • Posts: 114
  • Chaos, panic and disorder, my work here is done.
Caitlyn Johnston
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:34:46 am »
Not only "Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing", but she even has it trade-marked. ? As she says...
"How cool is that?!"

ALL of the following is from the website.

Caitlyn Johnston, MBA, HPS
2802 North Woodland Avenue
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Phone: 520-326-1792

My name is Caitlyn Johnston, and I'm a native of Tucson, Arizona, USA. Since I am not Sylvia Browne

or Carolyn Myss ?

I have to tell you a little about myself so that you can be confident I'm not some crack-pot new-ager making this stuff up, and (b) so you can understand how I came to do Energy Pattern Healing (tm).

An introduction:
the Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing

7Star Synergy Corprate Shamanism

Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing Oils

Only $10.00 per 2 oz bottle
$5.00 shipping and handling per bottle.
Limit of 3 bottles per order. This is to protect your body and spiritual system from being overwhelmed, which can cause discomfort. I will not do anything that can harm you.
NOTE: Be sure to let me know if you have any plant allergies!!! Purchasing these oils means You agree to assume full responsibility for any unwanted reactions. Normally they are safe and have no side effects other than feeling better, but any undisclosed allergies can (and probably will) cause an allergic reaction!

Shamanic Readings
Click the Tarot Card above for a Tarot Reading.
$1.75 per minute or $70/hour

Shamanic Totem Reading
The difference between a Totem reading and a regular reading is the scope.
 ?  ?  ?
A Totem reading clarifies the Beings guiding you, who they are, and in which realm. You'll find out which ones send you "power", macroscopically, over the course of your life. You get complete information about your Spirit Guides.
Totem readings are $2.50 per minute. Average time: An hour and a half ~ $180.00
 ?  ?  ?
A regular reading clarifies more specifically which Spirits are assisting you in your issue or question. These are not always your Totems. This is more of a micro-cosmic reading. You will get information from these Guides.
Regular readings are $1.50 per minute. Average time: 45 minutes.

Click the Celtic Knot bird above for a Full Shamanic Reading of All your Totems.
$2.50 per minute or $180/hour

Totem Animals may be Ancestors.
Animal Readings help you utilize your best personality traits.
Regular reading ($90/hour):
Totem reading ($100.00/hour):
Plant Totems help you key into what herbs work best for you.
They facilitate how you can better overcome blocks in your life.
Regular reading ($90/hour):
Totem reading ($100.00/hour):

Stones tune your vibration to Earth frequencies most suited to your needs.
Stone readings reveal where you are most stuck and what to do about it.
Regular reading ($90/hour):
Totem reading ($100.00/hour):

These Angels of Nature help you tune into Cosmic vibrations and anchor Energy into your Life and Being.
Regular reading ($90/hour):
Totem reading ($100.00/hour):

One of the most remarkable - and convenient! - things about Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing (tm) is that it can be done remotely. That means that you can live anywhere in the world and reap the benefits. Also, it does not depend on your beliefs! Skepticism does not interfer. In fact, a person's dysfunctional beliefs can be healed as well.
How cool is that?!
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Caitlyn Johnston
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 03:25:51 pm »
Until doing these searches, had no idea so many named their kids "Caitlyn"....

This brings up something interesting. Since she makes no claim of being Native or teaching Native ways, why do you ask us to research her? My own guess: because she still seems to be a hustler for money, selling claims of dubious value.

"Corporate Shamanism"
"it is important to remember that the energies of our own physio-spiritual beings, and that of our partners and employees, profoundly effects the health of our businesses. As we work with energy healing techniques like Reiki, Feng Shui, and Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing (tm), we change the old stuck energy that holds us - and our profit centers. Indications of energy blocks in business include high turnover rates, low profits, and office politics, while relocating non-perfect employees rarely takes care of these symptoms.
If your business seems to lose money, has a high turnover rate, is a victim embezzlement, or experiences a lawsuit such as sexual harassment, slander or plagarism, etc., Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing (tm) can help. Even though corporations, LLCs and other legal entities do not have a soul per se, the energy patterns and blocks of the employees and upper management effect them. As the people become clear and healed, business can begin to thrive!"

This one also made me laugh out loud.
"Shamanic Energy Pattern Healing (tm) for Animals
Do you have a hard-to-train or neurotic pet? Animals are very sensitive to energy. Energy Pattern Healing (tm) benefits them every bit as much as it benefits us. If I do a healing while outside, birds gather in the trees. If I'm at a client's home, her/his pets often come into the room to sit with us. While aminals have different types of souls than people, they often have similar issues. As this work is guided by angels and Beings of Divine White Light, the work is not limited to any one category of client."

Wait, I see "totem readings" for 100 bucks an hour and "totem cards" for 1.75 a minute using Jamie Samms cards.

Here's one that trained Johnston.
"Patricia Henschen, MA, is a life purpose coach with ALIVE! Career Design Coaching. Patricia is committed to assisting business and corporate professionals to design careers that are in alignment with their true life purposes. By uncovering the unconscious blocks that are running their lives, Patricia's clients are able to unlock the "golden handcuffs" that keep them chained to unfulfilling jobs "just for the paycheck???. They then get to experience the fulfillment, fun, ease, and aliveness that come from being who they really are and creating work they love. With 17 years' experience in higher education, corporate, and small business settings, including The University of Texas at Austin, Lockheed, Northrop-Grumman, and IBM, Patricia knows business from the inside out, and understands intimately the frustrations and opportunities that business owners and corporate employees face."

Offline Ganieda

  • Posts: 114
  • Chaos, panic and disorder, my work here is done.
Re: Caitlyn Johnston
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 10:46:10 pm »
I also, make no
"claim of being Native or teaching Native ways,"
? yet whenever I use the term "shaman" or words related to it, I get jumped on for doing so. ?

"My own guess: because she still seems to be a hustler for money, selling claims of dubious value." ?

Yes, if you are not interested in investigating, then perhaps this info might be turned over to the "pagan" group doing investigations. ? The same would apply to the info I posted on Van Atta.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*