Author Topic: My introduction  (Read 3572 times)

Offline Heoma

  • Posts: 2
My introduction
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:16:54 am »
Hello everyone,

My story is well a little strange or maybe its because I am finding it strange to me that I say this. I grew up knowing my grandfather and his brothers left a reservation in Oklahoma to move to Oregon. Once there they didn't talk about there ancestors much because it was illegal for them to own property at that time since they where Native America . That isn't to say they abandoned their beliefs and I think I'm pretty lucky because we where always in the woods learning about plants and animals and our connection to everything. Skipping ahead quite a few years when me and my sisters and cousins asked what tribe we came from they said Cherokee and we believed this in fact I never thought much about it since we had lots of Bakers in the family. As my cousins and I got older though we decided to enroll in the tribe but to our shock we where not Cherokee at all instead we are Southern Cheyenne . I'm still really confused about why our grandfathers did this  and I am trying to understand why they would do such a thing. At this point several of my cousins are enrolled with the tribe my paper work is still in process  at this time.  I currently live in the flathead reservation in Montana where my husbands family is from. I am a little shocked at all these sweat lodges and pipe smoking people though since that's not something we have ever done. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Cheyenne culture since I only know what was handed down through my family .

I apologize in advance for mistypes and terrible grammar I am highly dyslexic
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 03:34:41 am by Heoma »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: My introduction
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2013, 12:07:28 am »
Hi Heoma! Have you been a member here previously? You seem familiar :)

Offline Heoma

  • Posts: 2
Re: My introduction
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 03:40:37 pm »
No I only recently found a app for my  dyslexia on my IPad , before that I never joined any form  of online discussion groups. I am really new to all this so please understand if I make some mistakes. I have been going through the site checking things out and it makes me sad to see so much abuse and disrespect is out there. I grew up with respect for everything drilled into me and not to assume your entitled to anything I see lots of both from so many of these new agers,  I am having some trouble deciphering the acronyms everyone's using is there a list some where? Thank you for your question any assistance would be greatly appreciated.