Author Topic: Hello from E propinqua  (Read 3068 times)

Offline E propinqua

  • Posts: 2
Hello from E propinqua
« on: August 03, 2013, 09:15:59 am »
Hi Everyone
I'm from Australia, Brisbane area...I've chosen a favourite local tree as my user name...Eucalyptus propinqua.
I am excited to join this forum because I know I will learn and be challenged. From an Irish and German background, I understand that being part of the mainstream culture here means that I am part of a mass movement that appropriates, colonises, dispossesses, syncretizes, capitalizes...and then wants everyone to be happy at the end of the day when there is so much unfinished business that Indigenous Peoples have to deal with 24/7. I have seen it often and know I have my eyes shut most of the time, even when I think I have them open.
I stumbled across this forum after a friend told me she had seen a 'shaman' in England recently...and another friend did a 'shamanic' course but has recently surfaced somewhat disappointed.
Yes, it is offensive when people from the dominant and dominating culture ransack ancient traditions and stitch a few fragments together and put themselves forward as shamans ...and rake in money from romantic and spiritually hungry people. It seems to be the way of my culture.
Thank you for opening this forum to all people.