Author Topic: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear  (Read 53694 times)

Offline EagleVision

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2009, 02:48:23 am »
I think the information on this thread is fascinating, but the subject of Pushican (aka Lightning Bear, aka John Colbert) needs to be addressed.
I write from Australia, where Pushican came to about fifteen years ago, and later left in disgrace. We even had a current affairs TV program dedicate a series to his misuse and abuse of women.

Whilst I understand he "taught" Moontime traditions, surely it is clear that no male person would teach women about womens' powers and mysteries?

Pushican basically "initiated" women by urging them to have sexual intercourse with him. He claimed this was a Native American Indian practice. Surely any level headed woman would realise it was merely a scam for a rather unattractive middle-aged man to seduce them. Needless to say, most of these women were young and pretty.

I think it is very important to stick to the issue of "plastic shaman"s like Pushican and there abuse of women, they are after all, the ultimate Mysogonist !!!

Pushican is unable to return to Australia, and I would suggest that clear thinking women in Germany and the U.K. should also inform their government of this very sick individual.

Many blessings

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2009, 03:11:59 am »
Do you have any links you can point us to about him being exposed in Australia? Since he seems to be a danger to women and young girls in Europe also, these kinds of warnings are badly needed.

Offline EagleVision

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2009, 11:49:58 am »
Hi EducatedIndian,

Pushican came to Australia close on 16 years ago. He married a German woman, called Regina who was around 26yrs old at the time. She gave birth to a baby called Amber in Germany around '92. Pushican and Regina came over here several times until their relationship broke up (very bitterly, apparently). Then around the mid 90s he impregnated another Australian woman who had a baby boy. Around that time he began to form friendships with Australian Aboriginal people. They took part in his "ceremonies" and some young women were coersed into removing their underwear and sitting crossed-legged in his ceremonies.

This all came to a head when a Channel 9 (Melbourne based) newsprogram did an interview with some of these women. Pushican left on the very next plane back to Germany. The aboriginal people then informed the Australian Government, who still have a warrant out for his arrest, should he ever try to return (which is highly unlikely).

This isn't speculation but fact.

I have spoken personally with the Federal Police officer on the case, and the Aboriginal woman whose child was "initiated" by Pushican. As far as I know there are no websites in Australia dedicated to this information because it is believed he will never return here. The Aboriginal people feel very embarrassed about the whole incident and have asked me not to use their names. People here are very bitter and rather embarrassed about being duped by this con-artist, and want to forget the whole incident, which is understandable.

In the end, after so many years, I think it is important to remember that we only have the "word" of this man that he is a Comanche and that he trained in traditional Medicine Ways. We also have to question why he has lived in Germany/Europe for so many years and never returned to his homeland. It seems Pushican leaves a trail of distruction everywhere he goes, with woman after woman reporting the same kind of sexual interferance.

If I do uncover any other evidence, I will post it here, but I do want to assure anyone reading that I have met Pushican (in the early 90s) here in Australia. I have witnesses his "ceremonies" I have interviewed many woman who all report the same sexual indiscretions, and I have seen his advertising materials, here in Australia, offering "Secret Moon Lodge" teachings just for women.

I am not Comanche, so I really cannot comment on whether it is traditional for Comanche people to incorporate sex into their ceremonies, so I would welcome any feedback from the Comanche nation.

I offer this information as a warning to all women to be very careful of this man. He is around 61 years old now, but if you read his Myspace page, he is still looking for a relationship (casual sex!?) Be very careful....

many blessings to you all!!

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2011, 03:50:15 pm »

There are several websites - e.g.: - which say Colbert died in Germany on June 11, 2011.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2011, 05:26:33 pm »
We should probably move this to Archives then. But with one exception. If there's no sign of any people still holding him up as an authentic teacher as they do with Castaneda, Franzone/Ghostwolf, etc.

Found this link. Apparently Star Wars fans tracked down that he lied about being in the films. One even went to the trouble of calling up Comanche enrollment and they never heard of him. So he may not have been Comanche as well.

There's also what claims to be a statement from him where he mentions problems with both his heart and cancer. Notably he doesn't bother to deny anything. Instead he ducks all questions. It saddens me to think that even the approach of dying couldn't reform him or get him to do something decent such as apologize for all the harm he did.

I don't know if his death will give any comfort to any of his many victims, but at least he can't harm anyone else.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2011, 03:55:23 pm »
We should probably move this to Archives then. But with one exception. If there's no sign of any people still holding him up as an authentic teacher as they do with Castaneda, Franzone/Ghostwolf, etc.

Several sites with ads/promotional articles/reports on nuage congresses he took part in are still
online, as e.g.:

In these ads etc, Colbert of course gets presented as the real deal, along a few more fakes and frauds like Katchinas Kutenai, Devalon Small Legs, etc.

One person claims to have done a vision quest with "Pushican":

1996  "Vision Quest" - with Pushican (Traditional Healer and Chief of the Comanches)

The link you provided was interesting, as it links to two other forums where Colbert has been discussed. One of them has this little gem:

User swsigsuk, contribution # 3216731, dd Dec 05, 2008, 06:18 am:

... Flash forward to 2003 when I got a call out of the blue from him saying that he was over in London for a week or two, he remembered my letters (I'm a fencer and very interested in stunts in general) and would I like to meet up for coffee. Of course I said yes and went over to Staines where he was staying with his 'brother' (this is a native American term, not a biological relation) Frank Billington-Marks, who built the x-wing cockpits on ESB (he is legit, he gets a credit) and is now known as Grey Wolf. ...

So this is our old friend Francis Billington now earning a living as a clairvoyant...

And Billington even went out of his way to defend his old buddy writing a letter on Jan, 15, 2010, see reply 4134235 dd 03/16/10 01:44 pm:

Billington even wrote this letter using his 'professional' stationery with a header saying he was "Francis Grey Wolf Billington D.D - Psychic Counsellor and Writer", claiming

"... My professional name is Frank Billington-Marks ...
During my time in the industry I worked as a Prop Maker and Set Dresser first on the Star Wars film "The Empire Strikes Back" followed by "Return of the Jedi" as a prop maker ..."

The footer of Billington's stationery reads:

"Fellow of the association of professional Clairvoyants
Doctor of Divinity, Trinity College UIC Delaware
Honorary Member of the Blackwater Tribe of Lower Muskokee, Florida, USA
Fellow of the Psychic Circle
Honoured Signatory of the Sal Foundation Book of World Peace
Member of the British Association of Telephone Psychics and Astrologers"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: John Colbert AKA Pushican AKA Lightning Bear
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2018, 07:51:29 pm »
Added this bio on him on IMDB. We'll see if they accept it. The film stuff is from his own autobiography.

John Colbert AKA Lightning Bear was born in Houston, Texas in 1947 and from there moved to California. His first work in film was with a production company doing commercials and travel logs for the Mexican government. He spent 6 months traveling through Mexico, him working as an actor, precision driver, diver and boat handler. In 1965 after leaving the company, a Scottish friend and him, decided to go to Hollywood. He met Spanky McFarland who was once on the "Little Rascals". He was producing and directing at Universal Studios at the time. Colbert pretended he was American Indian and told McFarland that his name was "Lighting Bear." Spanky offered to help him and got him into SAG. Spanky said that the best position was in stunts.

After returning from Vietnam in the 70s he had the chance to work with Richard Harris on the film "A Man Called Horse" which later helped get him on Star Wars. It was during preproduction and production of the "Return of a Man Called Horse" that he traveled to England. A friend from England was working as a model maker on Star Wars at Elstree Studios. He took Colbert with him and helped get him work as a Stormtrooper and Biker Scout.

Colbert also had a company in film and television doing work as the Executive Production Co-coordinator. He produced a show for the Tropicana Hotel called "After Midnight" and worked as a Stunt Co-coordinator and 2nd Unit Director. Colbert also did acting in summer stock, one of which was "West Side Story", playing one of the Sharks, and was able to work with Sean Connery on "Diamond are Forever" in Las Vegas.

In 1993, Colbert went to Germany and impersonated being an American Indian shaman. In 2002, Colbert was sentenced to 15 months probation on seven charges of dangerous bodily injury. Colbert had passed off whippings and mutilations in the genital area of women as "shamanic ceremony and healing." Several of the victims came forward and posted public accounts of what they went through.

In 2003, a warrant was issued for Colbert's arrest in Australia for similar abuse after being exposed by Channel 9 in Melbourne. Colbert fled the country.

He returned to Germany and continued to sell what he claimed was shamanic healing. In 2005, Colbert directed an independent film called "Bad Blood". In 2011, Colbert died in Hanau, Germany. New Age sites in German still often list him as American Indian and a shaman.