Author Topic: Andrew Marks "Orion" "Truth & Power" Australia "shaman"  (Read 3217 times)


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Andrew Marks "Orion" "Truth & Power" Australia "shaman"
« on: January 13, 2019, 06:07:04 pm »
I have been blessed to have had three profound teachers: Richard Running Deer a Southern Ute Medicine Man, Dickie Miniytiri a Pitjantjatjara Nungkri (shaman) and the esteemed and renowned Dr Rafael Locke, a visiting professor to the University of Virginia and initiated shaman in two different indigenous cultures.

I am trained in both Australian Aboriginal and Native American Ways and I am an initiated shaman in the Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society ( ) and I have a degree in Metaphysical Science (University of Sedona, US.

Shamanic consultations, soul readings, vision quests, sweat lodges, ayahuasca, etc.

He is currently running for political office in Australia.


He describes his Nuage practices differently here:

2000 to present running mental health programs including convening regular men's group meetings for the past 17 years

His fundraising for political campaign does not look all that successful. His Truth & Power Facebook page is only followed by 157 people.

But he is still holding events:

Shamanic Practice Course

February 2019

For those interested travelling the ancient path of a Shamanic Healer. This by teachers who have graduated as Master Practitioners and who are initiated shamans in the Spirit of the Earth tradition.

And he appears to have people convinced that he is a healer.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Andrew Marks "Orion" "Truth & Power" Australia "shaman"
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2019, 02:08:08 am »
Marks's teachers were not exactly impressive.

Richard Running Deer was hardly a traditional.

I see Richard Running Deer in his pickup truck at Tara Mandala Retreat Center, delivering water in a large plastic container. On one of his runs, he stops me and says, "You, there, you are always working. I want you to come to a teaching." I said I considered my clearing brush to be a practice. I'd been asked before, but it I had decided I wanted to do karma yoga. He responded, "I'm a guest teacher, so I'm asking you again to come to a teaching."

RICHARD RUNNING DEER Richard Running Deer was born October 16, 1939 in Colorado Springs, Colo. the son of William Jewell and Virginia (Bonds) Meyer. He passed away peacefully on October 20, 2012 at Valley Inn Nursing Home in Mancos at the age of 73. Richard was a medicine man; people came worldwide for his ceremonies.

After arriving back from Colorado early 2006 at the end of a spiritual tour among the north american indians with Brendon and being told by Richard Running Deer that it was time to write and book and share my knowledge with others….
I have devoted most of my life to wealth creation and achieving financial independence.

Cheyanne West is a Homeopathic Consultant and Educator who specializes in working with animals. She is the author of numerous articles on treating horses and other animals with homeopathy as well as other alternative therapies....
She passed away Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007, at Southwest Memorial Hospital at the age of 51.
Surviving Cheyanne is her husband, Richard Running Deer


Rafael Locke trained many exploiters. He needs his own thread.
And esp
Vague unnamed claimed "Native American shamans" allegedly trained him.